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File: 97 KB, 368x246, the-submission-by-amy-waldman-the-hunt-for-the-great-9-11-novel.img.368.246.1312846253437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2016207 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, nowadays we can keep terabytes of ebooks we have never read, is a photo like this kind of trying too hard? Even if she read each and every one, this is overcompensation. Like I got twenty crates of records, I have them hidden in a closet, they only get me laid to a certain tiny percentage of people. I have them all saved to an external hard drive, so what is the new move? a screenshot of yr library? On the cloud? Maybe the new thing is befriending and/or fucking people with larger libraries of any kind of media to share a larger library socially onlie? Jus' axin...

>> No.2016215


>> No.2016232

You're hating this picture for the wrong reasons.
>White bookshelf
>Books not leather-bound
>Books of every color just scattered about like some sort of Care Bear orgy

>> No.2016234
File: 34 KB, 500x379, 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read the post, you would know I do not believe that. Also, there is a HUGE difference between Lawyers having reference works (google "reference") and literati trying too hard. Or should we now believe in "reference fiction"? LOL.

>> No.2016240


>he doesn't think that fiction writers reference other fictional works.


I suggest you acquaint yourself with the works of James Joyce, or T. S. Eliot, or, you know, any literary figure.

>> No.2016288

Lawbooks, also Encyclopedias are broken up as to read the specific entries one needs to read. ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO READ THEM IN ALL ENTIRETY. References in fiction, you kind of have had to read the whole thing to get them. God, I just wanted to ask a question...

Also, -1 For T.S. Eliot and no points for Joyce. Should have gone with Louis-Ferdinand Celine. You still won't get yr MFA.

>> No.2016332

the logic of this brand of hatery is always

1)person has a lot of books around
2)i haven't read that many books so clearly that person hasn't either
3)since they aren't for reading i can only imagine having that many books in order to inflate my book penis in front of my (likely non-existent) friends. person must be doing the same
4)i am a dumb cuntflap

stay retarded /lit

>> No.2016347


which would explain why an author or critic would need far more books on their bookshelf for reference purposes than a lawyer would, wouldn't it? Good work contradicting your initial contention you massive derp.

I wasn't trying to namedrop something obscure to show off my massive erudition, I was namedropping the most obvious examples of writers who would have required extensive amounts of reference material to write their works.

>> No.2016355

That is not that much, each of my parents has twice that much, easily.

>> No.2016364

The part about leather bound books is pretentious alright, but books sorted by color? Really?

>> No.2016417
File: 53 KB, 191x220, 1246691217668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^never saw what a Lawyer has to buy, re: books. Once they become a partner. They have to take huge loans, also, buy books. lol. The point is, you are naive, stupid.
>which would explain why an author or critic would need far more books on their bookshelf for reference purposes than a lawyer would, wouldn't it?
^wannabemfa candidate, who NEVER went into the reference section of a library. There is a reason there is a fiction section, a non-fiction section section, a reference section, and periodicals.

I think you are the massive derp, you actually believe women 1. read something besides kardashian shit on gawker & 2. write something besides fanslash fiction. U MAD.

>> No.2016572
File: 109 KB, 602x556, megivingafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, that's not even that many books in that picture.
And believe it or not, we're not all hipsters trying to get laid.
I fucking have an erogenous zone called my fucking brain and I like to get that shit satisfied. The more I read, the more I realize how much I don't know.

>> No.2017077

bookshelfs are really normal things

normal people have them

aspie neckbeards get all mad when they see normal people doing normal things

they'll never understand

>> No.2017084
File: 74 KB, 450x600, silversurfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I got twenty crates of records, I have them hidden in a closet, they only get me laid to a certain tiny percentage of people.

hey babe come on over to my place I've got twenty crates of records hidden in a closet

>> No.2017099


*picks up some shitty fantasy series and scratches neckbeard*

>> No.2017124

OP's point is masterful. I mean, I only have books on my shelves that I've read, but I think I've read too many books, so that displaying all of them makes me seem pretentious. Therefore, I hide most of the books I've read, so as not to seem like I've read all the books I've read.

>> No.2017176

I don't understand you OP

I have no ebooks because it's horrible reading off a screen (including kindle screens). I keep the books I buy on shelves because they're nice to look at. I don't necessarily read every book I have as soon as I get it, but I do eventually get around to it. I don't keep them to overcompensate or to look pretentious, I keep them because I may want to read them again or let my kids read them when they're old enough.