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/lit/ - Literature

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20192995 No.20192995 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically got btfo'd by my lit teacher

>> No.20193006

>Fillers are not good writers
Tolstoy would like to speak with you.

>> No.20193014


>> No.20193023

Bugman thinking like that is exactly why your teacher is merely a teacher and not an actual writer

>> No.20193026


>> No.20193034

He sounds gay

>> No.20193035

Exactly what I thought. Thanos and the Snap has a lot to do with Raskolnikov

>> No.20193055

just don't forget to complete the assignment before you get all masturbatory with it. if you want the grade or whatever

>> No.20193062

next time you turn something in, cum on it

>> No.20193074

>lit teacher
wat? this is a thing? and why would you go to a literature school?

>> No.20193126

Nigger, don't go to school. Read a book. Get the fuck out and work for a little, gain some form of financial stability while, if you can, write and submit. Once you're in the flow of things you can quit your destructive day job and focus on writing.

>> No.20193133

You don't have literature course at your uni? What kind of shit hole country do you live in?

>> No.20193149

>my lit teacher
>(not professor)

>> No.20193154

>blabbing on about shit nobody asked about
Literally NPD

>> No.20193173

Required course

>> No.20193184

Obviously I mean my English professor but he doesn't deserve to be called a professor

>> No.20193195

What was the assignment and what comparison did you make that pissed her off so much?

>> No.20193200

>lit teacher

>> No.20193203

That's the one. By going ever so slightly off the restrictions he had in his mind when drawing his assignment, you don't respect his "authority".

>> No.20193209

(You) demonstrate why most of the people here on /lit/ are shitty writers

>> No.20193330
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>people in this thread are unironically comparing essay writing and literature criticism to novel writing
/pol/ really did a number on you dweebs. I'm glad I was of age before 2016.

>> No.20193346

>actually getting writing advice from /lit/
>/lit/ hates it

>> No.20193348

forward her critique to the chair of a more powerful literature proffesorship and have him humiliate her

>> No.20193353

This dude really sent an email to his teacher which pretty much said
>I don't agree with the grade you gave me. I think my writing was just too sophisticated for you to understand the point I was making. My grades shouldn't suffer due to your lack of intellect.
>OP, a faggot

>> No.20193378

These. You're a fucking joke OP, "NOOO my writing is just SO big brained and cool that I cant be bothered to do something as simple as reply to the prompt haha its the professors fault!"

Get a grip, do your classes, learn how to do the homework as a baseline and then evolve from there. Work on whatever braindead shit you wanted to write on your own time.

Go post the prompt and your response so everyone here can laugh at you. Goddamn undergrads.

>> No.20193381

>He unironically thinks anyone posted anything for any other purpose besides(you)s and what they think sounds good at the time
memes did a number on you dweeb, I am glad I was of age before 2014.

>> No.20193385

post essay or no balls

>> No.20193388

…OP literally said he got unironically BTFO

You sound manic and are attacking a strwman seriously.

>> No.20193415

There can be no doubt these criteria are especially pertinent to your teacher must dourly trudge through many such compositions and read their inane chatter. This spiritual agony can only be endured so far, Anon, so far before it’s source must be rebuked

>> No.20193431

His other post implies he's very upset with his professor.

>> No.20193458

I hate this type of teacher. It stifles creativity and turns students into robots. Someone gets so interested in your assignment and the topic that you dock them for it and the kid who copy pastes from wikipedia gets a 100%

>> No.20193486

>Assignment: Do a textual analysis of the book we read in class
>Anon: Compares the book read in class to another book and spends more time talking about the other book instead of analyzing the book that was read in class

>> No.20193492

yah I and probably you would be too. Doesnt mean you cant acknoledge you were btfo. I personally also dont like to be proven wrong either.

>> No.20193494

I doubt he wrote 30 pages of extra material. Taking a short detour is not going to kill you especially since professors are barely even reading papers. Can you tell me what the harm is?

>> No.20193504

Anon, the key to doing well in a Lit course is to tell the teacher/prof/instructor, what they want to hear. In this case: did they ask a question? Ok, then in your essay answer, in the introductory paragraph, repeat the question and they state your answer. And hint why it's your answer. Then in subsequent paragraphs, elaborate on these hinted reasons. Then in the conclusion, repeat the question, repeat your answer, and neatly summarize your arguments.

