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20174811 No.20174811 [Reply] [Original]

Why have there been so few great women writers in history? This comes from a femanon herself.

>> No.20174829

Female humans don't devote their time and energy as obsessively on a single purpose as males do. This is the simple reason.

>> No.20174836

“There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.” - Camille Paglia

>> No.20174847

Wasn't until the last 70 years that it was easier for a woman to be a writer. Read Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own to understand why. Pretty much pre-20th century, the only way to be a woman writer was to be wealthy. You were also seen as less credible so it would've been harder to find a publisher. If you did get published under a female name, people would probably expect a woman's novel like 50 Shades of Grey for the time period. But if you look throughout history, every century you can find multiple female writers who are considered canonical or literary. They weren't necesarrily writing fiction. I think her name is Madame Séville? She is a well known French writer from the 17th or 18th century, famous for her letters/diaries.

>> No.20174854

>Madame Seville
I could've googled before posting this, but her name is Madame Sevigny, and she is a 17th century writer, still read today.

>> No.20174855

Because women are untalented and have no hobbies?

>> No.20174856

>“There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.”
What does it mean?
Are men extremists by nature?

>> No.20174858
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This one is all we need

>> No.20174867

Women weren't educated. They were literally illiterate.

>> No.20174872

The way I would interpret this is that women are more so congregated on the mean while men on the extremes.

>> No.20174874

Because Academia is a boy's club.

>> No.20174882

What does Academia has to do with being a great writer?

>> No.20174884
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Women have been oppressed throughout history by men. Women were thought of as lesser and it was ludicrous to even entertain the idea that they were anything more than holes that belonged to their husbands and existed for the pleasure of men. People today have the unbelievable privilege of *wondering* why women were oppressed, instead of it being instilled in them from the moment of birth.

I am a violent misogynist who exults in the fact that women get abused and raped so much. Doesn't make what I said above any less true desu.

>> No.20174898

Women are midwits and conformist by nature. They’re driven to seek sexual attention, social approval and material security. Meaningful art requires introspective and explorative mind, one willing to suffer.

>> No.20174902

theyre passionate and they get out there and actually do shit. ive never met a women with ANY passion for creating art in my personal life, which is not the case with men.

>> No.20174906

considering ive never met a women with consistent or thought out taste, it should probably stay a boys club until women deserve their spot

>> No.20174909

>10+ posts
>no "tits or GTFO"
4chan is dead and reddit tourist killed it

>> No.20174911

>female Jack the Ripper
Paglia doesn't know about Aileen Wuornos.

>> No.20174913

academia largely decides what gets perpetuated, especially at a time when the only people that really read were academics. For hundreds/thousands of years only the rich could even afford or even had time required to even be literate, let alone afford books. It was and still is a pretty exclusive club.

>> No.20174916

It's an undeniable fact that all posters are males always so what's the point.

>> No.20174924

Only reddit tourist I see is you. You know kind of like how American tourists go to Italy and shout "ITSA MEEEUH MARIOOO" or they go to France and say "WEE WEE HON HON HON I AM ZE FRENCHMAN AND I MAKE THE SEX WEETH YOUR UNDERAGE DAUGHTER HON HON".

>> No.20174927

>”You need only look at the way in which she is formed to see that women is not meant to undergo great labor, whether of the mind or of the body. She pays the debt of life not by what she does but what she suffers; by the pains of childbearing and care for the child, and by submission to her husband, to whom she should be a patient and cheering companion.”

>> No.20174932
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Men literally are extremists by nature, this has been documented and discussed at length. It's because a single man is capable of having a virtually unlimited number of offspring and thus men don't all have to spread their genes to make the next generation, you'd be fine with just a few particularly fit specimens each making an army of babies. We are a much more viable source of diversity for natural selection than women, so we are set up in a way that produces more extreme results on both sides of any category while women gravitate towards the middle.

Evolution is throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, this is present in other species as well.

