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20177326 No.20177326 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind
Galaxy cat edition
Previous >>20168274

>> No.20177388

I love women.

>> No.20177392

I hate women.

>> No.20177432
File: 567 KB, 896x1134, Corpus Hermemticum Book XIII - On Being Born Again, and the Promise to be Silent .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 17 since cooming - Purification is Strength

>> No.20177547

I’m starting to wonder if the whole 500k remote Python developer, free-range chicken homesteader, sigma polygamous Aryan, nootropic esoteric hierophant, Hyperborean Druid lifestyle is even possible.

>> No.20177551

I'm so tired

>> No.20177555

I eat women.

>> No.20177560

so based it's unreal

>> No.20177562
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wherever I am I also must raviogli

>> No.20177574

How do I know at what point there ceases to be hope for me making it?

>> No.20177631
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DUBS! Checked and fpbp.

I also approve of Galaxy Cat edition
t. Last thread OP

>> No.20177643

I'm reading Bernardo Kastrup and Thomas Nagel

Feeling a little uneasy materialist bros

>> No.20177645

What are you making? Cookies?

Mmmmmm. cunninglingus

>> No.20177668

My sleep has been kinda awful lately. Could be because I have started exercising again but my muscles are sore as fuck when I wake up.

>> No.20177680
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What is the literary equivalent of women hitting the wall? I think it might be when a writer starts producing shit work in their 50s and 60s; or, god forbid, even later than that.

>> No.20177686
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A man of my word
Seventy-two hours until the whole shit house goes up in flames
A man of words
A man of a million disguises
Thanks a million.
太感谢了 陈先生

>> No.20177717

> only things worth doing seem impossible

>> No.20177724

I guess it depends what “making it” is.

>> No.20177728

That's the fun part, you don't know and that hope is cruel.

>> No.20177890

you ever think about the fact that being born human is just luck of the draw? it's far more likely to be born an insect or a plant or what have you, and yet here you are, reading and writing and thinking and shit. what are the odds? people talk about the "genetic lottery" but to be born human at all is already hitting the jackpot

>> No.20177965
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I have to write an essay about why "heteronormativity" is wrong and how society wrongly insists that men and women are natural pairs in any way

>> No.20178009

This whole talk of lottery is pointless, I am lucky to be born in a first world country, rich, white, human, WHATEVER. You are the results of actions, not luck, and your thoughts are a result of your state of being. Anyone born in a first world country might think hey, this is nice comparatively, how-- lucky. You jibe? Same reason people shouldnt be like wow how rare it is we live on a planet that supports life, if it didnt you would be here to think that. No one is rolling the dice at your birth.

>> No.20178056

what the fuck

>> No.20178068

i'm the product of actions, sure, but not MY actions. isn't that necessarily luck? if not what else would you call it?

>> No.20178075
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I regret not asking this girl out, I haven't seen her at uni since the last time. My anxiety was fucking off the wall and I pussied out. The thoughts of cold approaching someone horrifies me but fuck she is so fuckin pretty, exactly my type. I'm hoping for another chance, maybe she's boring as shit but i would like to find out myself.

>> No.20178086

i no longer possess the ability to read

>> No.20178091
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After all these years I'm finally beginning to feel the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. I always hoped this would never happen but I guess it was going to have to catch up to me eventually. I've really been pushing it the last few months. Some mornings I wake up and my lungs hurt and some days my cardio is significantly weaker. The other day my mom commented on my teeth being pretty yellow. "I hope you don't smoke" she said. I blamed it on the coffee I had just drank but deep down I think she knows I've been smoking for the past 6 years. I think she's just too afraid to believe it since her father died of lung cancer. Anyways, I guess I have to decide if I'm quitting now. I don't really want to but it might be the right thing to do.


>> No.20178095

Whenever I shit I usually have to wipe for about 10 minutes minimum.

There's shit all over my ass, sometimes it's runny and sometimes it's thicker. It tends to run down the back of my thighs and sometimes gets on the floor or toilet seat. I keep wiping until my anus bleeds but somehow there's always more. Then I have to wipe off my ass cheeks, my inner thighs, and usually wipe down the toilet seat and floor.

Sometimes I'll urinate when I shit as well, even though I hold a piece of toilet paper over my penis to prevent it from getting everywhere usually it drips down my thighs at the same time. Oftentimes both the shit and urine get all over my underwear and sometimes my shorts, which I have to then change.

I wipe until I see blood, then I keep wiping until it feels dry. By this time my anus is raw. I then cleanup the surrounding area, and I spray essential oils in the air to mask the smell. I then launder my underwear, shorts, and often shirt. I have to repeat this process usually 50% of the time when I shit, and even after I shit I often need to do it again in a 20 minute time span, where I usually urinate while doing it if I didn't urinate the previous time.

>> No.20178102

Lets say the king and queen of a nation bear an heir, is that heir, lucky? To have been born into such a privileged position? No, they were simply born as a result of their parents actions, there was no luck involved in the child being born or existing. So there is no reason for them to think they are lucky, there was ZERO chance they couldve been someone else at birth.

>> No.20178105

Steak tomorrow.

>> No.20178108

I missed out on a lot in my teens and twenties. I’m not resentful about it or despairing over it, but it would’ve been nice to have a good youth, to have not made so many mistakes. The feeling that really hurts isn’t how things were. It’s how things will be.

>> No.20178128
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Put that poision down, brother. I smoked for 10 years, vaped for 1. Giving up nicotine was one of the best decisions I made. It'll be hell at first but you won't regret it.

>> No.20178136
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"Well, sir, that window up there can only be seen from the outside and they say the house doesn't have an attic. They also say the town farrier took a boat to America in the Spring, but that mare's shoes are still shining. Why would they remember when the farrier left if they knew how to change a horseshoe? I bet the rest of my Pervitin they're hiding the farrier in the attic."

>> No.20178154

The duality of man

>> No.20178155

problem is im not even a real smoker. I exclusively smoke when im drunk. and when im drunk ill have like 10+ darts in just a few hours. so if the drinking gets out of hand than the smoking will.
i like smoking and i never really intended on stopping ever in my life due to my ability to only keep it to when i drink. its just so annoying to know now that ill probably have to.

>> No.20178198

It took me eighteen minutes and forty-seven seconds to reach Wal-Mart. It was smart to purchase the second bag of M&M's at a different store. Grant Reid is a rich man, but he was not richer than the Walton Family. The cameras that are watching me would not be under his control at Wal-Mart. It was dark, but the lights were still on inside the store. I stepped inside the blue and gray building. There wasn't a greeter at this hour. Perfect. Less witnesses and spies under control by Reid. I went to the candy isle, and found the section that held M&Ms. I found the red bag - caramel, the yellow bag - peanuts, the purple bag - caramel, but one color bag was missing. Brown. The bag I needed. What a peculiar coincidence. I purchased a bag of M&M's and found far too little orange ones, and there was no option to purchase a second bag. Grant Reid is watching my every move. Truly a mastermind, forcing me to return to the same store where I bought the first bag.

>> No.20178206

What do you think it means if a girl I've been flirting with says I talk cool and neutral? Neutral meaning I don't come across as desperate?

>> No.20178244

Should have asked her

>> No.20178260
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going to be bivouacking for work, I will not be in service for cell, have running water, wtc for a week at a time.
what sort of books would you read in such a setting? I don't know what to get into, I have covered all of the Sci Fi greats I am sure.

