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20181097 No.20181097 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you like Cyberpunk? Have you read anything better than the entry level (Neuromancer or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep)?
Why does it feel so real? Do you feel it?

>> No.20181122

Neuromancer is so inconceivably shit book I sometimes have to wonder how this genre even lifted off as it eventually did. Probably because of the role playing game and some japanese animes.

>> No.20181141

Neuromancer isn't entry level cyberpunk, it is the only cyberpunk.

>> No.20181143

It isnt a genre, its just one trilogy.

>> No.20181153

It was the animes.

>> No.20181163

I didn't like Neuromancer

>> No.20181175

Snow Crash. Love the corporations are countries and some of the other aspects. Goes out on linguistical tangents and weirdness but it's fun in its way. Mafia controlling the pizza delivery service just makes the book for me.

>> No.20182457
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I second this. Snow Crash was an enjoyable romp.
Then read "The Diamond Age" to see Neal Stephenson prove he can write hard cyberpunk too.

>> No.20182464
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>> No.20183220
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I like how ridiculous it gets
although some of its exposition nearly turned me away more than the average lines in neuromancer

>> No.20183536

Noir with computers.

>> No.20183602
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why is it making it noir-like always the best option?
Even like ruck and marty was elevated just just by being blade runner for like 4 minutes

>> No.20183697

I like scifi in the specific genre that Philip D Dick briefly mentioned in Man In The High Castle. Sci fi is the consideration of alternate realities and futures, especially at the societal level. Good sci fi has to be a reflection of reality, hence the "science" in "science fiction".

But why cyberpunk is so popular is the vibe. Generally cyberpunk is read by people who enjoy dystopias and feelings of alienation, poverty and other such things.

>> No.20183715

Blade Runner will be seen as a utopia in 50 years

>> No.20183721

I love noir + any genre.

I dream of writing gritty scifi noir short stories.

>> No.20183966
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Has anyone read a shadowrun book? is there a good one? i gor into cyberpunk by playing the pc game, both are bretty good

>> No.20184497

you can always do it
don't fear to suck at it, every frist drafts suck balls

>> No.20184512

>I dream of writing gritty scifi noir short stories
What's stopping you, though?

>> No.20184613

do it but fr

>> No.20185860

Noir is the best genre for this set up because the "grim civilized urban enviroment in which you know that public institutions are proactively working for others interests, which while you investigate can make yoy bite a bullet around the corner and no one will bat an eye" vibes. Sounds like today but it's highly stylized so it's cooler.

>> No.20186119
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i'm also full sad, i only need the gun now

>> No.20186326

Chapters of Blindsight that take part on Earth are probably the best cyberpunk pieces i've read. Also Watts' short stories in that series like ZeroS and The Colonel are interesting, although depressing reads.

>> No.20186547

What's wrong with Neuromancer? I thought it was interesting enough, and impressively forward thinking for its time. Just finished mona lisa overdrive, though. And man, it was much weaker.

>> No.20186790

It's better as a visual medium T B H. You really need the fancy neon colours to convey the visceral and overbearing feeling of turbo-modernity.

>> No.20186804

There was this phenomenal little intro snippet by Sky for something. It was just aping the Bladerunner noodle eating, but the vendor slid a small bit of paper over the table to him; who, in turn, deftly snatched it up with his chopsticks and hid it in his soup. Very cute!

>> No.20186813

I feel I'd fail to pull of this cosplay. The moment I got the gun I'd start having second thoughts about the coat's colour palate.

>> No.20188446
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i feel like i need to be good looking to rock that outfit

>> No.20188638

>bringing a hardcover to the beach
goddammit. women.

>> No.20188655

Yes, otherwise you’ll end up looking like JP from Grandma’s Boy.

>> No.20189180

i'm curious about the trilogy, considering Gibson didnt know shit about computers kek but still wrote very compelling stuff

>> No.20189262


>> No.20189270

have any recomendations?

>> No.20190369

I tend to find it quite funny and relaxing to read but would rather read something like Cryptonimicon or its prequel series. Cyberpunk tropes tend to get old after a while and I find myself craving something more grounded/less wacky

>> No.20190429
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Does anyone still read K.W. Jeter's Dr Adder?

>> No.20190435

Tacky, outdated Cyberpunk
Outdated but still kinda relevant Cyberpunk
>Blade Runner
Romantic Cyberpunk
>Blade Runner 2049
>Well aged, relevant Cyberpunk
Serial Experiments Lain

(By Romantic, I'm referring to romanticized thematically, not necessarily romanticizing the world. 2049 is a story that could take place in Star Wars and still work)

Most of the genre sucks and it won't get better because of preconceived notions and general retardation getting worse

>> No.20190459

Any good modern cyberpunk book recommendations?