>> No.20174941

Why would anyone say that? No one is claiming to be a woman

>> No.20174945

>there is no female Jack the Ripper

>> No.20174952

>This comes from a femanon herself

>> No.20174959

>you didn't repost the same edgy 12 year old-tier joke therefore you are reddit
I think you'll find you're the only redditfag here

>> No.20174968

Guess I don't read wojak posts closely

>> No.20174977

Aileen got caught.

>> No.20174987

>Why have there been so few great women writers in history?
Because 'greatness' is all about establishing dominance.

>> No.20175016

Women’s main problem solving skill is complaining until a man fixes what’s irritating them.

>> No.20175029

Hildegard Von Bingen was and is far more popular than you can ever hope to be, especially among the literate.

>> No.20175030

lol same

>> No.20175076

you can't post tits or gtfo on a blue board

>> No.20175102

Because women confuse literature with belles-lettres. Literature is meant to scar you permanently, making you unable to unsee it.

>> No.20175113
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Women’s inability to entertain themselves is not men’s fucking problem

>> No.20175161
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Can someone edit this to make it just "not my problem" so it's a based littering meme instead of cringey facebook boomer philosophy?

>> No.20175170

Have sex

>> No.20175172

Mozart's Jack the Ripper confirmed?

>> No.20175177
File: 40 KB, 500x485, 463B7EA3-78D2-40B7-A3AC-524F4C5CA55D_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is cropping really that hard for you nigger

>> No.20175181

That's not what I asked for. I wanted it to be "... three words", "not my problem"

>> No.20175184

Why would I ever do that?

>> No.20175185

Then do it yourself with a marker and a editor.

>> No.20175193

What is the point mate?
After posting this for hours in every thread you must have realized this gave nothing to the discussion at all.
You're barely even reading the responses:
That one wasn't in anyway against you

>> No.20175197

okay I will

>> No.20175200


>> No.20175230
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>Why have there been so few great women writers in history?
Women can't write. Simple as.

>> No.20175284

bro there are literally hundreds of them

>> No.20175291


>> No.20175305

Solipsism. They simply aren't interested in anything other than themselves.

>> No.20175311

>Pretty much pre-20th century, the only way to be a woman writer was to be wealthy.
As opposed to the male serfs, chimney sweeps, longshoremen etc.who could take a few years off to write.

>> No.20175380

You seem to be agreeing with my statement. Not sure what your point is.

>> No.20175493

You could also interpret it to mean women seek both brutality and genius in men.

>> No.20175515
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evolution nowadays is the government scraping away the shit from the wall that actually stuck and taping the shit that doesn't stick in its place.

>> No.20175555

because most women just want to have baby or chase cock. And so do most men also so don’t take this as a slight against your sex. Women in the west are the most “free” but chose to be tiktok girlboss moms anyway.
>t. femanon

>> No.20175569

are you retarded or just pretending

>> No.20175574

It doesn't even imply that, though.

>> No.20175613


>> No.20175632

Men are more motivated to create and achieve.
Think about it, if you're a woman you basically have life on easy mode. All you really need to do is be pretty and some man will take care of you for the rest of your life in exchange for semi-regular use of your vagina and womb. All you need to do to be supported for the rest of your life is look pretty and lie on your back with your legs in the air.
Meanwhile a man has to toil just to keep a roof over his head. If he wants more than that, if he wants riches, fame and women, then he has to really achieve something above the ordinary. Most great art is created by men who desperately want to get laid and/or get rich. They're hungry for success. Women aren't.

>> No.20175643

Aren't most popular writers at the moment women? As for why there are fewer female writers throughout history I would have thought the answer was pretty obvious.

>> No.20175670

Are you retarded or just pretending? You haven't made a point. Whatever point you think you're making is easily refuted by thinking for 5 seconds and it's already refuted in the original post.

>> No.20175731

oh you're not pretending
so very unfortunate for you

>> No.20175746
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>> No.20175797


It's because of their gross smelly pussies aaaach!!!

>> No.20175806

Oh, you're not pretending either. How unfortunate for you as well.