>> No.20193520

>do a textual analysis of the book we read in class

>> No.20193564

He's getting an English degree, which prepares you for literature criticism. It does not prepare you for creative writing. If you can't do a textual analysis of a book, then you've kind of failed at your degree.
Compare and contrast is the laziest thing an undergrad typically does. Why? Because they generally spend the majority of the paper summarizing plot points of both books instead of actually doing textual analysis. No doubt OP's was the same. I'm sure the teacher's filler comment was about OP summarizing the plot of the other non-related book.

>> No.20193568

reply to him:
>meds o'clock autist

>> No.20193570

>He's getting an English degree, which prepares you for literature criticism. It does not prepare you for creative writing. If you can't do a textual analysis of a book, then you've kind of failed at your degree.
No offense but are you autistic or OCD?

>> No.20193572

>Compare and contrast is the laziest thing an undergrad typically does.
Incorrect, the laziest thing they do is select some brainlet tier subject like English as their degree.

>> No.20193591


I was a teaching assistant for a couple years, I helped grade many papers. The amount of 20 year olds who think they have anything to say and should definitely be heard is fucking hilarious.

Humility is huge. If you are asked to do something, prove you can do it without having to tug yourself off. Nailing the assignment with extreme competence will ironically make you the outlier.

>> No.20193622

I'm 20 and I have things that should be heard. Professors are retarded NPC's who will do nothing but grade the work of 20 year olds until they die and won't be remembered for anything. Maybe they should have been more creative in their writing instead of toeing the line like the sheep they are and they wouldn't be where they are.

>> No.20193624


>> No.20193640


Spoiled child nonsense, already noticed by the people who are forced to read your insufferable homework for a pay cheque.

Admit you are not special so you may grow into something that is, or keep pretending your mediocrity is impressive and stay stuck.

>> No.20193657
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>already noticed by the people who are forced to read your insufferable homework for a pay cheque.
That's the point tho, why complain about the consequences of the career you chose?

>> No.20193659

>I'm 20 and I have things that should be heard
Then why are you in university?

>> No.20193667

Not that guy, but I don't think the kind of person who becomes a teaching assistant for an English lit course at a university should be the one to call others spoiled. The vast majority of people never get to go to college at all, and those who do, generally do it so they can get a degree in something that they expect should be useful and help get them a job outside of academia (like medicine or software engineering). The fact that you were able to get a post-graduate in English reveals that you are way above the average person in terms of socio-ecomomic positioning and opportunities that have been available to you so far.

>> No.20193672

Just because you hate your life doesn't mean everyone else does. Don't put people other down because you need therapy.

>> No.20193675

To get a job. Give your head a shake

>> No.20193690
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>he doesn't get glowing praise for an essay he threw together the day it was due

>> No.20193692

>that is exactly why your teacher is merely a teacher and not an actual writer
This is true of teachers in all field. This is why society was fucked for so long. Luckily enrollment has drastically fallen.

>> No.20193694

If you wanna get a job, just go ask over at your local Burger King or scrap metal recollection and disposal shop. Universities are only useful if you wanna get a fancy diploma stating you earned a degree in Theoretical and Applied Dick Sucking and Fellating Big Dudes.

>> No.20193958
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My essay got flagged for being plagiarized, and then I actually ran it through and it wasn't. I then asked him whether if it was some of my word usage that triggered it(I used shit like 'social bodies') and now he's not mentioning my supposed plagiarism and is now mad at me for not staying on topic even though it helps with understanding the subject matter

>> No.20193973


You go to school to learn norms, when you are good enough you can break them. Most likely your writing was dogshit, I have marked so many freshman that think they're Proust or Joyce. The sad thing is that they have actual talent and intellect, but are too narcissistic to focus and improve.

>> No.20193979

Be imaginative enough to break all their rules who cares what grades you get. If you’re good enough someone will realize. Always add extra shit

>> No.20193981

reddit spacing

>> No.20193994

>give a min word count
>complain when I have to make shit up to meet the word-count
Autodidactism can't return soon enough.

>> No.20193995

Based. Always email and fuck with your sessional instructors. You really think they know much? Who cares if you’re being pretentious. Now if they are a professor then that’s different

>> No.20193997

No, those are "filters"

>> No.20194001

Burger king is a shit job. Maybe he wants a less shit one.

My entry level job pays 120k. Most jobs with apprenticeship make half that, and working at burger king would get you a fourth of 120k, if you're really lucky.

