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File: 375 KB, 1900x1266, sally-rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20190596 No.20190596 [Reply] [Original]

How bad is she really?

>it makes her cry.

>> No.20190609

She's probably extremely low iq.

>> No.20190616

>woman is "seriously into" a shit tier female author who is popular among other pseudo-intellectual women
Who would have thought?
>"How bad is she really?"
She is shit, what did you expect?

>> No.20190625

my gf likes that shit too
she's great but women just have bad taste, go ahead and date a man if it bothers you desu

>> No.20190631

by she i mean my gf, i forgive her for liking sally rooney.

>> No.20190633

Have you actually read Rooney, or are you just being a contrarian who hates her because she’s popular? Be honest.

>> No.20190639

She’s genuinely retarded, unfortunately. Sorry, OP. She’ll probably let you creampie her soon.

>> No.20190657

Rooney is purely a manufactured celebrity. She is being marketed with some serious capital and that's the reason why she is popular. It doesn't matter whether she's good or not (she isn't), she's getting millions of normie readers anyway simply because she's the most advertised writer ever.

>> No.20190660

I’ve read Normal People, Conversations and Beautiful World. All trash

>> No.20190665

>Rooney is purely a manufactured celebrity.
Manufactured by who?

>> No.20190666

So even though you know you hate her books, you continue to read them? Even her most recent one? I find that incredibly hard to believe, unless you’re wilfully masochistic and/or retarded.

I freely admit I haven’t read anything by her, but I’m also not pretending I have for the sole purpose of shitting on her books.

>> No.20190673
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>> No.20190679

Whoever publishes her works and those who invest in said publishing enterprise.

>> No.20190687

So literally the same way all celebrities are manufactured- by their publicists. In other news water is wet

>> No.20190689

describing you gf as a "great woman" makes me think u don't have a gf

based retard

>> No.20190695

Exactly. She's the equivalent of Justin Bieber or whatever. I.e. shit.

>> No.20190715

T. Seething nobody mad that publishers aren’t blowing steam up his ass

>bieber analogy
I swear the only people who make this comparison are the ones who have no idea how creative industries work. And they’re almost always autistic nerds who listen to Tool or Dream Theatre.

>> No.20190722

Maybe you should try telling me why she isn't an equivalent of Justin Bieber instead of pointlessly seething.

>> No.20190730

>Have you even read her books? Hater
>Why did you read her books if you dislike her!?!?!?
I have a girlfriend who buys all her books

>> No.20190752

If by “Bieber equivalent” you mean one-of-a-kind entertainer with enough teen sex appeal to make young girls cream in their seats like they did for The Beatles, then no, it’s not a very apt comparison. Whatever you think of him, Bieber is genuinely talented and the amount of listeners he gets cannot be attributed to his publicist alone. There has to be something substantial there in the first place worth marketing.

>> No.20190760

>There has to be something substantial there in the first place worth marketing.
You’ve got to be kidding.

>> No.20190762
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>I have a girlfriend

>> No.20190767

>There has to be something substantial there in the first place worth marketing
What kind of substance do Rooney or Rupi Kaur have?

>> No.20190772

There’s a reason why he got picked up from a very young age. There’s also a reason why no one wants to publish your tedious 4000 page political space opera. Go figure.

>> No.20190778

>it’s not a very apt comparison
Learn to read better.

>> No.20190780

I’m not a writer, idiot.

>> No.20190801

I saw an interview clip where she says she sees life through a Marxist lens. That was quite enough for me

>> No.20190802

> So even though you know you hate her books, you continue to read them?
This isn’t the gotcha that you think it is, moron.

>> No.20190817

I don't think it's supposed to be some gotcha, he's just asking why you would spend dozens of hours reading something you think is terrible.

>> No.20190823

That’s besides the point lmao no shit you’re not a writer, you’re just a talentless loser attacking successful people out of spite. I can always spot talentless losers because Bieber is the always their prime target. Yet ask anyone even remotely musical and they will acknowledge the guy has real talent, even if his music isn’t for them.

>> No.20190829

No one gives a fuck about Bieber. You can't honestly argue Rooney is a talented writer.

>> No.20190831

You and retard are presupposing that that anon thought her books were trash before reading them. He never implied that. He simply said that he read her books and determined that both are shit, rightfully so.

>> No.20190833
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>> No.20190835

Trust fund industry plant that needs to be guillotines

>> No.20190842
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>> No.20190851

Where did I say Rooney was a talented writer? All I did was challenge the comparison to Bieber that YOU made.

>> No.20190852

Good video.

>> No.20190856
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fuck sally rooney, lauren oyler is the true queen of braindead roastie authors. i went into this shit when it was a meme a couple years ago among instathots with the intention of giving a popular contemporary female author a chance, but my misogyny levels are now at least 30% higher.

>> No.20190858

He read three of her books to reach the conclusion that she’s a shit writer. If he wasn’t capable of coming to that conclusion after reading only one of her books, then he’s a shit reader who doesn’t learn from his mistakes.

>> No.20190871

You’re right. You only need to read one book by Mann and the back cover of any Rooney book to know they’re shite

>> No.20190877


My wife read it for a book circle and thought it was trash, so it's not a universal rule.

>> No.20190885

Did she get booted from the club for her opinions?

>> No.20190923

So first he was lying about having read her books (which meant his criticisms weren’t valid) and then, when he said he had actually read them, he became a “shit reader”. Nice bait

>> No.20190931

A steaming turd on an unfuckable face

>> No.20190939

His criticism was “it’s shit” which isn’t valid criticism at all, he didn’t bother to elaborate on why her books were bad whatsoever. That’s not criticism, that’s just, like, his opinion, man.