>> No.20178264

Stress is driving me mad. Can only hide my horrible past from my gf a little while longer.

>> No.20178273

How horrible can it be? You're not in prison.

>> No.20178289

would you help an injured person in the street?

>> No.20178299

injured how?

>> No.20178302
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No. Fuck that injured piece of shit.

>> No.20178343

If you're in college, don't you get to choose your topic?

>> No.20178344

My spirit is dead. Congratulations, God. You won.

>> No.20178368

Write about the opposite. Argue your case well, and if your teacher flunks you, contact right wing news outlets. If you need a good source on the subject to get inspiration or to plagiarize watch the Meaning of Life lecture series by Coroneus Phocis on youtube

>> No.20178391
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, A7894E2D-6A89-45A8-A616-EE96C3765697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was strung out on coke and oxy I sold my best friend of 12 years’ drum set. It was the final straw for him and he cut off all contact with me. This was 3 years ago, and was the final straw for me to get clean and I have been since. I miss him everyday.
His girlfriend is a bartender at a bar near me. I went in with a friend today, ordered an orange juice and she told me he misses me as much as I him. It’s just a matter of who reaches out to who first. I messaged him a year ago and laid it all out and told him if he didn’t reply I’d never try to contact him again.
He didn’t
But after talking to her, apparently he misses me too and I want to message him.
What should I say bros?

>> No.20178501

>Hey, how have you been?

>> No.20178512
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i'm going to turn 30 this year
this does not spark joy

>> No.20178542

this is why you squat poop

>> No.20178564

me too anon, me too

>> No.20178604

I know what you mean.
It’s never too late. You’re as young as you can convincingly tell people you are. I’ve been 25 for eight years.

>> No.20178608

No, no good deed goes unpunished and I hate humanity.

>> No.20178612

She’s probably lying. A druggie friend did something similar to me and while I miss him before drugs if I saw him again I’d have to physically remove myself to not cave his head in.

>> No.20178616

Yes, of course I would. I'm not a monster.

>> No.20178811


>> No.20178832
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Sometimes i have such sickly obsessive fear and rage about simple things for weeks.

>> No.20178836

>Free Association Thread

>> No.20178896

I'm going back to coffee. Life is just plain worse without it.

>> No.20179003
File: 89 KB, 894x596, WingsOfLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have bad news for you, a woman will come back into your life. Who she is will seem obvious in retrospect but it's probably not going to be the one you're thinking about right now. That's because she'll only be a catalyst, some strange things are going to happen to you about a month from now. In over a years time you'll look back and see that it all seemed to change after you read this very post here. This woman is going to be the catalyst for a very odd chain of events, it'll effect your career, you'll have a deep and new found love for writers you have hereto never really taken seriously, there is going to be a slight change in your body in a very soft way. Worlds are going to open up for you. And at times it'll be invigorating, it will be even awe inspiring and just as quickly as it invigorates you'll wish it to end all the same. Be warned.

>> No.20179018

When I write essays I am the most progressive and left-wing person ever because my professors love that shit. It’s just annoying to put up the act, I’m appalled by some of the stuff I’m taught

>> No.20179027
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Is sex actually real? I've never had it, never seen anyone else having, never heard sex noises in real life. Judging solely by my experience, it's just a staged CGI fabrication for porn.

>> No.20179083

Go full troll mode, not only do you persuasively argue against it, imply that eugenics is good as well but make it integral to the argument.
Be extremely persuasive so that when your professor rejects it they'll have to admit
>look, there's nothing wrong with your arguments, you just can't submit this part! You just can't!
Doesn't have to be eugenics, can be anything: cannibalism, zoophilia, nepotism... anything which is sure to be dismissed outright

>> No.20179121
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None of my friends and family like me

>> No.20179158

A loaded gun won't set you free
So you say

>> No.20179164
File: 230 KB, 1280x960, 1647074147263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a falling out with my best friend a few years ago now and I've become jealous of his successes while I've been struggling to wake up in the morning. It's awful and I hate myself for it because I don't want to be vindictive and petty but it appears I have those tendencies. My life is slowly improving but I'll never truly be free until I can get over it. There were certain points where I thought I found the root of my jealousy and learned to rise above it but old habits die hard. I don't want to be like this. Perhaps I could sublimate it and use that jealousy as fuel but I don't want my happiness to be derived from being better than others (I'm not implying that competition is bad.) It's a serious problem and he lives in my head rent free at points, it's intrusive.

>> No.20179168


>> No.20179259

You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.20179292

Competitiveness is only worthwhile when it's a two-way street, otherwise it's just envy and pathetic. Think about dying randomly with those pathetic thoughts saturating your mind and that should be enough to motivate you in the better direction.

>> No.20179294

I hate my coworkers. People fucking suck.
Fuck the world, let me read in peace and everybody stay the fuck away

>> No.20179314

you need to socialize for pussy tho

>> No.20179438

I'm married, cunt. I just hate people.

>> No.20179450

Do you hate your wife?

>> No.20179458

ngmi, rip

>> No.20179480

I just watched Knives Out. It was a pretty good film, and I love Ana de Armas. But I felt that for a detective whoddunnit movie, the big revealed felt a little too forced. I get that it's supposed to be a twist but if you read Sherlock or Poirot, there's a semblence of trails left for the audience to piece together also. It didn't feel like that for this movie.

>> No.20179494
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I can’t believe this is it.

>> No.20179497
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>> No.20179519

I can’t believe I’m turning my back on the only people who’ve ever loved me and still do. I can’t stand their presence anymore. I can’t stand anyone. I’m dangerously self isolating and I can’t fucking stop it.

>> No.20179526

I don't know what to say, anon, there are only so many ways you can fix this
>buy a wider toilet seat
>hold your dick down when urinating
>swipe most of the mess without making yourself bleed and then take a shower after pooping, like Muslim people, it's the cleanest way anyways
>learn how to shit

>> No.20179538

don't listen to any of these as they've clearly never been to college
just play the enchanting flute and don't forget to use your teacher's expressions, godspeed anon

>> No.20179542
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ESL here. I still don't get that line. Why would a good deeds be punished?

>> No.20179552

This. A lot of college students actually think they can waltz in and show their ""'intelligence"" to their professors. Both from the left and right. Only by the end of their last semester do they ever realize its an ever game and balance of appeasing to egos.

>> No.20179571

It's a cynical comment on how often trying to be helpful backfires on the person offering help (because the one they are trying to help doesn't really want it or is a nasty person underneath).
Here is the explanation in more detail:

>> No.20179573

It's a stupid idiom that when someone tries to do something nice, it ends up causing them (the person doing the deed) pain.

>> No.20179590

Women respect big dick, nothing else

>> No.20179646

80+% of “people” are evil monsters, and if you get involved with their lives they will lash out at your for your efforts, or it will turn out that the entire thing was a trap.
- if you help an old lady cross the street she will trip and fall and her children will sue you
- if you get something off the shelf for someone in a wheelchair they will screech at you for infantilizing them
- if you stop to comfort someone crying on the sidewalk they will mug you, knock you out and steal your kidney
- if you take in a struggling friend he’ll berate you constantly and steal from you and destroy your home
Humans deserve to suffer, and most people make their own beds. Let them lie.
No u

>> No.20179652


>> No.20179826

Haven't you ever watched a comedy of errors or a farce?