>> No.20194008

>have nothing to say

>> No.20194014

TAs are 99% awful. I much prefer when at least the prof grades my assignment. TAs ain’t shit bro

>> No.20194035

There's rarely anything worth saying. Minimum wordcounts are unironically one of our society's biggest problems. That's why journalists put out so many shitty articles. That's why academics make up so much bullshit. We need a return to unconditional patronage which allows artists and academics room to say as much or as little as they need to rather than pushing out meaningless garbage to meet quotas just to survive.

>> No.20194043

what entry level job pays 120k, Electrical engineering degrees start at 90k.

>> No.20194050
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So true books are a waste of time just write like 300 words on any topic bro

>> No.20194056

He's probably referring to the entry level for his profession at his specific university. Even if he isn't, starting pay for new grad traders tops 120k by a significant margin.

>> No.20194064

oh so you were an underpayed toadie for a humanities department? cool story bro

>> No.20194066

hahahahahaha, that's what you get for trying to show off

>> No.20194073

>write an article on dildo designs in the south bronx so you don't get evicted
Mass literacy was a mistake. A class of rich intellectuals should pay a relatively small number of people to research specific topics and present the information in a concise yet detailed way.

>> No.20194105

I'm in Canada, so that's like 95k American plus very good benefits.

>> No.20194107

That’s the way it literally already is yet you still come across as an autistic fag just describing everyday life

>> No.20194112

Originally I disagreed with you, however, I realize you are indeed BASED beyond belief.

>> No.20194256


No you didn't OP, your teacher is a dope, even though he probably is correct that wander to the point of tedium. Good writing which tries to make any sort of point (rhetoric/criticism) frequently takes side paths which, when it is done properly, enhances the resulting piece. He just wants to control you/understandably gets annoyed with young people who get a little too cute with the purple prose and haven't matured to the point of being able to do it well. This is almost certainly you.

>> No.20194386


>> No.20194426

>bragging about being a janny for some English department

>> No.20194429

Its pretty clear his teacher just hadn't read the additional sources, while OP had, and felt embarrassed to be upstaged by a student. Teachers are raving narcissists and can't stand being "shown up" by their students.

>> No.20194438

>I hate this type of teacher. It stifles creativity and turns students into robots.
That is the point of organized education since the industrial revolution; to create good workers, not good thinkers.

>> No.20194474
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Kek and perhaps based if this is meant to be read as sarcastic but also slightly genuine

>> No.20194497
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>virulent ethnonationalist - fascist
>teacher is an old "hippy" (read: hewished he was one)
>write a paper deconstructing "racism" as a label and praising Rockwell denouncing Elijah Muhammad and literally calling King a commie
>"Great paper! A little problematic but thought provoking"
He's a closet racist and I got him to admit it. 2 days on that paper, fuck English professors.

>> No.20194606

Holy reddit spacing, please go back.

>> No.20194627
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>…good writers respond to the prompt
You need to drop out now

>> No.20194845

You've got to treat college like a shitty job if you want a smooth graduation. They want machines, therefore, they want machine-like work -- doing exactly what they want, how they want it. Hearing what they want to hear. Nothing more, nothing less. The romanticized college of yore has been dead for a very long time, if it even existed at all. Drop out or play ball my friend. They are designed to complete the brainwashing process that started the moment you stepped foot in school as a child. College serves only as a propaganda machine, and is generally a waste of money and time. Professors are on par with cops in terms of deserved disdain. They did not get there because of how based they are, quite the opposite. They (like most) are simply pawns of The State. Wolves in sheeps clothing. Hibernating Mr. Smiths waiting to blossom out of their flesh at any sign of dissidence.

>> No.20195126

Harold bloom compares texts to other texts constantly guess he would have flunked bugman’s class

>> No.20195175

>The problem is not that your writing is too sophisticated.
Did you actually ask this? 'Hi, I think the problem was that my essay was /too/ smart.'
>you do not stick to the question that is asked
>[use] evidence from the text
>DO NOT add comparisons to other works
This doesn't even sound like a difficult assignment. Just talk about the work in question.

>> No.20195426

I'm an English major, my focus is creative writing, and I minor in religion. Never have I seen a professor respond like this. You must have turned in some sort of incel manifesto to get that reply.

>> No.20195441

imagine getting told off by a midwit sperging about how you didn't stick to their prompt lmao

>> No.20195471

not that I agree with OP, but schools vary drastically

>> No.20195625

So school is less like master / apprentice and more like everything you do is a shark tank pitch limited by air time restrictions? AND you have to pay for it? AND the person you get feedback from isn't one of the investors but the producer?

