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File: 67 KB, 647x549, 32453456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2017887 [Reply] [Original]

I am not entirely sure if this topic is related, yet I doubt it applies to any other board.

I was educating myself about this "spiritual" dichotomy in the United States (religious versus secular mentalities), and I was listening to some Christians talk about atheists and every word they said was atrocious. Their ignorance and stupidity was abominable. It truly made me wonder if there was any hope dwelling behind the mask of that coercive fear our species is so fond of.

So, I had this mini epiphany and I felt sorry for them; dearly sorry. I certainly don't feel superior, it just saddens me that my fellow brothers and sisters are capable of displaying such primitive intellect and emotion.

Well, so I ask the educated and classy bros of /lit/, although I do not browse this board, I am wondering if secular and atheists principles will eventually outgrow religious credulity and superstitious idiocy.

One last note, is there anything we, the peons of a system, can truly do to craft a brighter sunrise?

Thank you.

>> No.2017894

Most people, no matter what their beliefs, say atrocious and stupid things. This often includes atheists. I think one of Dawkins' worst arguments, hands down, is the one about "religion creates a logical pathway to hating and attacking others" or some shit. It's absurd and shows a remarkable ignorance about human behavior.
People pick something to hate because it's different and then justify it afterwards. They do it with all sorts of things; religion's an easy target because it offers the justification so overtly, not because it does it better or on a more massive scale.
The people who argue that religion causes wars (and the morons who say "Hurr durr but what bout Stalin? He killeded dem peeplez fur da atheeizm") are forgetting that correlation does not equal causality.
I'd be willing to wager that of all possible motivations out there, money kills more people than anything else.

>> No.2017902

My God, I've lurked this board for a long time and it appears that every single post made by tripfags on this board is utter shit. How the hell is that even fucking possible?

>> No.2017904

Kind of went on a tangent there, but I think what's more important is to simply educate people. And when I say educate, when you attempt to educate, just call up in your mind the bitchiest teacher you ever had in school; that loudmouthed, irate, or sullenly bitter cunt/dickhead who ruined your experience, and try to remember what, if anything, they taught you besides how to eat shit. Realize how completely counter-productive the offensive approach is, and experiment with a strange paradox: try to be apathetic in order to be compassionate.
Treat people kindly and don't turn into a pissy, belligerent fuck when the debate comes up. If they or you cannot discuss it without it getting heated, try to relate to them by saying "You know, this is a really emotional topic, we should both just calm down and agree to disagree."

I think this dichotomy is just the latest shitstorm in a country which has always prided itself on its dissenting spirit.

>> No.2017908

Way to contribute.

>> No.2017909

Wahh wahh wahh then leave.
Or better yet, have something real to say. Put yourself out there instead of hiding in a shell of criticism within a shell of internet anonymity. Explain why what I said is shit.

>> No.2017910

obviously you're a newfag, or else you'd know about Stradlater. But good job -derailing the thread already-, you smegma-smeared shitdigger.

>> No.2017913


>> No.2017919

Unfortunately I don't think religion will ever die. If you read Dune it gives you quite a strong impression of how tenacious religion is... Amongst other things. It's a wacky book.
And to craft a brighter sunrise?

>> No.2017923

Well I've been on /lit/ for a long time but that doesn't mean I spend whole days on it, I happen to have a social life. I may have missed some people posting interesting stuff. I'm just saying that I read posts and when I see one that makes me want to cut my veins in despair, its author often happens to have a tripcode.

>> No.2017925
File: 48 KB, 400x203, We_need_to_go_deeper_RE_Blond_Btch_comp-s400x203-120047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd be willing to wager that of all possible motivations out there, money kills more people than anything else.

>implying anyone kills anyone else over a bit of metal or pieces of paper

>> No.2017926
File: 44 KB, 700x576, tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're on the wrong thread, D&E's dick isn't around

>> No.2017929

God help us all, you spoke too soon.

and while it's noble of you to defend yourself, just understand that the logic you use to justify hatred of all tripfags is the same logic that spawned Hitler, the Spanish Inquisition, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Rwandan genocide, etc.