>> No.20179839

I don’t think your argument is as compelling as you think it is. It’s a very midwit kind of answer, reducing consciousness, the fact that it happens to be localized, etc. down to the act of reproduction. Time for you to hit the books anon.

>> No.20179863

Nah sounds pretty lucky to me, he could have been born a pauper. If you want to be more specific his father could have made bad choices and brought the monarchy into disrepute and have to resign his office. But in the scenario you've presented he didn't: through not fault of the heir's own he has been born into a better position than he could have if his predecessors made different choices.
>there was ZERO chance they couldve been someone else at birth.
How technical do you want to get, even if we're speaking about the same zygote, at any time before birth when we can safley assume that the heir has no agency to make choices, there are no limit to bad choices or catastrophes that could have taken place that would have ended his position. What if the father declares an unpopular and poorly planned war? Or what if it's a King Juan Carlos of Spain situation, a constitutional monarchy where he is forced to abdicate for the good of the monarchy and nation. Or what about the abdication of Edward VIII, which paved the way for Elizabeth to become Queen. She didn't have any influence on Edward's courtship of Wallis Simpson, sounds like she lucked into it. Now just extend this situational prenatally, and you can see that?
Of course it's a bad example in the first place because in the 21st century being a royal is not as sweet deal as you think, you have no freedom, your life is totally scheduled and controlled. And if you try to break from it, like Prince Harry, you realize you never really can. It's bad luck to be a royal. Much better to be a billionaire's heir.

>> No.20179882

The government is literally slaughtering millions of babies every year and nobody cares about it yet they want to try to send me speeding fines because I'm "endangering lives" this is the tragicomedy of the world we live in that the nazis come to your house after a long day of killing millions and tell you off for being mean

>> No.20179915
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I have a 1933 edition of Kreuz und Quer durchs Indien. It's a nice adventure book, but the edition I have is basically falling apart, and I'm looking at the same editions, but in better conditions. I'm trying to decide if I should spend 50-100€ to replace a book I already have because of what is ultimately cosmetic damage.

>> No.20179929



>> No.20180026

What should you do if what you want out of your life isn’t realistic, but that’s all you want?

>> No.20180048

What do you want?

>> No.20180053

Chances are you won't enjoy it that much anyway, so you might as well try for it

>> No.20180059

You're assuming ensoulation is random. Rather, on account of the material conditions that precede you, you ONLY could have been born what you are

>> No.20180063

I love using big words and precise language to express what I mean. People think I'm being pretentious, but the opposite is true. I'm censoring myself all the time to appear less pretentious

>> No.20180086
File: 62 KB, 230x171, 66ee03867acaea4e3efd10093574a257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying being human has any inherent value
Yeah, sentience and self-awareness is totally good for you
Not harmful in any way

>> No.20180147

A lot of people nowadays feel a constant sense of having to prove one's self again and again. People of old only had to establish a reputation once and find their place among their peers. With how mobile and turbulent present society is, few if any retain their surroundings for more than five years. You keep changing schools, universities, jobs, cities, neighborhoods, communities, etc, becoming someone different every time. Instead of having a sense of self, you change those like clothes.
Primordially you feel like someone whose village was burned down, a refugee, someone who was exiled from his village, or someone who was sold into slavery. Best case scenario you feel like an infiltrator. It's that kind of blues. Men are going their own way, women whore themselves and everybody seems to be depressed over how "good" we all have it.

>> No.20180154

i hate google i hate microsoft i hate apple i hate amazon i hate cia and the fbi and the kgb and mossad and interpol and monsantos and nestle and the pope and the dnc and gop and the motherfucking dea and coca cola pfizer koch brothers clintons bush's rothschilds radeon boeing NOI NATO UN EU motherfucking cocksucking DOJ

>> No.20180171
File: 119 KB, 640x785, A56B7CD3-3666-4ADA-808E-2D3F4A4BFC2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20180218

I hate the feeling of resentment I feel when I see someone wishing the life I wish I had. Usually it's counterbalanced by a little arrogance - sure, they're a talented artist and I'm an asshole, but at least I can program better than them! Sure, they can program, but my doodles look slightly better than theirs! Sure, they can program and draw, but I know how to use capital letters!

The worst thing is never the resentment of a specific talent, it's the knowledge of my own resentment. The thing these people have that I lack, more than any talent, is that they didn't resent - or they didn't let it eat them up at any rate. They learned to do a thing naturally. Perhaps they were self aware about it, but evidentially not cripplingly self aware like I am. Evidentially, they overcame the desire to kill themselves for crimes against art that come with every failure, the blood-spitting insanity of a program that doesn't work, the awful sense of noticing just how bad your prose sounds when you read it back to yourself. Were I just as untalented as I am today, but not self aware, I'd be a much happier person now and a much more talented person in the future.

And now a Dilemma: I can include the moral of the story, which is to try to overcome resentment, to appreciate the success of others for what it is and to try to learn from it rather than simply seething about it and living in perpetual stagnation - but that comes at the cost of a satisfying bleakness that comes with identifying a problem and then concluding it's hopeless, so you may as well daydream about a world where it doesn't exist. It's much easier said than done not to lose your temper once you notice your barbecue pit looks nothing like the one in the picture despite following the instructions you had to hand as best you could, even though literal children have put together better looking barbecue pits without having any instructions at all. How is that fair? Why, why does he get all of the talent while I'm stuck with cold food sitting on charcoal because I put a confusing mixed metaphor where le grille is supposed to be?

>> No.20180237

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20180261

What's the size of your penis, Anon?

>> No.20180277

pretty big desu

>> No.20180293
File: 1.24 MB, 1414x1380, BNMsFr2643FroissartFol97vExecHughDespenser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always found pre-renaissance/pre-perspectival medieval depictions of violence comical. I mean look at this smug guys casually smirking as this poor soul has his guts ripped out. Even the victim seems to not be much bothered by his fate.

>> No.20180305

For you

>> No.20180310

>casually smirking as this poor soul has his guts ripped out
Although those are probably the nobles the condemned conspired against so it's probably accurate that they would be taking some satisfaction in his torture and execution.

>> No.20180311
File: 259 KB, 1080x1080, 1646914617786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcut bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx say "yikes," "y'all," "big mood," "cancelled" or "this is a bop," I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty fat thighs. I want to pour my white olive oil onto their contoured cheeks and neotenous faces and rhinoplastized nose. I want to finger an art hoe through her jean overalls while pretending to be interested as she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuze and VICE news and 'union pool' in williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderall to pass exams. I'm SO. FUCKING. HORNY.

>> No.20180313
File: 97 KB, 1080x1350, primo+var+deca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big clits will rule the world

>> No.20180330

That's disgusting anon. You might be a homosexual.

>> No.20180344
File: 123 KB, 639x607, D739057A-B0FF-4C5A-BD10-0DA0DBB84789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mistype the captcha all the time. It is even worse than it used to be. Why nobody complaining about this? Is it only me that is suffering from this? Unironically thinking about leaving.

>> No.20180345

liking a woman with a healthy physique is extremely heterosexual
skinny bitches might as well be little boys and fat chicks are just formless blobs, neither feminine nor masculine
only varbies are proper women

>> No.20180359

It's not a healthy physique. Women who do frequent weight training have drastically reduced levels of fertility. Besides using anabolic steroids is not "healthy" it's a heart-attack recipe. The only exercise a woman should be doing is cardio.

