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/lit/ - Literature

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20166267 No.20166267 [Reply] [Original]

Mounted Knight Edition

Previous Thread:>>20158939

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20166268
File: 139 KB, 585x899, 1649025327271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys currently or planning on reading?

Been reading a more game of thrones and Catelyn’s actions are just outright insane. I don’t know if it’s because her husband and father are lord Paramounts, but you would think capturing Tyrion would give her pause and think of the consequences.

>> No.20166272
File: 1.19 MB, 1694x2560, 91UDzcPH-nL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys currently or planning on reading?

Been reading The Way of Kings. That's what I am reading, what about you guys?

>> No.20166278

Ruined by the spammer already

>> No.20166281

Trying to read three lions three hearts. I hate how every character speaks in weird words like "aoh amha gonnahh hafe miii a peeese af braddh"

>> No.20166291
File: 23 KB, 374x348, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never fight for Most Holy Aspect-Emperor Anasurimbor Kellhus (pbuh) in Unification Wars
>you will never become a Believer King
>you will never eradicate orthodox cults (fuck you Yatwer) and F*nim remnants
>you will never lead Great Ordeal against the foul Golgotterath
>you will never scale the ramparts of Oblitus

>> No.20166301


>> No.20166304
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Between two fires. Every berserkfag should read it.

>> No.20166305

Robert Jordan's Warrior of Attilla

I'm finding it to be pretty boring.

>> No.20166311
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>think about a cool concept
>decide i'll finally write or draw something with that
>crab thoughts kick in
>give up
>rinse and repeat

>> No.20166314
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I enjoyed it. Are other books set in this universe good?

>> No.20166316
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>> No.20166320
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Nonsense. Humans love crab thoughts. All concepts are crab concepts. Do you need re-education?

>> No.20166321

The stand alone books that follow the first trilogy are also decent. The second trilogy which is set after those stand alone books is weaker but still ok

>> No.20166325
File: 62 KB, 297x475, 1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The End is Nigh, The Apocalypse Triptych #1 - John Joseph Adams & Hugh Howey, editors (2014)

This is a self-published trilogy of anthologies, which is rather peculiar. Adams is among the top anthologists, or otherwise this probably wouldn't have been possible. There are 22 authors in this volume and 28 across all 3. 17 of those authors are in all 3 volumes. Consult the the provided image for more details. The stated goal was to have stories that depict the same setting across three different times of the apocalypses. A problem with this was that for several this meant that only a third of story was provided and on its on own was rather unsatisfying because they were fragments rather than entire stories. Those stories surely would have been better received as a whole, especially for those reading as the volumes were released. I considered reading across the 3 volumes for each story as I went, rather than reading then from beginning to end of each volume, but decided against it.

Apocalyptic Causes
Impact: 6
Malice: 5
Idiocy: 4
Aliens: 3
Disease: 3
Volcano: 1

The Balm and the Wound - Robin Wasserman
A cult leader, the protagonist, prophesized that the world would end in nine months. He doesn't believe that at all though. An ex-lover appears and drops off a ten year son he never knew he had, who may want to be an actual cult leader. As far as cults goes, this is certainly one of the most beneficial for its members that I've ever read.

Heaven is a Place on Planet X - Desirina Boskovich
Aliens proclaim the Earth will be destroyed and all shall be transported one trillion light years away. All humans must remain calm and not change their behavior in any way. Randomly selected humans are issued ray guns to vaporize anyone who doesn't continue to live as they normally would. If their promised rapture doesn't come, apocalypse will have to suffice.

Break! Break! Break! - Charlie Jane Anders
School kids film jackass-like stunts and are oblivious to the world crumbling around them except for realizing that it makes for great content.

The Gods Will Not Be Chained - Ken Liu
A girl's father has been uploaded into the cloud and has to relearn how to communicate with humans.

Wedding Day - Jake Kerr
Maybe it's just me, but there seemed to be a lot of mixed messages in this story. The only clear message was that if you know an apocalypse is coming, you should do whatever you can to mitigate it in advance, but people would rather procrastinate. Also, even if isn't there one, you should still be trying to live your best life.

Removal Order - Tananarive Due
A young woman tends her to terminally ill and bedridden grandmother despite the imminent apocalypse. This reminded me too much of similar personal experience.

System Reset - Tobias S. Buckell
A skip tracing duo are searching for a techno-utopian terrorist to collect the bounty on him.

>> No.20166327

probably for the best, anon.
Chance that you're not a talenltless shit: <1%
Chance that you're ideas are not stale repackaging of the last anime you saw: <1%
Chance that you will be able to put in hundreds of hours on drafts and revision necessary to finish a book: <1%
Chance that you will put in the legwork sending your manuscript to publishers and them not rejecting it outright because your name is Whyboi McSmith and not Neegah Lgbtstanifugeewitz: <1%

>> No.20166329

It's okay, I'm writing a story, but I know people will declare it complete garbage and I should never pick up a pen again. But I'm trying.

>> No.20166330

From a world building perspective, what other areas of study would, while not necessarily having to go in-depths, be considerations during development?


>> No.20166332
File: 58 KB, 297x475, 2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Unkempt World is Falling to Pieces - Jamie Ford
In 1910, an involuntary servant at a end-of-the-world party for the wealthy, who treat it as a joke, daydreams of what could've been.

BRING HER TO ME - Ben H. Winters
A voice speaks to everyone in their minds and tells them to kill themselves at the proper time. Everyone thinks this is a great idea. A lone girl cannot hear the voice and thus it demands that all BRING HER TO ME.