>> No.2017932

You know what makes me despair? When I say something like:
>People pick something to hate because it's different and then justify it afterwards.
And somebody comes along and proves me right. I have a different opinion than you, and you just can't be bothered to express any reason why you dissent, and further the discussion, and possibly even change my mind, or make some sort of contribution which others could learn from.
No. Instead, you just make a juvenile comment that's the verbal equivalent of an ape hurling turds.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. This guy right here. It is easier for a person to be hateful than it is for them to try to educate, or inform, or debate rationally, or anything other than just be hateful.
Human beings are lazy and religion is merely one of several methods of indoctrinated laziness that human beings accept because it's easier than doing shit on their own.

>> No.2017935
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Religion certainly isn't the psychological reason as to why we do wicked things; true. It is extrinsic to the avarice, fear and insecurity of man. However, I am sure you agree that religion fuels wickedness, it fosters hatred and breeds chaos.

I am sure religious organizations have done good, though compared against history and the whole they remain outweighed.

Not to jump on anyone's dick, I think Hitchens does a pretty good job of explaining it.

>> No.2017936
File: 7 KB, 235x226, topic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying tripfags shouldn't be exterminated

>> No.2017942
File: 26 KB, 203x300, mladic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're not in The Hague facing war crimes right night

get out of here Ratko

>> No.2017949
File: 98 KB, 600x450, hurr_durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me look at me I have a tripcode I'm edgy and cool I'm soooooooooo different you so mean why won't you leave me alone you nazi scum

>> No.2017950

Money might be too abstract, but I'd still argue it has more to do with control of resources than anything else, and powerful people use the fear of loss of control of resources on less powerful people to make them do it.

I've read a lot of Hitchens, and I do agree with most of what he has to say, but I think having the goal of getting rid of religion is futile and I don't think removing religion even were it possible would achieve anything other than laying the groundwork for a secular replacement for it.

>> No.2017953

>implying the extermination of tripfags on /lit/ is a human crime and not an act of pure kindess to mankind

>> No.2017954

You done yet? The whole class is impressed, you truly are the clown. We'll put it in the yearbook and everything.

>> No.2017961
File: 105 KB, 576x720, butthurt-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Behemoth, I thought you might find this useful. Don't thank me bro, it's natural.

>> No.2017969


Wouldn't you agree that laying the groundwork for a secular replacement could be beneficial?

Many European countries are secular and they rank very well in socioeconomic polls.

I just think that if we were to remove religion and focus more on educating the young, it would lead to a better world; at least one without suffering caused by the grasp of religious morality and philosophies.

>> No.2017975

>I am sure you agree that religion fuels wickedness, it fosters hatred and breeds chaos.
I sure don't. At least not on all three, although I'll only mention one for the moment.

>fuels wickedness
On the contrary. Rather than fuel wickedness, that invaluable deviation we find in individuals, groups, societies and perhaps even peoples, that deviation which prevents other individuals, groups, societies and perhaps even peoples from degenerating into a state of equilibrium through the lack of challenge or opposition to norms and maintaints the inciting of new conventions and adaptations in man which better serve his survival and flourishing (all true and great innovators and innovation is wicked for it wishes to challenge, supplant or overcome the prior convention, the "old"). No, (christian) religion does not fuel wickedness. Rather, it seeks through its code of values and disciplines to eliminate all possibility of wickedness in man through its universal, stern resistance to the new (the "other") and the challenging, which are exactly those things that keep man from growing sedate and obese.

>> No.2017988
File: 6 KB, 200x252, Chekhov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out of your way (and waste precious time and effort) to attack someone else
>call them butthurt when they think you're retarded

>> No.2017994

I think the benefits would only be short-term. A generation or two at most. We would inevitably find ourselves in the exact same chains of events which religion "causes."

>> No.2017998

“The World is trying to experiment with attempting to form a civilized but non-Christian mentality. The experiment will fail; but we must be very patient in awaiting its collapse; meanwhile redeeming the time: so that the Faith may be preserved alive through the dark ages before us; to renew and rebuild civilization, and save the World from suicide.”
-T.S. Eliot

>> No.2017999

incoming "b-b-but technology will solve all mankind's problems!"

>> No.2018001

You know, in a thread about how religion causes or exacerbates animosity, you probably shouldn't quote a famous anti-Semite.

>> No.2018004

>but I think having the goal of getting rid of religion is futile
>but I think what's more important is to simply educate people.
How exactly do you reconcile the ideas that removing religion is futile and it's important to educate people? All religious dogma works on the principle of people not being educated.
To be educated means to see the fundamental flaws in religion itself. To be able to analyze and criticize properly. Scrutiny is not something any religion can survive.
So you either believe it's futile to educate people, that it is possible to remove religion, or are delusional that religions aren't flawed.
The worst you can do to an educated man is amuse the idea that there's a chance of some sort of unconcerned deity that no one has any information about.