>> No.20180390

>tumblr hipster
Do those even exist anymore? Didnt they move to twitter

>> No.20180399

Actually filtered

>> No.20180413

>It's not a healthy physique. Women who do frequent weight training have drastically reduced levels of fertility.
weight training alone can't cause that. roids can, but fertility can be fully restored at any time with clomid. a woman can fully recover form a roid cycle within 2 months.
>Besides using anabolic steroids is not "healthy" it's a heart-attack recipe.
mild steroids, when used correctly and responsibly, are benign if not outright beneficial. you clearly know nothing about AAS
>The only exercise a woman should be doing is cardio.
weight training is good for literally everyone. there is not a person on earth who won't benefit from regular resistance training

>> No.20180429 [DELETED] 

I want to go back in time to when I was 10 years old, now I'm 16 :')

>> No.20180451

>weight training alone can't cause that.
Yes it does cause that. Just look it up. If women lift heavy weights they experience reduced fertility.
>mild steroids, when used correctly and responsibly, are benign if not outright beneficial. you clearly know nothing about AAS
Very highly doubt that, but muscular women are ugly.

>> No.20180457

Wanna meet?

>> No.20180612

I feel towards men telling me they're women the same thing I feel towards idiots telling me they're smart

>> No.20180693

I struggle so hard with identity fundamentalism, I can't live with the postmodern condition. I would think of myself as something and then something else would contradict that concept and so on, it never stops

>> No.20180843

>Yes it does cause that. Just look it up.
>Very highly doubt that
you can doubt it all you want, but it's true nonetheless
>but muscular women are ugly.
i very strongly disagree

>> No.20180931

Sometimes. What's your point?

>> No.20180963

it's so hard to get drunk anymore, the sheer volume i have to put back to even get buzzed is unreal. it's like when a zoo animal goes on a rampage and won't go down after multiple tranquilizer darts. i'm just trying to knock myself out or at least immobilize myself but i'm still fully alert and filled with anger

>> No.20181030


>> No.20181039

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20181040

this wine tastes like shit

>> No.20181042

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back

>> No.20181053
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>> No.20181304

my hands are huge and hard and hairy

>> No.20181350
File: 511 KB, 1920x1080, 534634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in school
>"life is horrible and will be better once I have stable income"
>get stable income
>"life is pretty empty, but might be better once I have my own place so I can be myself
>get my own place
>"my life is devoid of meaning"
I fucking hope getting married and having kids is the key to a happy fulfilling life because I am almost at the bottom of the bucket list

>> No.20181406
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How do you stop thinking about your ex or crush fucking someone else?

>> No.20181412

i am so, so filled with hate

>> No.20181489

Steak today.

>> No.20181550

i think she broke up with her boyfriend anon. its gonna be soon.

>> No.20181593

They've probably told you this already, but here goes: The key to a happy, fulfilling life is not to be found in any external thing but rather in the way in which you have trained yourself to interpret things in your world. Chasing, hoping for, striving after external things will only leave you exhausted and disappointed, because nothing can fill the void, nothing is permanent or guaranteed in life, and every external thing will at some point let you down and slip away. Therefore, cultivate gratitude for what you have; cultivate equanimity to all events and situations; be empowered by the foregoing information to cease striving after the things which are, in the end, only an illusion.

>> No.20181603

not sure anon. i thought i had a strong head and iron-will but 2 weeks ago i nearly had a panic attack thinking my crush was out cheating on her boyfriend (and not with me).

>> No.20181646
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People around me keep telling me how smart I am, work mates/boss assumed I have multiple degrees etc. I don't think I'm very smart at all, in fact I think I'm kind of slow and it puts me on edge. They're not making fun of me but I don't know what I'm doing to make people think this

>> No.20181656

For what it’s worth, his dad was my dealer and he did drugs just as much as I did And was the one who got me into drugs. He just didn’t have to steal and sell like I did because his dad would just give him coke.
I’m not trying to excuse my actions, but it’s more nuanced than you think.

>> No.20181857

I'm the same. I feel slow and dull and ignorant. But people tell me I'm so smart. I think that just goes to show how dumb the average person is.

>> No.20181988


>> No.20182002

sometimes i envy furry roleplayers
i could write a novel of genuine artistic merit before i could do that. not out of any moral qualms or sense of cringe at the activity itself, but due to being too autistic, or perhaps the wrong kind of autistic. not able to interact with others. certainly not able to collaborate on a piece of writing, which is ultimately what i'd be doing.

>> No.20182031

I need to choose a path in life. I have all the ambition but nowhere to aim. All career options seem uninteresting. I just wish I could find something engaging and challenging. Maybe I'll be a doctor...

>> No.20182042

I know this feel anon. My internal monologue would come off as pretentious as fuck.

>> No.20182049

i finally found something worth pursuing and i'm going to dedicate all of my time to it

>> No.20182144

Just saw a webm on /tv/. It was of a tiktok livestream of some kids playing with a loaded gun. The girl handling the gun shoots the other kid, accidentally. She then shoots herself. Whether or not she shooting herself was suicide is hard to determine.
The webm got me thinking about the fragility of life and the suddenness of death. I can go day by day in monotony and then within half a second be dead in a tragedy. We do all these things to try and prevent death and prolong life, but in reality we are powerless to it.

>> No.20182176

“The tender-minded temperament is religious, it likes to have definite and unchanging dogmas and a priori truths; it takes naturally to free will, idealism, monism, and optimism. The tough-minded temperament is materialistic, irreligious, empiricist (going only on “facts”), sensationalistic (tracing all knowledge to sensation), fatalistic, pluralistic, pessimistic, sceptical. In each group there are gaping contradictions.”
Which side do you fall under?

>> No.20182222

I have traits from both

>> No.20182226

Seriously people be careful who you trust.

>> No.20182232

Steak partially consumed. It was 14 ounces. Too much for me.

>> No.20182236

But they contradict each other.

>> No.20182245

I like how everyone thinks the reason athletic world records have gone down so much is “better training” “better nutrition” “better equipment” and even “experts” don’t mention steroids. And if you ever point out that world record performances probably aren’t going to improve much beyond this point people just say
>b-but they said the 4 minute mile was impossible too!!
Literal schizos and retards. People also believe that their cats love them. Cats don’t give a fuck about you. When they bring in dead animals it’s because they’re fucking predators not because it’s a fucking gift and they just want to express their love. Pure unscientific bull shit. I hate cats and I hate how everyone has schizophrenic delusions about everything

>> No.20182252


>> No.20182257
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Been taking antidepressants for a few days now. After the euphoria of the first days passed, I got shaking hands, weird spasms all over the body and face, nauseas, moments of weakness, low blood pressure, diarrhea, insomnia, tiredness all the time, then the capacity to sleep 30 hours in two days.
At least my pp works fine

>> No.20182265

Stop taking them and stop be by a depressed loser faggot. Suffering is not real

>> No.20182270


>> No.20182285

Delusional. I can’t believe I used to think “depression” was real.

>> No.20182291
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why is he still alive

>> No.20182327

how does the myth of depression help the machine? self-help book lobby?