In the Air - Hugh Howey
I couldn't go along with this ridiculous premise. I want to be able to, but I just can't. DID YOU KNOW THAT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD HAS NANOMACHINES IN THEIR BLOOD FROM THIS SECRET ORGANIZATION THAT WHEN THEY ACTIVATE THEM WILL KILL EVERYONE EXCEPT THE CHOSEN FEW? This is like a really bad network tv SF plot.

Goodnight Moon - Annie Bellet
The few researchers who live in the Moon colony realize that a dwarf planet is about to collide with the Moon, which shall shatter the moon and its debris shall rain down upon the Earth.

Dancing with Death in the Land of Nod - Will McIntosh
A disease that terminally paralyzes 97% of those it afflicts is sweeping across the country. The protagonist, 42, starts a relationship with a ~26 year old woman that he's known since birth.

Houses Without Air - Megan Arkenberg
Volcanic eruptions have reduced the percent of oxygen in the air below survivable levels. Her housemate wants to make a memorial to the end of the world, so she abandons everything else, because may as well.

The Fifth Day of Deer Camp - Scott Sigler
...was when the alien invasion began.

Enjoy the Moment - Jack McDevitt
A brown dwarf star has entered the solar system and is going to wreck the Earth...in 20 years.

Pretty Soon the Four Horsemen are Going to Come Riding Through - Nancy Kress
Volcanic eruptions induce human evolution. Children born since then are entirely docile.

Spores - Seanan McGuire
Genetically engineered food becomes grey goo, fungus style.

She’s Got a Ticket to Ride - Jonathan Maberry
A fixer is hired to retrieve their daughter from a doomsday cult of the Nibiru cataclysm.

Agent Unknown - David Wellington
Zombies are a prion disease with a possible incubation of 20 years

Enlightenment - Matthew Mather
Well, that was a lot. What an extreme religious death cult.

Shooting the Apocalypse - Paolo Bacigalupi
A photographer and journalist are looking for a big scoop to profit from.

Love Perverts - Sarah Langan
Earth is a disaster after the Resource Wars and now a comet has come to finish humanity off. Nihilists and hedonists abound. A few may survive underground.

>> No.20166338

World-building is more important than story
Cope, if you must

>> No.20166339
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>> No.20166340

Fuck off to /wg/ >>20166273 alrteady

>> No.20166341

>The Apocalypse Triptych
I love it when covers filter themselves

>> No.20166353
File: 49 KB, 351x500, utawarerumono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read this
>It's ancient Japan
>It's actually post apocalyptic


>> No.20166357

ywnb a janny

>> No.20166363

based underwater ray romano enjoyer

>> No.20166371 [DELETED] 

well there are still 300 posts left in the thead, so be a good boy and only post reddit approved lefty hugos and nebula sjw trash.

>> No.20166375

crab thoughts

>> No.20166400

It was also originally an eroge that had several explicit sex scenes.

>> No.20166404

that's where literature peaks

>> No.20166427

A very fine book

>> No.20166470

Is Utawareumono a classic?

>> No.20166471

Also known as sober thoughts

>> No.20166488

Fuckoff retard

>> No.20166504

You're just coping and trying to feel better for your worthlessness by trying to drag people down to your subhuman level

>> No.20166534
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>> No.20166538

All I did is offer a clear-headed view. It appears you're the one coping by posting cringe in sffg and expecting strangers to encourage you or some shit. Well, here's the truth my boy - people who actually, really, genuinely wanted to write a book, already did. They couldn't wait to get home from work and type the words out, each sentence practically begging to get out. They're already done. Some got published, some didn't, some never cared to get published. But the deed they did do. Your "cool concepts" were just daydreams mixed in with delusions of grandeur. Everyone has those, you were never special.

>> No.20166541

what's wrong with it? besides having a bunch of dialogue tags

>> No.20166544

Just ignore that faggot. He’s been posting it for the past few threads.

>> No.20166545 [DELETED] 

Just report the spammer

>> No.20166554

didn't read

>> No.20166570

I’m listening to Brian and KJA’s Dune sequels while doing errands/commuting/etc. They aren’t great but I might do Legends of Dune after this because I hate myself I guess.

>> No.20166633

That's not a terrible strategy to spam my previous write-ups so that you can say when I post new ones that they are as well and try to have them deleted.

>> No.20166673

I don't buy books online anymore because when this came it was an oversized print on demand looking piece of shit with a cover of a disgusting texture.

>> No.20166679 [DELETED] 

Which would be worse?
OP can delete posts in threads they create
The current moderation system

>> No.20166695

I finished Reaper and I am idling in Martial World again. Maybe I will finally reread Radix.

>> No.20166715

I've been reading too much fantasy lately, so i'm going to read some sci fi. Can anyone recommend a trilogy or series of sci fi books that I can stick my teeth into for a while. Ive already read Dune books a while back.
I've been thinking of getting Three Body Problem or maybe getting into Expanse series. My only issue with Three body problem is I hear some people think its not all that. Also how is the translation? My only issue with Expanse is that its a long series. Is it all worth it though?
Ultimately which sci fi book series should I get into? Or is there something better put there?

>> No.20166722

crab gonna crab

>> No.20166727
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>> No.20166732

>Every berserkfag should read it.
What else?

>> No.20166734

I'm not sure what I dislike more, the people who gave it 5 stars before it released or the people who gave it less than 5 stars. The hype train people I understand even if it's cringe. But for the others? At least wait for the book to come out before you criticize it.

>> No.20166741

>At least wait for the book to come out before you criticize it.
This is very common though, especially for books that were "supposed" to have come out a long time ago. That isn't the case for this particular book though.

>> No.20166756

Martial world?

>> No.20166770

The Invisible Man, and maybe a literary novel, before continuing with Urth of the New Sun.