>> No.20175813

Some of my favorite poets are women. Sappho, Emily Dickinson, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetayeva

>> No.20175815

based I was going to post something to this end.
Women have no idea how difficult it is for weird men to have sex.
And the result is sometimes a great novel.

>> No.20175820


>> No.20175878
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I'm no biologist but couldn't this be better explained by saying that men are smarter but also a single faulty X or Y chromosome can result in a mouth-breathing retard, while women have 2 X chromosomes which means a fault in one X is often overridden by the other?

>> No.20175977
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You can always tell someone is a retarded pseud when they mention Sappho like that. Aside from her two or three complete poems (which are serviceable) there's like 20 coherent lines which survive. Saying she's one of your favourite poets is like saying the library of Alexandria is one of your favourite libraries.

>> No.20175996

Throughout history? Access to education and public support of women authors. Nowadays - playing catch-up.

>> No.20176040
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This but also female authors have a weird tendency for obsess over romance and sex, the latter moreso these days. It's like on the one hand they want to bring down the barrier that divides the sexes while at the same time constantly writing the most stereotypical 'female audience' content

>> No.20176082

Such a poor excuse, catch up.
Women of high classes have been writing since the 1900s.
Simply put what they consider interesting is all surface. I shouldn't need to point you to Schopenhauer's essays. Whether you agree with him or not.
Why do you think gay men know everything about the feminine and more? It's because they are able to understand the depths of feminity in ways women aren't.
>obsess over romance and sex
If you knew feminist women or went to art college, you'd realise that most, if not, all of them are deeply invest in power dynamic sex, BDSM, """""forced"""", there's no romance there.

>> No.20176106

That's just a consequence of women being natural parrots that lack originality and independent thought. In this case they are responding to system incentives in the university system and publishing industry.

>> No.20176148

Women are inherently derivative, the best thing a women can come up with is overrated bullshit she heard people talk about

>> No.20176219

>playing catch-up
>absolute majority of students enrolled in the humanities
You need to find a better excuse

>> No.20176242

It's not so much as an excuse as window dressing.
>We need equality!
50 years later
>Well sure, we have the majority share, but that's to make up for historical inequality!
50 years later
>Well sure we completely dominate every aspect of society! And that's a good thing :)

>> No.20176250

Im not sure I believe in the existence of the elusive "femanon"

>> No.20176256

>Implying 4 generations of women being allowed to write by their male masters is at all comparable to the 4000 years that men have had.
So...this is the power of chud logic.

>> No.20176287

Okay didnt expect something this based

>> No.20176338

I don't think that's true tbqh

>> No.20176354

Women are more compliant and adhere to social norms with less resistance than men. To be a great artist one must go against the norms of the time and be original, which is very hard for men and extremely difficult for women.
Only few women break that rule and actually have the guts to write about what they truly feel. Ayn Rand is proof enough that women can write just as well as men.

>> No.20176367
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>> No.20176390

What are some novels by chimney sweeps, longshoremen, and make serfs?

>> No.20176394

Pretty much the entire thread.

>> No.20176598

Already had. What's your point?

>> No.20176615

the problem is that even the "literary" writers we've had like virginia woolf or emily dickinson are solid (especially woolf), but only beloved by midwits or pseuds who like the image of being into female Literature.

>> No.20176731

They were historically subjugated on the basis of their sex, a fact that many troons want to erase. In spite of this, there are some pretty good writers. even the puritans, who thought that women were too simple and brain dead to write, had female authors who got published because they spread their message, like Anne Bradstreet.

>> No.20176760

it's true, walk into any arts college and I guarantee about 50 percent of the women are making topics about their "sexuality".

>> No.20176774

this doesn't hold up, no man born today has 4000 years of ancestral writing experience. It is the same for women, in fact I would argue without the slightest handicap since like 65/35 of liberal arts college grads are women

>> No.20176838
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lmao at the excuse of "for all of human history up until the 20th century women were subjugated and not allowed to read or write". You retards have never read a history book past middle school and still believe that bullshit.
At any point in history if a woman was wealthy she could access an education. No regime in history ever barred women from reading books.
There are books written by women CENTURIES ago that we still have today, such as pic related, the first cookbook published in America.

