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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.14 MB, 3619x2714, psychiatrist-carl-gustav-jung-515387410-5ae8ca67a9d4f90037a2524a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20192479 No.20192479 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, what's wrong with Jung? I thought /lit/ used to be a Jung board.

>> No.20192500

Yours is the first post.

>> No.20192509

I've become more open with age and decided to read Jung and the first page I read told me that I needed to talk to the female version of myself in my dreams and that will tell me everything about my being. Who the fuck falls for this shit

>> No.20192510

The board has been taken over by redditers.

>> No.20192514

Jung is tight. Got Science of the Soul. Unfortunately, retards see psychiatrist and get irrationally scared of what they don't know.

>> No.20192520

>reminded of his feminine side
>gets angry
tell me why jung was wrong again?

>> No.20192521

Midwits like this>>20192509

>> No.20192526

jung was a joke. freud is the true god of psychology.

>> No.20192531

psychiatry is jewish scam

>> No.20192570

Have you spoken to your transgender replica in your dreams? What did >she say to you?

>> No.20192577

Do you also get angry at people who have dreams? Jung himself said his therapy doesn't work on uncreative types.

>> No.20192580

I have dreams I'm just curious what the transgender of yourself said to you? You did speak to it right? You have a soul?

>> No.20192588

my wifes bf said im not allowed to talk about it

>> No.20192657

Nah, it's just a consequence of modernity. And modernity isn't a Jewish scam, it's just the consequence of technological progress and the social, cultural and demographic upheaval it brought about.

>> No.20192666

You sound like a major fag in denial.

>> No.20192668
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>confusing the anima with gender dysphoria

>> No.20192937

That's not how it work, you retarded dimwit.

>> No.20192948

/lit/ used to be Jung. Now it's grown Alt over the years.

>> No.20192952

I just don't find him insightful at all. None of what he says corresponds with my experience.

>> No.20192958

Never read him because he sounds retarded. Being part of jewish sciences is a huge red flag for any supposed intellectual. I'd rather keep reading philosophy.

>> No.20193122

So she did give you the cold shoulder? What did you not speak with your transgender replica if you are an honest reader of Jung?

>> No.20193151

the MBTI faggots sullied his name

>> No.20193193
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>Half of the posters call Jung a kike by proxy because of malpractise in psychiatry.

>> No.20193197

>transgender replica

Aaaaaand filtered.

stay in the pseuds club.

>> No.20193202

>He doesn't understand the concept of masculine and femenine traits of the soul without associating it with trannies


>> No.20193339

Freud and Lasch are better

>> No.20193347

Wait, do you mean the malpractice that Jung committed?

>> No.20193398

Apparently in one example, the parents of the man who deciphered Linear B were ruined by him because he wanted to sleep with the wife. Led to suicide.

>> No.20193524

His understanding of alchemy was wrong/backwards

>> No.20193527

/lit/ is fickle

>> No.20193756

nothing, it's what's wrong with /lit/?

>> No.20193986

I found his idea of dreams being a medium for the unconscious and ego to reconsile to be interesting. Another interesting point is how modern society essentially doesn't really view dreams as remarkable events. You just fall asleep, you mind makes noise, then you wake up. His work made me realize that I might have ignored a integral part of the human experience.

>> No.20193993

>remarkable events
Unremarkable events

>> No.20194023

We hate postmodernism here

>> No.20194554

you need to be 18 to post here, retard.

>> No.20194751

Nigga got filtered

>> No.20194809

/lit/ was and always will be a Jung board, whether they’re conscious of it or not.

>> No.20194818

Jung is good because he dabbed on Freud's "haha everyone who disagrees with me wants to fuck his mom haha" shit but he's kinda out there if you actually read him.

>> No.20194836

The female entities I've encountered are not me. One was an amalgamation of absorbed experience, basically a super sped up gif compression of an entire movie. A woman who's form itself was morphing into a blur from displaying all that disjointed experience. Very sexually stimulating creature.