>> No.20166772

>My only issue with Three body problem is I hear some people think its not all that.
There's always going to be those who dislike something, especially for popular works. What matters more than the absolute number is those who think similarly to you.

>Also how is the translation?
The series has more than one translator and it varies.

>My only issue with Expanse is that its a long series. Is it all worth it though?
Relatively very few finish any kind of long series and this is no exception. Several have expressed disappointment at how it ends, but that may not be the consensus. Only you can decide if it's worth it.

>> No.20166778

Any book series that can be described as sci-fi Law and Order? Just each volume being an episodic crime story in space.

>> No.20166789

That would be very drawn out if it were a full novel. That would more like a series of short fiction stories, or novella length at most.

>> No.20166802
File: 17 KB, 372x372, moly hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Expanse but it's only about Miller

>> No.20166817

Most classic crime novels run around 50,000 words, just a bit past the upper limit for a novella.

>> No.20166823

Classic crime novels aren't anything like an episode of Law & Order.

>> No.20166833

The Caves of Steel is like this, I don’t know if the other Robot stories are the same

>> No.20166840

Then that's on me for making a bad comparison. I haven't actually seen an episode of Law and Order in the past 15 years and hardly remember them, I just named it thinking it would get the general idea across well enough.

>> No.20166841

Is it worth the money,?

>> No.20166857

Why even ask such pointless question on 4chan

>> No.20166859

This looks like exactly the sort of thing I'm after, thanks Anon.

>> No.20166860
File: 1.02 MB, 1655x2399, J._R._R._Tolkien,_1940s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's Sunday
>go to latin mass like any true Tolkien appreciator.
>sing the latin hyms loudly (V2fags btfo)
>a qt is next to me
>she sings the hyms more beautifully than anything I have ever heard of
>reminded that I am a impure sinner
>for a moment don't say the hymns in fear that I would corrupt her harmony like Melkor corrupting the music of the Ainur composed by Eru Ilúvatar
>tfw no Nightingale gf

>> No.20166871

Fuck off, respectfully

>> No.20166894

she should’ve been killed off like in the show

>> No.20166903

Literally just download it and check it out. What a stupid question.

>> No.20166911

Sell me this book. I'm always on the look out for fantasy horror that isn't just graphic descriptions of gore or bloated grimderp shit.

>> No.20166916

My nigga you seen The X Files?

>> No.20166924

Nevermind. Just visited this faggot's twitter.

>> No.20166930

That bad?

>> No.20166935

Anti-Trump, anon's probably a seething Murican political cultist.

>> No.20166939

A surprising number of anons won't pirate stuff.

>> No.20166941

Aren't all good fiction writers left wing?

>> No.20166944

You're the only one seething here.

>> No.20166947

>caring about identity politics

>> No.20166954

Says the guy who lets his fee-fees get in the way of reading good fiction, haha...

>> No.20166957

>>20166939 from where mate

>> No.20166970

Everyone is "left wing" until the overton window shifts and they become neo-nazis like JKR.

>> No.20166971

meds. now.

>> No.20166975

hint: check the catalogue

>> No.20166976

There are so many leftwing authors, some tend to better than others, but against a true rare right wing author they stand no chance

>> No.20166978

I agree, people should take their meds and stop letting politics control their lives.

>> No.20166981

>Le drugs are cool XD
Can't tell if 16 or 61

>> No.20166989

This. You have to be incurably mentally ill to immediately check an author's twitter page for wrongthink before reading a book.

>> No.20166992

I have not seen good fiction written by a left winger. I am not saying they aren't capable at all, sometimes they do the first book right, with no leftwing propaganda but then the rest of series slowly introduces it and tries to normalize it.
Despicable behaviour.

>> No.20166996

See >>20166971

>> No.20166999

Google zlibrary

>> No.20167010

It is an objective truth. If you can't accept then that is your problem.

>> No.20167016

I'm glad you at least acknowledge your mental illness. Now, if only you could take your meds.

>> No.20167017

Le Guin proves that wrong though. She's the only good leftist author.

>> No.20167025

>le guin is good
Is this /sffg/ or /baitg/

>> No.20167028

You are the liberal, you are the mentally ill here.

>> No.20167031

>I have not seen good fiction written by a left winger.

>> No.20167033

So, no good fiction has been written by a left winger then?

>> No.20167034

Wolfe, Tolkien, and Dunsany were milquetoast right wingers. Vance was and Cook is somewhere on the southeast side of the compass.

>> No.20167035

He said good.

>> No.20167043

So you haven’t read her then? You should give her a try. Only good leftist author.

>> No.20167049

Is bakker left winger? I though he only pretended to be left wing for commercial and publisher reasons?

>> No.20167050

Back to twitter

>> No.20167051

Why are we pretending like the authors identity doesn't play a crucial role in a book quality? You do realise that novels are products of the mind, right? I don't care if my dentist has gay ideology so long as he's a good dentist, but a writer literally inscribes his thoughts for the world to see. If I'm checking the author and it's a semite with BLMLGBT rainbow flag, I'm not touching xer shit like it's covered in bubonic boils.

>> No.20167052

why would I go to that liberal cesspit?

>> No.20167056
File: 348 KB, 585x902, Bakker’s blog war against the right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker is a left-wing progressive. He’s also a fedora tipping atheist.

>> No.20167059

Because that's where you're from newfag.

>> No.20167061 [DELETED] 


>> No.20167068

Kek you are a retard.