>> No.2018014
File: 12 KB, 350x234, 4189891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it seeks through its code of values and disciplines to eliminate all possibility of wickedness


Though when the code of values and disciplines are intrinsically immoral... they will breed immorality.

What is immoral? Wickedness.

A priori.

We could argue what is wicked, though for the sake of simplicity let us perceive it as suffering; a lack of well being, physical and mental.

Religion offers ethics that do not appeal to such a statement.

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion."

-Steven Weinberg

>> No.2018020

>Though when the code of values and disciplines are intrinsically immoral
>intrinsically immoral

I sneered

>> No.2018021

So you refute it's wickedness with a tl;dr copypasta that glorifies but one part of it's wickedness. Cool.

>> No.2018035

>How exactly do you reconcile the ideas that removing religion is futile and it's important to educate people?
I don't reconcile the ideas. Some will listen to reason, and others won't. The point is the goal: educate to educate. This will turn religion into a minority of loudmouths instead of this fierce opponent which the secularists attempt to fight head-on now. Especially in Christianity, the idea of being persecuted is heavily ingrained into the idea of being holy, and thus being right because God's on your side. All this activism does is strengthen their resolve.
Leave the lunatics to their lunacy and the less conservative religious people essentially take care of the rest on their own.
I'd also like to point out that the OP's original point about a spiritual dichotomy shows the inherent flaw (and an emotionally biased one that illustrates what I said about picking something to hate because it's different and justifying it later) in the mentality of secularist and atheist activists: that it is a dichotomy.
It's a false dichotomy, this idea of either/or and that religious people are loudmouth rednecks who are ignorant of all forms of science and don't give a damn about the world and just fuck and drink beer and shoot shit with rifles.
That is the attitude about religious people that seems prevalent.
And it's simply not true. It's a caricature, and all it does is instill in them the idea that atheists don't see and look at people for what they are, only at what they believe and fill in the rest with their assumptions and stereotypes.
There is a huge spectrum of belief and reducing it to this standard of "If you're religious you want to be dumb and you want other people to be dumb too" is mean-spirited and lazy.

>> No.2018036
File: 1.82 MB, 800x4278, completeretardsguidetoarguingagainstdne1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you refute it's wickedness with a tl;dr copypasta that glorifies but one part of it's wickedness

>so you

Stopped reading there

>> No.2018041
File: 119 KB, 640x443, stalker bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there arose men who began to think how to bring all people together again, so that everybody, while still loving himself best of all, might not interfere with others, and all might live together in something like a harmonious society. Regular wars sprang up over this idea. All the combatants at the same time firmly believed that science, wisdom and the instinct of self-preservation would force men at last to unite into a harmonious and rational society; and so, meanwhile, to hasten matters, 'the wise' endeavoured to exterminate as rapidly as possible all who were 'not wise' and did not understand their idea, that the latter might not hinder its triumph.

>> No.2018046
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Provide examples, bro. I honestly cannot see that being the case.

I understand that if we remove the gun, in this case religion, we won't remove murder. The lust for power will be innate to our psyche, this I can agree with.

Though, omitting religion from societies will surely cease to proliferate religious mentality. It clearly won't solve "everything", but it should get rid of a big chunk of incorrect ethical values. I don't see how our children won't grab strongly onto this.

>> No.2018051

I'm not going to even read your idiots guide to your own special brand of tripfag idiocy.
I wasn't making any particular refutation to your argument, I just pointed out you're a fucking retard through simple observation plain and simple. It wasn't really meant to discredit you, you did that yourself when you made that argument. I was just pointing out to you, you're a fucking idiot, in a polite way allowing you the chance to reflect on your own statement.
Now I have to do it in still fairly polite way, but which most people would think is rude simply because it's blunt and to the point. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.2018055 [DELETED] 

Fuck off lol

>> No.2018054

>Provide examples
What examples?
I'm just a pessimist when it comes to human nature. I think any other system of ethics we came up with would be just as distorted through human behavior. I think you will fuck up your kids enough that they will fuck up their kids, and all of you will in many ways, some subtle and some obvious, not follow those very same ethics you pretend to espouse.
I also think the cultural effects of religion in our society would create a sort of "hangover" in the Western world for a very, very long time, and that would essentially lead us back to the hair of the dog that bit us.

