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20178250 No.20178250 [Reply] [Original]

Where did he even get his giantess fetish from? I know I got mine from cartoons, attack of the 50 foot woman posters, and the Pizza Girl Jonas brothers music video. Did it just naturally occur to him or was there an especially tall girl in his village or something?

>> No.20178252

More like the flowers of syphilis lmao

>> No.20178254

I don’t think you really get your fetuses from anywhere, you just have them. You didn’t get your giantess fetish from cartoons, the cartoons just made you realize you had a giantess fetish. Otherwise, why doesn’t everyone else who watches the same cartoons share your fetish?

>> No.20178272

True enough I guess. Though I’m curious of your opinion, where did it come from? Was I born with it? Are people genetically predisposed to certain fetishes? Or was it something to do with my development?

>> No.20178278

Having something innately and having the capacity or path for something in particular circumstances should not be seen as equal. I believe any mind can be bludgeoned into any shape but I wouldn't say they where always that broken, merely capable, even if some are more durable then others

>> No.20178335

I’m not sure, my best guess would be that fetishes have something to do with psychosexual development.

>> No.20178356
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Based lost giantess conspiracy poster. Why are the doors of Notre Dame so big?

>> No.20178390

Something you jerk off to isn't a fetish.

>> No.20178427

This explanation doesn’t work for really specific fetishes like the Willy Wonka blueberry thing. Also it seems strange to suggest that the human personality can emerge from the womb with fully formed erotic attachments to conceptually complex phenomena like bondage, power, etc. Probably we are born with predispositions that make us more sensitive to certain things though. Like whether we are attracted more to males or females is affected by hormonal stuff in the brain. If I recall correctly, studies indicate that homosexuals who are attracted to giant muscular men and homosexuals who are attracted to young boys share similar hormonal-physiological traits, indicating that even though their sexual attractions to males took very different forms, they have a similar root. Or maybe it’s that the older brother birth order effect holds true for both populations. Can’t remember

>> No.20178757

> older brother birth order effect
The what?

>> No.20178769

A giantess to an adult male could appear similar visually as a normal-sized woman to a little baby. Perhaps the fetish is caused by subconscious desire to return to those times?

>> No.20179809

No fucking shit have you dorks even read Baudelaire, and his letters to his mother if it wasn't clear enough by his poems

>> No.20179979

Freud told me where I got my foot fetish from, and it makes total fucking sense. No regrets.

>> No.20179991
