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20193579 No.20193579 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 35 years old and at this point I've read a fair amount of philosophers and I've come to a realisation.

They all make great, informative points about the human spirit but invariably their final conclusions are half assed copes. Pick any philosopher you want, they all "sign off" their great works with some lame ass, lazy take on how you should live your life. As if they all came to the same conclusion but refused to speak it out loud, so they made up something more palateable. There's the "dude find your own meaning" types, the "being good is its own reward types", the "if we implement X, Y, Z rules then the world would be perfect" types but they all come across as barely believing their own bullshit.

Despite all their wisdom, every philosopher I know of died in poverty, alone or in some fucked up way where they went crazy or did something stupid.

>> No.20193586

Yep they sent themselves.

>> No.20193589
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I'm 35 years old and at this point I've read a fair amount of philosophers and I've come to a realisation.
They all make great, informative points about the human spirit but invariably their final conclusions are half assed copes.

You could have saved typing out your blog if you just said you're a smooth-brain in the thread title my dude.

>> No.20193592

Philosophy is a waste of time. Why should I care about the opinions of thinkers rather than doers?

>> No.20193597

Thanks for your informative contribution. We're all glad you posted.

>> No.20193630

Then take their points as they stand, but don't blindly accept the conclusion.

>> No.20193637

>There's the "dude find your own meaning" types, the "being good is its own reward types", the "if we implement X, Y, Z rules then the world would be perfect" types but they all come across as barely believing their own bullshit.
You are correct, most philosophers simply make it their life's work to confirm their inherent biases in the most verbose, drawn out way possible. It's the ones who went through some sort of major shift at one or two points that you have to look for.

>> No.20193647

>Pick any philosopher you want, they all "sign off" their great works with some lame ass, lazy take on how you should live your life.
No they don't. The majority of philosophical works don't even comment on practical matters, they are purely speculative. The question is then, why would you think this? And there are two possible answers:
1. you read philosophers who don't do this but are lying or retarded
2. you have read so little that what your saying is true given what you have read
Then your post opens up far more, especially if we go down path two, since then it is clear why the first thing you commented on was your age, which was meant to hide the fact that you haven't read that much with the illusion that time lived = books read.
But then why would you even make this post? Because you want to generalize and disregard the opinions of philosophers, to put philosophy behind you as something you've completed, but not feeling entirely confident in yourself, you make this post to recieve validation to gain that confidence.

>> No.20193658

Most philosophers are writing grandiose pieces that are explaining how they see the world. Don't read them necessarily to be served an explanation of the world, the universe, and humanity - instead read them as in-depth character pieces and works of literature that inspired more down the line.

>> No.20193666

Stick to the topic at hand instead of trying to deconstruct the OP, please. No one is impressed.

>> No.20193669

Pure doing has no plan. One of the essential points of theory is to be able to craft good plans.
The fact that you even question this shows that you want to ignore theory and philosophy in general, so you try to ad hoc cook up an opinion that really you would have never found acceptable anyway since it is so stupid, but since you are so focused on justifying your contempt, you miss the obvious.

>> No.20193671

Looks like I got under someone's skin.

>> No.20193677

Philosophy is something that is only pursued by people who are damaged by the world in some way. Of course you will always have grifters, but not to a large extent because there's no money to be grifted. The wealthiest people in the world see no value in philosophy, because they all share the same philosophy that money is happiness.

>> No.20193678

And everyone clapped. You may go now.

>> No.20193682

>You are correct, most philosophers simply make it their life's work to confirm their inherent biases in the most verbose, drawn out way possible.
Does this matter, thought? What matters is the arguments. If they provide good arguments, then who cares what their secret purpose is.

>> No.20193687

If the conclusion to your story sucks, that sours everything you wrote before that no matter how good it was.

>> No.20194612


>> No.20194735

Most importantly which particular philosopher in your opinion is the most egregious culprit of this? Name the one.
And since I like to know where anons are coming from: Where are you in your life OP? Are you in a long term relationship? Are you happy with your career? Do you think you've found meaning or purpose in your life and if not is that a source of distress for you? What's your social life like?
I won't have any follow up questions, just looking for context.

>> No.20194753
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I love wisdom

Reading philosophy seriously has made me feel close to God and has allowed me to help people very close to me to discover wisdom literature that helped them too

>> No.20194919

if the argument is good than the conclusion "sucking" or not is irrelevant, your feelings are irrelevant

>> No.20194951

This is such an incredibly reductive argument that I don't think its even worth responding to. Can you define philosophy for me op?

>> No.20195326


>> No.20195329

Ask me how i know you didn’t read hegel without telling me you didn’t read hegel.

>> No.20195409

I read a lot of less than you, but it feels the same way.
There's a lot of coping and bridging massive gaps by this coping.

>> No.20195487

Based curious bro. I like to absorb knowledge and ideas purely for the thrill of the chase. I will never know it all, and I will only actualize in small ways because of what I learn, but I will never stop reading.

>> No.20195503

Gonna as a retard question here but what IS wisdom? I often here there's a hierarchy between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom... but like, what makes wisdom special? What is wisdom and what is similar to wisdom but different?
What is an example of wisdom you've recently come across in your life?

>> No.20195509

step one is proper spelling

>> No.20195535

Yes. Even Christ, King of the world, died emaciated and bleeding on the cross,. But like philosophers, his legacy lives on through the power of his ideas.
Woe to the man who dies a bank.

>> No.20195544

ask and ye shall receive, oh GPT-3 anon.

>> No.20195630

>every philosopher I know of died in poverty
It's a statement of your knowledge, not a statement about socioeconomic status of philosopher. Every major philosopher since the 20th century who got paid by universities and publishers live comfortable lives.

>> No.20195674

I hope I won't be that dumb when I'm 35.

>> No.20195689

thinking is doing for thinkers

>> No.20195694

Wisdom is knowing how and when to manifest which virtues

>> No.20195751

I'm asking, can you tell me in retard terms what is Wisdom? A quick google search tells me it means "the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight" but also "common sense." Now the second definition feels at odds with what wisdom is supposed to be. But the ability to judge what is true, does that mean that a antiques collector who can instantly discern whether a table is a genuine Chippendale and what year it was made has 'wisdom'?
Does that mean that wisdom is principally about how you actually, as in practically, live within virtues?