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20176511 No.20176511 [Reply] [Original]

There are plenty of books about what they believe and their philosophy but do they have apologists to make an argument for why its true and contrast it to others.

>> No.20176571

>born a prince
>yet depressed
Buddha just needed some Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

>> No.20176620

Judging by the me I'd say Adi Shankara is cooler.

>> No.20176793

Bumping for interest.

>> No.20176833
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Buddha wasn’t depressed, the man just saw that suffering was an inevitable part of living a finite mortal existence. Eventually you are going to get sick, get old, and die. Also there will be times when you don't’ get what you want or things happen to you that you don’t want. He doesn’t say life is meaningless or evil just that in life there are things that are outside of your control.

>> No.20176875

Sure. But I'm really just referring to the image while putting on display an interesting difference in interpretation of existence between the occident and orient.

>> No.20176879

Kill yourself. I'm not joking, slit your wrists, right now.

>> No.20176884


>> No.20176903

I start with Bodhidharma and Huineng more than Buddha. They get to the root of the Buddha's Dharma.
And desu, I don't see that much difference with Vedanta Hinduism because they're all about nonduality. Of course there are differences with the ontological descriptions, but in general, the nondual experience is described as unfathomable and not captured with mere words (except poetry).

>> No.20176943

What should I read first to become a Buddhist? I really want to get started on this, help guys!

>> No.20176961

Read a koan and meditate on it.

>> No.20176970

So do I just take a koan and think on it so hard till I tire out? Strange.

>> No.20176972

>so hard till I tire out
No. You just consider it. Look at it from every angle. Understand or at least think about it until you don't want to.

>> No.20176996

/lit/ (and from the internet in general) 'buddhists' are usually the most hateful people online. way to contracdict their own peace loving doctrine

>> No.20177009

Foundations of Buddhism by Rupert Gethin if you aren't in a rush to start practicing

>> No.20177033

don't even bother as the true buddhist doctrine has been lost. sectarian buddhism has conflicting ideas and is atheistic

>> No.20177045

You're retarded lol. Buddhism is a fairly hateful worldview.

>> No.20177057

it is not, but the fact it became doesn't mean it was originally so.

>> No.20177062
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>> No.20177065

your original post isn’t that clear I guess. I’m also sure it’s not possible to set up Buddha or Nietzsche/Schopenhauer as definitive standard-bearers for an east V.S comparison. Regardless take care Anon.

>> No.20177066

what is your point? are you pro or anti-buddhism to claim it is hateful? i honestly can't tell

>> No.20177070

I understand. Cheers, friend.
I'm indifferent. My point is that by modern standards it is generally considered "hateful".

>> No.20177084
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This is a good introduction to some of the basics. However I would caution you to be slow and just read and explore Buddhism first before deciding to convert as it were.

>> No.20177091

i didn't mean hateful due to its contempt for the world or views on women. at its core it is deeply peaceful but buddha predicted the way would have been lost in 500 or 1000 years anyway so it must have become especially hateful when it was introduced to china and japan

>> No.20177096

Ah, I understand what you mean now.

>> No.20177104

In what sense do you find it hateful? Sure it’s not the stereotyped peace and love religion westerns think it is but I wouldn’t call it hateful. The Buddha doesn’t call for killing no believers or anything.

>> No.20177119

It's just how the religion is in the west
People with deep issues are going to seek out a religion like Buddhism, it's the same with born again christians and hare krishnas although personally in my experience hare krishnas are the absolute worst

>> No.20177126

I would say that modern Buddhism is probably too tolerant at least in the west. Right now there are plenty of people who call themselves Buddhist teachers who are encouraging deeply anti Buddhist teachings and get no push back.

>> No.20177153

i am skeptic of any modern 'buddhist', especially western. i don't see buddhism being this nihilism it became, nor reincarnation or rebirth being an original doctrine

>> No.20177156

I guess I’m not understanding your point. Though I would qualify as someone with deep issues that is attracted to Buddhism. I don’t get how that makes it hateful. Sure your always going to get spergs and E-religious nutcases who try to turn their chosen religion into an ego prop but that is on them not religion. I feel Buddhism in particular and religion in general are actually a good medicine for much of the narcissistic and hedonistic problems we face today.

>> No.20177193

I don’t really put much faith in any institution either or consider myself to be a committed Buddhist. However I find that I agree with a lot of the ideas that the Buddha is said to have preached. I basically agree with the key ideas of impermanence, dukkha, non-self, and emptiness. These all seem to match what I have found for myself to be true in the real world.

>> No.20177198

Well maybe I've misunderstood your posts
I assumed you meant that the energy of Buddhism online was a very hateful and angry one due to how members behaved but if you mean the doctrine itself is a hateful one separate from how Buddhists act online then idk what to say

>> No.20177225

You're talking to a new guy now. I wrote >>20177096 last. I feel that we really need an ID system sometimes.

>> No.20177226

Wrong guy I’m pro Buddhism and can’t think why he would call it hateful except for the fact that it denies a bunch of modern sacred cows like gender identity. Regarding hateful Buddhist online I couldn’t say except that my threshold for what I consider hate vs shitposting is very high. I see way more e-Catholic heresy posting or neopagan Christ bashing than I do Buddhist flavored shitposting.

>> No.20177257

>Wrong guy I’m pro Buddhism and can’t think why he would call it hateful except for the fact that it denies a bunch of modern sacred cows like gender identity
Yeah, that's exactly it. If you look at it through a modern lens, many would find it to be a hateful worldview. Like I said, I don't care. I'm just a Traditionalist and a third positionist that likes to learn about various things and look at subjects from various points of view. I generally find Hinduism and Buddhism both valid ways to seek truth. However, I'm neither pro nor anti for both as well.

>> No.20177358

We basically have the same positions then. The only difference is I don’t believe modern leftist opinions can be taken in good faith. If progressives want to consider no-self hateful that’s just another example of them being fanatic self-worshipers.

>> No.20177389

>Buddha wasn’t depressed
The fact he couldn't believe in Love as a Universal principle, yet is prone to perform Good regardless says a lot about him as an individual

>> No.20177721

nah christians ar eby far the most hateful and obnoxious people online(and in reallife) which also contradicts their doctrine

>> No.20177878

Imagine thinking this in the current year. First how are you going to measure per capita hate of an ideology? Second wouldn’t the obvious winner of annoying and intolerant of other beliefs be either Islam or leftism depending on where you are. Christian have barely any influence anymore but progressive will try to make you homeless for disagreeing with them and Muslims will literally cut your head of in the street if they are offended by what you’ve said.

>> No.20178517

liberal atheists by far

>> No.20179841

You're going to go to your grave complaining about liberals. You're going to be a gnarled, 90-year-old man yelling and screeching about how liberals are bad.

>> No.20180016

>Christian have barely any influence anymore
Well you're definitely not from burgerland or the global south

>> No.20180019
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Start with the Jeets

>> No.20180032


>> No.20180244

but all that is just what they believe not really a justification for its truth

>> No.20180321

Plenty of Buddhist texts argue for what is being upheld rather than merely professing it, and there is an entire scholastic tradition of different interpretors arguing with one another and against non-Buddhist positions as well

>> No.20180409

>The fact he couldn't believe in Love as a Universal principle
Metta is universal love towards everyone and everything equally without putting one over another.

>> No.20180455

start hitting yourself on the head with strong blunt objects

>> No.20182664

schopenhauer and nietzsche by extension are just ontological navel gazers. why would you follow what they say when the buddha's teachings are wiser and help you transcend being itself?

>> No.20182982
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Andrés Gómez Emilsson has a philosophy that's similar to Buddhism.
