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20177723 No.20177723 [Reply] [Original]

In terms of near death experience, consciousness, identity, and the afterlife. It seem to be just your brain atrophying. For example, imagine how lobotomy disinhibits you behaviorally, as per Phinease Cage, and strokes in particular areas make you blind by constantly seeing an undifferentiated light space of one-ness without any separation. This is what happens as you shift from being alive to being dead, you become an undifferentiated impulse towards an undifferentiated allness of pure light. You also get an extreme opiate(true pleasure chemical, sort of like an orgasm) high as all of this happens to trick you into not fighting back. Then you dissipate into the comatose ether you're familiar with in deep sleep, comas, anesthesia. The cross-over world between the two probably lies somewhere in varied hallucinogens and hypnagogic experiments. My experience, as someone who has blacked out on a mega dose of psychedelics, is that there's literally nothing.

I'd imagine death as an asymptote of the death of emergence of neurological activity. You oughta ask yourself whether you're the matter that makes you up, which Feynman didn't buy, or the emergence that makes you up. If you're an emergence, you're a microcosm mirror replica of the rest of reality and are trapped in a Kantian cage of experience. In which case you will literally dissolve into the Christian conception of God and all the lobotomy that entails. There is nothing, but the kicker is that when dying you'll love the fact and see it as pure and saturating light, and step out of this reality. The mind-matter dichotomy complicated this, btw. In terms of migraine auras, apparently it's a depolarization of brain activity usually caused by ischemia and in the instance of visual effects within the occipital lobe. How does it look? It's a flash of light, RNG almost neon colors, loss of fidelity of image. If that's how a large loss of brain activity looks, then it can be used as an analogue of actual death, i.e., total ceasing of all brain activity. However, yet another paradox arises, as low brain activity states are vivid, but near to none brain activity states seem to be totally lacking in qualia. I think it comes down to the fact the mind ultimately discriminates, and for there to be a subject, i.e. personal conscious or even unconscious, it needs to be discriminated. I still think we're the emergence of our brain matter, but this little insight is making me scratch my noggin'.

Pic is related.

>> No.20177802


>> No.20177825


>> No.20177830 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20177834 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20177841 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20177847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20177859

Okay, I give up, my sagacity is far too colossal to roll in the dirt with even of the most ascended of my contemporaries. Au revoir, suckers, your lackluster minds sadden me more about mankind than they increase my self-esteem. 8 billion people on this planet and it seems I could count those of worth on my fingers.

>> No.20178084

Take your meds.

>> No.20178313

i got to touch a boob tho, the only one you've ever felt was your mom's

>> No.20178369

This is an anonymous imageboard on a website that was made to discuss Japanese animation. Why did you expect people to talk about your schizo babble on consciousness? Perhaps you are the real lackluster sucker here, pseud.

>> No.20178394


>> No.20179122

This, OP is a fag that needed 500 words to write "when ppl die they braingasm" as if humanity hadn't known this for millennia.

>> No.20179171

It’s the same, shallow, boring “explain what is highest by what is lowest” brainworm which has plagued western thought for centuries.

>> No.20179231
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>> No.20179546
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>> No.20179625

Nobody on here cares about your shroom trip psychology.

>> No.20179631
File: 75 KB, 482x427, 1ishq9vdmeg51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post OP. I spend a lot of time alone ruminating on death and religion (not entirely by choice) but it's nice to see someone type out something thoughtful here

>> No.20179721

> You also get an extreme opiate(true pleasure chemical, sort of like an orgasm)
Sounds like the French were right all along. If an orgasm is a little death, then maybe death is a big orgasm. Maybe I should take up auto-erotic asphyxiation.

>> No.20179848
File: 54 KB, 576x194, fixed it for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed it for you OP.

>> No.20179854

We spend all our lives thinking that others around us are not crewmates, but our imposters.

However the real imposter, is the one inside you--your personal unconsus. This unconsus being is not something one can easily vent to. It's something that you have to uncover. When you do, you realise that there is no outside imposter, all is one, everyone is a crewmate existing in harmony.

