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20172405 No.20172405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When I’m raising my kid how explicit should I be in my support for Hitler and National Socialism? On the one hand I don’t want the schools to get in his head on what went down, and have him turn into amerigolem at best. On the other hand as a kid without self control or knowing how to keep his thoughts hidden he could get himself and the whole family into a lot of trouble, as well I think it’d be better for him and give him solider conviction if I just led him to these conclusions but let him get there on his own instead of outright indoctrinating him.

What does /lit/ think?

>> No.20172434

>national socialist
>ever letting your kid go to Rap and TikTok High
doesn't add up boss

>> No.20172437

Great question. Use an extremely light hand. Your kid doesn't care about your political opinions. When they're older, if they respect and trust you, they will listen to you. If they don't respect and trust you, they will not. Civilization will work to take your children's minds from you, and there is no guarantee you will be able to save them from that influence. The elite are very influential

>> No.20172443

By demonstration. Show them how he committed suicide with a loaded gun

>> No.20172452


>> No.20172455

t.reddit kike

>> No.20172459

You will never reproduce

>> No.20172466

You already lost, bro. Homeschool is the only way if you want to protect your kid from pozzed shit in 2022.

>> No.20172467

your licentious question is plagued with fallacy

>> No.20172474

daily reminder violence against nazis is ok

>> No.20172475

That's an awfully hateful attitude to have towards someone who is apparently clearly misguided and confused in the world. Would you so hate and wish violence upon an african american for being a robbing, murdering criminal? Probably not. In that case, you suddenly are filled with compassion for his socially unfortunate circumstances. But a Caucasoid with a fully developed frontal cranium?? Their actions can only be explained by a willing and irrevocable choice to engage in evil.

For people who apparently hate racism, your opinions on others are predicated on ones race as much if not more than your antagonists

>> No.20172479

>When I’m raising my kid
So you're female?

>> No.20172480
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5 bucks says 5 nazis will beat the shit out of 5 "anti-nazi" virtue signaling sucker punching cowards ten times out of ten

>> No.20172489

Shit they should make a show out of that. 5 v. 5 group brawls between varying political parties. It'd be great. I'd love to watch some autistic /pol/tards beat the teeth out of reddit antifa trannys and simps

>> No.20172507

They never found a body.

>> No.20172513

Just put Serrano's books on your shelf and if he asks you about them go "Oh yeah, he had some different ideas."

>> No.20172546
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Your poor child

>> No.20172549
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