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20175641 No.20175641 [Reply] [Original]

Have there actually been any books in the past decade or so that accurately portray how society is becoming more and more unlivable for the common man?

>> No.20175664

I've been married for almost 10 years.
Just because nobody wants you doesn't mean men everywhere are in the same boat.

>> No.20175668

>books about the past decade
>I got married 10 years ago

>> No.20175706

>looking for dates
>on Tinder
You must be a woman.

>> No.20175843

Where else do you find dates

>> No.20175877

Hinge. Tinder is a hook-up app. Hinge is for dating. I watched a YouTube video where men ranked women's dating profiles. Only one girl was using Tinder, the rest were on Hinge or Bumble. All the guys were on Hinge. The girl on Tinder was shocked to find out from the guys that none of them found her profile that dateable because she was on Tinder. They explained to her that Tinder is for hook-ups and casual sex and not something a guy goes on looking for a date or a relationship. You could see her have a "woman moment" as she suddenly realized why none of the men on Tinder wanted to date her and why all her Tinder matches just pumped and dumped her.

>> No.20175905

I use all 3 of those apps. I get matches on Hinge and Tinder with decent girls, no matches at all on Bumble. I haven't had any dates with Hinge though, just about 100 ghosts. I met 3 girls for dates off of Tinder, 1 was way fatter than her profile and the other 2 ghosted me after the 1st date. Girls on Hinge are definitely better looking and I'd love to go out with one of them but none of them want me.

>> No.20175939

increasing number of men are in that boat, at least double digit percentages by now

>> No.20175946

Idk man. Join a club or try to get some friends. Then ask those friends if they know anyone who is single and might date you. Women love doing that matchmaking shit because they think they know best when it comes to "who should date who".

>> No.20175954

>trusting a woman's judgement

>> No.20175957

I have friends but they're all guys and they know I have a hard time meeting women but none of them really know anybody. Half of them are basically the same as me anyway where they have no idea where to meet women for themselves, let alone help me meet some. I'm 26 so I'm years out of college as far as clubs are concerned.

>> No.20175969

Houllebecq is the premier incel novelist, read him. Submission and Serotonin are from the past 10 years, but all his books are the same. Misanthrope is sad, horny and angry, blames society.

>> No.20175971

sorry to break it to you but you're out of luck m8
maybe you'll get another chance at 35 or 40 with some fat divorced soccer mom or a 40 who is getting desperate after wasting her eggs

>> No.20175979

I have abs and make 6 figures why would I settle for a fat divorcee single mom

>> No.20175993

i'm sure your gymbros and coworkers are jealous of those
but what do you have that women care about?

>> No.20175999

What do women care about if not looks and money

>> No.20176015

sleeve tattoos and drugs

>> No.20176017


>> No.20176019

Behead All Satans

>> No.20176022

they care if other women care
so first thing would be getting rid of your incel friends and getting femoid friends

>> No.20176052

I'm not retarded enough to get tattoos. I used to do coke and Xanax but not so much anymore and that never really helped me get girls.

Where do you meet female friends? My friends aren't incels, they're all college-educated decent looking guys half of them have gfs but they don't really have any single friends.

>> No.20176080

>Where do you meet female friends? My friends aren't incels, they're all college-educated decent looking guys half of them have gfs but they don't really have any single friends.
I don't know why you rebuffed my earlier point about asking your friends to set you up, BECAUSE if they have girlfriends, their girlfriends have female friends. Their girlfriends would love to set you up with one of their friends or find you a match. For women, doing something like that is like the Bachelor in the real life. Just ask one of your friends' girlfriend to see if she knows someone who would date you.

>> No.20176088

>I'm not retarded enough to get tattoos.
fine, enjoy being single

>> No.20176104

Their gfs don't have any single female friends I've asked before and none of them really ever have anybody for me or if they do it never works out to the point of actually meeting. I don't think girls respect the idea of a guy who is "set up" with them. One time a girl I was set up with stood me up, other times the girls have never really been serious about actually meeting me or anything, another time the girl ended up getting a bf before I could meet her. This isn't a realistic solution. Most girls don't seem to have a lot of friends, or at least a lot of friends who are single.

>> No.20176126

maybe if you had tattoos they'd suddenly have friends

>> No.20176139

Most of my friends have no tattoos and that's not a problem. In fact the 2 guys I know well who have tattoos are chronically single like me lmao.