>> No.20182336

yeah bro, """they""" are all lying or whatever


>> No.20182354

I can't believe those poison pills are allowed to be distributed

>> No.20182366

God iktf anon
I’m currently in city college getting my AA in human services and a certificate to be a drug and alcohol abuse counselor. Which seems great, it’s something I have experience in and reshaping criminal/health policy around drug use is something I want to dedicate my life to

But the pay is shit. I plan on getting my bachelors too, but even with that, I’ll be very lucky to make 50k a year, after a decade of experience.

But even then, I can see myself burning out after a few years. I just want to live in some property and be self sustaining, have a garden, maybe find something I can sell online or something but I’m forced into this fucking rat race.

>> No.20182376

Being sad isnt a depression. In other words youre equating having the cold to cancer and then proclaiming that cancer isnt real because you survived your cold.

>> No.20182377

Lol my brother used to be court ordered to see people like you. You're gonna hate your job so bad

>> No.20182395

>euphoria of the first days passed
It takes a month to start “working”. What you are feeling is just a placebo high.

>> No.20182398

Then how do i cure my depression?

>> No.20182410

>It takes a month to start “working”.
No, some are short-effect and some are long-effect.

>> No.20182411

Diet, exercise, social life

>> No.20182412

I’m working at a methadone clinic right now which is totally voluntary and it’s not so bad. The people are fine, the caseloads are pretty daunting though.

>> No.20182415

I ate McDonald’s for breakfast this morning. Well ... my morning. I woke up at 2pm. Yeah I could feel bad aboit myself or I could romanticize and make it sexy

>> No.20182450

Think again
Stop believing in it

>> No.20182456

I’m fit and have friends and been in relationships. Still not cured. My depression is similar to Raskolnikov’s (I didn’t kill anyone). What do i do? I’m trying to find God or kill myself.

>> No.20182462

>Stop believing in it
How i feel it’s true. It’s like asking “bro just stop believing 2+2=4”. I can’t.

>> No.20182471

Read Brothers Karamazov
Pay special attention to Zosima chapters

>> No.20182486

Thanks, i will.

>> No.20182512

Walk us through your average day. Also, describe your depression. What does it feel like?

>> No.20182560

I just have constant anxiety everyday and socially withdraw from friends and family. And I’m scared everyday. It’s like i’m in a nightmare. I’m scared every waking moment that this is it, I’m either going to be in this state daily or kill myself and I won’t find any redemption.

>> No.20182564

>socially withdraw from friends and family.
For what reason?

>> No.20182572

Just realized that photography actually takes skill. This is a very retarded epiphany I know, but I look way better in selfies taken by my gf than in the ones I take myself. In those I look like the chud shooter guy, in the ones she takes I actually look the way i see myself in the mirror. Girls take tons of pictures obviously, so they tend to be quite good at it.

>> No.20182589

>I’m trying to find God

>> No.20182595

Anyway anon, I've been caught up in the anxieties of my mind and isolated myself for it. Then I do force myself to interact with people and its as if I've returned to reality. Theres something about interacting with other people that brings me back to reality. Then all those anxieties fade. They become unreal and absurd. Get out of your head. Meet people. Literally touch grass.

>> No.20182616

Bucket list: saving at least 1000 neurotic high IQ adhd analytic anarcho leftie tranny berliners and create something like Mensa with them

>> No.20182647


>> No.20182670

Because i hate myself. It isn’t fun to hang out with people when you hate yourself. It isn’t fun hanging out with people that are loving life when you have a battle inside yourself constantly. You can’t follow the conversation. You have to constantly fake laugh. It ends up being alot of work. So I naturally withdraw.

>> No.20182682

I wish this would happen with me. Sounds amazing.

>> No.20182731

I regret everything I've ever done, that is all.

>> No.20182733

Fake it til you make it. For me, it was realizing that people genuinely like me. That made me realize my self hate is undeserved.

>> No.20182774

At a certain amount of talent and quality nobody cares about anything you do. You can be a horrible person, said something morally reprehensible, but you're not going to get cancelled if the work you're doing is outstanding and one of its kind

>> No.20182801

Faking it is a ton of work with no reward. I’m also not looking for other’s approval. Plenty of people love me. I’m looking for approval from myself.

>> No.20182827

You're trapped in your own mind man. You can only escape your mind by interacting with other minds. Isolating yourself and ruminating will only make it worse.

>> No.20182901

Doing and doing are two different things.

>> No.20182905

Yeah I play lots of video games. It's not that I like them. I just like everything else less.

>> No.20182914

when I was 23 years old I had been forced to move back in with my parents due to mental illness. I'll spare you most of it, but it did not go well. I was on my computer doing something, probably playing XCOM and my mom came into the room and she sat down and said she needed to talk to me. So I paused everything and I sat to listen to her. There's just one thing I want to post, so this won't really make sense, I just want to get to the point. I meant what I said is the point. She told me she had decided to divorce my father. I told her I did not care. Then I leaned forward and told her "if you want to do something for me: kill him and take the prison-time". Though he is alive to this day.

>> No.20182932

But i’ve tried not isolating. For over 7 years now. When do i “make it”? I have friends, i have relationships. 5 months ago i had a full breakdown when I realized that i should just give up trying to socialize. So now I’m withdrawing. It’s become to exhausting to continue. Idk.

>> No.20182945
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There is much debate over the legitimacy of Buck Breaking in contemporary American culture. Some suggest that the veneration of the pastime will incite a crippling wave of man-on-man ANGLO-BVLL-On-buck bum fancying. While I don't deny these charges, I must insist that Buck Breaking is as American as Apple Pie. For example, in the hold of the Mayflower was a primitive device known as an Irish Domestication Screw, a more antiquated take on the Negro Compliance Engine. The Puritans of New England worked wonders with the Irish Domestication Screw on the local Indian population as well as the (God forgive me for typing this word) Welsh indentured servants. It was, however, the settlers in the southern colonies who found themselves in a tight predicament, as boatloads of sturdy 'groids, to be used for the harvesting of tobacco, cotton, and other products, had bussies as tight as a snare-drum. A message was dispatched, with haste, to his majesty, King James, begging for a pair of Irish Domestication Screws. The King answered, sending the screws as well as a company of hardy ANGLO-BVLLS, chief amongst them, one Elijah Sneed of North Swessixshire-upon-St.Albans-by-the-sea, whose glittering golden form was known to make the Indian women froth at the mouth and moan deliciously at the thought of a half-Anglo child. It was the Governor of the Virginia Colony who demanded that the screws be used on the Bucks at once. The Bucks, cobalt skin shimmering like tar in the southern heat, were kept naked in the stocks. The English inserted the screw, wound it thrice over, but despite the Buck's moans he remained unbroken. They worked the screws down to a nub and all hope was lost, until brave Elijah Sneed unfastened his trousers, produced his member, hardened it, and mounted the largest buck from a squatting position we now know today as the: "North Georgia Hello." As much as the buck bucked, Sneed's shaft wasn't refuted, and he settled well in the Buck's bussy, thus breaking the pride of West Africa, and giving Massa Lynchwater a good stock of compliant, submissive bucks, who worked the fields in hopes that they would soon be bleached.

>> No.20182976

The way out is through creating a space between having the thought and identifying as your thoughts. Be the observer, not the thought. Let it bubble up and pass without taking part in it. Meditation 101 and how people get over addictions.

>> No.20182998

Wow, I’ve finally reached the age where my monkey brain registers your picrel as a child that can’t be sexualized. Getting old is weird. What is she, 21?

>> No.20183005

Same. I’m a robot.