>> No.20167070 [DELETED] 

No, I won't go back to twitter you retarded gay nigger tranny faggot kike. Never had one. You, however, do need to rush back to your dilation station, the wound already is closing

>> No.20167074 [DELETED] 

Time to go back newfags>>20167050

>> No.20167103

Go back to r*ddit

>> No.20167124 [DELETED] 

Back to twitter>>20167050

>> No.20167147 [DELETED] 

What are books that dealing with the challenge of ruling and leading? It seems like in fantasy being the king is the destination not the journey. I like george martin explores putting his characters by putting them in real positions of power.

>> No.20167173

What are books that deal with the challenge of ruling and leading? It seems like in fantasy being the king is the destination not the journey. I like how george martin explores this by putting his characters in real positions of power.

>> No.20167185

See >>20167103

>> No.20167229 [DELETED] 

Dont care newfag. Go back.>>20167050

>> No.20167255

>I even waged blog war against the alt-right
Bakker is a bunkertranny confirmed

>> No.20167257
File: 66 KB, 282x475, 30036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to give Elric a read and this shit is BAD, fanfiction.net level bad.
Moorcock can't do subtlety at all, Elric is Moorcock's self insert, Melnibone is evil traditional England full of dumb normies that can't handle Elric's anarchist galaxy brain that he acquired reading books because he can't play sports, and Stormbringer is his giant phallic proxy.
Also for how much this guy goes on about sexism in other people's stories the women in this are 1D, they all may as well be the same person and the one's that actually have names all fuck Elric sooner or later.

>> No.20167261

What did you expect from a guy named Morecock?

>> No.20167283

Does she do anything of note after the brotherhood brings her back to life?

>> No.20167306

>sword is a dick
Oh fuck off

>> No.20167311

>sword is a dick
This humble Junior has gained enlightenment upon the Sword Dao.

>> No.20167329

It wouldn't be so phallic if it did not have magic powers that make him irresistable to women that he later impales with the sword, that's just not even hiding it

>> No.20167334

Karl Edward Wagner’s Night Winds. The first Kane short story collection I’ve read and I think I like it more than any of the novels. The Dark Muse actually spooked me which rarely happens with writing and never happens with sword and Sorcery.
Gotta start somewhere anon, keep at it and try and finish one thing.
That’s the spirit anon, YGMI.

>> No.20167354

Being here is a voluntarily cancer of the mind, body, and soul. NGMI.

>> No.20167358

This is actually my story but it’s the wild west.
I think Tolkien actually got inspired to begin writing his “Second World” when he saw his wife dancing. You should try writing something now anon.

>> No.20167365

Get off 4chan and either start reading or writing. I rarely let myself go on the board unless I meet my word count for the day.

>> No.20167370

Wish fulfillment that is good please, ones where the mc works very hard and actually gets rewarded for it and not discarded like a piece of trash on the sidewalk?

>> No.20167386

If that's how you feel about your own life, you may need to do something more about it more than reading.

>> No.20167393

What is the Berserk of /lit/?

>> No.20167400 [DELETED] 

Some Gothic fiction

>> No.20167401

Conan the Barbarian

>> No.20167403

Don't give a shit about your politics, take your meds and go back to whatever Discord echo chamber you typically dwell in.

>> No.20167411

that's definitely a contender

>> No.20167447

Im actually reading it next, read just a little bit and I'm hooked. I have a shit ton of books ready and lined up to read and it's one of the last ones I got but it looks so good I decided to read it before all the other shit I still need to read.

>> No.20167477

Does /lit/ even read outside of /sffg/? Seems like the only people reading are the ones in this general.

>> No.20167479

I'm currently reading A Clash of Kings after taking a break of about a year from the first book. I watched the show first, and it's interesting comparing the way the first season was adapted compared to the second. Season 1 is a very straight adaptation of the book, and the few things it adds are excellent scenes that I wish were included in the book. About halfway through ACOK, there hasn't been a single change the show made that was for the better. It's kind of baffling.

Also, Catelyn's a great character, though she is one of the rare characters that is absolutely just better in the show.

>> No.20167493

About to finish Moon Witch, Spider King by Marlon James pretty soon. Was exited to read it because I heard it was pretty good, better than the first novel in his Dark Star trilogy. Started off pretty slow so I was wondering what the hell all the good reviews were going on about, but after a while it picked up the pace and got interesting. Hopefully the third book comes out soon because this has been one of my favorite series I've read in a long time.

>> No.20167497
File: 1019 KB, 1601x2440, 91pGBm3N0jL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of starting Titus Groan.

>> No.20167504
File: 43 KB, 300x420, Maegor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ceryse and Maegor were wed in 25 AC.[4] The ceremony was held at the Starry Sept of Oldtown, with Ceryse's uncle, the High Septon, performing the rites.[1] Ceryse was twenty-three, whereas Maegor was thirteen years old.[5][4][1] Maegor boasted to having consummated the marriage a dozen times the night of the wedding,[4][1] and those who had seen the bedding agreed that Maegor was a lusty husband.[1]
>Ceryse was twenty-three, whereas Maegor was thirteen years old.
More like Maegor the Based

>> No.20167529

You should, it's very good. Prose is somewhat purple, but you end up with a very vivid description of the entire castle. I can still picture all of it in my head as if I was reading it now.

>> No.20167534

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

>> No.20167563
File: 192 KB, 1500x1200, laughing crying turtle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20167678

Reaction images, emoticons, emoji, emotes, and similar are basically all the same.

>> No.20167690

Based beyond belief?

