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20180592 No.20180592 [Reply] [Original]

Literature on the concept of "oversocialization"?

>> No.20180669

If the ideal tribe size is about a hundred
Go make about a hundred friends.

>> No.20181059
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there's this one by the chad of southern india. i believe there are unfortunately no big names who discuss ted's ideas. brave new world is a basic must read of course.

>> No.20182254
File: 7 KB, 175x300, Propaganda_Jacques_Ellul_1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Ellul.

>> No.20182381

but most of that tribe wont even know the other 80% of the tribe if not more

>> No.20183689

That's undersocialization

>> No.20183723

being a loser in itself isn't undersocialization

>> No.20183743

the novels of Sally Rooney

>> No.20184154
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I must... be part... of the Machine.

>> No.20184168
File: 296 KB, 1280x960, 24499A94-9B71-4EBA-A369-DC326111B56B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so disgusted by people (myself included) that it's unreal. I can hardly believe there isn't a break-away culture or counterculture in opposition to inane woke idiocy yet, but anybody with the will to do so lacks the means, and anybody who gains the means loses the will. The modern world is hopelessly atomized and individualist with a nauseating veneer of "care" and "social justice" slapped on top of everything - to the detriment of everything. We don't tend to notice it, because we're so materially well-supplied and motivationally pacified, but we're slaves to technocapital. My most dearly-held fantasy is that we're hit with a solar flare that instantly wipes out most communications/information technology.

>> No.20184270

Lmfao. What the hell are you talking about bro? You need to explore the world a bit more. There are thousands of subcultures in the US. They just don't have the mainstream publicity.

Anywhere from Religious cults to racial supremacy groups, Americas got em.

>> No.20184326

>I can hardly believe there isn't a break-away culture or counterculture in opposition to inane woke idiocy yet
There is. It's called "normal people". Those who have kids, go to work, maybe every now and then browse facebook and laugh at boomer memes, etc. They usually live outside of cities but not always.

>> No.20184548

What are you talking about? You ever went to school? In a matter of years you get to know 30-40 people in your class. Maybe you wont be friends with most of them, and some of them you probably havent had very many conversations with, but you know of them, and they know of you. Now imagine that instead of going to school at the appropriate age, you grew up with all of these people around you all the time. You most certainly would get to know 100 people very quickly. If not you're a literal sperg, and even then I dont think tribes are very predisposed to breeding spergs.

>> No.20184573

Huxley's essays were commonly about the dangers of modernity and oversocialization. Not to mention BNW.

Jung's work on the "persona", too.

>> No.20185065

Roger Caillois, The Edge of Surrealism; The College of Sociology

>> No.20185181

That's why I'm a solipsist

>> No.20185229

I wanted to ask that too. Thanks, OP

>> No.20185240

Solipsism is based. It helped me eliminate 90% of all social anxiety related problems. I legit don't care about people anymore.

>> No.20185246

most autistic post of the day

>> No.20185545

Wew lad. Don’t @ me you subhuman

>> No.20186053

they are psuedo-cultures

>> No.20186182

Go for the Slavic gigachad

>> No.20186518


>> No.20186538

>there isn't a break-away culture or counterculture
Didn't you see the whole altright movement with popular figures like Sargon and edgelord Trumptards?
I really hate all Americans. Both the liberals and conservatives are stupid.

>> No.20186823

>trying this hard
I know you're all P-zombies, retards.
Now if you don't mind I'm going to THINK about some cute anime babes :^)

>> No.20186825

local normie corpo bookstore is shilling this

>> No.20187328


>> No.20187571

Dunno but thanks for sending me down this rabbit hole by looking it up. Interesting stuff

>> No.20187607

>Hey how’s it going, this is chad haag reporting from southern india
Fellow chadchad. When will he make babies with his Indian wife?

>> No.20188108

More positive a fantasy than mine. I want a new radical Islamic group to 9/11 us again. I guess they don't have to be Muslim necessarily, but apparently I can't trust the Russians to do it, and I gave up on North Korea long ago.