>> No.20176217

I can not believe people worry so much about this, even go so far as to create these accounts and fish for partners on the internet. What bigger affront to life is there? Society has become "unlivable" for the common man so you engage in artifical coupling; betraying civilization itself?

>> No.20176226

you are currently asking advice about women from embittered, defeatist incels and schizoids who have not spoken to a woman outside of their family and/or women at work in the service sector for 6 months or more. At best, these autists have read redpill blogs and PuA literature written by embittered thrice-divorced 50 year old men. You are engaging with a simulacrum of a simulacrum of a simulacrum in a schizoid horror house of mirrors.
You would be wise not to heed any of the words you read. Indeed, if you want to attract a woman, you would be wise to leave this place forever.

>> No.20176268

I see what most guys do in their down time in place of posting somewhere like this and it's mostly just video games and media consumption. I don't see how switching from here to that would help. If anything this place has helped me a lot over the decade I've been here. I originally started lifting because of /fit/. I've made a lot of money because of /biz/. I originally started reading serious stuff because of /lit/. I'm sure there a guys here who are not retarded with women here who can lend advice just like there were guys who actually lifted who helped me years ago.

>> No.20176281

maybe try /fa/

>> No.20177754

What do you look for in a partner? someone who's wealthy and fit while eating nothing but oatmeal living an incredibly boring life isn't attractive, wealth and looks are good but they won't save the most boring guy on earth.

>> No.20177761

Mein Kampf Vol 1

>> No.20177769

I would never meet an internet weirdo in person.

t. femanon

>> No.20177920

define boring. I go to indie/punk type concerts all the time. Went to one last weekend even. I ski in the winter, surf in the summer. I usually go on a 1 or 2 vacations per year. A few months ago I spent a week in California with some friends I know out there. Did some hiking, drinking, etc. I try to go out to a bar at least once per week.

>> No.20178018

The good ones; passion, humor, sexual satisfaction (werewolf factor), activity, humility - self respect, organisation, work ethic. Not oriented toward any specific occupation mind. I've seen below average looking guys with smiling girlfriends.
Just look at what women say they want in a man, and literally take it at face value. If that shit isn't true, what is? I
All women aren't the same, some have higher test, some are more domineering. Some women are lesbians.
Most importantly, If you have such broad and simultaenously high standards that you would swipe thousands of people on tinder yet not attempt to 'convert' any women, you need to sit down and think about a better strategy, or just sit out all together while you work on yourself. It's exactly the kind of swiping/scrolling addict activity one would expect from someone completely burnt out. It's exactly these things that would make a woman unattractive because it signals they haven't got much going on, but they also aren't willing to compromise for a quick fuck or intimacy. Do things qualitatively, wholly and intentionally.
What society is increasingly rewarding is negativity. You can post all day about what you hate and you don't even have to be literate. Easier to sweep up a furious pile on than it is to deal with yourself.

>> No.20178027

I bet you think all this shit necessarily means you're not boring.

>> No.20178062

Go to places where women are I.e. common interests like clubs and stuff. Or just ask girls out on the street

>> No.20178100

>I bet you think going out and doing things you enjoy makes you not boring
I don't know what the fuck "boring" means for you, explain yourself of fuck off faggot. Whenever I do things with my friends we always have a good time. I've been called weird, quirky, an asshole, crazy, retarded, autistic, but never boring.

>Most importantly, If you have such broad and simultaenously high standards that you would swipe thousands of people on tinder yet not attempt to 'convert' any women, you need to sit down and think about a better strategy, or just sit out all together while you work on yourself. It's exactly the kind of swiping/scrolling addict activity one would expect from someone completely burnt out. It's exactly these things that would make a woman unattractive because it signals they haven't got much going on, but they also aren't willing to compromise for a quick fuck or intimacy. Do things qualitatively, wholly and intentionally.
I don't really get what this means. What do you mean "convert"? I've matched with literally hundreds of women across Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge and they always just ghost. I've tried asking them out immediately, trying to have long drawn-out conversations, everything in between, saying random shit, cheesy pick-up lines, basic and generic greetings. None of it seems to make a difference. It's almost like every time that I match, I match with the same exact person. There's almost no difference at all. Maybe a slight variation on their answers, but always low effort, always take hours to respond, will either ghost me in a few messages or give me their number and ghost me before we can meet. How could I be burnt out, I've been on like a single digit number of dates in my entire life. There was never even a fire.