The other... best described as an Other. She resides elsewhere.

>> No.20194838

God I hope my female self is hot

>> No.20194850

Guilt-ridden psychiatric patients such as Jordan Peterson

>> No.20195012

if this is a troll, my hats off to u, u are a genuine artiste....
But if its real... my God... I haven't seen a filtering this brutal since the great flood.... I mean, it has everything... projection, ignorance, lack of awareness, total inability to grasp the material....
...Its breathtaking...
I'm going to print out your post, frame it, put it up on my bedroom wall and read it before my nightly jerk off session. Its that good.
I hope to see many more of your posts on here. Don't hold back!

>> No.20195045

>technological progress and the social, cultural and demographic upheaval
that's what jews have done?

>> No.20196844

Quick update, talked to my female side last night. I have huge fucking jugs, shit was cash.

>> No.20196859

>tfw no one appreciates your subtle and layered joke

>> No.20196862
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The idea of trannies and their myopic ideology has completely destroyed a whole generation of midwits like you. I hate it for this more then anything.

>> No.20197005

Where is this story? Quick google search yields nothing. Couldn't be more Freudians doing their character assasination? Jung did get around of course so y'never know...

>> No.20197148

Kek‘d my fellow Kraut

>> No.20197572


>> No.20197752

I see you Anon it was a good post

>> No.20197771

>Being part of jewish sciences is a huge red flag
>I'd rather keep reading philosophy
Anon, I...

>> No.20197779

Will (You) fuck off. Nobody cares about your insipid pun.

>> No.20197785

>The female entities I've encountered are not me
That's what you think.

>> No.20197792


>> No.20198006

Kek I bet she does anal too

>> No.20198015


>> No.20198019


>> No.20198026

cant tell if trolling or just an insecure retard coping with the fact that he can't understand Jung.

>> No.20198561

since this is a psychology thread
anyone know a good book that explains, in a vaccum, what psychological effects are?
and i don't mean any effects caused by certain things, i mean effects in general.

>> No.20198578
File: 525 KB, 972x1504, 1641965053917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream last night that I was with a nameless girl (my anima?) and suddenly I was bitten on the hand by a snake. I pulled my hand close to my face and I could see swelling and suddenly my hand started to ripple like it was boiling. The girl said she would help me. We rushed to a nearby Walmart and started asking people for help. Another girl stopped us and explained that she doesn't know how to treat snake bites but she can take my blood to see if the bite was dangerous. After taking my blood she looks at the results and says it's not deadly. I asked if she was sure and she says yes. She then follows up with the real danger is that my liver is failing. I wake up. How would Jung analyze this?

A very strange coincidence that, just as I started reading Jung, that such a vivid dream would manifest. I'll have to finish his work. I remember reading the passage about a primitive tribe describing dreams as 'the great man' that is trying to communicate with you. If you listen to him then he will continue sending you messages. If you ignore him, he will be absent from you life.

>> No.20198818

Go check your liver, bro

>> No.20198926

His name means "young." He's clearly old in that pic

>> No.20198936
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>> No.20198961
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An entire field of just making shit up and trying to say it with enough conviction that others will believe you. It's quackology.

>> No.20199817

Lol the twist was funny. The unconscious can be very clever in making a point. The whole dream seems to be about the things you aren't paying attention to. Many questions would be needed to get much more info out of it but start there. What or who are you avoiding dealing with that can bite you? Also are you worried about your health at all irl?

>> No.20199859

I dunno, if you drink you might wanna stop

>> No.20199865

Principles of Psychology, William James

>> No.20199875

Nothin wrong with Jung. i mean a few specific concepts and passages sure, but he was on the money with most things. and truly a lovely, kindly man. a net benefit to the world

>> No.20199922

Jungians? Sophists and retards. Not a single person elaborates how he's wrong, they just gasp in horror that someone is "misconstruing" Jung's words with "illegitimate" intent. It's truly a spectacle to behold.