I looked up some of em, but i would like some feedback on any modern ones. Maybe some after 2010, i want something that would have todays tech and hackers in it.

Anyone read something like what i described?

>> No.20190967

Self-loathing and my lack of skill/knowledge

>> No.20190974

Anyone read Difference Engine? Just got it from Paperbackswap.

>> No.20191006

I thought it was lame. Steampunk sucks.

>> No.20191642
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for anyone in love with this set up/genre, i highly and strongly recommend this series of videos, they cover the whole story of cyberpunk western media chronologically, books, movies, games, etc.




>> No.20192145

Best documentary about cyberpunk tbqhwyf

>> No.20192429

Even with all it's problems i think it's still strong enough by being compelling as fuck, or at least it was for me

>> No.20193305


>> No.20193317
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it's fun. these were my favorites

>> No.20193429

maybe watch Mr Robot i guess?

>> No.20193600

I love that aesthetic, simply. I preferred Burning Chrome tho

>> No.20193627

it's aesthetic is like at the same height of the concept itself
thanks anime

>> No.20193662

this is "i hacked into ur mainframe" the show. couldn't make it beyond the first few episodes because of how braindead they assumed their audience was.

>> No.20194763

have you tried manga/anime?

>> No.20194825

What do people think of Hardwired?

>> No.20194832

by walter jon williams of course

>> No.20194851

i totally forgot about reading blindsight. its pretty good.

>> No.20194949
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I found this guide from a YouTube rec. It had a lot of good tips to make a cyberpunk outfit without verging on cosplay.

>> No.20195166

>refuses to put in gravities rainbow
>only references dicks most normie tier books not ubik
Indigo is a brainlet. He also is a pleb that thinks the lion king did hamlets plot “better”

>> No.20195183

>expect cyberpunk
>get a Sumerian history lesson

>> No.20195190
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I can see it turning out very different from what people envisage.

>> No.20195224
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i kinda like writing my cyberpunk with this kind of dark wear aesthetic rather than the regular cyber punk stuff

>> No.20195227

It's comfy because it makes poverty more decadent.

>> No.20195738

I watched parts 1 and 2 and although it's entertaining, you can tell it's coming from someone who primarily has a video game focus rather than a book focus. No mention of proto-cyberpunk books prior to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (e.g. Alfred Bester's 1950s books, or Daniel Galouye's Simulacron-3). The only PKD works that get mentioned are the ones adapted as movies, which happens a lot elsewhere too, but those works are so over-discussed that it'd be good to hear about something else. In part 2 the only books mentioned are when a movie or game is based on one.
Also he uses 'beatnik' a few times to refer to some cyberpunk works, and I'm not sure what meaning is intended there.

>> No.20196934

to be fair, it's not a book oriented video, and cyberpunk has grown and being explored wider and better through movies and gaems, buy yeah, do you know any good vid or website focused on rec cyber punk books?

>> No.20197175

top fucking kek, my thoughts exactly

>> No.20197227

i enjoy the first part of neuromancer in chibi, because the description of the city is really cool. but the rest of the book, about hacking, bores me a lot more. i think cyberpunk aesthetics and locations are cooler than the plots.

>> No.20197487

That's why it's a set up, not a genre

>> No.20198492
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>That's why it's a set up, not a genre
is it?

>> No.20198510

>it's not a book oriented video
It should be you idiot. Why are you posting it then?

>> No.20198551

not my fault you can't read

>> No.20198565

schizoid VR cyberpunk >>> neon noir cyberpunk

>> No.20198634

Recently bought this for $1 after seeing that the author provided the basis for one of Hoselover Fat’s friends in Valis.

>> No.20198674

care to elaborate about those books my frens?

>> No.20198883

True, I guess I'm disappointed largely because I wanted to hear more about books (though the movies and games are still interesting). The videos are on a gaming channel, though, so I need to adjust expectations before continuing to part 3.

I don't know of any good in-depth videos or sites about cyberpunk books. There's a lot that cover the big names (Neuromancer, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep/Blade Runner, etc) but it'd be good to watch one that digs more into other books. The closest I've seen are lists of the 10, 20 or 30 "best cyberpunk books", but those just have short blurbs about each one.

>> No.20199206
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How has nobody mentioned Snow Crash yet? Lots of media lifts from it, almost as much as Neuromancer.

>> No.20199490

I imagine tis but with cybernetic enhancement

>> No.20199501

I'm actually reading Trouble and her Friends at the moment OP
pretty good
the writer seems kinda preoccupied with lgbt people being under threat
despite it being science fiction and the future

And yes I have read the Neuromancer trilogy and the Marid Audran trio
I currently have Snowcrash and Burning Chrome on order, I am trying to make 2022 my year of cyberpunk. Going a bit slow though.

