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/lit/ - Literature

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20177229 No.20177229 [Reply] [Original]

'The 4chan intellectual' genre, where one anon makes an effortpost/make-do essay about a certain common topic like women or negroes that gets a 1000 (You)s and that people repost to death because it gives their biases an educated flair, is one of the worst happenings in online culture in the past decade. If you don't mind my saying so.

>> No.20177240

You’re right

>> No.20177242

So true

>> No.20177243

ah bloo bloo

>> No.20177250
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>If you don't mind my saying so.
I do mind.

>> No.20177251

It's a small step above just bullshit shitposts, but it does show that something being longer than a paragraph and affirming someone's bias will be interpreted as rigorous and well-argued, regardless of the actual strength of arguments.

>> No.20177255
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>> No.20177259

Ok. Noted.

>> No.20177262

It would be satisfyingly ironic if someone contrived an effort-post out of this.

And it's amusing to think of two hypothetical scenarios that brought this thread up.
In the first scenario, OP wanted such an effortpost.
In the second scenario, OP writes the effortpost as a reserve-psychological marketing booster.
Have we begun to witness OP's attempts toward propagating his immortal soul within the chalice of the "4chan intellectual" grene?

>> No.20177280

The 'Anti 4chan intellectual' genre, where one anon makes an effortpost/make-do essay about an anon who has made an effortpost/make-do essay about a certain common topic like women or negroes that gets a 1000 (You)s and that people repost to death because it gives their biases an educated flair, claiming that it is one of the worst happenings in online culture in the past decade, is one of the worst happenings in online culture in the past decade. If you don't mind my saying so.

>> No.20177282
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I tried to keep it short to avoid being a hypocrite

>> No.20177289

this post is so gay it gave me aids

>> No.20177290


>> No.20177298

The 'this post is so gay it gave me aids' genre, where one anon makes a low effort shitpost/make-do comment in response to an effortpost/make-do essay about a certain common topic like 'The 4chan intellectual' genre or The 'Anti 4chan intellectual' genre that gets a 1 (You) and that people repost to death because it gives their biases an educated flair, is one of the worst happenings in online culture in the past decade. If you don't mind my saying so.

>> No.20177299

How did you notice this?
Are subvocalizers the only ones that notice this?
I would have never picked that out

>> No.20177323

Not him but just pay attention and stop skimming.
t. guy who noticed but doesn't like to pick on people for obvious mistakes.

>> No.20177333

You think you're clever but you just come off as a whiny passive-aggressive retard.

>> No.20177336
File: 3.47 MB, 1200x1917, 4chan_racism_increasing_ok_to_be_white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is a seething jew

>> No.20177338

>be me
>low effort shitpost
>be you
>read my shitposting
>begins to shit pants in front of everyone

>> No.20177372

>Sees posts he disagrees with
>autistically subverts it to make a spectacle out of OP like an effeminate coward

>> No.20177404

t. whiny passive-aggressive retard

>> No.20177409

>The 'greentexting implying that he is a homosexual' genre, where one anon makes a low effort shitpost/make-do comment in response to when an anon makes a low effort shitpost/make-do comment in response to a effortpost/make-do essay about a certain common topic like 'The 4chan intellectual' genre or The 'Anti 4chan intellectual' genre that gets a 1 (You) and that people repost to death because it gives their biases an educated flair, is one of the worst happenings in online culture in the past decade. If you don't mind my saying so.

>> No.20177423

I agree. Today's 'humor' thread was shit because more than half of the posts were screencaps, most of them very long and uninteresting.

>> No.20177431

This agreement leads me to understand that /lit/ must be split in twine.
>Intellectuals, academics, and other mental masturbators who see a guy with 4 packed shelves and think "I wonder if they have a book I haven't picked up"
>People who see a shelf and think "Wow. They haven't read any of that."

>> No.20177466

What's happening there is you're being confronted with beliefs outside your comfort zone articulated by people smarter than how you were programmed to imagine them and it makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.20177496

every time someone makes any kind of critique, it summons some faggot who starts accusing them of being a kike. I wonder why this is.

>> No.20177511

No it's really not, if anything it's mostly points that I agree with that are the most frequent, for instance I mentioned women; I'm not a big fan and have a few critical theories myself, but reading a blogpost from some faggot who thinks he finally figured out why they suck so much is nauseating and I just know that all the (You)s are from other insecure faggots who now think their irrational fear (which I also have) has some ontological grounding and isn't completely fueled by something personal

>> No.20177523

4chan went from a place for social outcasts to awkwardly socialise to a place where rich white kids go to feel edgy and say nigger faggot.

>> No.20177541

It's funny, if you don't actively look for it, 99% of these issues never come up day to day unless you're a complete sperg.

>> No.20177573
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Nobody is writing essays.
Niggers and KIKES are insufferable.
Simple as.