>> No.20167706

i'm sorry you feel this way about yourself. know that you are loved and there is hope for recovery. step 1 is admitting you have a KJA problem

>> No.20167710

>Prose is somewhat purple
once again fantasy retards using literary terms wrong
"purple prose" is when there are random very-eloquent or ornate sentences scattered throughout prose that is otherwise very plain; the term from ancient Roman times and likens the random eloquent or dramatic sentence or description to 'sewing purple patches onto a garment' (taking something fanciful or elegant and crudely pasting it onto something that is otherwise very plain). The prose in Titus Groan is not 'purple,' it is eloquent and ornate and often decadent but the entire book is written like that: it's the author's style.

>> No.20167731

"Purple prose" just means prose that is overly flowery or ornate. I enjoy Peake's writing, but at times I think it is too flowery and ornate. As a result, I think that the book has somewhat purple prose. I enjoy the book, I enjoy florid writing, I simply think that the book goes overboard at points. You may disagree, but I'm not using the term incorrectly.

>> No.20167881

>it's another under-socialized autist who developed a hyper-specific meaning for terminology that he expects everybody else to use

>> No.20168046
File: 38 KB, 317x475, Bastion Great Souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. Read Bastion instead, or some of those Royal Road pieces. Virtuous Sons poses interesting cultivation practices adapted to a Greco-Roman system. Conceptually great but you're essentially reading a fictionpress series, so it takes a while to ramp up. Still shits on this Chinese schlock.

>> No.20168067
File: 15 KB, 201x250, steerpike2_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First two are weird but very good. Don't touch the third book, it's shit.

>> No.20168072

this looks cringe but you might actually have decent taste

>> No.20168181


>> No.20168185

Got eem.

>> No.20168201
File: 72 KB, 500x375, crab posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hurts...

>> No.20168226

I tried reading virtous sons, it was fine at the beginning but I dropped it soon after they arrived in olympia and saw the the oracle. It was just some philosophy nonsense disguised a story(half assed one), it started out fine but then gradually went more philosophical and less comprehensible. I guess for philosophy students it is fine.
Of course the xanxia aspect is almost non existent, why is it even called xanxia I don't know (maybe after some philosophical pondering one of mc will realise he is a god or am immortal?), when I say it is a story I use the term loosely because, the actual story hardly exists, maybe it does but absolutely nothing is explained, forget cultivation mechanics, progression, the story itself and plot is unclear, because most of the time the characters speak in philosophical riddles. Chinks have no imagination but at least they are clear and concise.
All in all it is simply for people who are (greek) interested in philosophy.

>> No.20168232

have you read Reverend Insanity?

>> No.20168245
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>It was just some philosophy nonsense disguised a story
>why is it even called xanxia I don't know

>> No.20168335

Daenerys died during the funeral pyre and was turned into a fire wight by Miri the witch.

>> No.20168447

>we must elevate the fantasy genre
>i refuse to learn basic literary conventions

>> No.20168614

I'm actually reading Bastion right now. Very slow-going, but 800 pages does that I guess. I'm still a little baffled at how much I don't know what Scorio looks like. I get we're mostly stuck to his perspective but all we really know about him is "kinda tall" and "has hair".

>> No.20168689
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>Dockson reluctantly agreed to invite the Smoker. Although the man was hard to work with, he was good enough for the job, at least according to Kelsier.

I'm not a writer, but wouldn't it be better to shorten it like this? like, is that wall of dialogue really necessary?

>> No.20168736

These are early parts of the novel, to establish the dynamic of Kelsier and the rest of the heist gang that Vin finds herself stumbling into. It is rough, and I'm pretty sure Sanderson has multiple times stated he'd redo the "meeting the gang" stuff, but it functions.

>> No.20168738

weren't there novellas focusing on him?

>> No.20168754

Fuck Molyneux. Not even literally.

>> No.20168840

>These are early parts of the novel, to establish the dynamic of Kelsier and the rest of the heist gang that Vin finds herself
Stopped reading there.

>> No.20168842

You wanted an answer, you got an answer.

>> No.20168845
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x2448, 20220404_082918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Martial World be like

>> No.20168849

>The chapter title is a spoiler
Then why the fuck did you title it that.

>> No.20168869

>read ship of fools
>the official ebook has reddit spacing between every sentence

>> No.20168870

are you rereading it? I read it once and it was good but I have no desire to reread it, I just feel it has no re-read value.

>> No.20168877

I can handle that, but there's another ebook I tried reading that has massive indentation at the start of every paragraph and it was too painful to read. Why the fuck don't people format their books to be readable to, y'know, people?

>> No.20168894 [DELETED] 

sage for offtopic
are there any erotica sites with a rss feed for tagged stories? was poking around on koreader & saw it can do rss

>> No.20168936

Nah it is my first time.

>> No.20168955

used goods

>> No.20169097

stand-alones are good. I liked best served cold
might as well read the short stories also (all set before the 2nd trilogy)

>> No.20169311

It’s been a lifelong struggle. It gets you as a kid with Young Jedi Knights, and then you move on to stuff like Darksaber, and the next thing you know, you’ve got no standards and cross-dressing robots are monologuing about Van Gogh.

>> No.20169326

My favorite simulation is Time Out of Joint.
What is your favorite simulation story?

>> No.20169463

I found the first 1/4 of the book to be pretty slow, but at that point things start flowing more naturally. He stuffed so many plot threads in that first blitz it's hard to keep track of who's coming or going. As for the MC's looks, the author himself wants you to refer to the front cover of the book and then remove the demonic features. Poor choice of presentation on the author's part.

I read Book One, believe that's up to chapter 200? There's another 2,000 and I'm not willing to wade through shit to get to the 'good part'.

I'm starting to feel this too. They've begun waxing philosophical and setting up parties in an odd way. It's unfortunate to hear that the xanxia isn't prevalent. The forgotten gods and the mysteries behind them is conceptually solid as fuck. When we witness the Rosy Dawn, Griffon hallucinates that the God's face looks like his own.

