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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 253x199, Millayold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2018066 [Reply] [Original]

So i just got back from therapy

my therapist said that i'm unhappy and paranoid and that i should spend more time reading and spending time with my family

i just want everything to work out for me and my future

don't you understand /lit/?

>> No.2018068


>> No.2018076

go away

>> No.2018077

those boards just don't "get me" like /lit/ does

>> No.2018079

Hope you get better, Fab!

>> No.2018084

Hope you read more, Fab!

>> No.2018088
File: 7 KB, 268x188, chuchu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your concern~

th-thanks for your concern

>> No.2018089

Hope you We are the government. We know where you are, always, Fab!

>> No.2018090
File: 215 KB, 283x375, 1272711555567-dumpfm-frankhats-rainspace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey prince charming,

the fact that you have a therapist at all means someone cares about you! you should definitely read more and spend time with your family, or talk to a girl and make sex with her. i too am often unhappy and paranoid. don't take any pharmaceuticals, just relax here with Charles Dickens.

>> No.2018093
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>talk to a girl and make sex with her

>> No.2018101
File: 4 KB, 122x126, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to a girl and make sex with her

>> No.2018110
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>>I'll just leave this here...

>> No.2018111
File: 56 KB, 213x156, 1303161654644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahah, a therapist? I knew you were a pussy.

>> No.2018126

he's gay.

>> No.2018128
File: 11 KB, 296x170, tougamolested.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is being a "pussy" really so wrong?

>> No.2018135
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 415SSH7Y3CL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it is. You'll never do anything with your life because you were always too scared to show initiative or ambition. You'll waste your days away alone and empty.

>> No.2018132

>that anime
>what is it

>> No.2018134

spending a lot of time on 4chan is really one of the worst things you can do when you have some kind of mental illness...at least the kinds of mental illnesses that lead people to spend a lot of time on 4chan

polite sage

>> No.2018139
File: 6 KB, 264x191, ChhekHoov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but is being scared of life and stuff really that unreasonable?

>> No.2018141
File: 2 KB, 112x126, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's the story of my life....


>> No.2018142

that's such a gross word

>> No.2018144
File: 56 KB, 197x152, 1303161692262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, arte you trying to philosophically defend being a pussy? You're not really a depressed, you just pay your therapist to tell you that. If you were really depressed you would kill yourself.

>> No.2018147

i know right

i don't pay my therapist my mom does

i trust the therapist i don't think she'd take advantage of me

but she probably is ;_;

>> No.2018148



>> No.2018160
File: 46 KB, 470x336, 1303348641794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under 18

Goddamn why doesn't anyone ban you, as if the completely off-topic crap wasn't enough. I know there's a fifty percent chance you're a 7/10 troll, but otherwise you're among the scummiest scum on this board (I know you get off to self-pity but fuck you), and you pretend you have problems so you can wallow in your fucking misery. It only took two years in the Peace Corps to really fuel my hate for fucking assholes like you. Get over yourself you pampered bourgeois pussy, there's real suffering out there, and you don't lknow anything about it.

>> No.2018172

i don't know why you hate me so much

i don't care if you volunteered for some stupid do-gooder club !!

i have problems too!

>> No.2018175


What problems do you actually have dude? List them off and we will try and help.

>> No.2018181
File: 40 KB, 497x700, 1303161751911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mommy pays for therapy session
>born in first world country that has medical care, free schooling and welfare
>has insane amounts of opportunities
>is gay and won't be killed for it
>is on one of the most notorious and "free speech" centered web forums and the government doesn't give a fuck.

You have no problems. Sack up.

>> No.2018192

>i don't know why you hate me
he just told you

you act like a kid
you post off-topic crap
you make threads about yourself
you don't read people's posts and ignore things you don't want to hear

saged and reported

>> No.2018193

that's just what you think...

i wish you weren't so inconsiderate!

>> No.2018201

You still haven't listed your problems.

>> No.2018214

Not /lit/ related. Reported.

>> No.2018225

When I originally asked if you had problems here, I didn't realize you were just Fab with a different trip. You really don't have any problems and I don't see how you can enjoy making these threads over and over again, I don't think what you are doing even constitutes as trolling. You are just in a sort of limbo where you keep making offtopic threads where you act depressed about nothing, don't give any details as to why you are depressed and mope. Nobody replies in a way that is funny, even if you are trolling it isn't a good troll. If you are not trolling then you are just acting like a mental case.

I guess this started out as an attempt to troll, but then you keep going full retard and stop making coherent sentences! I bet you actually are retarded and you somehow find this funny.

Good day you poor mentally ill bastard.

>> No.2018252

I understand you are probably letting your problems get the best of you and don't really care.

But don't worry. I'm on my way to Raleigh, North Carolina to end your suffering.