>> No.2018056
File: 8 KB, 259x194, imagesCAFCUBUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2018061

You know what, I have just the slightest amount more respect for you now. That response is a thousand times better than any of the other bullshit you could have thrown at me given your idiocy.

>> No.2018063

Fuck off lol

>> No.2018069


I don't get it.

>> No.2018070
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, atheists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, more crusading atheists.

>> No.2018075

>posting quentin comics in an argument
I seriously hope you don't this /lit/.

Seriously. They're always wrong as fuck and full of logical fallacies out the ass. Don't do it.

>> No.2018078

What an inane distinction.

>> No.2018081
File: 272 KB, 500x697, jennys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behemoth you are not following the code you set down in >>No.2017904

>> No.2018082

>I also think the cultural effects of religion in our society would create a sort of "hangover" in the Western world for a very, very long time, and that would essentially lead us back to the hair of the dog that bit us.

Why do you think this?

>> No.2018085

name 1 logical fallacy in ANY of my comics

i'll be waiting


>> No.2018086

Is that you in the pic at the bottom?

>> No.2018087


>> No.2018092

>list logical fallacies
>quentin ignores shrugs it off faster than he can shrug off reality.
>everyone laughs at him
>later see comic tell people not to post, explain that they're full of bullshit and fallacy.
>quentin asks for a list of logical fallacies.
Aren't you supposed to be banned you fucking troll?

>> No.2018096

I don't understand the hostility towards religion on here. Religion itself is not bad. It's fundamentalists who are bad.

>> No.2018097

Holy fucking shit. You made up all that stuff for the sole purpose of glorifying yourself? Do you have a job, a social life?

>> No.2018098

How would the board react if Christians posted a thread discussing the need and proper methods for extinguishing atheism from the world? Don't give me bullshit.

>> No.2018103

How would the board react if <retards> posted a thread discussing the need and proper methods for extinguishing <logic and reason> from the world? Don't give me bullshit.

Now read this and think about what you just asked.

Also the OP didn't start a thread about methods of removing religion. He made a statement on the attack on secularism and by extension protection of all religious freedoms by the religious. Then he asked a simple question, effectively, will they ever stop acting like children.

The only ones trying to actively eradicate religion are the religious. The atheists simply wish they would stop being retarded altogether, which just has a side effect of them also not being religious which is a minor concern.

>> No.2018106

>You made up all that stuff for the sole purpose of glorifying yourself? Do you have a job, a social life?
It's doubtful. He spends all of his time here, and he's written many other Derp-tracts.

>> No.2018108

>How would the board react if <retards> posted a thread discussing the need and proper methods for extinguishing <logic and reason> from the world? Don't give me bullshit.

This is the key to understanding evangelical atheists. Anyone with a different perception of the universe must be a retard and a blasphemer against logic and reason.

>> No.2018112

How does he make a living?

>> No.2018113

Religion is a fundamental part of being human it seems, as can be seen throughout history and surely things would not be the same without it. Because religion is predominantly to do with morals it reflects human action and what is right/wrong. The problem it seems is that there is no general consensus about what is right and what is wrong and many men will go on even against the majority and commit 'wrong' acts. I imagine that religous ideals run far deeper than people really think. The human species is one which thrives on unity and therefore people's opinions and ideas rub of on other people. The very fact that we have lived so long as a society means that to some degree we have a sense of what is ratIonally best for survival. There is no other animal as intelligent as human beings that we know of. If we wish to survive it would be the rational choice to do so through a society. And this means rules and order must be put in place to keep society. That is all religion set out to be I think. Perhaps it has grown into something different as human society has grown into something different. What scares me most about society is not religion but humanities sheer mass that continues to expand. Man has always had moral choice within society, it is what stops you from cannibalising your friend when you need a snack. Religion is just part of this philosophical quandry we find ourselves in and attempts to see a resoloution that can put a mans mind at ease. I don't think it has the power to corrupt or brainwash. We were corrupted before we became anything. Our need for understanding amongst people most akin to us spawns togetherness, which spawns doctrine in itself. As society has grown so has many other aspects of humanity including our moral values. Those who still believe fully in the morals of christianity and such religious ways of thinking are just a bit outdated I think. Greed has always been a bigger problem to mankind than religion.