>> No.20199598

just ctrl+f Snow mate

>> No.20199639

Jeter wrote Dr Adder in the early 1970s but it didn't get published until 1984. It prefigures a lot of things that would turn up in cyberpunk in the 1980s like virtual reality and machine parts on bodies. Its afterword is from Philip K Dick - he was dead by the time it was published, but he'd written the afterword years before when Jeter was shopping the novel around. The Dr Adder character provides fetishistic amputations and body enhancements (in one case he adds shark teeth to a woman's vagina), and comes into possession of an experimental weapon called a flashglove, which replaces the user's amputated arm.

>> No.20199708
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>> No.20200616

dopest gang I ever seen

>> No.20200687
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reminds me of pic related

also didn't the author of neuromancer say something like
>i had no idea what i was writing and have no idea why cyberpunk exploded in popularity

>> No.20200718

>also didn't the author of neuromancer say something like
It's very evident he had no clue what he was doing if you read the book. It is his first book afterall and boy does it show.

>> No.20200749

nah i haven't read it and i'm not much into cyberpunk either
just think it was an interestingly unique flash in the pan idea for its time

>> No.20200803
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The context of Gibson saying he had no clue was that he didn't had a PC or knew anything about hackings and computers, so he wrote Neuromancer out his "society sucks" thoughts rather than his tech knowing, wich was zero

>> No.20200873

I wish my oculus look like that
>inb4 muh sleekness

>> No.20201717

Never do a deal with a dragon was not bad, imo. Wish they had not put the elves and trolls and shit in shadowrun because the setting was great.

>> No.20201859

>it was so bad it created a genre
do you listen to yourself or do you just hit that post button

only if you have lived under a rock for the last decades

then you would have hated idoru

>snow crush
even worse

most of the time its actually hardboiled but like, more edgy.

that's not noir like, thats just tapping into the global mode of eating alone at a food cart at night among strangers.

nah, its just the golden era of space travel died and what was left were the remnants of a dream, the mock mirror world of the cyberspace, (un)limited possibilities

Ps. i love you all

>> No.20201996

Gibson should know when to stop. His later work is a joke. It's true that the best work is produced when you're immersed in the scene and are not a removed observer.

>> No.20202070

bright (the off-brand) netflix movie had trolls and elves and it was pretty gud.

weird how they got around not having the licence, might still get a lawsuit

>> No.20202145
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>>it was so bad it created a genre

You're thinking of Lot49

>> No.20202175

the thing is Shadowrun's whole purpose is to mix fantasy and cyberpunk, that has been it's whole deal. I mean it was developed as a fantasy cyberpunk tabletop RPG.

>> No.20202191

>that's not noir like, thats just tapping into the global mode of eating alone at a food cart at night among strangers.
was it? the whole sequence was about a cynycal anti hero making detective work looking up for a dude in a grim tone. i mean, it was Blade Runner.

>> No.20202249

It's very boring. I read a 100 pages and got nothing out of it. It's still on my unfinished shelf, but picking it up again feels like a chore.

Boring for me, I'm not saying I'm smarter or better than people who enjoy it, but I'm a bit curious about what makes it so popular with other readers.

>> No.20202264
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I fully disagree with you, yes, the movie had the fantasy elements, but nothing cyber punk about it, i mean it wasn't even the future, and our MC was a cop, like it's nothing like shadowrun.
Also, in my opinion the movie kind of sucked balls, nothing made any sense from how the society is portrayed to the choices the characters make. For me it was a pain to watch it.

>> No.20202362

>mothing cyber punk about it

i think you missed the point;
imho its just Shadowrun™

> i mean it wasn't even the future
it was the near future.

>MC was a cop, like it's nothing like shadowrun.
thats just the plot synopsis.
its basically Dredd (2012), which ofc to you is not cyberpunk either.....because it has a cop in it...
>nothing made any sense from how the society
that's LA for you baby!

Would you call it a modern day fantasy?
I feel like they just didn't get an ok from shadowrun desu

>> No.20203165

This book is so shit. Gibson writes like he's illiterate.

>> No.20203171

>>it was so bad it created a genre
>do you listen to yourself or do you just hit that post button
Can you even comprehend what you read?

>> No.20203239

Do you guys recommend some cyberpunk animes?

>> No.20203245

I was refering to Shadowrun, the police force portrayed in Bright is like a today's regular one.
>its basically Dredd (2012), which ofc to you is not cyberpunk either.....because it has a cop in it...
So my point wasn't about the cop itself, so don't assume shit please. I love a cyber punk comic story like Judge Dredd.

And just to make my point clearer, the core of cyberpunk is "high tech low life", and bright is just "regular tech low life", which is kind of critical, no high tech stuff, no cyberpunk and no shadowrun, just regular fantasy. So let's face it, bright never intended to be something like that, it was just some regular opportunistic netflix film about racism.