Seems pretty clear that it's Apollo, so reincarnation must be the name of the game. There's a lot of odd bits but I'll catch up at the very least and determine if I want to keep up with it weekly from there.

Cringe as fuck, really don't understand why the author would go with this. The book is better than its cover.

>> No.20169502

It sounds like you messed up converting it or pirated a copy where someone else did. I didn't have that problem.

You also likely did something wrong.

>> No.20169660

okay i wont announce that i'm entering the herb into the options field
fuck these jannies with a cactus

>> No.20169756


>> No.20169761

the thing in the tank in johnny mnemonic was a literal dolphin?

>> No.20169783

got a warning for saging my offtopic question

>> No.20169811

>You also likely did something wrong.
Nope, just got it off Kindle. It's the Tower of Heaven series, the first book, if you're curious.

>> No.20169819

It's a nice twist on the usual magic academy tropes in that he's immediately shunted out before even getting taught the basics. Reincarnated without memories and just kinda told to roll with it is also a neat approach. I'm not too big on the characterisation so far, Scorio seems fine but no character really feels standout, and the author definitely feels like somebody who writes with a thesaurus available at all times. Every other chapter there's a few words that're just... Nobody uses those ever, stop trying to sound clever.

>> No.20169964 [DELETED] 

>Anti-Trump, anon's probably a seething Murican political cultist.
You sound like a faggot snowflake.

>> No.20169969

>Despicable behaviour.


>> No.20169979

>US English

>> No.20169981

Amerifat detected

>> No.20169987

I'm torn between reading non-fiction or starting to read Dying Earth.

>> No.20169989


>> No.20170037

I'm having a comfy fellowship of the ring reread right now. Anyone have any good red pills on Sauron? Was the dark lord misunderstood?

>> No.20170042


>> No.20170140

Joe Abercrombie's new series, The Devils, fuses the best of fantasy with the most gripping elements of heist, spy and thriller fiction. In a magic-riddled Europe under constant threat of elf invasion, the ten year old Pope occasionally needs services that cannot be performed by the righteous. And so, sealed deep beneath the catacombs, cathedrals and relic stalls of the Sacred City lies the secret Chapel of the Holy Expediency. For its highly disposable congregation—including a self-serving magician, a self-satisfied vampire, an oversexed werewolf, and a knight cursed with immortality—there is no mission that cannot be turned into a calamitous bloodbath…

>> No.20170178 [DELETED] 

Imagine being this much of a butthurt /pol/troon.

>> No.20170323
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Mfw i just found a website with all books for free in pdf
It's all so soulless and tiresome

>> No.20170349

Search zlibrary, then follow the link and you will find all the books in superior epub format. Life has never been better

>> No.20170350
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>> No.20170396

>The first Kane short story collection I’ve read and I think I like it more than any of the novels.
It is a fact that the Kane short stories are infinitely better than the Kane novels. Wagner was a MUCH better writer of short stories; also S&S in general is at its absolute best in short story format.

>> No.20170409
File: 459 KB, 1763x2633, Cover-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep pushing this book on you Berserk/Dark Souls fags when you ask for recs, but none of you will actually read it and it's very upsetting. Out of all the fantasy I've read it's the closest to feeling like Berserk (at its absolute weirdest and darkest) and even though I haven't been a gamerfag in years from what I've seen and read about the DS games it's probably exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.20170420

Calibre can convert them as well without tinkering with any settings, well some of them. I've been testing it last night and today, and many of the PDFs I wanted to read converted to epub no problem. They aren't formatted 1:1 but the text itself is correct and they have the chapters selectable, none of that wonky shit I've gotten with some epubs not from libgen.

>> No.20170429

Sounds like cringe incarnate.

>> No.20170472


>> No.20170485
File: 230 KB, 725x553, lelbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reviews for it aren't very positive. Apparently it takes a lot of inspiration from a christmas carol

>> No.20170517

How do you know no one has read it?
Why does that upset you?
Perhaps you in your eagerness you've exaggerated their similarity?
Maybe you should take "no" for an answer?

>> No.20170533

You're gay.

>> No.20170543

any recs for books with healthy mother and son relationships? my mom died about a month ago and i'm trying to fill the void.

>> No.20170571

Oedipus Rex

>> No.20170654

Redpill me on Saruman

>> No.20170687

Do you know how the orcs first came to be?

>> No.20170749

I wanna read books but I'd rather buy them in a paper version than get it online for free. I feel like a book loses it's charm if it's available online
Am i mentally ill?

>> No.20170754
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>> No.20170756


>> No.20170799


>> No.20170801

Goblins raped an Elf or something?

>> No.20170827
File: 424 KB, 1080x1920, Akiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you forget this seminal work

>> No.20170843

I will add this to my backlog. If you would be kind enough to post a DL link then I will grab it now.

>> No.20170848

why are there so many cringe covers

>> No.20170857

The Armageddon Rag should be required reading to post on /sffg/

>> No.20170858

Most authors have zero control over their book covers.

>> No.20170868

That's only with traditional publishing though, right?

>> No.20170912

Plenty of self-publishers have no access to good art/design and have no talent for spotting bad design

>> No.20170913

It's worse in ways with self-publishing because the cost of the cover may be more than what you make from sales if you pay anyone to do it.

>> No.20170922

Well you're always gonna put some money into publishing something, unless you're just sticking it online and asking for Patreon money.

>> No.20170953

Where do I get started with Conan?

>> No.20171092

REH writing order, like a kid in the '30s.

>> No.20171136


>> No.20171175

What is the One Piece of literature?