>> No.2018118

I pay him to fuck with you guys. He didn't even know 4chan existed until I hired him.

>> No.2018119

Religion started as a search by man for the divine. It is an instinct which many feel naturally. Organized religion attempted to create societies with rules that facilitated mankind's perception of the divine. These rules have frequently been cooped and warped for political means.

>> No.2018121

And always will.

>> No.2018122

>Anyone with a different perception of the universe must be a retard and a blasphemer against logic and reason.
No. But anyone with an sense of broken logic and inability to rational which allows them to heed religious dogma, is a blasphemer against logic and reason.
You can't act stupid then tell people you're not acting stupid.

Atheists don't so much care about your religion, they care about the people being retards listening to it. Even otherwise seemingly intelligent people making boldly reprehensible actions and statements according to a twisted logic that sustains their faith in their particular dogma.
No one cares if you like to ruminate on the origins of life and possibility of a being which created the world. We just wish you wouldn't tie it into social policy and your choices in life which affect other individuals. Double that for when you're also using texts which have been thoroughly shown to be faulty in every sense of the word.
We just want two things. Grow up and stop being retarded. It's not too much to ask.

>> No.2018124

>give no examples of any strawman arguments


>> No.2018125

I hope you don't pay him too much, he does an awful job.

>> No.2018127

He gave you an example. Your comic. And every fucking comic you've ever made.

>> No.2018136

I don't know. Someone used to post under the name "Deep&Edgy's Mom" as a joke, but the more that time passes, the more I tend to agree that he's either living off of his parents or disability checks.

I can vaguely recall a time when you were less stupid. The sad thing is that's more than I can say for just about every other tripfag on this board.

>> No.2018138

saying that my comic is a strawman is like saying a piece of wood is a strawman

>> No.2018143

I am not entirely sure if this topic is related, yet I doubt it applies to any other board.

I was educating myself about this "spiritual" dichotomy in the United States (secular versus religious mentalities), and I was listening to some atheists talk about Christians and every word they said was atrocious. Their ignorance and stupidity was abominable. It truly made me wonder if there was any hope dwelling behind the mask of that coercive fear our species is so fond of.

So, I had this mini epiphany and I felt sorry for them; dearly sorry. I certainly don't feel superior, it just saddens me that my fellow brothers and sisters are capable of displaying such primitive intellect and emotion.

Well, so I ask the educated and classy bros of /lit/, although I do not browse this board, I am wondering if human principles will eventually outgrow secular and religious credulity and superstitious, hateful idiocy.

One last note, is there anything we, the peons of a system, can truly do to craft a brighter sunrise?

Thank you.

Fixed that for you. Atheists know about as much about anything as Christians and your hate can be reversed easily. I took the time to make it equal for everyone, though.

>> No.2018153 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 187x269, stalker rf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread
"At some thoughts one stands perplexed - especially at the sight of men's sin - and wonders whether one should use force or humble love. Always decide to use humble love. If you resolve on that, once and for all, you may subdue the whole world. Loving humility is marvelously strong, the strongest of all things, and there is nothing else like it."

>> No.2018156

>equal for everyone
>apply blame to people who deserve none

>imply secularism is hatred
>implying religion isn't attacking religion with anti-secularism.

>> No.2018157

>saying that my comic is a strawman is like saying a piece of wood is a strawman
Yes, it would be an insult to a block of wood to be compared to something related to you. Wood has infinitely more wit and charm than any sentence you've managed to write.

>> No.2018159

well secularism is hatred because without theistic virtue you don't really have any moral code or boundaries and you can just hate everything and think there's nothing to worry about

>> No.2018162
File: 372 KB, 800x800, who-is-Quentin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2018169

>well secularism is hatred because without theistic virtue you don't really have any moral code or boundaries and you can just hate everything and think there's nothing to worry about
Now see, there you go acting like a retard.
Let's see.
Whose theistic view?
Well the theists of course.
See that's a joke. Pointing out your retardation.

There aren't just atheists and christians.
There are other religions. And by not respecting everyone's belief systems by treating people to logic morality and humanity, you propose to instill anti-religious policy from one religion against another. It's not possible to be anti-secular and respectful to every human being. So unless you're all about implying mob rule fallacy to protect one groups morality against anothers, in which case you fail, actually in both cases you fail.
You literally have zero argument for why there shouldn't be a secular respectful society. None.

