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20194975 No.20194975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books to cure my autism?

>> No.20194987

holy bible

>> No.20195051

take large doses of mushrooms. if you're not having bad trips you're not taking enough. also, travel. stay in hostels and force yourself to get wasted with the normalfaggots. books aren't gonna help you with this one fren

>> No.20195052

talk to your parents more

>> No.20195072

Schizophrenia doesn’t cure autism

>> No.20195076

Schizophrenia literally does. what are you on about.

>> No.20195078

it does. now go have a read

>> No.20195083

If you have autism you're literally immune to schizophrenia.

>> No.20195085

Genuine autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder. There is no cure. The best you can hope for is effective management.

>> No.20195106

I'm talking about pseudo-autism though

>> No.20195107

Bad, bad advice.
I have autism and any kind of psychedelic just fucks me up bad. It gets me thinking like a solipsist, that other people don't matter, I can never know them and they're probably not even real anyway. Every drug just makes me more autistic rather than less, except MDMA.

>> No.20195113

nice try Furgeson.

>> No.20195121

I think the term you are looking for is metaphorical autism. or ironic autism, or autism-of-the-spirit

>> No.20195124

Go outside and talk to people in the flesh rather than through a screen, then.

>> No.20195129
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What if they don't like me

>> No.20195143

Thats like asking a heroine addict to go cold turky immediately. he should first begin with joing a twitch chat, then meet with people over xbox connect.

>> No.20195151

He asked how to cure autism, not how to catch trannyism.

>> No.20195158
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Another one of these threads. An anon asks for some self-help book to fix his debilitating social issues. He gets no serious or helpful replies, because there is nothing that can seriously help him. At the same time, no one tells him that there is no help for him. If he ended up asking this question, there never was any help for him. He's just defective, like many others here. No books can help people who aren't just "normal". They're doomed to be on the fringes of society for eternity, unless they can make a monumental effort to fit in - but even then, is it worth it? It all comes naturally for those who are normal. They don't have to spend hours practicing social skills and getting their life in order to be a functioning part of society. It just happens to them, because they're normal, and it's cruel to hide the truth from OP by giving him answers in jest. Should he never learn of this truth he will keep asking how to fix himself, and he will never come to a definitive answer. Only a dose of soul-blackening reality can show anon his options: hope, cope, or rope.

>> No.20195167

transitioning is a healthy part of autism recovery anon. Just look at Chris-chan.

>> No.20195171
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>recovering from autism

>> No.20195177

yes. Its all a part of the recovery process.

>> No.20195341


>> No.20195577
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>> No.20195617
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