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/lit/ - Literature

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20185729 No.20185729 [Reply] [Original]

Personally I can't settle for just one thing. I feel that reading is the patrician's hobby, with literature being such a great medium of expression that opens unparallelled avenues for thought and creativity. For thousands of years, humans have been expressing themselves through writing, reaching into the farthest corners of their mind to come up with engaging myths, stories and reflections that have endured for generations. Nothing beats the feeling of just diving into a hardcover classic and experiencing everything it has to offer.

>> No.20185781 [DELETED] 
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The vocal science.
I hate people but I like ideas.

>> No.20185788
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The vocal silence.
I hate people but I like ideas.

>> No.20185797

Being able to see relate and understand and feel understood which is something I can't find elsewhere

>> No.20185814

The knowledge and aesthetic banal pleasure I receive.

>> No.20185839

It wastes time while letting me feel unearned sense of superiority and steadily dripfeeding me a bunch of copes about my misery
>m-maybe I'm tragic dostoevskian character, y-yes!
Nah I'm just a faggot

>> No.20185845

>It wastes time
read something else faggot

>> No.20185852

the lying down
the solitude
the escapism from dreary reality
the mind as it wanders
the book recs in the book
the promise of more reading in the future