>> No.20203261

Which is encouraging, you just need a cool concept.
cool concept >>> muh beatufil high words

>> No.20203274

Just start with the popular ones
>ghost in the shell


>> No.20203820

>and bright is just "regular tech low life"
That's just the tagline.
The only thing i would attest to, is that there is no "groundbreaking" technology that would disrupt society as we know it, and as such doesn't qualify as science fiction.
Aestethics-wise it is very much cyberpunk-y, and fulfills the promise of the tagline that you brought up yourself very much, without being "sci-fi"-y.
>b-but they don't have laserguns
Yes, but cyberpunk is about the individual in a modern world, and it get's portrayed very well.

>> No.20203853

I liked Thin Air, the altered carbon trilogy, the sprawl trilogy, virtual light, snowcrash, diamond age, burning chrome (hinterlands best short).
Got several others on shelf to read this year.

>> No.20203955

>black hatch man
Running hot!
Have you read When Gravity Fails?

>> No.20203994

It's one of the books on my shelf

>> No.20204236

>Yes, but cyberpunk is about the individual in a modern world, and it get's portrayed very well.
Not that anon but no, the whole point is that cyberpunk is set up in the future with high tech, Bright is set up literally in 2017 and has no tech, it doesn't check any cyberpunk points, just the races of shadowrun which means nothing. And it's a horrible movie.

>> No.20204442

Neurnancer has too much sex for my liking, case should be a loser like me.

>> No.20204449

Why did the black africa at the bar never get any work done on his face? He just stayed ugly with stained yellow teeth?

>> No.20204468

Maybe it's just my experience but to me, cyberpunk is a genre all about the aesthetic. I thought Neuromancer was an awful book but yeah like somebody said above, the animes make the genre worthwhile. Ghost in the Shell is an amazing work of art. The Ghost City sequence haunts me desu

>> No.20204475
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>> No.20204482

quoting the same book
>The bartender’s smile widened. His ugliness was the stuff of legend. In an age of affordable beauty, there was something heraldic about his lack of it.

>> No.20204599

animes just lacks the emotional depth
>a genre all about the aesthetic
then you're probably a flamboyant homosexual, only that could explain your superficiality.

>> No.20204644

show me the book then dude because I only ever get rec'd Neuromancer and it's terrible. I love PKD tho

>> No.20204655

this ones kinda out there but CCRUs collected writings from 1997-2003 are like half really shitty philosophy and half really fucking cool cyberpunkish fiction.

also 9M9H9E9 is really good

>> No.20204738

>CCRUs collected writings from 1997-2003 are like half really shitty philosophy and half really fucking cool cyberpunkish fiction.
This, also Nick Lands solo work up to xenosystems

>> No.20204797

is that fanged noumena or something else?

>> No.20204804

i'll post a recommended cyberpunk list if i ever find the time to make one

>> No.20204839

>schizoid VR cyberpunk
So like Ready Player One?

>> No.20204910

they sell like hotcakes.
amazon is full of ebooks about VR adventures.
there's even an anime.
they all take hints from MMOs and second life.

>> No.20204914

ty bros

>> No.20204916

RPO is not schizoid enough, I was thinking more like the classic cyberpunk writers

>> No.20204928

Outside of Gibson's early work there's barely a handful of actual cyberpunk stories.

>> No.20204972
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you mean like this?

>> No.20204981

have you read permutation city?

>> No.20205002

No, clue me in mate

>> No.20205232

Dead genre.
It doesn't have any more stories to tell, so now they just slap the aesthetics on for flavor.
Most importantly it didn't become reality.

>> No.20205487

pat cadigan's tea from an empty cup
neal stephenson is dogshit and ur all dogshit too
do it anon

>> No.20205561

>Most importantly it didn't become reality.
You really don’t think so?

>> No.20205636

>Dead genre.
>It doesn't have any more stories to tell, so now they just slap the aesthetics on for flavor.
we know, that's why we are thirsty for it

>> No.20205696

>why do you like cyberpunk?
the good stuff in the genre is "new wave SF with a focus on mcluhanian media critique", two great tastes which taste great together.
>Have you read anything better than Neuromancer/Do Androids Dream?
Islands in the Net by Sterling is a favorite of mine, but I wouldn't call it 'better'. Personally I think Gibson was better as a short story writer than a novelist, though. In general I think a lot of the best works in the genre are short fiction.
>why does it feel so real? do you feel it?
it's basically a metaphor for the way television changed society, which happened to map almost exactly onto the way the internet changed society, and we're currently at a major inflection point in the transition to new media. it has nothing to do with the authors 'predicting' anything-- they were talking about their past and present, but that period in time is strongly echoed in our own

>> No.20205702

everything egan writes is deeply schizo. it's admirable

>> No.20207323

Any Gibson short-stories recommendations?