>> No.20195652

I write college papers for a living and a lot of the professors are cool, normal human beings who appreciate when the students seem excited about even if they tend to go off-topic, but you do have a minority (typically media professors) who think the global supply chain or some shit rests on their shoulders. Never wanted to give a grown ass man a wedgie before.

>> No.20195881

Fair point

>> No.20196009

>uses "businesslike" as a compliment

>> No.20196500

he’s right, I used to teach college and graded pseuds like you harsher than the plain dumb students

>> No.20196569

Notice how OP has said nothing about the assignement or even given a summary of what he wrote. That's the most telling part of this thread.

>> No.20196604

Lol being so autistic you can't understand a simple prompt is not a mark of "creativity" or "genius." Fags on this board watched to many autistic inspiration movies. Hate to break it to you but you're not Rain Man. You're a few steps higher than a drooling vegetable. Literature class is the easiest course to pass.

>> No.20196647

>Muhhhhhhhh HECKING textual analysiserinoooooooooooo
>I will elaborate on my understanding of textual analysis cause I don’t exactly know what it means but I disagree with you so I’m further going to entrench myself as a retard
Many such cases

>> No.20196656

>bugman teaching assistant
Yeah, I’d rather get arse raped by a dolphin than listen to some retarded TA with an inferiority complex pretend their opinion has any merit

>> No.20196662

I am assuming there was something you wrote to your teacher before getting this answer, OP. Can we have your half of the conversation as well?

>> No.20196680

>>Muhhhhhhhh HECKING textual analysiserinoooooooooooo

textual "analysis" is fucking gay, i don't read books to write about books, what the fuck kinda gay shit is that

>> No.20196683

Isn't part of an inferiority complex not being able to take criticism? Who's the bugman here?

>> No.20198084

Notify the dean that your professor said you plagiarized and when you challenged his assertion, he dropped it. Accusations of plagiarism are very serious and if your professor is using them to intimidate students that's a huge problem. (hint, the dean can just give you and A for the course over your professor's head).

Don't bother cc'ing your professor, just let the dean know what happened specifically about the accusation of plagiarism.

Somewhat relatedly, if your professor is heterosexual, it would be a great time to come out as LGBT. Or if he's non-hispanic, to remember that your dad's mother was from argentina and that you are yourself hispanic. It can only help you the rest of your time in university.

>> No.20198260

I'm sure you must've earned a degree magna cum loudly inside your bum

>> No.20198898

>Notify the dean that your professor said you plagiarized and when you challenged his assertion, he dropped it. Accusations of plagiarism are very serious and if your professor is using them to intimidate students that's a huge problem. (hint, the dean can just give you and A for the course over your professor's head).
>Don't bother cc'ing your professor, just let the dean know what happened specifically about the accusation of plagiarism.
>Somewhat relatedly, if your professor is heterosexual, it would be a great time to come out as LGBT. Or if he's non-hispanic, to remember that your dad's mother was from argentina and that you are yourself hispanic. It can only help you the rest of your time in university.
t. never been to university
It's a fucking computer program you absolute retard. A fucking computer program scans his paper and flags shit for plagiarism. Professor literally isn't involved in the process at all. He just has to verify whether or not the flagging is accurate. God you're such a faggot.

>> No.20198913

Haha classic. I know exactly what he means too. Stop ranting.

>> No.20198953

Most /lit/ threads are shit. I don’t o ow what else you were expecting.

>> No.20198980

It's more of a social thing too. It's like that guy who doesn't shut up because he's just rambling about shit and veering off topic. It's something you'll grow out of though eventually though.

>> No.20198983

Can you give an example of what you think OP's teacher means? I once got points taken off an essay about Cervantes because I started talking about Leibnizian theodicy and how it could be used as a model for the sort of divine will that Cervantes alludes to in his Exemplary novellas. It wasn't even racist or sexist or anything. It was just some extrapolation about something related to the text that was at the same time not directly stated anywhere in it.

>> No.20199003

I suppose it must depend on the person's interests and what they use to interpret different parts of the world. For some, it may get worse as they age because they will extremely quickly lose interest on anything that's not inside their comfort zone, whereas others might be able to more or less handle anything that they more or less know about and can understand questions on without steering very far from the main topic.