>> No.2018170

Secularists are as hateful of anyone who doesn't agree with them as Catholics. They mask it with "sympathy" or something similar, but they really hate you if you believe something different than what they believe. I didn't even take a religious stance. I took an agnostic humanist stance to tell you that you're wrong for "feeling sorry" for religious people.

>> No.2018171

I get a kick out of that, you include fallacies and lies even when describing yourself. You're the least humble troll I've seen.

>> No.2018174

Or you know, they aren't.
But it's good to know you jump to conclusions, attack a group of people with misinformed understanding and still don't refute the point.
You're a boat loads of laugh. Stop trying to defend the unjustifiable.

>> No.2018178

Was that directed at secularists or Catholics?
It doesn't matter, you've proved him right.

>> No.2018179

You're quite obviously not going to agree with or concede points to anyone who doesn't agree with you, so I'm not even going to bother telling you any more than that you're a hate-spewing douchebag and that I truly do feel sorry for you even more than you do for your "brothers and sisters".

>> No.2018184

>You're quite obviously not going to agree with or concede points to anyone who doesn't agree with you,
Yes, quite obvious.

When you can give me a single reason to institute faith based policy of two conflicting groups with no basis in logic and humanistic morality. You will not change my mind.
You can bitch that and moan that you want to trample another human beings rights and you have the god given right to do so and that we're oppressing you for not letting you oppress another group like your dogma says you should, but it's all for naught when you come to the table of logic and reason.

Here's a tip, stop arguing with faith and emotion and start arguing like a rational person.

FYI, you lost this argument long ago.
To clarify what's been said here.


The very fact that you argue this point proves you are incapable of understanding logic and should have no say in civil matter anyway.

>> No.2018187
File: 490 KB, 800x800, who-is-quentin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that picture for you.

>> No.2018188
File: 380 KB, 1000x835, quentin wants friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2018191

Your reading comprehension lacks something. Oh yeah. Existence. This is a waste of time. See you later.

>> No.2018194
File: 40 KB, 640x478, 2323235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get the fuck out. The trolling is strong with this one.

And yes, I'm mad.

>> No.2018197

>complain reading comprehension fails when no statement has shown any disregard for reading comprehension
Fuck, you aren't even trying now. Get the fuck out you troll.

>> No.2018210


Nope, he's right. Seriously, you're foaming at the mouth so much that you can't even comprehend the arguments your opponents are putting forward, let alone articulate your own thoughts clearly.

You are one of the most pathetic 'babby's first atheism" fan-boys I have ever seen. The fact that you feel "sorry" for people who you perceive as less intelligent and/or educated is a pretty amusing riff though.

You should be feeling sorry for yourself

>> No.2018212
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>> No.2018215

So, no argument against why a person needs logic to back up claims for policy.
K, keep responding faithful mad guys.

>> No.2018216


Yeah, its a fucking tragedy that we prevented a reasoned debate on the topic of "religion is bad and we should end it" from taking place.

What makes the tragedy especially poignant is how rare such threads are. I mean, the one time someone tries to talk about their new-found love of atheist and 'reason', the ONE TIME, and we come and fuck it up.

I think OP was really onto something. But for the likes of Deep&Edgy, Quentin, Myself, et al, OP probably would have ended the atheist vs religion debate for good with his incontestable rhetoric!

or, you know, nothing of value was lost

>> No.2018229




I have no idea what it means, but maybe you'll find solice in those words in your distorted reality of yours. Unfortunately, I ruined those words of hope for you by posting this which is apparently a five page rant about how abraham lincoln came forward in a time machine, became an devout existentialist, created a black hole, dove into became god, turned the earth into a literal ball of feces, and now all people on earth are midget lesbians that want to hunt down and destroy the alien race.

>> No.2018230


What are you even talking about, you silly fuck?

>To clarify what's been said here.


Where did this even come from? It doesn't reflect a single thing that was said in the thread prior.

So, your contention is that someone making policy (presumably political policy), needs to employ logic to support the reasons for said policy?


...fucking mouthbreathers, sheesh.

>> No.2018235


What on earth does that even have to do with what I posted? How, by even the most addled estimations, is that a riposte?

