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/lit/ - Literature

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20186194 No.20186194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>b-boy I'm sure glad I r-read all those boo-ACK

>> No.20186212

thank god I merely pretended read to on the internet

>> No.20186228


>> No.20186240

so what do you do with your free time, op?

>> No.20186248
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>Think I might finally start on the Gree-ACK

>> No.20186249

ack refers to hanging newfriend

>> No.20186262

Maybe the false nurse started to strangle him, so his son can inherit the fortune and she becomes rich with him.

>> No.20186267

>I wonder what my pleb relatives will do with my amazing library...

>> No.20186281

I will probably donate my library to either a patrician friend or if I manage to become a famous writer to a university of the town I'm living in or whatever.

>> No.20186290

>b-boy I'm sure glad I p-played retarded video games and watched Netflix like an NPC

>> No.20186295

I am.

>> No.20186310
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Boy I'm sure glad I spent every day of my life playing Skyrim.

>> No.20186438

reading books desu

>> No.20186459

If I'm on my deathbed and I haven't read Melville's entire bibliography, every single page written by Faulkner and Thomas Wolfe, most of Goethe and Shakespeare and every single Platonist and neo-Platonist, I'll definitely be seething about it.

>> No.20186571

I'll be reading on my deathbed.

>> No.20186574

Why play the kiddie phone port version of real TES games?

>> No.20186576

lol I'll probably be reading when I punch my ticket.

>> No.20186613

"she died with the latest book from her favorite author turned to the last page on the bedside table and a smile on her face"

I have no idea where I read that, but it's stuck with me. sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

>> No.20186625
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>What about Morrowind?

>> No.20186653

I started taking a sketchbook with me everywhere and also on weekends doing plein air painting and it goes well with reading.
I have a stronger visual imagination when reading.
I don't really care if I get good at it so it feels stress free.

>> No.20186663

God I hope I die soon. What are the odds of a quick and painless death in your 20s?

>> No.20186673

Lower than in the past, higher than average 20-something imagines. I still remember that one time on a hot day when a pharmacy couldn't get supplies delivered to them, because the driver collapsed on the parking lot and died, he was 28.

>> No.20186688

Let's hope then. Occasionally I have what feels like a heart flutter (it's gas) and I think 'oh fuck I hope it won't be too painful'. I wish I could in someway induce it, slowly, over time, without substantially harming my QOL.