>> No.20178115

>maybe try /fa/
fa/lit/ here. This is not gonna work.
You'll gonna get more signs of choice but contemporary culture is gonna fuck you anyway.

>> No.20178125

>just ask girls out on the street
Don't do this, OP.
Culture will fuck you really good.

>> No.20178149

Women want men that aren't desperate, they want men who don't derive their self worth externally. If you give off even the tiniest hint of the need for other people's approval, it's over. Women can literally smell your anxious thoughts and low self esteem, it shows in your face and mannerisms. Read a book on CBT or NLP

>> No.20178172

How do you make girls sleep with you if you don't care about what they think? In high school and college I had the problem of being to oblivious so I never got to sleep with any of them because I never paid attention to what they wanted. Wouldn't I be sleeping with them in the first place if I derived some kind of value from them?
What are these?

>> No.20178242

thanks for the recs. looked him up in french and his style of writing looks guenuinely hilarious

>> No.20178589

Convince them would be better. Like on 4chan if you want to make a good post - there's a sweet spot between garbage shitpost and high quality screencap. You cater to both the girl and your own strengths. Even then, effortposting often gets no replies. You are burnt out anon, the ergonomics of the platform are tailored to induce anxiety and stress. If what you say is true, and you're tired, just give it a break. There's not much else you can do.
You can do things that get your adrenaline/energy going a little. That way you have something interesting to talk about that should also give you an overall energy boost.

>> No.20178633


>> No.20178659

>picks almost 50%
If you don't stretch your luck with 9s and 10s, that most likely means you like all 3s to 8s.
>gets matched 1,7%
>chats with 41%
>3 dates in 3 years
>*app whispers "no spark"
delete this app already

>> No.20178808

You're a minority.

>> No.20179123

I used a few dating apps recently and am currently in a relationship I think will be longterm.

Used 4 for about a month. Hinge, Bumble, tinder, plenty of fish. I can immediately say all my matches on tinder went nowhere because I wasted time trying to get to know them. Anon is correct in saying its for sex and nothing more. Bumble is okay but you rely on the girl initiating which is rare and usually leads to a boring conversation unless you take it over very quickly. POF isn't too bad but I got very few matches there compared to the other apps. Maybe 6-7. Hinge is in my perspective the best. The people are interested in relationships and because of this are happy to talk more and build chemistry first. It also allows you to send a short message with a like to kinda increase the chances of getting a match. I used to put some thought into these but never forced them. I connected with around 60 girls on Hinge and went on several dates before I met a girl I really liked and starting to stop using it and politely telling girls ive met I am unavailable.

Might be just the city you/I live in that gives very different experiences but ultimately just keep trying and eventually you will meet someone. Try talking to people in person too. I found talking to random girls making small talk while waiting and shit in public helped me.

>> No.20179127
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>> No.20179463

Unironically the new Tao Lin. It's almost Varg-tier in how it demonizes the Abrahamic religions for ruining society, except, if pressed, he mentions Christians as the main offenders, as otherwise Vintage wouldn't publish him lel

>> No.20179483

>Where else do you find dates
It's too late, there's nothing to be done. Just kill yourself right now.
>I have friends but they're all guys and they know I have a hard time meeting women but none of them really know anybody. Half of them are basically the same as me anyway where they have no idea where to meet women for themselves, let alone help me meet some. I'm 26 so I'm years out of college as far as clubs are concerned.

>I go to indie/punk type concerts all the time. Went to one last weekend even. I ski in the winter, surf in the summer. I usually go on a 1 or 2 vacations per year. A few months ago I spent a week in California with some friends I know out there. Did some hiking, drinking, etc. I try to go out to a bar at least once per week.
>Where else do you find dates
Ah. Apologies, I did not recognize your LARP right away. Carry on, please.

>> No.20179484

Guy friends are pieces of shit in this regard. Sorry to break it to you.
But the fact is that with modern dating, relationships are often pretty transient. Most dudes, subconsciously or otherwise, are stowing away potential women for later. They don't want to share them with you because they anticipate a return to the market.
This is why matchmaking is way less common than it used to be.

>> No.20179486

how does he blame Christians for problems that started with its decline?

>> No.20179502

The Sexual Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.20179513

I've set up my friend with a wife because:
1. I am already married.
2. I'm not a shitbag.

So far, either something is absolutely fundamentally wrong with OP's life: he's fit, productive, makes fat stacks, has lots of friends, frequently socializes through various activity, and at the same time has no idea of how would he approach a women aside from dating apps.