>> No.20179999

I don't believe in aliens, spirits, gods, blah, I think there can be a cold, scientific explanation. Penrose is most likely full of shit. I literally defined consciousness by the emergence of brain activity. That is a pretty mainstream definition.
> muh microtubules
You're missing the nuance of the dissolution of the subject upon an insufficient brain activity to discriminate the subject. That was the key observation in all of this. Why are the most vivid experiences experienced at low brain activity, yet when brain activity is low enough, there is no experience at all. Why is that so? What does that tell us?
> “Beware of unearned wisdom” -Carl Jung
I also didn't develop any schizo tulpas as a consequence. On top of that, I read a lot of neurology and NDE articles, and am quite committed to agnostic atheism. It's not exclusively from psychedelics experiences.
Thank you, anons.
What would you prefer? Mysticism? Buddhism? Christianity? The questions of death cannot be detached from metaphysical discussions, nor can they be said of not-of-this-world since death, while not understood, is most certainly of this world, as mind and bodies certainly are of this world.

>> No.20180021
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20180109

>I don't believe in aliens, spirits, gods, blah, I think there can be a cold, scientific explanation. Penrose is most likely full of shit. I literally defined consciousness by the emergence of brain activity. That is a pretty mainstream definition.

We don't necessairly have proof that only the brain causes consciousness, it's just the only thing we can measure because that's all we look for. Not to mention it is highly dependent on what the patients tell you, rather than being able to look at a brain and understand what someone is thinking.

>> No.20180140

Well we can correlate our own qualia and consciousness, if we are at a sufficient comprehension, with various neurological phenomena, for example. Or various conditions of cognition like sleep, wakefulness, sex, and such. It really seems like it's the emergence that makes us up and not the atoms, because the atoms get recycled, so we're talking about a Theseus ship here.

>> No.20180208

Reminder that the brain is not a ship of Theseus.

When your brain cells begin dying, we call that neurodegenerative disease. Its a bad piece of pop-sci that is too often used.

>> No.20180320

I am perfectly aware that neurons are sturdy and don't change in count, and as such when grey matter changes it's just an increase of dendrites and soma size, and when white matter changes, it's just grey matter being myelinated, with the only things that kill neurons being heavy drugs, hang-overs, and as you said neurodegenerative diseases. With the only neurogenesis actually happening in the dentate gyrus. However, there may be some evidence for the replacement of the atoms that make up neurons, which is the matter of question. There is also evidence against that, so I don't know. Though the brain eats itself up, neurons shrink to get cleaned up during sleep, and that implies garbage within the brain, which implies something's going out, which implies something's going in, which does sound like an exchange in matter.

>> No.20180615


>> No.20180878


>> No.20181280

Why the withered wojak?

>> No.20181421

define qualia forehead

>> No.20181448

Qualia(n.; uncountable)
The prehensions of a conscious subject

>> No.20181738


>> No.20181746
File: 465 KB, 700x700, punished guenon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jungian trash

>> No.20181759

Ok, would you present a better alternative, then?

>> No.20181944

>The cross-over world between the two probably lies somewhere in varied hallucinogens and hypnagogic experiments.
Also dreaming sleep, as opposed to dreamless sleep.

>> No.20181965

check out Guenon's criticism of Jung

it's short and will probably help steer you in the right direction.

>> No.20182221

Okay, cool, thanks anon

>> No.20182262

Right, so add the Tibetans: being unable to pass into the light condition triggers an autonomic recoil back down the chain of bardos into a body again.

>> No.20182458


>> No.20183479


>> No.20183997


>> No.20183999


>> No.20184239

is /lit/ dead?

>> No.20184599 [DELETED] 


>> No.20185013


>> No.20185402

Ite last bump and I'll let it die, w.e.

>> No.20185933

enjoy the one-ness of the singularity faggot i'll stay right here with my savage forgotten meat i can't die in my symbolic space where as you will perish into the hive-anus

>> No.20186061

But that's the thing, you're not the atoms that make you up, you're the inter-play of those atoms. It's like a crowd, as soon as it dissolves, there is no crowd. The same way atoms work, just on a much longer and larger time scale. The same way it cannot be said a mob is the individuals but rather it should be said it is merely the interplay of individuals, the same way it can be said that it cannot be said a brain is the atoms but rather it should be said it is merely the interplay of atoms.

Basically a lot of linguistics tongue-twisters about illustrating what an emergence is. Same way I don't buy a crowd exists after it dissolves do I believe the same for the brain/consciousness.

>> No.20186189

Doesn't explain why "I" attend this emergence on my side, as opposed to yours.

>> No.20186428

But that's the thing, isn't it, what makes the "I" "I", well you, and the fact you is not "I" in this exchange. There is a different of you and I, and that I-ness identity cannot be mismatched, because it's merely an emergence tokenizing itself through language.