>> No.20171180

since manga is a form of print media by definition, One Piece

>> No.20171338

People do judge books by their cover and paying a little extra for a great cover increases the chances of your book selling better.

>> No.20171347

*especially if you're a self-publisher.

>> No.20171376

I'm interested in the trappings of xianxia like internal alchemy, sects, Daoism, even the stereotypes I see like young masters and face slapping. But I don't want a thousand chapters or writing that looks like nobody proofread it

>> No.20171398

I'm making a point of reading through multiple xianxia novels and seeing what's really stand out in the genre. If you want something with a professional touch, Cradle by Will Wight is a good choice. Has the feel of Avatar The Last Airbender with heavy cultivation elements. Very unique applications and disciplines. Lots to explore conceptually and very attentive character writing.

I'll shit up this thread periodically with any recommendations as I read them.

>> No.20171403

and then you'll have to provide an overview after you've read enough.

>> No.20171407
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>reading collection of short stories by multiple authors
>read only the stories written by men; skip all the ones written by women

>> No.20171425
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>> No.20171504

>There was one space between them, but the crossings were infinite
What makes Bakker's writing so beautiful?

>> No.20171586

This anon's gay book isn't on zlib or libgen and that other book is of Christian mythology so what Berserklike am I reading?

>> No.20171589
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>> No.20171601

In case you won't to check it out to see if you'd even be interested:

>> No.20171608

One way to check out random new books is to look at mobilism's most recently uploaded sff books. It's not only traditionally published. It may even be mostly self-published overall.

>> No.20171624

>The AFK Farming Software: I Became Invincible Without Knowing It
Truly these titles are audacious.

>> No.20171631

Are english language writers catching on to jp?

>> No.20171762

It's more likely that they're starting to suffer the same problem that plagues LNs. An overwhelming amount of similar stories means authors start turning titles into descriptions to catch a reader's interest as they scroll a catalogue

>> No.20171773
File: 109 KB, 375x130, EA9DC200-7819-4265-87D9-A0D343B92A08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s Scum Villain time.

>> No.20171802

What’s the best Arthurian fantasy? The Warlord trilogy is the one that peaks my interest the most

>> No.20171806

I hope you die this week.

>> No.20171834
File: 11 KB, 160x160, 1542246750550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little way into Birthgrave now and I'm not sure I'll finish it. I like the prose and the staccato pacing, but I'm not sure how many pages I can take of scared, confused, directionless but mysteriously special woman is feared and desired by everyone

>> No.20171837

Warlord Trilogy is not really a fantasy. It's more historical fiction that has "magic" that may or may not be entirely coincidental.

For example: (very mild spoiler) At some point in the story Merlin needs to summon a fog; he does this by whirling his staff around a few times during the night then promptly passing out. Come the morning a fog has appeared. Now did he actually summon the fog or was the fog going to show up anyways? That's how the 'magic' in this series works. Either way I highly recommend it for a great historical take on Arthurian myth, but not as a fantasy series.

>> No.20171860

Christian themes are boring. Same with Greek oversaturation in mythology.

>> No.20171874

What book are you even talking about?

>> No.20171875

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, best one I’ve got ITT in awhile. Do you know of any high fantasy that has the same tone as Arthurian legend? Something with chivalry, heraldry, knights, large battles, etc.

>> No.20171893

I'll take a long overly descriptive title over a short generic one.

>> No.20171902

The Wizard Knight; though you might find it a bit impenetrable because that's just how that author wrote. Plenty of other anons would also recommend it though. But if you're looking for something a bit more typical I'm afraid I can't help you out much since very little fantasy seems to actually be about traditional knights and I'm more of a S&Sfag. Three Hearts and Three Lions is an excellent knight fantasy story though; probably a bit closer to what you're wanting than Wizard Knight.

>> No.20171906

I can only assume the upset anon was the one who rec'd Between Two Fires.

>> No.20171911

Okay. I thought he was talking about Conan.

>> No.20171978

Thanks for the help, I’m not really an Isekai fan so I’ll probably just get the Warlord trilogy

>> No.20171985

>tfw a book interests you and the only way to read it is if you actually purchase it, but you don't want to give money to the people who made it because they all seem like faggots

>> No.20171990
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Maybe the Traitor Son Cycle? I wasn't the biggest fan, but it's heavily influenced by Arthurian legends.

>> No.20171998
File: 64 KB, 1308x1228, doppensoldier hinata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started working on writing gamelit fanfiction every day. It's complete trash and I'm ashamed to have written it but I'm not gonna stop until I hit 100k words. After that, I'll start writing Arthurian xianxia.

>> No.20172013

Save the missing Jade Fairy of the Lake and receive a Knight-realm sword, Arthur!

>> No.20172027
File: 542 KB, 1695x2560, 919XM42JQlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. I loved it. It's been so long since I've read good, clean, hard sci-fi that was actually interesting. I'm positive that Three Body Problem is going to be canonized in the sci-fi corpus, which is something I've never said about any other contemporary scifi novel.

Absolutely fantastic. Thanks for the rec /sffg/

>> No.20172038

She's just space roastie bro. You're overthinking it.

>> No.20172044

Recommended space westerns?

>> No.20172111

Am I fucking retarded I'm kind of new to reading but I noticed bakker does this a lot.

A cisharium is described talking to kellhaus. Bakker is describing the interaction - this is not dialogue.

>He tells Kellhus that's he

Who is the second "he"?

>> No.20172138

Don't be a retard.
>He tells Kellhus that he follows the Shortest Path, and that soon he will comprehend something called the Thousandfold Thought.
The second (and third) "he" obviously refers to Kellhus.

>> No.20172141

It goes full retard in the next book. The translated prose also continues to get more and more wooden.