>> No.20183010

>muh fertility
A female and literally transition to male with steroids and still go off them and get pregnant. Lifting weights doesn’t do anything.

>> No.20183023

It won’t. Contentment is a combination of genetic predisposition and a habit of cultivating your mind towards it.

>> No.20183031

I eventually realized that when people go out of their way to emphasize someone being intelligent it’s a coded way of calling them autistic/schizoid/weird.
Similarly, “boring” is a coded way of calling someone fat.

>> No.20183057

Depends on the cat. I used to have one that would play fetch and actively snuggle and seek out affection constantly, and cry if I kept my room door closed for too long.

>> No.20183061
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more like this?

>> No.20183063

It’s insane how some people get a full extra half-lifetime.

>> No.20183067

As a kid I always noticed people assuming I was smart despite the fact that I knew that they knew absolutely nothing about me (including my family because of how reserved I was) and the hypothesis I came up with at the time was that it was because they didn't know anything about me that they had to fill in the character blanks somehow and so put me into the socially stunted genius category (not that my IQ isn't over 160)

>> No.20183074

I wish I was masturbating right now but there are people here.

>> No.20183076

>woke up at 2pm
I can never decide if I have a sleep disorder or am just weak. The only time I had a normal sleep schedule for several years I had to take sleeping pills regularly.

>> No.20183083

Are there any fine bitches to coom into?

>> No.20183090

Well, this is a better hypothesis than my self-loathing one.

>> No.20183098

No, just a bunch of leathery old bats.

>> No.20183158
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What the fuck is "knowledge"? And what distinguished "true knowledge" from the generic kind?
Because if "knowledge" is to be distinguished from "belief", then isn't "true knowledge" a redundancy?
And if there is "true knowledge" then there must be "false knowledge", but in what capacity is it false?
The thing that always gets me is if you know stuff about fiction, like remember a story or details of a novel, is that "false knowledge" or even knowledge at all since it's fictitious?

>> No.20183170

Drink until they become milfs.

>> No.20183174

cope seeth dilate
pass? mate,
no, you never will
damn straight
rendered insensate
by my sick bars
self harm scars
who gottem?
you can't hide 'em
of a lost identity
in Nabokov's terms
"a complete non-entity"

>> No.20183176


>> No.20183184
File: 161 KB, 472x362, shower wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw having another "I should go sober" epiphany

>> No.20183187

Anhedonia is so fucked.

>> No.20183208

I don’t know how to escape it. Art doesn’t do it for me anymore.

>> No.20183232

stop trying to feel good and there is no problem

>> No.20183238

What happened to the last epiphany

>> No.20183244

I did, just finished reading On Memory and Reminiscence. The problem is that shitty translators pick random English words for a myriad of specific Greek terminology and don't distinguish between the same roots and different declensions. For example, I had to read a secondary text that distinguished between
Now tell me: what is "True Knowledge" in under a paragraph or I will bury you so deep in Plato's cave you'll be blinded by the shadows!

>> No.20183251

>stop trying to feel good
>never feel good again
>still have to work for a living
>life is nothing but a constant climb uphill with no reward or meaning

>> No.20183256

>what is "True Knowledge" in under a paragraph or I will bury you so deep in Plato's cave you'll be blinded by the shadows!
Plato spent 80 pages in the Theaetetus purposefully failing to define knowledge and the reason is that you can only identify the cause of knowledge and not what it is because knowledge is part of the substratum of understanding itself and you can't use understanding to understand understanding. The cause of knowledge I also won't explain because it's too esoteric

>> No.20183277

>dude just suffer

>> No.20183281

the eternal midwit

>> No.20183308

I'm going to admit I haven't read that one and I'm not sure if it's directly relevant to my line of questioning as I'm not interested in a definition of knowledge itself, but if I'm going to be totally honest: I want to confirm that my suspicion that the phrase 'true knowledge' is a utterly bullshit term in the same way that you can't say "only a little bit pregnant"

>> No.20183314

And I have to stress, my concern is a anglophonic one

>> No.20183320

he does try to find out how false knowledge is possible idk if you are trying to disprove that knowledge exists then the first half of it about the perspectives of heraclitus and protagoras may interest you

>> No.20183343

>idk if you are trying to disprove that knowledge exists
No, not at all. My concern is much more superficial than that, I'm working on the hypothesis that the specific phrase "true knowledge" is a way to identify that the person speaking is, to put it in Platonic terms: a sophist.
I'm not interested at arriving at a definition of knowledge, although it might be a necessary step because only at arriving that definition can I be sure that the adjective "true" is redundant and thus used in a Sophist manner.
For example, a quick search online of the exact phrase "True Knowledge" the first five results are one from a very newage bullshit sounding website that declares itself: "Motivational Ideas for a Fulfilling and Happy Life"
The second is a page from the "center of rational spirituality" who aim to " facilitate the natural development of human consciousness". My bullshit-detector is almost burning out at this stage.
The third seems to be some kind of SEO trap
And the fourth seems to be a article by a content farm from 17 years ago.
Again, my quest is much more superficial than you're assuming it to be. I'm concerned with the use of a specific phrase as a kind of hallmark of grifting and nonsense platitudes.

>> No.20183347

i need a gangsta bitch

>> No.20183349

i use big words, metaphors and embezzlement all the time now idgaf. in a world where most are communicating with memes and compact language i see it as an active fight against the polarized, the binding, and all forms of thoughtpolice bs.

>> No.20183361

anon it's ok to be wordy but you should at least know what the words mean

>> No.20183369

I'm back bros. For some reason I started using mu a lot. Fuck music.

>> No.20183385

I also proscribe this tendency. Many of my friends and collagens dain me, inarticulate as they are.

>> No.20183387

Working from home has made me agoraphobic or something.

I also can’t figure out if I prefer to skip lunch and finish early.

>> No.20183388

welcome back anon

>> No.20183391

this whiskey tastes like shoe polish

>> No.20183407

bahaha im an idiot i meant dazzling. forgive me

>> No.20183417

Feels good. I love lit.

>> No.20183461

keep punching myself full force. my hand is fucked up but it feels so good

>> No.20183482

My relationship with my father was largely built around my athletics and watching sports. Now that I’m no longer an athlete the relationship hasn’t been as strong and it’s been difficult to have conversations. My dad is an English major and I’ve decided to get into literature. I got him a copy of Ulysses for his birthday and we’re a sort of 2 man book club. I’m absolutely having a blast connecting with my father discussing things more intellectual than just sports. My dad is my hero and I’m really happy to show him that I got some of his wit.

>> No.20183484

it's the time for crime

>> No.20183492

>you hear the feds got Mike?
>what’d they catch him on?
>heard they got him for bedazzling
>you know, like stealing from the company
>embezzlement you dolt

>> No.20183504

Just submitted my book to a bunch of promo sites. Fingers crossed boys.

>> No.20183537

this is like telling a guy with any disease "dude just ignore it lol"

>> No.20183550

Why do they call it a restroom when I'm fighting for my life here?

>> No.20183609

my life is in ruins

>> No.20183613

good luck bro

>> No.20183615

kek. Eat more fiber and drink more water and electrolytes bro

>> No.20183719

people love to point out that a tomato is a fruit but nobody ever acknowledges that cucumbers and bell peppers are too

>> No.20183720

Fuck this term paper! I barely had time to write it to begin with because of another term paper, now I can't finish this excessively long chapter even though I have barely any time left to finish the last chapter till next Friday. I MUST finish this chapter tomorrow.