>> No.2018237

No one religion openly teaches to kill others in the name of that religion. Judeo-Christianity only asks to convert others and in actuality the majority of the believers of Islam are tolerant of other religions. It is the radical groups within religions that cause people to fear and question religion in the first place. A big reason secular people want to rid the world of religion is to seize the reigns of power

>> No.2018240

You might want to go take a break from trying to view reality for a bit and watch some TV or something and enjoy the bright color pictures.
Then maybe take a nappy nap, then when your done you can come back and wead dis twead like dat gwonups are tawkin bout and ask us wut we tink of dah show yew wached.

>> No.2018245

You're an asshole then, I'm glad /lit/ is the only board being ruined by you tripfags. At least in /soc/ they show tits.

OP had a question, a poster might have had an insight, new and relevant discussion might have been had. If you had any sense you would know that an idea doesn't need to be new for there to be an amazing spin on it.

But no. Self-obsessed tripfags need to stop the chances for any of that discussion. It's a shame that you can't see past your circlejerk.

>> No.2018249
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Did your parents have any children that lived?

>> No.2018250

>I'm glad /lit/ is the only board being ruined by you tripfags.
It's not.
They're out ruining other boards too.
Though honestly, with the level of rampant retardation on other boards it's not like they even need to exist on other board for them to destroy themselves.

>> No.2018253
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>> No.2018262
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>> No.2018266

>Yeah, its a fucking tragedy that we prevented a reasoned debate on the topic of "religion is bad and we should end it" from taking place.
Or, you know, *whether* religion is bad and *if* we should end it. But, no, you know best, right?

>What makes the tragedy especially poignant is how rare such threads are. I mean, the one time someone tries to talk about their new-found love of atheist and 'reason', the ONE TIME, and we come and fuck it up.
It's not about what *you* want to talk about, it's about what people on this board want to talk about. It seems like every single tripfag is completely unable to understand that 4chan is not a blog, a forum, a chat room, or a private out-house for their pseudo-philosophical excrement--4chan is an anonymous imageboard.

Look, I hate seeing all those fucking GRRM threads every day, but I don't shit up their discussions with egotistic drivel. Hell, I don't even agree with OP, but the fact is that there are too many people on /lit/ with tripcodes as compared to the population of anonymous. Someone needs to put a stop to this.

>> No.2018278


>Someone needs to put a stop to this.

And you're the hero /lit/ deserves?

The reason I omitted *whether* or *if* was because, if you look at OP's post he was taking those things as a given - and sanctimoniously grandstanding.

>It's not about what *you* want to talk about, it's about what people on this board want to talk about.

LOL WUT? But, the board is made up of individuals right? So what people on the board want to talk about is, by proxy, an amalgamation of what each individual wants to say. OP has the freedom to make a shitty religion thread. I have the freedom to contribute to the thread in whatever way I want to. You have the freedom to tell me off, or ignore me. See how it works?

If you actually read my posts, you would see that sans tripcode, I'm not that unreasonable - I tried to engage OP's argument, but changed tact when this became obviously futile.

>> No.2018323

>And you're the hero /lit/ deserves?
I'm not a mod or narcissistic enough to tripcode so I'm stuck in the same place everyone else is--on a board with a good idea behind it but with horrible ego-exhibitionists gumming up the workings by drawing attention to themselves rather than the content they post.

>LOL WUT? But, the board is made up of individuals right? So what people on the board want to talk about is, by proxy, an amalgamation of what each individual wants to say. OP has the freedom to make a shitty religion thread. I have the freedom to contribute to the thread in whatever way I want to. You have the freedom to tell me off, or ignore me. See how it works?
You were the one who wrote that the discussion wouldn't have been valuable even if it hadn't been derailed, thereby making yourself into the arbiter of what is and isn't worthy of being discussed here. I don't care what you write with regards to the subject, but you're just derailing topics over and over again. "Contribute to the thread" is the operative phrase of what you wrote, and you're not contributing much at all. Endless shitposting is different from contribution, but I wouldn't expect a tripfag to understand that sort of thing.

>> No.2018337

I'm going to highlight your word and phrase choices, OP.
our species
mini epiphany
primitive intellect
superstitious idiocy

Consider this unwanted constructive criticism: you write like an asshole. It will be hard for you to be taken seriously if you normally write like this.

>> No.2018388
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>> No.2019422
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>not a spiritual atheist
what the fuck are you people thinking

>> No.2019428
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>Zen Buddhism

>> No.2019435
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>thinking dawkins or kitchens are intelligent

>> No.2019551

