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20164510 No.20164510 [Reply] [Original]

Fifty Eddies for Not Winds. What is George even trying to achieve at this point? Has finally given up on Winds?

>inb4 I don't care about the fat man.
Sure you don't, too busy reading Finnegans Wake, are we?

>> No.20164542

>Sure you don't, too busy reading Finnegans Wake, are we?
Too busy reading an actual novel with decent prose and characters that have more than one trait and two emotions.

>> No.20164907

>Take Britons and rename them to "children of the forest"
>Take Anglo Saxons and rename them to "first men"
>Take Normans and rename them to "Andals"
>Take Christianity and rename it to "The Seven"
>Take Ireland and flip it upside down
>Add Dragons
>Make 70% of the world vague Chinkshit to make the fantasy world seem larger than it really is

>> No.20165136

Asoiaf really is kind of a shit setting, but my nigger brain still enjoys it.

>> No.20165154

You got it wrong. Children of the Forest are literal faeries from mythology, First Men are Britons, Andals are Anglo Saxons, then Valyrians are Normans. GRRM couldn't have made this any more obvious, Aegon the Conquer is literally William the Conqueror but with dragons.

>> No.20165176

GRRM literally doesn’t give a shit about Winds at this point. Look at this video

>> No.20165181
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It's like you think I want to read this trash

>> No.20165209

I have a feeling that HBO have been wanting the Targaryens to be the Skywalkers of the GRRM television universe for years and this is why we've been getting nothing but supplementary fake history about the Targaryens instead of more story.

>> No.20165372


>> No.20165411

Surely the Valyrians are also Romans.

>> No.20165485

This book is the same shit as Fire & Blood by the way, which came out in 2018. Instead of being written like a history book, it's written like an encyclopedia with lots of illustrations. Literally a picture book for TV watchers.

>> No.20165771

The Andals have a culture more similar to Normans than AS and there were only 3 Valyrians who conquered the continent. They never changed the ethnic composition of the continent or even the upper classes, unlike the Normans who replaced like 90% of the AS nobility.

>> No.20165892

Only if they had conquered before the doom.

>> No.20165901

>it needs to be a 1:1 parallel
Then they aren't Normans either.

>> No.20165928

Lol I never even started you retarded reading ribosome repellent.

>> No.20165969

Valyrians are Jews

>> No.20165979

Proust actually, I can't stand Joyce, and yes, I do not care about that fat old nerd.

>> No.20166010
File: 1.29 MB, 1366x768, Winterfell_Histories_&_Lore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about Targaryens? They are boring. Literally everything else is far more intersring. Like First Men coming to the Iron islands, and developing their own religion after discovering Nagga's bones and the sea-stone chair. Or Starks' conquest of the North, their ties to the Others, and competition with the Red Kings.

>> No.20166043

Agreed, Targaryens are boring as fuck.

>> No.20166056

I hope no one is giving him money right now for releasing this consoomer trash when he won’t even work on his main series

>> No.20166063

>Sure you don't, too busy reading Finnegans Wake, are we?

>> No.20166081
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The Valyrians are basically Melniboneans, that's their real inspiration more than any IRL culture, they're basically the evil elves of Planetos.
But when you consider that the history of Westeros is cribbed liberally from the history of Britain the Targaryens fill the role of Norman conquerors.

>> No.20166174

Right, the Normans only really majorly changed the makeup of the elite. The Andals on the other hand massively changed the entire ethnic composition of Westeros on a massive scale and completely ended all non Andal culture and religion on mainland Westeros outside of a few strongholds like the North and wildlings/mountain clansmen. I could see how the Andals are an amalgamation of both IRL Anglo Saxons and Normans but it's beyond obvious that First Men are GRRM's stand in for the Celtic Britons.
Consider that the "common tongue" (literally English) was the language of the Andals.

>> No.20166185

the publisher is aiming the series at harry potter fans. it's probably the reason why GRMM lost interest in finishing it

>> No.20166472

In the same way that the Normans are Roman.
The only difference is that Targaryans never changed their name over history (a commonly unrealistic thing in Martin's worldbuilding), unlike almost all of the European cultures derived from the collapse of the Western Empire.

>> No.20166482

I agree, but I also feel the same way about the Romans despite everybody and their dad being huge Romeaboos, so it's unsurprising that Targaryans get a lot of fan love.