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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 496 KB, 1196x1054, F17F9CD8-3858-4388-BF6C-CEAFC0C63F73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20164226 No.20164226 [Reply] [Original]

>Those Russian authors are over-rated and boring. Pseudo intellectual people name drop them because they think it makes them look educated and cultured.

>> No.20164234

bonger cope

>> No.20164243

The question makes no sense. People wanted free, not to give power to “a mobbed up KGB”

>> No.20164257

He's semi-right about the things that have nothing to do with the authors

>> No.20164261

Dostoyevsky would have supported the military operation.

>> No.20164285

Tolstoy and Dostoevsky were oddballs in their own times though and Bolshevism was predictable given the political climate. That said, neither are boring

>> No.20164517

people who casually namedrop those Russian authors usually haven't read them and I find them annoying

t. haven't read neither Tolstoy nor Dostoevsky

>> No.20164525

I'm convinced people namedrop Dosto just because his name has a lot of syllables.

>> No.20164559

For people who use the term "pseudo-intellectual", the only people who they consider to be "real" intellectuals are STEM bugmen. So their opinions are redundant.

>> No.20164577

>oh no, life as an atheist is le bad
>oh wow, now I've found le Jesus and a hooker with a heart of goal, that sure saved me!

>oh no, bourgeois morality and le napoleon is le bad
>oh wow, now I've found le Jesus and napoleon is dead, that sure saved me!
>also all art is bad only morality fables for peasants are good

>> No.20164648

>napoleon is le bad
This is all you need to prove that Tolstoy was cringe

>> No.20164686
File: 66 KB, 800x900, FuckNamefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol, reading is for faggots.

>> No.20164687

I’m not an edgelord and support Ukraine in the conflict, but what a ridiculous cope to pretend that Russian artistic traditions aren’t S tier.

>> No.20164723
File: 13 KB, 1200x900, AE1DD3CD-144E-4936-9F54-0677F88C4A13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those ____ authors are over-rated and boring. Pseudo intellectual people name drop them because they think it makes them look educated and cultured.
Is this unironically true?

do you see how easy it is to make a general statement like this and apply it to like litterally anything without actually having to make any real argument?
Its not even that he is necissarily wrong, just that the format screams of feigned knowledge in the same way he is accusing other people of. And the fact that you found this in any way compelling. doesnt speak highly of you either.

>> No.20164818
File: 84 KB, 1500x500, 1648196047438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is western scum like this? Do they really believe in their own bullshit or do they think that their retarded behavior is justified by some imaginary "greater good" of their new world order?

>> No.20164830

Their reputation precedes them. It's hard to read a 500 page book but it's easy to believe there's some deep and meaningful stuff in there, especially once you read the wikipedia page.

>> No.20164847

Tolstoy and Dostoevsky were imitators of realist French and English writers like Flaubert and Dickens, both of whom were better. Dostoevsky has philosophical value, however.
Chekhov is by far the best Russian realist.

Anyway, the best Russian writers are the poets, such as Mandelstam and Mayakovsky, as well as the comic writers, like Gogol and Nabokov.

>> No.20164848

>It's hard to read a 500 page book
It really isn't when it's something as well written as Tolstoy and Dostoyevskiy.

>> No.20164873

Old Russian literature probably isn't really relevant to the average Russian today. And it's easy to manipulate a populace into supporting a war, in Russia or any country. All they had to do was tell them they were defending the Donbas Russians from western Russophobic Nazis.

>> No.20164897

>Old Russian literature probably isn't really relevant to the average Russian today
And all they had to tell you was that Ukrainian nazis don't count because they just don't, ok.

>> No.20164926

This is an excellent point. People on /lit/ fall for this trick all the time.

>> No.20164931

>angloid flag
disregarded. every english author of note was either irish or black (shakespeare)

>> No.20164938

>Chekhov is by far the best Russian realist.
Is this the value of Russian literature?

>> No.20165269

What duped America to go from Whitman and Twain to charge they phone?

>> No.20165278


>> No.20165289

>charge they phone
consider the vernacular/ethnolect of that phrase and take a wild guess

>> No.20165314

read plato's Crito.
humanity and society are not fucking natural and aligning yourself to order or some grand theory of greater good is illogical.
i did find tolstoy boring.

>> No.20165317

you are an autistic redditor

>> No.20165324

people say this andthen read all 7 harry potter books

>> No.20165327

I really like War and Peace. I’ve never seen characters so relatable in their actions and behaviors. There’s so many good ones and they’re all tied up in a wonderfully thought out account of the war. It’s excellent.

>> No.20165342

>haven't read neither
The negatives cancel out. So, you have read them. Good job.

>> No.20165355

Cope. /sci/lit/fit/ is the ultimate transcended being.