But yes- if he hated her after reading 3 of her books then he is absolutely a bad reader who needs to subject himself to 3 trash novels where one would do. Why are you defending his retardation?

>> No.20190949

Surprised a limp-wristed faggot like you is strong enough to move the goalposts this much

>> No.20190950

So what should people do? Read people's work before criticizing them or just stop reading books they think they think they'll dislike in order to avoid becoming shit readers? Sounds like you're just mad because he dislikes Sally Rooney and when your snarky "You haven't even read her" gotcha failed, you did a 180 and started sperging out because he actually read her books

>> No.20190962

She is fine. Rooney isn't half bad when she is just doing relationship drama and people having sex. The problem is when Rooney tries to get political, to give social commentary, to "say something". Her latest novel had chapters that were just emails between the two protagonists where they talk about "the real world and shit". It was very transparent that these chapters were there just as a vehicle so that Rooney could share her not-at-all unique views on the world.
Regarding your question, Rooney very clearly is ripping off Salinger's style, so maybe this bitch you're after could be into Salinger and other stuff.

>> No.20190997

No goalpost moving necessary when a retard scores an own goal by subjecting himself to books by an author he already dislikes. Either he’s lying about having read them (and nothing in his post indicates that he has), or he’s dumb enough to waste his own time. Simple as

>he actually read her books
How do you know? He hasn’t said anything to demonstrate that he’s read them, all he did was say they were shit. Do you automatically believe everything you read on the internet? Or is the more likely option that no one on /lit/ actually reads?

>> No.20191051

So you're calling him a shit reader without even knowing if he's read the books or not? lmfao retard

>> No.20191058

are you just pretending to be retarded, or do you seriously not understand what an either/or is?

>> No.20191070

Your mom wasn't pretending when she sucked my schlong

>> No.20191079

Post chin

>> No.20191131

>think she's like 45
A white woman moment

>> No.20191175


>> No.20191446
File: 180 KB, 1337x1304, rooney-cringe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How bad is she really?

>> No.20191457

Welcome back

>> No.20191458
File: 250 KB, 1303x518, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How bad is she really?

>> No.20191467

Bieber go and stay go.

>> No.20191475
File: 358 KB, 1337x2645, rooney-cringe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for having me.

>> No.20191585


She's the one who started, but she didn't realize that the others had such shit taste and would only vote for crappy books. But she stopped organizing it.

>> No.20191596
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>> No.20191599
File: 528 KB, 1688x2372, Roasties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20191830

And here you have it, the real reason behind her massive promition campains. Jews are super invested in filling goyims minds with poison.

>> No.20191866

Tried reading one of her books and put it down after two chapters.
The woman has nothing interesting to say. She write glorified YA for anxious young women who can't fathom that there's a world outside of the interpersonal relationships they form while being embedded in institutions.

>> No.20191868

It raises a lot of questions about why and how you read

>> No.20191878


Most women with objectively high IQ and good genes for curiosity and neurodevelopment are pseuds. Women just in general have no interest in anything but appearances and shopping for men. Pseudery is the closest they can get to the real thing, and it amounts to a social signal for the type of men they want and are probably similar to

>> No.20191895

the greeks were right

>> No.20191909
File: 152 KB, 765x988, 1587851449199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most women with objectively high IQ and good genes for curiosity and neurodevelopment are pseuds. Women just in general have no interest in anything but appearances and shopping for men. Pseudery is the closest they can get to the real thing, and it amounts to a social signal for the type of men they want and are probably similar to

>> No.20191986


I looks mog you so shut the fuck up

>> No.20191999

>most advertised author
Is that why she keeps popping up on here? Never even heard of her until threads on here.

>> No.20192068

not him, but yes, same way i occasionally read coelho, e. e. schmitt and king, just to torture myself. it's not le guilty pleasure, it's just genuine curiosity

>> No.20192074

post face then retard

>> No.20192924

I just finished "Beautiful World.." and it sucked ass. At least it was a quick read, but god, what a load of insufferable characters. Sally Rooney thinks she's so deep talking about capitalism like she's the first person ever to find flaws in it. So adolescent it's ridiculous. The sex scenes were awful as well. Characters started having complex dialogues and full on therapy sessions whilst one of them had their dick in the other's pussy. Truly amateurish stuff.

>> No.20192943

kek boys we have another retard falling for rooney's unlikeable characters again

cringe !

>> No.20192951

What did he mean by this

>> No.20192956

Rupi Kaur is a hack, Sally is just mediocre.

>> No.20192966

shut up retard

>> No.20193030

Bless your heart. At this point among all professions the ones pushed are industry plants

>> No.20193033

Water is in fact not wet, water makes other things wet

>> No.20193046

Water doesn’t make your mom wet, I make your mom wet.

>> No.20193056

I'm a man and I tear up during almost every book I read so I don't know if that means much.

>> No.20193096
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Worse than trash.

>> No.20193114
File: 102 KB, 783x960, 1575362329639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl you like doesn't have to like and dislike exactly the same things as you. as someone who has had a /lit/ gf, it's cool at first but doesn't provide any sort of foundation for an actual relationship. it's not something to strive for, more just a nice bonus if someone is already compatible with you. does she like anything that you like too? imo people are allowed have their things they enjoy that are bad, i would focus on the things you do have in common instead of dwelling on the fact that she likes some shitty book that wasn't even written with you as the audience.

>> No.20193156

My mom had a sex change so I guess that makes you kind of a fag