Either he has a split personality disorder where his Patrick Bateman tulpa takes over and makes OP's consciousness black out whenever he's doing anything aside from Tinder swiping and shitposting or lit, or none of this ever happened as OP did the unthinkable and anonymously lied to some internet strangers.

>> No.20179775

And so the cock carousel goes round and round. Love is just one more dating app away.

>> No.20181131

Don't be a common man then, take the volcel pill

>> No.20181257
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Unironically met my wife on Tumblr back when their used to be a close-knit Nazi community there. Now we have our first child.

>> No.20181447

you are one hell of an incel, mate

>> No.20181466




>> No.20181479
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>3 years on tinder
>no casual sex

>> No.20182005


Society has never been better for average people. They don't even have a religion or national mythos to hold them to account and contain their worst most petty and resentful impulses. Tik Tok and rap music channel the blood and soul of the common man more than any symbolic set of art, media, religion, or customary beliefs has ever before it. American consoomer society is the last man's sick twisted power fantasy. And if anyone dares deny them it, they're going to rip you apart and eat you

>> No.20182020

>American consoomer society is the last man's sick twisted power fantasy.
I certainly don't feel power.

>> No.20182048
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>> No.20182070
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>Use Tinder for like 1 month
>Loads of matches
>Go on 6 dates
>Fuck 4 of them
>Met my gf of 3 years
Idk how it's possible to fail at this app, just have pictures that make you look good and don't come out with gay shit like "hi how are you".

>> No.20182085

Women don't owe you sex.

>> No.20182123
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give us example of specifics texts you send (not the broad like "comment on her pictures" shit) post shit you have actually send out
Society has never been worse for average people.
Women do not go to any clubs at all
shit depending on where you live there won't even be any clubs to go to, where I live there's only MMA clubs (which are just men) and club for little children
and the whole asking girls out on streets is not practiced here, it would have 100% failure rate and most likely get you arrested for harassment since it seems to not be practiced anywhere outside of USA and other countries with more talkative women where they actually like having spontanous conversations with strangers that stop them on streets
men straight up just do not exist in society anymore
but you won't get a chance to do any of these things to a woman due to dating apps
they won't let you show your passion, they wont let you show humour (you can't send messeges to them) or satisfy them sexually (you're not having sex with them because you're not meeting them due to them not matching with them)
same with activity, humility - self respect, organisation, work ethic, you can have all these things and it doesn't matter because they don't know that about you because you don't match with them in the first place to be able to know each other long enough for them to learn about all of this about you, you're not even meeting in person, you're not even allowed to send them messeges because they're not matching with you

there's so many guys who would have smiling girlfriends if they just got a chance to interact with girls, but they don't have that option, they're forced into solitary

Every single person works on themselves, they do it their entire lives. Everyone deals with themselves. And they're forced to go 30 years in celibacy with no interaction with women.

>> No.20182129

Most women are contemptible and only really necessary for bearing children and sexual release try to overcome your need for sexual release, and when you're ready to have kids and provide for a family I'm quite sure there are bride markets in Romania and Pakistan where you can purchase a young pure wife for a reasonable price.

>> No.20182147

Ignore this woman and her feeble womanely opinions. Read 'A Hero of Our Time' if you really want to understand how women think. Or read that erotic fiction women are always reading. Deep down females love to flatter themselves, and they lie so instinctively that they don't even realize it when, but you should realize that 1: women are only really capable of loving their children and 2: the worse you are as a person the more attracted women will be to you. Those ugly guys with smiling girlfriends are workhorses and cuckolds and being in their shoes is a fate worse than death.

>> No.20182169

As opposed to just sitting alone, with no contact with women whatsoever and also not talking to anyone on here?
What difference will it make? You don't post here, so what now? You're sitll alone, you still have no contact with women, you still can't get to talk to any girls, you don't get to have sex or go on a date. Except now you can't also talk to other people who also do not get to experience these things.
You're just more lonely now than before. All your problems are still there, you're still not gonna get any matches, you're still not gonna go on any dates or have any sex.
How long do you have to go to a club before you can ask guys there eto set you up with someone?
Like how many kickboxing classes do I have to go before I can at earliest start asking people for numbers of the single women they know?
it's all hookup aps, they're all the same
the only difference is that everything but tinder has even less women on them
it's all the same shit, using the same algorithm made by the same company
> the worse you are as a person the more attracted women will be to you
What's the point of it? You can't act IRL this way
Everyone would love to kidnap women and keep them locked in their room until they fall in love with them, but it doesn't matter because you can't do that and you'll be arrested for it.
Even if it will make both men and women much more happy, it doesn't matter because it's illegall. So unless you want to personally legalize rape, beating and kidnappings of women, your advice does not matter much because as long as we're not allowed to actually do things that would make everyone happy, there's no point in knowing what actually makes women attracted to you because you can't do that anyway