>> No.20165561

another worthless garbage thread

>> No.20166061

Generally when people say this sort of thing, after having read the books for real, I find the problem is they didn't really understand what was going on because they don't understand the time period, customs and the like. A ton of nuance is completely lost on them so it's actually a totally correct opinion to have to found it boring. Of course it is! There's a ton of shit you're not picking up on because you don't know dick about being a Russian noble in 1810. If you don't know how dueling works and you read Eugene Onegin then the duel, the most dramatic thing that happens and the high water mark of the poem, will be completely lost on you

My advice is to read the classics with someone who is familiar with the context

>> No.20166131

Anna Karenina fucking sucks. Didn’t read the rest.

>> No.20166228

Nothing changed, if anything, things got better. Nearly every single 19th century Russian writer was either exiled at some point, or fought in a war for Imperial Russia— off the top of my head, consider Pushkin, Lermontov, Karamzin, and Dostoevsky. All had problems with the censor. What ignorant people don't realize is that the secret police were not created by the Bolsheviks, but the Tsars, who were in some ways just as if not more brutal than their successors.

>> No.20166279
File: 294 KB, 1400x1600, Meatbags2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ. On 4chan, people who have a name in the "name" box at the top are called namefags. The mobocracy on the website will generally attack you en masse and disregard what you say if you have a name. They will presume you to be any collection of those slurs, despite trained propagandists knowing full well not to stand out or look different by using a name because this would distract from their "We're the organic democratic majority on this website, so you should agree with us, thus parrot our propaganda, and in exchange we will welcome you with the acceptance into a social environment you're so painfully desperate for."

The argument is 'anyone who has a name is inherently incorrect and inherently the antagonist of the people'. This logic can then easily be applied to all people, as all people have names, and in all irony, it is actually 100% valid due to the sheer levels of dysfunction in the human species, rendering them inherently incorrect due to a limited mental capacity, and this is coupled with their profound lack of foresight and cannibalistically narcissistic self-service, which ultimately renders each human the antagonist of his own species.

>> No.20166429

No it's because namefags show flagrant contempt for the spirit of this (anime) website. You don't feel welcome, so go to another website

>> No.20166434 [DELETED] 

It’s just an entry-level contrarian hot take. Sort of like hating on the Beatles in 10th grade.

>> No.20166442

It’s just an entry-level contrarian hot take. Sort of like hating on the Beatles in 10th grade.

>> No.20166451

Yeah but there weren't any namefags in this thread, there's one but he came after you posted that.

>> No.20166465

>>also all art is bad only morality fables for peasants are good

>> No.20166474

Found the trannyhumanist.

>> No.20166540

>all art is bad only morality fables for peasants are good
Incredibly based

>> No.20166580

Western scum is better than Eastern scum on all counts. Gyrate harder in your mental gymnasium, faggot.

>> No.20166594

>now I've found le Jesus and a hooker with a heart of goal
Unironically kino desu

>> No.20166597

Have sex

>> No.20167891

If that's true then why do you keep getting wrecked trying to invade us, time after time, for over a millennia.

>> No.20168244

>extremely poor bait
>Unironic responses
>No one has astutely pointed out the sheer retardation in OP pic and his "question"

Smartest board my ass.

>> No.20168250

Stalin/lenin and the revolution literally killed/strangled the arts in russia, idk how people don't realize this...Artists were murdered, sent to concentration camps, had to run away to europe/america. Even today you can't be outspoken as a writer against the government. Tolstoy and doystoyevsky were a very small minority in russian society as well, 99% of them were poor stupid serfs.

>> No.20168255

As I have pointed out in >>20168244, his board is getting more and more stupid over the years.

>> No.20168481

Scifilitic lmao

>> No.20168486

To the first post: jews
To the second post: wrong

>> No.20168500

factual and a hard pill to swallow for pretentious lit-crit trannies on here

>> No.20169091

I think their ideas and stories were pretty good, it's difficult to judge more when you read a translation.

>> No.20169112

The responses were clearly ironic, your autistic brain just was incapable of recognizing it.

>> No.20170549

I haven't read Tolstoy but Dostoevsky is very engaging. If you come here and don't identify with the main character of Crime and Punishment you aren't pissing in enough bottles

>> No.20170575
File: 25 KB, 736x414, ed756288dc646974ca3bb32ffad9a6b2--funny-scenes-the-godfather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not enjoy Russian literature.

>> No.20171303

the lit-crit tranny vs. the rad-trad chad

>> No.20171830
File: 185 KB, 602x606, FEF7BBFB-9303-4404-80BB-BE251B43C34A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder this is a pro-Russia pro-Putin board.

>> No.20171832

They're not bad.

>> No.20171856

>Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky
>Fuck the West, God Bless Russia: the authors
These niggas would be 200% for Putin.