>> No.20177581
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totally agreed and screenshotted so I can repost this in hundreds of other threads to prove people wrong.

>> No.20177586

Put me in the guillotine

>> No.20177596

It's true, "effortposts" are 90% of the time just pseud babble by people who have no idea what they're talking about. People pretend to want them but no one actually reads them.

>> No.20177623
File: 69 KB, 1024x937, glasses pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think zoomers are capable of understanding communities that are seperate from the mainstream and therefore can't actually use this place for niche discussion. They use this place as an extension of twitter, reddit and facebook with the same talking points and discussions instead of something unique because they only seem to be immersed in online pop culture.

>> No.20177716

good post

>> No.20177734

True but I don't think it's their fault. Constant connectivity has made the possibility of being truly separate from the mainstream basically impossible

>> No.20177865


>> No.20177881

A case that made this clear to me was how zoomers will insist that 'based' just means "I agree", no matter much you try to explain to them the origins and its cultural meaning on 4chan (basically it is an acknowledgement that an action was taken in a manner that shows liberation from constraints set by others, whether or not you approve of it). They get mad at the idea that something has any sort of depth to it.

>> No.20177936

Well no wonder your conclusion is so rancid if you are someone who cringes at your own hypocrisy. You put the perception of your invisible public above the pursuit and expression of truth. You will never be based while that limitation exists and you will dismiss the 1/10000 exceptional effortpost out of hand by equating it to the 9999/10000 flawed effort posts for addressing the same topic. You are not cut out for truth seeking and you sure as hell are not qualified to critique. Develop more and get back to us when you display some signs of sincere hypocrisy aka overcoming valuing a singular persona. Otherwise your ego will always be in the way obstructing your channeling efforts.

>> No.20177938

I don't think it's made it impossible, I think they just don't know how to do it, or at least the idea of independent concerns and introspection doesn't occur to them. Public discourse is all about making everything accessible and acceptable to everyone, the mindset they're raised on is all about the public mindset and appeasement.
Yeah I agree, everything is binary and superficial to them

>> No.20177970
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>Well no wonder your conclusion is so rancid if you are someone who cringes at your own hypocrisy.
Contradiction is by definition opposite of truth, man radiates character in writing on here even if you don't want to admit it and all of your pseudopsychoanalytic conclusions about me following that sentence are drivel
>1/10000 exceptional effortpost
Oh no

>> No.20178067

To elaborate on this you are stuck on the "content" judgment plane. You don't see the value in the experiential plane. These effort posts, even if they are total shit, are expressions of individuals actively practicing truth seeking behavior. The fruit may be rotten (often, as you rightly pointed out, because the anon is hung up on expressing a personal truth and passing it off for a universal truth), but the drive is something worth valuing. If we lose that drive the lights go out and we are stuck with only dead narratives.

Even if the poor expressions themselves form a dead corpus of thought it is but a phase of development. A precursor to potentially enlightened thought after putting in the time adding to the eternal september of the dead corpus.

Youth and inexperience are going to output predictably worthless takes and posts. It can be rebuked, but to label the phenomenon of erroring as a negative dismisses the entire point of what the behavior pattern is developing toward producing: the anon that expresses universal truths as personal truths.

Embodiment is absolutely crucial. You can't just read the "correct" corpus and merely accept it as truth. Twice times two makes four without my will. Without a willed expression of the truth, if it is merely passively accepted, then there is no embodied understanding.

>> No.20178121

There is no contradiction, you are just ruled by fear. It is fear of the meaningless criticism of hypocrisy which restrains you and prevents you from sincere expression. Why the fuck would it matter at all if someone called you a hypocrite for making an effort post out of the topic if the topic required an effort post to discuss? Do you not see how stupidly limiting that value system is? Hypocrisy is not a criticism you should be afraid of in the slightest. It is totally irrelevant to the ideas you are trying to discuss. As useless as any other single word or single image derailment chatter. Only the ego values winning and perception. The ideas themselves don't give a shit.

>> No.20178148
File: 29 KB, 600x581, e1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually often think about the difference between cognitive acknowledgement and internalization so I'm partial to what you're saying but I have to say that this is a much broader point and while I'm happy for them for articulating their thoughts it doesn't change the fact that I hate this trend that's catching on which could ironically make these same guys complacent in looking for truth because they're being cheered on by other midwits, making them complacent. Even if that wasn't the case, I stand by my selfish stance that I care more about what I'm reading here that some random poster's journey
You're fixating on what I said about hypocrisy too much, not that it's your fault since I brought it up but only later did I realize I could have been hypocritical
>Only the ego values winning and perception. The ideas themselves don't give a shit.
Not that it matters but integral part of internalization imo, every reader is biased and ideas stay in the abstract, like you said, unless the ego is touched

>> No.20178800

Me first, get the fuck out of my way

>> No.20178825

they're fun when they're completely insane but most people with big opinions are just boring, compliant everymen hiding from boring problems