>> No.20199046

The lit poaster swung his head back and forth in confusion. "I'm supposed to write clearly and concisely?! How do I prove I'm smart if I can't go on self-indulgent tangents? Somebody tell me he's wrong! Tell me I don't have to improve as a writer!"

>> No.20199076

Is it possible to make an extensive essay on an extremely narrow topic without making it redundant and self-repeating?

>> No.20199100

>Bugman thinking
it's a (((sophist))) tactic that avoids the subject your actually talking about by moving on to something you are more knowledgeable about. I frequently do it at work and have found if you do it >=3 times it's very successful at completely derailing meetings that usually end in "wtf were we talking about?"

>> No.20199127

What is the top and what is the minimum page length?

>> No.20199132

I've tried to pull it off, but the kind of people who talk to me are even more stubborn than me and refuse to accept discussing anything except by the means of allusions to stuff they're familiar with and topics they think they know about. Only people who are easily fooled by the idea that complexity means profoundity will allow for a discussion to be taken away from their hands.

>> No.20199162

Why is everyone here getting so uppity over a poor review of a university assignment?

>> No.20199229

>teach college
>Now here
Might as well kill yourself, honestly.

>> No.20199233

Because /lit/ users have fragile egos.

>> No.20199251

It's honestly ridiculous. It's not really something worth fretting over.

>> No.20199267

You steer people towards their pet topics that they love talking about regardless of relevancy. Makes you appreciate why somebody invented the meeting agenda and more old school meeting styles in general.

>> No.20199858

You know that anti-work reddit board? Ironically enough the majority of /lit/ users think this board is some sort of anti-education reddit board. Just mention univeristy or college or that you're getting a degree and the thread is guaranteed to be derailed by some autist harping on about "bugmen teachers".

>> No.20199971

Have sex with your teacher (if she's female)

>> No.20200579

They are retards. That's as far as it goes.

>> No.20200592

Is Literature Studies *not* a self-referential circlejerk that only watches innovation happen by other people?

>> No.20201063

>I'm 20 and I have things that should be heard
Such as?

>> No.20201107
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My seminar tutor btfo me also. I really wanted to fuck her after this.
On a side note, why do universities allow women to teach men? I can't take them seriously when they're trying to teach me something. Why can't women teach women and men teach men?

>> No.20201444

Are you asking this question because you feel as if she stripped you off your male pride? Seems to me your "seminar tutor" is making several reasonable points. Don't be a gay little cocksucker about it, homolord. Beat her intellectually, then fuck her infront of her husband so as to take your manliness back; while pulling his off and showing her that she's responsible for it.

>> No.20201449

you are intellectually deficient

>> No.20201555

>"this novel's about life. another book about life is ..." then goes on and on about second book, the one op wants to talk about, finds more exciting, has more knowledge about

>> No.20201581

if this is real, your teacher has the patience of a Saint.

>> No.20201592

So this is what they mean when they say school destroys your creativity...

>> No.20201610
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>> No.20201625


>> No.20201634


>> No.20201695

This is what happens when a post-2016 4channer goes to the Academy. Actually writing some impotent incel rage and basing his essay arguments on what is pretty much "based based cringe onions söy"

>> No.20201707


>> No.20201709

i will withhold judgement on the teacher until you post the assignment itself. for all i know he could be absolutely right

>> No.20201730

>preferably non-fiction
Why are non-fiction fags such losers?

>> No.20201900

did you just post a rational reply?

>> No.20201952
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They hated him because he told the truth.
Purple prose and lack of focus are serious problems. Writing is a form of communication. You have to compose the piece thinking about what you need to say, to whom, and how. Write however you please when you're doing so for your own pleasure, but when you are trying to engage with other people there are certain standards and norms to which you must conform your work. Rhetoric and composition teachers are really dropping the ball if folks aren't learning this stuff. Should be common sense.

>> No.20201961

>communicating with anyone ever
Literature was a mistake.

>> No.20202009

>Fillers are not good writing.

Your teacher writes as if English isn't her first language.

>> No.20202033

>the amount of wannabe stars seething at the professor requesting something perfectly reasonable
None of you will be great writers, you can't image how bad things are going to get, beyond ngmi

>> No.20202226
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>Are you asking this question because you feel as if she stripped you off your male pride?
Well not really this specific moment but when I walked into my epistemology lecture for the first time and saw a female lecturer it kind of made me feel castrated. I feel like unis should be segregated by sex; that's what they do in the Islamic Emirates. How am I supposed to take a woman lecturer seriously when she looks like my Auntie who should be baking me cookies and giving me hugs not teaching me about deep philosophical issues?
This is the score she gave me overall. I was able to get away with the edginess because I actually backed it up with arguments.
No it's just the essay question was about the Gettier "problems", one of the biggest midwit "dilemmas" history of philosophy. I had already learned about them in high school, and had seen through them immediately even at that age, so having to go through all of it again in uni made me angry. That's why I wrote the view is idiotic in the paper.

