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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2018315 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2018335


>> No.2018708

I don't see the problem with them. Easier to bring on the go.

No clue how people use them for textbooks though.

>> No.2018712

Nothing beats having a real book in your hands.

>> No.2018724

I'm glad so many faggots now have kindle.
At least we save some fucking trees.

>> No.2018727 [DELETED] 

>implying trees aren't farmed for paper and the overwhelming majority of deforestation isn't from agriculture in poor countries.

>> No.2018738

my psp is my ebook reader.

>> No.2018739 [DELETED] 

You are also fucktarded.
So your choice makes sense.

>> No.2018740


u jelly.

>> No.2018743 [DELETED] 




>> No.2018747


Go back to your DS underage b&.

>> No.2018751
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>Implying people over the age of 18 use any sort of handheld console.

>> No.2018752 [DELETED] 

>implying the iphone isn't a handheld console.

>> No.2018755
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>implying you didn't understand that I mean 'gaming' consoles.

>> No.2018757


you are implying wrong newfag

>> No.2018763
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>Implying I give a shit

>> No.2018762

The iphone has many games, including many which are only on the iphone. While it is not a gaming exclusive platform, it certainly can be used as such.

>> No.2018765


Don't be such an aspie. You know exactly what I mean, no matter how obtuse you want to be about it.

>> No.2018766

Just go back to /mu/ and stay there.
I know you've been infecting this board for a while now, but you can always just leave.

>> No.2018767

I know exactly what you thought you meant.
You thought you had a decent troll.
Then when pointed out that you were wrong, you couldn't accept defeat, so tried to minimize the damage instead.

>> No.2018770


You could always leave your own self. You don't have to go to /mu/ though. Given the quality of tripfriends on this board, you do me too much credit to suggest I could shit it up any more than it is already.

>> No.2018774
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noteventrolling hombre, just stating an opinion about what I think of people who own handheld consoles used exclusively for gaming. You failed to understand textual ambiguity (a common aspie trait), prompting me to clarify my meaning.

>> No.2018775

>leave your own self.
Sounds like an euphemism for suicide.
You should try it.

>> No.2018777


If you're no good at insulting people, you could at least try and be funny with it man.

>> No.2018779

You aren't doing any better.

>> No.2018943

MP3 killed the record store clerk. Ebook killed the book store clerk.


>> No.2018964

More like

MP3 cut the fat from overindulged record stores. E-Books will do the same to books stores.

Specialisation ensued.

>> No.2019001

I prefer physical copies. Something about them is just different. But they're inconventient in comparison, so I mostly read ebooks.

>> No.2020769


>> No.2020777

video killed the radio star

>> No.2022359
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I personally can't see myself ever using an e-reader type device. My friend has one and I've looked it over but there is just something about an actual book.

I really have no need to carry a ton of books with me anyway, I read one book at a time, so if I'm carrying a book or an e-reader I'm still carrying something. It's not like an mp3 player where I want to make a playlist of certain pages out of different books.

I like looking at my book collection and just like having the real thing. IDK, why there is just something about it.

I enjoy the smell of old books, or used books, the sound of the knocking on a hardcover, the feel of the pages, etc...One day I will probably be forced to read on an e-reader because they will no longer print books on paper, but I hope that I will never see that day.

>> No.2022372

>they will no longer print books on paper
Honestly I don't think that will ever happen. At least not within our lifetime.

Sage for boring old troll topic.

>> No.2022501

personally, i love books, however i also like trees, so, go ebook!

>> No.2022561

Not this thread again.

OP if you want some success at trolling, change up the pic.

>> No.2022568

Every single thing this gentleman said, times one thousand.

>I like looking at my book collection and just like having the real thing.
>I enjoy the smell of old books, or used books, the sound of the knocking on a hardcover, the feel of the pages, etc

Are you me?

I really don't see ereaders replacing books. Ever. Plus I realise this is a troll thread, I saw it the other day.

>> No.2022576

e-readers are a gimmick for neckbeards

unless you think neckbeards > human beings


fantasy > actual books

also, the manufacture of e-readers are far more harmful to the environment than books are

>> No.2022581

I'd never read as much as I do now that I own a BeBook. Best money ever spent.jpg

>> No.2022591

Are you sure this animosity towards e-books doesn't stem from the fact that you don't want your massive book collection to seem outdated and anachronistic to your future children?

Let's face it, eventually all media will be digital.

>> No.2022646


>> No.2022672


Well since e = 2.7182818 > 1 I guess you're correct.

>> No.2022706
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Also, fuck ebooks.

>> No.2022712

I saw this thread the other day, but whatever.

Ereaders are a fad. they'll eventually disappear. Unlike books. Which are superior in every way.

>> No.2022717

you were saying...

>> No.2022756
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I have no idea what you're trying to say. Don't bother replying.

>> No.2022772

Unless books is a negative value.

>> No.2022773


I'm going with this as well. I think books will still keep going in our lifetime. Selling an EBook reader doesn't mean more people read books, or less people read books. It just means they read them differently. They want some sort of convenience that the product offers.