>> No.20176852


What they mean to ask is why historically women have not contributed much to the arts. Yet today, the arts are disproportionately occupied by women (but they suck?). Lolll

>> No.20176897

uhh no

>> No.20176901

colossally missing the point

>> No.20176905

>Marina Tsvetayeva
We're friends now, anon

>> No.20176923

They’re also mean-seeking, while men are more likely to form their own opinion and go against the herd.

>> No.20176928

Did you see that in a movie?

>> No.20176989

Have you thought about writing a book, Femanon?

>> No.20176989,1 [INTERNAL] 

Historically they have contributed but were mostly forgotten or suppressed because women are le inferior.

>> No.20177216

Ayn is a shit writer, her characters are claymation people

>> No.20177224

Don’t @ me you like marvel movies.

>> No.20177234

greater male variability hypothesis
women can be geniuses but its much more rare. Basically women need to be able to dump out kids and taking a gamble on genetic shit and the neurosis that can come with genius its not worth the risk. Women are too valuable to gamble their ability to procreate with outlier genetics. Though when women can be at this level its a kin to how there have been great gay men and benefited society. They are outsiders and can see our society for what it is because they exist on the fringe. They are allowed to have perceptions others really would struggle to even come across. Again super rare and doesnt apply to all gays or women I am talking about elite level fagget here.

>> No.20177235

That's just popular literature for you and not an inherent female trait. Men also wrote these things in the past 200 years and they were bought by women. Literature written for the masses always appeals to lowest common denominators.

>> No.20177253

What’s your point? Men suffer too? Yes, I agree. It’s generally only wealthy individuals or those who have supportive families and free time that end up being good writers.

>> No.20177279
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>> No.20177293

There's also just more male role models for writers. It's already going against the grain becoming a writer for men. Even more so for women.
Not talking of popular literature here, though.

>> No.20177325

I've read hundreds of great books by women. /thread

>> No.20177360

Anon it's not 2008 anymore. "Tits or GTFO" got replaced with "YWNBAW" a long time ago.

>> No.20177382
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For millennia men have born the brunt of war and violence, and so the male brain evolved to be good at creating imaginary situations as a form of escapism in response to the harsh realities of war and the responsibility to providing for a family.
Women, being the rearers of children and the homemakers, never had quite such a need for this particular form of imagination, as escapism wasn’t evolutionarily necessary for their psychological wellbeing and survival

>> No.20177411

Go back.

>> No.20177428



The egg strategy is more stable and risk averse than the sperm strategy. Women are also weaker and dependent on men, so they're more demure, more passive, and aren't as idea driven. "Solving things" is not how a woman's brain works, for the most part. If they have natural intelligence, they are a lot less likely to bother applying it.

And women are more specialized towards pursuing reproduction because they bear more of the reproductive tax. That is, sex for more is relatively speaking more incidental and for women it is life altering and this affects the way they perceive themselves, men, and the whole social arena they occupy.

>> No.20177603

>Camille Paglia

>> No.20177709

Ever notice how other women exclude other women from things?
It's a chronic condition, and the result is that very few women actually write anything down with some real insight. It's quite sad actually.
You know what they say, high school never ends, with women peer pressure just absolutely murders them.

>> No.20178132


>> No.20178158 [DELETED] 

She get's more and more based

>> No.20178167

What can a woman write with if she doesn't have a penis? A strapon?

>> No.20178186

Women talk a lot but say nothing. They complain all the time time but never suffer.

>> No.20178353

There have been many great mothers. That's what you're good for, so I say embrace that instead of trying to imitate men (and failing poorly)

>> No.20178358
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>OP posits an interesting question on the nature of the masculine and the feminine
>redditor waltzes in
>"you see it's because we are literally animals, and like, biology and evolution and sex and stuff. it's in your genes bro. Evolution."
Yeah that's very cool four-eyes, evolution is definitely real, now please go away while adults talk, okay?

>> No.20178384

Are you hot? Can I see a picture of your pussy?