>> No.20199927

>lovely, kindly man
>is an adulterer
Slit your wrists.

>> No.20199936

>is an adulterer
can you substantiate that slander?

>> No.20199957

>“Prone to angry outbursts, Jung had numerous affairs and exhibited no consideration for his wife’s feelings about them. He would have his long-time mistress and former patient, Antonia “Toni” Wolff, visit him in his marital home whenever he wanted, frequently appearing in public with her and taking her on trips abroad. He referred to Toni as his other wife. Emma apparently tried to divorce her husband three times, but each time he would get sick or have an accident, forcing her back into devoted wife mode, believing that he would fall apart if she left.”

>> No.20200004

Freud was wrong and crazy for the most part and never even scratched the surface of what Jung did

>> No.20200019

Adultery is fucking a married woman not when a man has mistresses

>> No.20200041
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Left: Mistress
Right: Wife

>> No.20200042
File: 26 KB, 733x331, adultery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adultery is fucking a married woman
That's not what it means.

>> No.20200063

i can write a couple sentences too, post a link faggot

>> No.20200068

>le newspeak definition
It is what has been meant since Moses until the trannies took over

>> No.20200069

What’s wrong with this guy? His wife is prettier

>> No.20200094

>What or who are you avoiding dealing with that can bite you?
One more strange twist....not trolling but I didn't realize that today was the day my dad passed away. I was so busy I forgot.
>Also are you worried about your health at all irl?
Pretty sure I have a cavity of my front tooth which has been annoying the hell out of me because of how visible it is.

>> No.20200122

>so busy i forgot
Yeah maybe that says a lot. Dreams are rarely "big dreams" as Jung called them about life, purpose etc. Can be simple like you're too busy and need to pay attention to what's happening around you. The snake isn't necessarily a terrible thing. In the dream it was harmless in the end but got your attention. Just some things to reflect on.

>> No.20200173

That's a man

>> No.20200192

Thanks anon.. I've been thinking about it on and off most of the day. I might go see a doctor on the off chance it's real. What an astonishing discovery that would be.

>> No.20200343

Kill your self

>> No.20201435

Learn to read.

Not what I was referring to.

>> No.20201440

The anima, Latin for soul, in Jungian analysis, refers to the unconscious feminine part of men, which is the archetype of the mother: emotionality and care. Respectively, is the animus the unconscious masculine part of women, which is the archetype of the father: rationality and virility.

>> No.20201470

His ”misstress” looks like a man

>> No.20201690

Jung is based, but he is a gigantic filter for plebs.

>> No.20201999

They were exploring her animus if you know what I mean

>> No.20202172

>>subtle and layered joke

>> No.20202187

>Defence mechanism

>> No.20202195

You're completely right despite the myriad pseuds replying to you. Jung is basically just repackaging occult bullshit into an ostensibly scientific framework. The gender stuff you mention is age old Kabala/occult gibberish about union of opposites.

>> No.20202374

Anyone can help me with this symbolism? Is she my anima or no? Thanks had this dream a few nights ago.

I'm in a strange theatre. Like a club party in an old theatre. I meet with this beautiful girl. We talk and hold hands on a bench. She invites me to dance. I agree although im reluctant I want to appease her and just be near her because of how sweet and beautiful she is. We are essentially alone. The theatre is very large and not too crowded. I follow her in dance down towards where the performers on stage are. More people are gathered here. All of the sudden she transforms into a little dog in my lap. Im terrified and feel betrayed. There's a trickster vibe I'm getting. She starts lapping up stew off the floor.