>> No.2022778

I'm waiting for the resolutions to g higher, 800x600 just isn't enough, and the DX is way too expensive for such little improvement. Also, watching videos of them turn pages gives me headaches, is it not a problem on actual e-ink?

>> No.2022791

> e readers
> mp3 players

I see no difference as compared to their respective mediums. I like having a book collection and I understand the convenience and the neat features like popular highlights....

but there should be no reason for further discussion on this topic (ereadersvsbooks) anyone who has a strong opinion either way is just trolling.

>> No.2022885

>thanos holding e-reader
>e-readers automatically superior

>> No.2023024

Buy a tablet.
You can read books and take notes and do all sorts of cool tablet things.

>> No.2023030

Oh yeah, tablets and ebook readers are great for public domain works and classics. Stop paying publishers for work they didn't produce.

>> No.2023033

But Penguin's great!

>> No.2023036
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>> No.2023167

>implying there's a problem

>> No.2023176


They printed it, and most publishers would have someone edit any older work. It's not like they just downloaded it off Project Gutenberg and magically transformed it into an overpriced trade paperback.

>> No.2023226
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Yes, actually, I do have a problem OP.

>> No.2023232
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Second kindle.

>> No.2023536

what are the odds.. lol

>> No.2023569

Spending $100+ every 4-5 years to buy the reader.
Spending money on accessories.
Paying the same amount of money for most paper books and getting the file in a proprietary format.
Not allowed to read it for 30mins each airline flight.
Claiming to have 1000+ books in my hand(hurhur) when you really should only read one book at a time.(Have a house? Wow look, bookshelves!)

Yah, your argument is valid. (By that I mean the troll pic on the kindle.)

>> No.2023577

fuck e-books

>> No.2023581

e-books are extremely convenient for college students who don't want to pay for textbooks/required reading.
I can't really see much of a point for anyone else, but different people have different preferences, and it doesn't affect me, so who cares?

>> No.2023584

Hope your favorite authors signature doesn't mess up the screen too badly.

>> No.2023585

e-book readers, rather

>> No.2023591

I got one of those 1st edition nooks for about 80 dollars, and I have to say I'm very happy with it. Yes, I love having a physical book, but I have to admit I've read more books in the last two months with the nook than in the last year.
Why? Mainly because physical books are heavy, and I have to carry my text books to college every day. With the nook I can put twenty or thirty books and even though I'll read just one, I open the list and think "Oh cool I can choose from this wide selection". If I have to carry the books I'd be like "hmm ok i'm taking these three" and then when I have free time "oh but I don't want to read any of these now!" therefore, no book for me.

I don't think ebooks are better than books. I LOVE BOOKS. But I find it better when you can carry 20 or more books and barely feel the weight in your bag.

>> No.2023606


This, Ebook are the devil!!!!

>> No.2023622

> reading on kindle in staff room at work
> coworker asks me to see my ipad
> hand over kindle to them
> they see the screen and think it's fake
> have to explain to them what e-ink is
> they ask me what games i have on it

>> No.2023640

> Spending $100+ every 4-5 years to buy the reader.
The price is probably going to go down in that time. Even if the price stayed at 140$, that's almost nothing to pay every 5 years.
> Spending money on accessories.
Yeah if you're a fucking retard.
> Paying the same amount of money for most paper books and getting the file in a proprietary format.
Downloading books for free on the internet, having a device capable of reading all formats, and there are countless converters like Calibre.
> Not allowed to read it for 30mins each airline flight.
Who listens to that anyways? I've read my Kindle on a dozen flights since I've got it and nobody's even said anything to me about turning it off during take off.
> Claiming to have 1000+ books in my hand(hurhur) when you really should only read one book at a time.(Have a house? Wow look, bookshelves!)
If you're almost finished one book it beats carrying around two separate books. Also right now I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov. That one book itself it the size and weight of a dozen ebook readers.

I was all about the physical books too until I had to move across country with a single suitcase. I sold my book collection for a few hundred dollars and bought a Kindle with it. I'll never buy another physical book again.

And fuck authors. There are like two good books that were written in the past ten years. All the authors I read are long dead, and I'm not going to /buy/ a book just so that some publishing or distribution company can have all the profit.

>> No.2023643

everyone knows that e-readers are just for the neckbeard aspies that post on /lit/

they are a massive fad, marketed to dweebs with no attention span who think books are heavy

i dare you aspies to not reply to my post

>> No.2023646


Am I allowed to reply if I don't have Asperger's?

>> No.2023664


>> No.2023734

The prices they charge for work already in the public domain is obscene.
I don't care if someone "edits" it.
I'm tired of seeing the "Complete Works of Charles Dickens" for the oh so low price $28.95.

>> No.2023744

Rooted nook color user here.
It's a wonder. Sure, I love me some paper books in my hand BUT my reader allows me to save hundreds of dollars on compsci and math textbooks, which I just download off the net. And yes, many science textbooks cost >100$ even if fucking used for fucks sake.