>> No.20182234

>As opposed to just sitting alone, with no contact with women whatsoever and also not talking to anyone on here?
The drive towards social interaction is very strong, and will most likely come to full fruition if you are not drip feeding it the absolute minimum via online communities. Having these sorts of pseudosocial relationships on imageboards keeps you pinned at the exact point where suffering is at its maximum without being great enough to inspire change.
Unless you are a legit schizoid, in which case, GG

>> No.20182278

>give us example of specifics texts you send (not the broad like "comment on her pictures" shit) post shit you have actually send out
Are you an archaeologist?
Idk man, just shitpost and don't take it too seriously.

>> No.20182303

Women want you to break the laws, norms, social conventions, etc. For them. It makes them feel important, and your fear of reprisal just makes them detest you. Stop being so impotent and just approach the next woman you see with the idea that you're going to get her into bed with you by any means necessary, regardless of consequences. This is going to work even better if she has a boyfriend. Just do it and see how much better she reacts compared to your repressed whiney normal approach.
Then kill yourself because women are disgusting and men only reduce themselves by association with them.

>> No.20182349

No it doesn't
the guy already wants to interact with women but he has no opportunity to do so, he wants to match with girls, he wants to go on dates and it's not coming to fruition
he is already inspired to change, and he's not given a chance to actually get a relationship or to actually get a social relationship with a woman due to women not matching with him/not going on dates with him after matching
now he's just gonna be alone and miserable even more and not even have those imageboard connections, he's at the same place he started just even more isolated
tell me precisly what will change in his situation if he no longer comes here
he already is inspired to change, he already wants a relationship, he already wants social interaction, he already wants dates
he's not getting any of them, he won't be getting any of them even if he quits
what changes for him except being isolated even more?
No it won't anon. Rape is still illegal. Kidnapping are still illegal. Beating them is still illegal. Even if you approach them with "any means necessary" mindset, it still will not work, because you still end up in prison. You're not getting a relationship, you're just in jail. Even if they were to respond to it positivly, you're still in prison. Women still report rape and beatings after they happen, if what you say was truth that wouldn't be the case.
It's particularly in your case where you want to be in a relationship with a girl this way and not just have 1 time rape, so presumably you'd beat her, rape her (in public place no less) and then you'd leave her with your personal information and contact info for her to want to date you afterwards.
Do I have to explain to you how unrealistic this is?

>> No.20182408

Where are you getting rape and murder from? Anyways it's an observable fact that women tend to gravitate towards, and stick with, abusers. Almost every woman has a sob story about the abusive boyfriend who broke her heart. Sure, they afterwards 'settle' for a 'dependable' sort of guy who won't break their heart, but it's the emotional high that they're attracted to, not the calm rationality of a steady relationship.

>> No.20182432

Can you post an example start-to-finish of what you say to them?

I used to spend a few minutes trying to think of funny things to say but eventually I just stopped putting a message with my likes altogether and I still get the same number of matches basically. I've had ~70 conversations on Hinge and from that I met 1 girl who turned out to be way fatter than her pictures. Where do you meet girls in public? I never really run into girls in public except maybe at the gym but then they're always with a guy already and everyone has earphones in so it's a bad place to make small talk anyway.

This is my only interaction with single women though...

I don't get what you mean? I have hobbies if that's what you mean? I lift, ski, surf, spearfish. None of that matters if they don't ask about it, they never ask about anything they never even try in their conversations. For the most part my life outside of sex/girls is completely fine.

>> No.20182439

Ok. So how do you personally use this mindset on a dating app, where you don't even get to send a message to a woman? On the rare occasion you get to send a message, which even rarer she reads, how do you convey your abusive nature to stick with you?