>> No.20178515


Women literally had no opportunity to write until quite recently

>> No.20178567

Ha-Ha very funny anon(ette.)

>> No.20178822 [DELETED] 

For the same reason there haven't been many women scientists, discoverers, engineers..

In Victorian ages, women were allowed to pursue *some* education (to learn how to read, write, and maybe to speak one or two languages, though fluently or not, questionable). But that's it. They were expected to be give birth and take care of the children. This is again the Victorian age, which means the enlightnment, the scientific revolution... have taken place, and better ideas. Now imagine how large the gap in equality between the sexes was in older, less enlightened times.
>They could've revolted
An uneducated mind can't revolt.

So, your question would be more fair if you consider women post-feminism.
And to answer your question: men had history, women had 60 years or so.

>> No.20178834 [DELETED] 

For the same reason there haven't been many women scientists, discoverers, engineers..

In Victorian ages, women were allowed to pursue *some* education (to learn how to read, write, and maybe to speak one or two languages, though fluently or not, questionable). But that's it. They were expected to be give birth and take care of the children. This is again the Victorian age, which means the enlightenment, the scientific revolution... have taken place. Now imagine how large the gap in equality between the sexes was in older, less enlightened times.
>They could've revolted
An uneducated mind can't revolt.

So, your question would be more fair if you consider women post-feminism.
And to answer your question: men had history, women had 60 years or so

>> No.20178918
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Women are inherantly childish due to their nature of being the rearers and caregivers to young children. Their aims are simply to organize and maintain a household.

Top quality men are far more numerous because it is required of us to compete with others but also lead our tribe to security and stability which means men are in a constant arms race with each other physically and mentally to come up with better ways of ruling their own tribe while also defending it from enemies foreign and domestic. It comes to a point that men are just naturally better at abstracting interesting concepts from nature as a means of portraying the horrors or the unknown darkness that humanity faces.

Think of things like Lord of the Rings Terminator, Matrix, Star Wars Alien, Warhammer 40k, Dune, Blade Runner.

Imagine what goes on in the male psyche to realize humanity has in its insanity of capitalistic driven excess has on a metaphysical level driven his demons into a physical form that imitates the human mind but is also completely alien to us and wants to kill us but some men are so mad they wish to tame this monster. Also written within this abstaction is that all of our religions will simultaneously call this force the devil but will also fail to prepare us to fight it. Man's lust for more, for perfection and his greed to have more than anyone will create a prison and a monstrous consciousness beyond the scope of our own understanding that will kill us all or enslave us without a second thought. Mans greatest threat is that he will invent his own physical god empowered with intellect but divorced from morality or any true wisdom.

Mankind is a tortured thing caught halfway between the gods and the beasts, he will be consumed by both elements of his psyche whereupon when he finally realizes his god hood he will only act in the most sublimely beastial fashion to the horror of the entire universe as we have not understood how to move beyond power dynamics.

This is why we are trapped here on this world in a never ending cycle of suffering and all of this could have been avoided this time around if Adolf Hitler had won WWII.

We are stuck in this mess because as Lord of the Rings shows, no man is capable of giving up power as a whole we fight external monsters but those monsters exist in our hearts within and without. The battles that play out show us the folly of fighting and violence of seeking control because it only leads to more suffering and evil. It seems that human needs and our base psyche is completely at odds with the universe and its laws.

The greatest challenge we have is that the means we use to create stability from external threats and safety creates internal instability as peace is not something that we can tolerate. Man silumtanously loathes and loves suffering because it is what drives us to do great things.

As someone said man's greatest problem is that he cannot just sit in a room alone and be content.

Then theres the Jews.

>> No.20179509

I'm glad every 4chan board is still based and misogynistic.

>> No.20179563

Lets be honest, most of the really significant male writers of the past were highly autistic in some way. Creating something like the Lord of the Rings requires a kind of obsessive, meticulous autism that is rare in men and even rarer in women

>> No.20179587

>the library of Alexandria is one of your favourite libraries
Yeah you have to specify which library of Alexandria you mean, because they had very different collections and shelving practices.