I rarely remember my dreams. It was a cascade of intense dreams this was one of the two most impressing. I actually jolted awake and was breathing heavily afterward and couldn't sleep it felt so real. This has never happened before. I don't even post here but I read one of Jungs books last summer and I can't help but feel my unconscious is trying to tell me something crucial

>> No.20202426

Bitches be crazy

>> No.20203814

Jung is unironically a schizo. I read that autobiography book of him and it's full of spooky ghosts and scary men hiding in caves underground. It's garbage, scary bedtime stories for overgrown kids.

>> No.20204151
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how often does the average /lit/ user dream and how strange are your dreams? i bring up dreams with friends but they either say they dont dream or dont have very interesting dreams. it feels like its just me but this thread got me thinking.

i dream every single night and consistently have strange ass dreams, a decent number of them to my surprise im able to elucidate. does it ever feel like you have a dream or many dreams where you had experiences that felt like occupied a week's time but you cant remember or make sense of them but even thinking about the dream it brings back this deeply tender feeling? happens to me multiple times a week. it happened last night. i also dreamed that i was js bach, walking down the street last night.

>> No.20204175

>scary men hiding in caves underground
I don't remember this.

>> No.20204183

he might be conflating the jesuit thing with the giant underground penis. idk, didnt finish the book

>> No.20204207

>be handholdless virgin
>get ghosted by female self

>> No.20204226

I've read occult stuff out of curiosity and it honestly makes a more compelling case than Jung.

>> No.20204349

You'd be surprised how Freemason Zoomers there are. I think the Masons were out recruiting not long ago. All of these faggots pretend to be antisemitic, but when it finally comes to Kabbalah bullshit, they start acting entranced and change face.
I'm starting to think Jews and Westerners are pretty much the same thing much like how all MENAs can in some sense be viewed as Arabs.

>> No.20204406

i've only read jungians, but never jung himself. not ready yet.

>> No.20204667


Jung is ultimately limited by his desire to attribute spiritual matters to psychology, plus his inability to distinguish subconscious impulses from transcendent experiences. It leaves him in this weird fence sitting position of justifying spiritual phenomenon against rationalist critiques by cramming spiritualism into a rationalist framework.

The end results is that Jung satisfies neither camp - he's considered to be a fringe scientist at best, and a mediocre scholar of religion.

>> No.20204802

>his desire to attribute spiritual matters to psychology
I would say filtered but you probably haven't read him. He does the exact opposite.

>> No.20204833



>> No.20205028

Jung was against this though. Even Freud didn't want to put people on drugs (besides cocaine).

>> No.20205038
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>> No.20205043

Yeah, it's filterin time.

>> No.20205047

Great seethe farm you have here, OP. Congratulations, keep up the good work, I might even use some of your ideas for future baits

>> No.20205049

>t. has never read Jung, thinks all of psychology has been muh pills since day 1

>> No.20205188

she appears in how you perceived yourself, if you think of yourself as ugly, she will be ugly too and viceversa

>> No.20205214

I feel like too much of /lit/ is either too eager to discard science or too bound to it leaving only a small group that can appreciate subject matter that doesn't fit neatly into either school of thought.

>> No.20205221


>> No.20205238

The past several years has proven that "science" is nothing but another scam.

>> No.20205311

associating the soul of male and female humans with the mother and father is a bit too simple fren. why not just stick with masculine and feminine. way more inclusive that way. when you talk about mother and father archetypes without any further elaboration or any reason at all to actually do so you come of as a childish pseud

>> No.20205336

Pill mills weren't a thing when Jung was around.

>> No.20205340

/lit/ was a Reichian board and y'all missed your chance to get laid

>> No.20205348

how many of you worship but Jung but hate women that are into astrology

>> No.20205351

how would you know this unless you yourself had been on reddit for a long enough time to identify who "redditers" are? go back to r/4chan, poser.

>> No.20205357

as an 80 year old myself, postmodernism is some real BS

>> No.20205362

yep. it's just secular religion.

go to church instead, OP. at least it's free

>> No.20205621

MBTI is cool , you're the fag
>muh pseudoscience