If women want to be abused, why don't they all go to incel oriented sites searching for ideal abusive boyfriend there? Why isn't r9k and incel.is swimming with women searching for a guy that will abuse them?
>Where are you getting rape and murder from?
You're the one who brought it up erotic fiction women are always reading are filled with rape and murders, slavery and kidnappings too
when he talks about meeting them in public he means countries like USA where women practice cold approach culture and get into spontanous conversations with strangers
in america women like to talk to men who stand around them in lines, they chat with strangers in cafes, in public transit etc. at least from people on this site seem to post

>> No.20182504

I live in America, this doesn't happen at all. I don't know anybody who's ever gone on a date from some random girl they didn't already know in line at some place and I've definitely never had a girl cold start talking to me somewhere. The luck you would need to even be that close to a girl somewhere like a grocery store line is huge.

>> No.20182981

It has never been more livable for the common man. You would have just been a nobody who also had to work for 80+ hours a week in the past.

>> No.20183093

This is one of those times where your advice is meaningless since you haven't personally taken it

>> No.20183102

I don't have to courage to use a dating app

>> No.20183114

You're a fucking retard and you don't do any of this in person. you've never tried once
>Then kill yourself because women are disgusting and men only reduce themselves by association with them.
See I knew it

>You would have just been a nobody who also had to work for 80+ hours a week in the past.
Generally not true outside the worst and first appearance of industrialization

>> No.20183166
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>literally only swiped right on the top 1%
Uhh... I thought the rule was 80/20, bros? What the fuck are women expecting these days?

>> No.20183207

Peasant farmers worked long hours, too.

>> No.20183246

The historical consensus is that they worked long hours during harvest season exclusively and worked significantly less than the average American.

>> No.20183444

>Houllebecq is the premier incel novelist,
His books have too much sex an incel would rope.

>> No.20183459

Tinder is gay culture for straight people

>> No.20183462

>common interests like clubs and stuff. Or just ask girls out on the street
Have you ever left your house ever? Wherever women are men follow. Sausage fest everywhere.

>> No.20184384


>> No.20184640

Last girls number I got because I was homeless and living at an airport. She missed her flight and we started talking. She mentioned being a double major, so I jokingly asked her if she liked being hit during sex as well. We ended up spooning on the floor of the airport, but she was too smart to fall for a lousy guy like me. I ended up falling for her hard however.

Recently called up my ex because I might be dying soon, asked her if she wanted to get coffee. She said no, made some excuse about her boyfriend. Then I called her a whore and a cold hearted bitch. That provoked her to spend the whole night talking to me, telling me about how she was fingering herself to memories of what we used to do and that her boyfriend was out of town for the week.

Another girl I talk to sometimes wants me to come to her town and fuck her because she just started dating a dude and she wants to "take it slow" with him and have a "serious relationship", but can't deal with the hornyness.

Women are the biggest of gender and the reason you can't get any is because you don't understand them. If you understood them you'd avoid them like the plague.

>> No.20184646

*Women are the NIGGERS of gender and the only love worth presuing in this life is the friendship and mutual admiration of two platonic male friends

>> No.20184680


>> No.20184688

You sound like a piece of shit that attracts similar company, desu.

>> No.20184693

How else can you expect to attract women?

>> No.20184699

this unironically

>> No.20184705

If they’re asking for advice on here, they’re clearly desperate.

>> No.20184707

>bodycount +10
May God have pity of your soul.

>> No.20184709

Probably, but I'm not the one crying about how I can't find women to love me am I? Anyways I know a lot of decent women as well, and they also react well to that bold pushing of the boundaries. Men generally don't understand women because they respect them too much, idolize them even. Most women have to live with that their whole lives, so it's appealing when a man takes liberty with them.

But please, prove me wrong

>> No.20184719

So in today's environment you basically have to choose between a career and a woman?
Some backstabbing bitch decides she didn't like it after all and it's your ass in the gutter, and if you weren't an airport bum before you definitely will be now

>> No.20184747

No that's a horrible way to live.
There are lots of decent women out there, but female sexuality is built on millenniums of repression and deceit. Don't give up on the idea of love, of romance, of any of that. The modern world is too jaded already. Just be aware that women are fickle and often dishonest, even with themselves.