>> No.20183749

good night bros

>> No.20183793

Hello, Dear Reader;
[b]enis [sic], henceforth benis (emphasis on the b rendered invisible)! No, really: cf. penis (the word benis, i.e. the corrupted form of "penis... v. benis (the word for {male} (category of human sex) genitalia (not the thing itself, though)." (not the thing (whatever it is that is (n. (noun, shorthand) benis is perhaps some thing(however; I do not know what or do I?) (benis is the word which could be rendered in multiple formats, such as a file location, /benis/, anyway))))). On my mind there is a word--, that word is 'benis', which in French is <benis>. The word benis = benis in every language^ @earth; this is 99% confirmed by me (author (husband (male) (human)(money=$low)))). I'm thinking of, & that which is on my mind, in a word? "*benis.'"* #benis

*written by ~author (n.b. me as designated by the author)

P.S. the

>> No.20183809

say the Lord's prayer IMMEDIATELY

>> No.20183832

True. With cucumbers you can really tell. I eat them like apples sometimes, or with a bit of hummus.

>> No.20183842

same, i just want this to be over for good

>> No.20183846

Thanks bro.

>> No.20183867

based cuc enjoyer. you ever taken LSD? the humble cucumber is the single best food to eat on acid
it's refreshing, it settles your stomach without filling it. God bless the cucumber

>> No.20183873

i desperately need to treat my adhd
i get addicted to online forums, lurking and posting for hours, wasting all my time and all I get in return is that my brain is tired and my head aches
I managed to be almost two months free from 4chan, but it took me a week to get addicted to another forum.

>> No.20183918
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just got diagnosed for Asperger's

>> No.20183919

there's no slack in my mack brother

>> No.20183956

> know I need to practice everyday
> wait until the last minute
> too late to practice
> this happens multiple days in a row

>> No.20183967

Saw one of my teachers for the first time today we are still having online classes due to covid and I usually don’t watch them, just listen to them like a podcast and found her hot. She’s not much older than me and her social media makes her seem like some generic white liberal.
All of that got me thinking about seducing her. A couple months from now my uni will go back to normal and If I manage to strike a casual conversation and invite her to go grab a bite after classes this could work. It also helps a lot that I study at night.
The only problem is that by the time classes go back to normal she won’t be my teacher anymore, so I would have to luck out on meeting her at the hallways or something like that.
Any ideas/comments about the whole plan, my /lit/erati friends? I promise to storytime the whole thing here no matter the result.

>> No.20183973

What other hobbies do you have?
What is your social life like?
How many hours a week do you work?
Do it NOW... even if you only do half your practice, do it NOW, right now.

>> No.20184003

I’ve accepted the fact I will most likely be a virgin forever. 24 turning 25 in month and I’m just not what women want. I’m okay with that, and I refuse to feel bad about it.

>> No.20184061

practice you fucking shit. even just for 5 minutes

>> No.20184078

I've heard sex noises next door when I was living at a dorm

>> No.20184092

Thoughts on being a librarian? I live in Australia. I need to do something and it's only a 6 month course. I just want a relatively easy job for an introvert. Doesn't anyone have any other suggestions? or redpill me on librarians

>> No.20184103

i work at the library at my uni and it counts for work-study. it's nice but hauling books is a pain in the ass.

>> No.20184170

How legit are those diagnoses? Do they slap the sperg label on anyone who is socially awkward

>> No.20184177

Both of my brothers are gay and this distresses me

>> No.20184180

Lately I've been shitting 2 or even 3 times a day. This is a radical departure from my usual one shit with my morning coffee.

>> No.20184191

NTA but yes if you go to an “autism specialist” seeking a diagnosis you will probably get one. I know someone with an “autism” diagnosis from an “autism specialist” despite being told they have either ASPD or BPD by just about every other normal psych they’ve been to.

>> No.20184201
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Better wear a buttplug to keep them from raping you in the middle of the night

>> No.20184215

You are a frosted flake that’s been soaking in milk.
You are afraid of women with strength. It’s obvious. It’s not homosexual to find them attractive. End of story.

>> No.20184333

There's an academic book I want to read called The Black Book of Communism, it's only available in print, and it's eighty fucking dollars. Makes my blood boil. Academic presses are basically crooks.

>> No.20184351

I want to be immortal.
That’s a fine goal too. Good luck with your teacher, anon

>> No.20184352

my father's a psychiatrist and he said i got weird since i left the house (not in a bad way, just that i don't have any friends and have some ticks and can only communicate in certain ways to certain people) who recommended me to one of his physician's assistants (who assumed it was ASD and BPD) and then to make sure there was no bias they sent me to another psychiatrist from completely separate practice and she diagnosed me with ASD. don't need any meds or anything. my girlfriend is premed for pediatrics and she always thought i was autistic too, she laughed at me when i told her just now

>> No.20184356

Sneak into your college library and read a few pages so you can get the idea

>> No.20184362

I somehow managed to avoid getting diagnosed with it multiple times despite having massive red flags that would make most people throw you in the sperg category (auditory sensitivity to the point where I didn't want to go to school because I was scared there might be a fire drill). I guess there's an actual negative result possible.

>> No.20184381


>> No.20184389

I don’t really have any friends anymore since I lost touch with whatever college friends I had and the last relationship I had ended 4 years ago. It’s sad to say, but I don’t even have many acquaintances. I work remotely, so I don’t get the chance to meet many people through work and prior to that my job was based in a pretty rural area, not many people, very few young people. My mom had a heart attack pretty recently and had open heart surgery. She lived alone so I’ve been staying with her and helping her out for the past few months. I say it’s for her but it’s really for me because I don’t have anywhere else I should be. I spend almost all of my time alone, and don’t see this lifestyle ending any time soon.

>> No.20184394

>play dark souls since everyone is raving about it
>just feel 20 minutes of boredom as I try to get to the boss and die stupid deaths
>get to boss
>die, not really sure why
>close game
I'm sure people really do love this. They can't be lying. But for me it's just this repeating process of "Wow this game has to be fun, everyone else can't simply be wrong", and then I try it and I just dislike it the entire time

>> No.20184408

>play dark souls since everyone is raving about it
I thought they were all occupied with elden ring.
Anyway, the fun in DS1 for me was about exploring and finding cool shit. Most of the early game bosses are pretty unremarkable. If you are having trouble with taurus, just climb the tower in bridge arena and do a plunging attack on his head a couple of times.
Of course, if you aren’t having fun, just drop it. Maybe give Sekiro a try though, it’s very different despite being made by the same studio.

>> No.20184426

I've finished DS1 before honestly. I've just been replaying it and realized most of this game feels like a chore. Die in a stupid way, waste 3-4 minutes running back, die again, repeat. Get stunned by Seath's crystals and killed in one hit by his tail? Well go try it again and pray it doesn't happen twice. It just feels tedious.

I'm not calling Dark Souls bad. Everyone loves it, my subjective experience doesn't matter. It's just a bummer there are so many things in this world people love that feel so empty to me, falling through my fingers like sand.

>> No.20184449

>Python developer
kill yourself

>> No.20184454

Well, I usually feel like that whenever I replay something I like, no matter what. May you should try looking for new things and preserving the ones you like in your memories instead of revisiting them.
The only exception I can think about besides books is The Young Pope. Rewatching it was equally great and allowed me to understand the characters action and motivations to a greater extent thanks to all the foreknowledge about them.