>> No.20172150

Birthgrave trilogy

>> No.20172156

Ken knows his own scifi works are trash in comparison and couldn't contain his jealously.

>> No.20172163

>because your name is Whyboi McSmith and not Neegah Lgbtstanifugeewitz:

too far

>> No.20172167

I purposely didn't include the rest of the quote because sometimes it's not obvious. In this particular case it was. I thought maybe there was some sort of grammatical rule.

>> No.20172236

Ken Liu only translated the first book.

>> No.20172249

Sometimes antecedents are ambiguous and unclear and that's just how English. This isn't only case of this happening either. English uses "it" for a lot of very unclear stuff as well.
It's raining
It seems like it will be a good day to do it.

>> No.20172297

Good example. Alright thanks

>> No.20172371
File: 60 KB, 263x387, E45AED08-1F14-441B-A240-0CDE79C97A8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also S&S in general is at its absolute best in short story format
I’ve read some sword and sorcery novels I’ve loved, but I think you’re right short stories are where the genre shines. I think it lends itself the more personal, smaller scale form of storytelling that distinguishes Sword and Sorcery.

>> No.20172376

Star Wars Shadows of the Empire isn’t exactly a space western, but one of the main characters definitely fits the cowboy archetype.

>> No.20172415

Based fellow S&S chad. This is for you:
I found out about this magazine today and these crazy fucks post the issues for free as pdfs. I haven't read any of the stories in these issues yet, but I've read other stories I enjoyed from some of these authors so there's no doubt quality Sword & Sorcery kino here.

>> No.20172428
File: 283 KB, 1000x1505, 1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wings of fire book 15 is about to drop.

>> No.20172430

Too low IQ to read Bakker, go back to Sandersnoy

>> No.20172446

is this some scalie shit

>> No.20172451

>book 15
What's this, furfag pandering? Who would read 15 books of this shit?

>> No.20172490

>Wings of Fire
>>Flames of Hope
you can't make this shit up

>> No.20172499

I liked it. I thought the 'hard' aspects (the sublight travel, the eponymous physics problem) were honestly the weakest parts, but the clash of worldviews and the grand scale of it made for some really cool moments

>> No.20172541
File: 67 KB, 237x280, fuck no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book 15

>> No.20172576
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>book 15

>> No.20172583
File: 131 KB, 761x1024, 1zuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing a cyberpunk story where the main antagonist is heavily based on Mark Zuckerberg. How do I capture the evil of men like him without coming off as just "corporations are le bad?"

>> No.20172589


>> No.20172592

Reminder that Salt and Sanctuary has the deepest lore. Go download The Drowned Tome ;)

>> No.20172625

Just bought The World of a New Sun set... what am I in for?

>> No.20172629

Read it and find out.

>> No.20172652

Zuckerberg is a frontman for a not very anonymous group of older board members. Always be deeply suspicious of boy wonder narratives.

>> No.20172701

Recommend me a progression fantasy with non edgy but decisive protagonist. No romance, merry band /friends companions would be a plus, he doesn't have to be a loner tho, and he for sure should not have sex.

>> No.20172709

A Thousand Li: The Second Storm sadly he only really comes into his character in the sixth book

>> No.20172748

You have the books and instead of reading them you waste your time here?

>> No.20172770

>Implying he reads at all

>> No.20172796

You should go to /wg/ someone copy and pasted your question and is getting decent replies.

>> No.20172804

Be cool if Wong would stop writing two other series so this would get finished.

>> No.20172855

If someone recommends reverend insanity, ignore it. Its shit.

>> No.20172901

Are his two other series even good?

>> No.20172922

Not him, but If thousand Li is anything to go by, then no.

>> No.20172948

>Red Knight
I almost forgot that exists. I should really give it another read.

>> No.20172958

I think both titles are litrpg so I doubt it.

>> No.20172962

Is Miles Cameron good? I remember reading a book of his and was put off by it.

>> No.20172988

Have you read them or are you just being bias?

>> No.20173000

Probably bias. Not him by the way.

>> No.20173005

I'm not prejudiced against litrpg. I'm postjudiced against litrpg.

>> No.20173007

You're not funny.

>> No.20173031

Ignore the haters and read the sequels.

>> No.20173041

Bias based off finding few if any good litrpgs and agreeing with the other anon that A Thousand Li takes a bit of investment before enjoyment.

>> No.20173053

How much investment are we talking about?

>> No.20173070

Not Reverend insanity investment.

>> No.20173078

Funny aa fuck, do one more

>> No.20173091

Phoenix on the sword is good but pretty deep into the chronology (conan is a king) Some neutral stories that do a good job of explaining what conan do are beyond the black river, the teeth of gwa-lur, and iron shadows in the moon

>> No.20173119

>Some neutral stories that do a good job of explaining

>> No.20173137

Is the series good?

>> No.20173163

Doubt it, but I could be proven wrong.

>> No.20173172

Kys retard

>> No.20173193

What did he say wrong?

>> No.20173195


>> No.20173198

You have to go a bit more in-depth.

>> No.20173206

Just read the books.

>> No.20173211


>> No.20173216

New thread

>> No.20173292

Tower of the Elephant or Rogues in the House.

>> No.20173375

Cradle. Lindon is compulsively polite while also a borderline kleptomaniac.

>> No.20173743

That or they're meant as a sort of overt parody/homage of those styles of titles.

>> No.20173748

>Arthurian xianxia.
Doesn't that already exist? I feel like I've seen one brought up here and there.

>> No.20173756

Cradle DOES have romance though the romantic subplot is just treated as an extension of an extant relationship and isn't too focused on.