>> No.20184782

this is so obviously fake, why did you think anyone would believe you?
>muh quirky life where I was homeless and dying too, still have toooons of sex though
you never even seen a woman IRL

this doesn't work, if it did all the women would flock to r9k and incel sites to find a partner there, to have sex with all those men that insult them, but they clearly do not do that

none of them even get a chance to send a woman a message to call her a whore because they don't have their numbers in the first place

everyone understands that women are all terrible, everyone understands that they are massive whores who fuck around a lot, and it doesn't matter
everyone understands all women, and it doesn't help any of them get any of it, no one in the world idolizes women except for women themselves and there's still tons of guys who do not get to have sex or even interact with women

and again, rape, beatings, kidnappings are all illegall, so even if you do want to take liberty with women, you're not allowed to do that
But please prove me wrong, show me all those women that flock to incel sites to find sex friends because they're so turned on by being called whores

>> No.20184839

/r9k/ is filled with women, go look at it and see for yourself. Has been for years

>> No.20184870

>Starting an argument with a woman you'd like to fuck is the same thing as rape/murder
No wonder women don't want to be left alone in a room with you.
Anyways most attractive young ladies already assume you want to fuck them. If you're honest about it they'll actually appreciate you for being genuine to them.

>> No.20184956

Ok then why don't all those indian dudes on instagram comments get laid by all these supermodels? They're the most honest ones in the world
why do all women complain about men wanting to fuck them in first messege on tinder? why don't they ever immidietly go to the house of the guy asking them to fuck them who sends them DM's on twitter or instagram?
And all of it still boils down to the fact that contact with women is the number one problem

Even if a guy wants to have an argument with a woman, wants to call her a whore, wants to tell her he wants to fuck her, he still does not have an option to do so because women simply do not swipe on enough men to allow 99% of them to do so.

And you still do not refer to the point that women do not go looking for hookups on r9k and incel sites where they should spend most of their time because that's where they get insulted the most. They're the guys who do not respect the women, call them whores, push their boundaries and they do not even get to speak to a woman irl, much less have sex with one despite all of their taking liberty with them and being genuine with them
Why don't all those attractive young ladies appriciate incels and indian mens genuinity if that's all that matters?
To me it sounds like you've never been in a room with a woman

>> No.20184966

Because instagram is instagram and real life is real life. IRL these Indians and incels would piss their pants at a beautiful woman, and they know this.

>> No.20184975

Well clearly women are having sex with men off internet, and there are women orbiting eceleb/celeb men they have never met, so instagram being instagram isn't the problem here, all these women should still be very attracted to all incels and all indians asking them for pussy and boob pics

according to your theory all women who get insulted online should at least meet up in person with incels to give them a chance to call them whores to their face, but somehow none of these women are so happy about it that they'd seek them out IRL like they should

>> No.20185447

you're in the top 10% and don't realize it. I'm in the top 10% and had basically these results on apps

>> No.20185458

>about anything they never even try in their conversations.
Date black women if you want this - they're the only girls who are human beings on dates. White women tend to act like flowers.

>> No.20185470

This. You're a smart man OP - imma help you out

>> No.20185492

Not that I'm aware of but at core interracting with society is becoming an abstract act, which is horrifying. OP re-dating here's some advice:
>be a clean freak
>disregard every opinion a woman has blatantly
>be kind but also state your mind with the assumption you'll change hers
>be generous as much as forward
>ignore force or anything because what matters is boldness of thought

Men literally create women's metaphysical frameworks. If you are bold and kind then they will quite immediately be willing to be with you. Cleaniness is important if you're not a chad and basically crucial.

>> No.20185512

"Be yourself" literally means, "Give me the unwavering metaphysical framework to see the world because I don't have one without you." Please note, once you realize this you will respect women in the proper sense.

>> No.20185557

whats wrong with you idiots pretending like 26 out of college is over?
Girls always date guys who are older and almost never younger.

As a 24 year old you can still pull 18-19 year olds so surely a 26 yo guy can get college age girls.

im literally going on a first date with a girl 4 years younger than me this evening.

>> No.20185570

Not online. Are you trying to date whores?

>> No.20185578

If you evaluate relationships via Tinder you're going to have a bad time. Go meet women in person and you'll find it's easier than you think.

>> No.20185585

I’m married and have multiple kids. That doesn’t mean we don’t live in a dystopian hellscape.

>> No.20185586

This is true, and if you focus on finmaxing it's never over.

>> No.20185593

As for getting girls: focus on your career, then advance in this career. Everything else takes care of itself.

However, this advice has a caveat. If you choose a field that has few females, it won’t work.

>> No.20185596
File: 22 KB, 265x254, 01FB7BB6-E0E7-46C0-82D3-AC27BD5FF60C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Downloaded bumble last weekend, going on my second first date today with three more lined up the next 4 days
>likes are running out and no new ones coming in

Is this it?
I have an open window at the beginning and then a like or maybe match every blue moon?