>> No.20184464


>> No.20184468

Probably true to some extent. You're right that we shouldn't waste time on stuff we know we're not enjoying. That's a bad habit IMO

>> No.20184469

The game general I frequented has become mostly schizo posting and people hurling insults at each other. I don't even post there anymore, but it hurts a bit to see the place burn in flames.

>> No.20184471

Outside my desire to fuck women, I find them to be the stupidest, most useless people to have ever existed. Nothing is more tiresome than having to listen to them speak.
The worst thing about women is that outside of the male desire to fuck them, they're the most boring thing out there. If I could just redirect all my energy from libido into intellectual pursuits, I would.

>> No.20184478

They all become like that with enough time

>> No.20184493

Still not as bad as node developers

>> No.20184494

This one was doing pretty good, it just went to shit when the new game came out. Sometimes I have a feeling it might even be competition trying out new strategy of influencing the market, there is just something methodical about it all.

>> No.20184498

Don’t cut yourself on that edge bro

>> No.20184517

I remember people saying the communities around Yakuza and Ace Combat also got noticeably worse after the releases of Yakuza 0 and Ace Combat 7 which brought them into the spotlight. We'd be lying if we said exposing stuff to a bigger audience doesn't almost always worsen the community surrounding it.

>> No.20184518

No body addresses my questions online. I get plenty of responses, but they never actually answer the question. They invent a question and answer that, but never my question. If you express confusion they act like it's your fault for not instantly accepting it, they never even try to 'translate' their answer into your conceptual framework. They never say "ahh I see why you're confused, let me try and clarify..."

>> No.20184557

I want another cigarette but ive already had 5
Ive either followed through with them and failed, or ignored them. I actually have these epiphanies/realizations quite often but i just ignore them

>> No.20184581

What type of questions are you asking that you can't look for the answer yourself? But I do know where you're coming from, and it will continue to get worse and worse.

>> No.20184645

All sorts of questions of all different types. Sometimes vague conceptual ones like "does the absence of social mobility in practical terms make free-will an irrelevant concept?"
People just heard 'free-will' and ignored the social mobility part, no one spoke about opportunities or anything or social determinism and class.
I'm also the anon who keeps asking "what is qualia?" I've tried to google a dumbass definition and a ELI5 but there is none I can find online. And no one on here gives me an explanation that I can actually understand.
I recently asked something about how I can think more practically and think more strategically, and someone ranted about how I need to be more 'present'. Even though planning future actions and applications seems to be the exact opposite of midnfulness/being-present.
I ask for help on freelancing and lead generation people just say "well try something else" as if that's someone meant to be easier than earning money for the skills you already have spent years acquiring. They never say what that "something else" is mind you, they haven't thought that deeply about it. But it becomes sort of tautological because how do I know I'm not going to have the same problems of employment or lead generation in another industry than the one I am now?

>> No.20184659

Generally people only speak for their own benefit, which means they often respond to you not for the goal of answering your question, but for stuff like "This reminded me of [tangential subject] that I feel like talking about" or if it's an argument they'll often purposefully distort the topic through stuff like strawmans or goalpost moving because they have incentive to do so. Competing motives for discussion is absolutely ancient and it's in nearly every Platonic dialogue - Socrates wants to know the truth, while his opponent often wants to "win" the debate and preserve his pride. Understanding that humans have conflicting motives for social interaction is probably the most fundamental part of grasping human relationships.

>> No.20184668

>Generally people only speak for their own benefit, which means they often respond to you not for the goal of answering your question
You've hit the nail on the head. More and more I believe this is precisely what is going on.
>Understanding that humans have conflicting motives for social interaction is probably the most fundamental part of grasping human relationships.
Totally. Often within the same person at the same time

>> No.20184687
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That old set of “what have search engines done to us?” commercials get truer every year. People pick out a few keywords in something you say/ask and go off about whatever their personal deal is with it.

>> No.20184740

I never made the connection between that behaviour and search engines, well spotted.

>> No.20184755

>4 AM
>roommate is awake and I can hear his phone
This was supposed to be my alone time dammit

>> No.20184869
File: 35 KB, 165x150, uhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't calling someone "the bane of my existence" a bad thing?

>> No.20184879

for you

>> No.20184897

Your post inspired me to look up what 'bane' actually means, apparently it can additionally refer to a poison. So it is a bad thing, yes, very bad indeed.

>> No.20184898

If women are generally attracted to older men, shouldn't scrotum fetishes be more prevalent? You know... because wrinkles?

>> No.20184904

Old like 28-40 old, not "I'm losing my memories" old

>> No.20184973

but scrotum are intrinsically masculine, do you see my point?

>> No.20184994

eh I've written essays that went explicitly against my professors opinions, even started semesters arguing and undermining them. Still got As. You only get a B if you are dismissive or stop paying attention. As long as you engage with the material and what they are teaching, even in strong opposition, they're happy.

>> No.20185022

i'm so fucking sad bros. i put all my effort into the wrong things and now i'm a lonely freak

>> No.20185078

If it helps, know that everyone has pretty much gone insane and are just coping, even people who you think are well adjusted.
The only difference is that you are more self-aware and judgmental of yourself. Try to work with these characteristics in a useful way to plan out and execute your next steps in life.
Personally, I alternate between thinking I would be happy with a modest and zen-like life with my pets and a few close relations and craving to be some sort of well renowned artist living the good life.
All the while my days are aimlessly wasted with daydreams and neurotic conjectures about this and that instead of doing something tangible and engaging with the real world

>> No.20185104

Have you at least noticed any patterns or learned any lessons? You can't change the past but you owe it to yourself to make the future less sucky than it could be.

>> No.20185110
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I wonder what Doyle would think of this cover or that his work is being recommended for ages 9-12.

>> No.20185163

yo that might be serotonin syndrome

>> No.20185281

29% probability I'm losing it

>> No.20185286

I can't do any of this. I feel like I'm fighting to stay afloat in an ocean, only there are other oceans on different planes intersecting this one, with their own gravity in their own directions, and it creates just kind of this pocket of air in between various oceans and as I splash between them the gravity shifts and I'm just trying to maintain my sense of where "up" even is

>> No.20185297

just really tired and really sad, which alternates with vaious far-flung paranoiac winding trails of thought that for whatever reason need to be finished. gonna try to sleep. last time I went properly insane that's what I said all the time before "I just need to sleep". I've slept better than then but I just.. I don't understand anything.

>> No.20185770

You're a big guy

>> No.20185898

My poo this morning was gross which is odd because my diet has been good and full of fiber

>> No.20185981
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The new ugly thread


>> No.20186335

It took me longer than I would like to admit to learn this.
It explained why I find it so frustrating to interact with certain people in my life. For most people, conversational disagreement has nothing to do with truth. Belief doesn't have much (if anything) to do with truth. Rather, belief is an extension of the self. If you disagree with a position they hold, they feel like you're criticising them or rejecting them. Arguing is a matter of asserting oneself. It's about not looking weak. "Winning" has nothing to do with truth, it's about "getting the last word" and establishing social dominance. Instead of giving arguments, most people think it suffices to "confidently and assertively" state "well I see it this way!" For most people, argumentation is just a verbal shoving match.