>> No.20202294

What do you perceive as filler in his writing?

>> No.20202330

>writes his essay like a 4chan post
Jesus Christ.

>> No.20202353

>my views are right, yours are idiotic
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.20202434

You only get to say everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot after you've become famous, anon.

>> No.20202457

that's his teacher's writing I think

>> No.20202459
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>It is not appropriate to call a view idiotic, nor does it assist you philosophically.
>you assert it as though it is obviously plausible and then move on
You got some balls, anon. Kek.

>> No.20202475
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It has to do with American culture. We have an unusual bias towards extroversion and narrow mindedness. People who are confident, have a strong sense of pride and self respect, and desire personal freedom will have a state of mind which thinks broadly and abstractly. People who do not care about freedom and self respect will think more concretely, narrowly, and at a surface level. There is a somewhat cliched distinction in classical studies between the Hebraic and the Hellenic perspectives and their sharp distinction in representing two extremes of culture. This distinction is usually kind of inaccurate and cliche but it does.accurately describe the distinction between America and the rest of the civilized world.

>> No.20202539

Please don't tell me you actually believe this. What do you think the belles lettres are about? Writing isn't only about functional communication. When did this bug man train of thought spread this far? When did the humanities become yet another layer of engineering? Worst of it all is that you can tell this comes purely from the anglosphere. Even the Chinese would slap you in the face for daring to pretend written word functions just like a syscall.

>> No.20202608

We're not talking about literary writing here, are we? Writing done for aesthetic pleasure or effect alone is clearly governed by different rules. Different norms for different contexts. I'm not suggesting writing is a science, either, or proposing that perfect unconfused communication is ever possible. The point is that when you are engaging in proper discourse, the clear and focused communication of intent to your particular audience is paramount. It is, in fact, the essential point of the endeavor. This is what you are trying to achieve, not stylistic brilliance or novelty. A paper or an oration in which digression is the rule and the audience is unable to perceive your meaning is a complete failure by the standards of respective craft.

>> No.20202792

From that the teacher wrote it seems to me that you lack the sophistication of simplicity.

>> No.20202873
File: 333 KB, 1920x1920, u2bxjqv3d8e51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more cucked than an English major?
>write an essay about this god awful short story that confirms my feminist biases!
>...yes professor

>> No.20202936

Ngl the dude that copy pasted Wikipedia is ultimately smarter cuz he recognized the teacher n assignment for what it was and acted accordingly. Bro prolly something better in the free time he had lol.

>> No.20202939

Those who can't do, teach.

>> No.20202981

I bet this is exactly what happened. Hard to tell without the actual essay though.

Post the essay, OP.

>> No.20203070
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 1589924494516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not op but I'm an european high school senior and my teacher basically said that she gets pissed off when she sees more complex sentences and I need to keep things simple. for fuck's sake people that use the most basic lexicon and probably still make some grammar mistakes managed the same marks as me.

>> No.20203075

she's just rayciss and can't connect to you on an emotional level.
i bet a woman could have done the exact same mistakes, and would have got a good grade.

>> No.20203093

I wrote an article about the differences between ancient and modern warfare which i basically googled up a similar topic and wrote it word for word but phrased differently. Got Full grade and was told i write english so well i could go to oxford

>> No.20203751

What's "more complex" sentences to you, or her.

>> No.20203842
File: 13 KB, 236x227, 5234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not good writing
>not good writing
>NOT good writing
Your teacher doesn't sound like a great writer either, or at least fails to specify exactly what they wanted.

I mean, if your teacher explained the rules like that to begin with, yeah I would fully agree. If they didn't explain any of this then that's a bunch of shit. Drawing comparisons to other texts can be useful if you're trying to illustrate a point. Too sophisticated, what does that mean? Verbose or lacking solid conclusions? Just sounds stupid to me. Not very helpful to an aspiring writer or any student.

>> No.20203898

>X is not good writing
Where does it say this exactly? And who says it? Other than your teacher.

>> No.20203902

Can you please give us the context for their reply?