I seriously dont know.

>> No.20185598

This is very true. My girl turns 21 in July and I turn 31 in June. We met and started dating right after her 19th birthday, and she actually lied to me for months about being 20 (as if I would have cared).

>> No.20185642

>Before the sex sits a phone app.
>"I am powerful. And I am only the most lowly phone app. But from room to room stand phone apps, each more powerful than the other. I can’t endure even one glimpse of the third."

>> No.20185646

Pretty shit advice desu

>> No.20186478

Romance is a concept literally derived from medieval genre literature, as indicated by the name, which proceeded to metastasize into the real world and topple the system of arranged marriage and led to this whole crisis to begin with
It doesn't exist and it never did, it's a fantasy. love doesn't exist on its own terms, it's something that emerges when you deny women rights, and giving them rights has destroyed the entire sham. this would not have happened if romantic love was tenable

>> No.20186728

Exactly. Love exists purely between attractive men. Women can be good or bad, but their innate disposition towards evil means that they should be consigned to a haram.

>> No.20186744

I got married last month

>> No.20186766

>we live in a dystopia because anons can't get laid
Back in the day these guys would have died in childhood due to shit genetics or would have ended up bleeding out in a muddy field in some foreign country

>> No.20186796

congratulations! may you be able to listen to your wife

>> No.20186964
File: 491 KB, 1023x604, incelfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody's getting laid buddy
the future is one of girlbosses and incels

>> No.20187190

I got laid this morning and may get laid again tonight

>> No.20187325

good job. congrats on the sex tho frfr. bussin

>> No.20187333
File: 168 KB, 948x769, 1603304277835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20187887

How/where do you meet women in person?

>> No.20187896

If you have to ask you won't be able to make meaningful use of the answer, which is just "at various places"

>> No.20187946

I go to a lot of various places and none of them ever offer the opportunity to meet girls

>> No.20188270

go to grad school for life sciences

>> No.20188356

>for the common man
OP pic is not the common man.

>> No.20188365

Nice article there bucko. Internet journalists will write about any random idea that pops into their head whether its correct or not.

>> No.20188890

The most important subject in this discussion is our fellow man, loser or olympian, and maximising his sense of self worth, because only man can truly experience the spectrum of cognition as the bridge between animal and transcendence.
It's good that you think I'm a woman because it proves my point. Why WOULDN'T you take women at face value? You can watch a hundred videos of women saying something and then immediately contradicting themselves. Now, it's up to you to live in doubt, or to just forgo any sense of womanly agency and instead focus on the applicable logistics of getting a woman, if that's what you really want.
When you get cucked by a woman - that's on you. When you must smash a jar to open it - when you have to impress your masculinity by APPEARING masculine (playing the womans game) - you're just resorting to retarded brute force in the face of a lack of grip strength (figurative example.)
Women's love for their children is such a broad stroke that it can manifest as predatory or exploitative. The spectrum goes from Joanna Schopenhauer, to Mother Mary, to women who have abortions. To say that women are incapable of love then is to be intellectually lazy. Women love nothing = they can be made to love anything if they are fertile enough. e.g. Dogs have been bred for their gregariousness. You're just focusing on the negatives.

As always, Man against his own Man - woman watches in the background.

Mother earth fosters life not because it desires to beget but because father sun shines, it's a one way transaction.

>> No.20188897

How do I strangle my inner retard and learn how to open the womanly pickle jar without smashing it on the ground and spilling my spaghetti every time?

>> No.20188940

The specifics depend on what you're working with, for example - I dunno if it applies to you but you can relieve negative pressure in your life by simply removing yourself from the cause, instead of trying to manage it. Turn failures into opportunities to learn.
But the overarching principle is to develop the most effective resolve and health with yourself so that you feel capable.

>> No.20189728
File: 725 KB, 2000x2500, tinder-insights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post got me curious so I looked up my own tinder insights. Apparently the average match rate is 2.5% for males, and you're matching at a rate of 1.7%, which probably means you're just not attractive. Which sucks. But there are two things you can do to make yourself more attractive to women: become muscular and wealthy. Obviously these things are not easy, but they are achievable. I've decided to give up on women until I've made significant progress toward both of these goals. One of the most successful people I know, (big time executive at Facebook) had only one other girlfriend before he married a beautiful foreign girl in her early 20s while he was in his early 30s. Now he lives an idyllic life with a great family. To win a woman, first you must become a man.