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20161407 No.20161407 [Reply] [Original]

this is a fascinating read. so ironic that chomsky ultimately became one of the groomed "experts" he decried in the beginning part. how did he not have the self-awareness to see how he was being played with his drumpf bs? just age?

>> No.20161414

>how did he not have the self-awareness to see how he was being played
Good pussy and good cush

>> No.20161643

He probably does have the self-awareness. I'm guessing he just gave up fighting and wants people to be content with the narrative.

>> No.20161652

As Chomsky has it, the book was mostly Herman's work.

>> No.20161667

Do you really need Noam chomskey to tell you that the media is and will always be the 4th branch of government

>> No.20161693

I wouldn't say he's been conditioned, he still takes positions at odds with the current zeitgeist. He's always been a leftist, it just so happens that the political pendulum of mainstream discourse has swung in the direction of leftism.



>> No.20161814

You’re talking with the common knowledge of the zeitgeist, partly made by popular exposure like this book. No, it was not common knowledge about how things were distorted by the media to government/corporate specification.
Do you even comprehend that in the late 80s when you could have read this book on release, you likely wouldn’t have heard of it and had next to no way of looking that kind of subject matter up?

>> No.20163248

Bills wont pay themselves. Also sexual opportunities and old man`s vanity. Becoming court philosopher is not a bad way to semi retire.

>> No.20163704

Larping as a dissident is a great marketing strategy

>> No.20163785

He is a jew. It's not contradictory for him because his ethnic activism goals are still achieved by what he does. Jews don't consider consistency and honesty when dealing with gentiles to be virtues.

>> No.20164125

If you read manufacturing consent correctly you realize they were finally publishing how to use “high level” propaganda around the time the radio came out. It was time to finally put into words what had been going on for thousands of years with propaganda, they made it academically clear how to manufacture consent so as to better optimize the system. It’s not exactly a secret when this was decided a long time ago.

>> No.20164503
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Some historical perspective helps because he grew up in a different time and remembered when it was difficult to have anti-war meetings in Boston during the Vietnam War because pro-war guys would crash the meetings and beat everybody up. People are like "oh, he's gone soft" or whatever. But he's not a Leninist and never was. It also just happened that for a long time, if you were interested in what the left in the U.S. was thinking, Chomsky was the standard everyone went to.

He has also, on the other side of the coin, tamped down on the claim that Trump was a "fascist." He was on one podcast where he was like, listen kid, back when I was kid in the 1930s we had REAL fascists who controlled powerful and extremely threatening totalitarian states. Trump is bad, but he's not THAT.

One of his basic points that I've heard him make lately is that U.S. society is more civilized (from his perspective) than in those days. Things were just meaner. There have been a lot of advances for people who aren't white, straight men. But economically things are worse with financialization and monopolization, with various effects like extreme inequality and the corrosive effects that have on society.

>> No.20164522

I will never for the life of me understand how you retards think this is some sort "gotcha" against chomsky

>> No.20164541
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There's a good argument that Chomsky's reputation for being a renegade is undeserved, but I think that's more because of what his fans say about him rather than Chomsky himself if you read him. He seems like a pretty dry and restrained, really. Very "logical" brain guy. He's not exactly burning the barn down. But also there's a certain breed of internet keyboard "dissidents" (they exist on the left and right) for whom anything but the most radical and uncompromising posture is a sellout.

>> No.20164560

He is the one manufacturing consent now

>> No.20165808

>As Chomsky has it, the book was mostly Herman's work.
I feel bad for the real author. I wonder what he feels every time someone mentions "Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent".

>> No.20165831
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>> No.20165836

Its really interesting (but understandable) how the trump presidency of all things really got it going in the common parlance more then Chomsky ever did.

IDK if you could say that chomsky brought it into popular exposure. At lwast in the modern zeitgeist. And I hardly believe Trump read chomsky.

>> No.20165875 [DELETED] 

Not a single one of you right wing morons read the book. You didn't even understand the wiki blurb.

How can Chompsky be "manufacturing consent" if he is not a media conglomerate whose bias comes from the need to make money, and the need to groom access, and the self-censorship action of the group network effect?

How can a person be a fucking group!
This is the definition of being too stupid to know you are too stupid to even know you are too stupid.

You are all so fucking stupid I can actually smell your stupidity coming off my screen!

>> No.20165880

Is this poster foreign or just 12 years old?

>> No.20165980

>This is the definition of being too stupid to know you are too stupid to even know you are too stupid.
He said, correcting a mistake that nobody made.

>> No.20166094

>Voting blue no matter who is at odds with the current zeitgeist

>> No.20166096

Everyone falls pray to the system in the end, even, sadly, Chomsky.

It's a seminal work and should be taught in schools.

>> No.20166119

Nothing you said about him sets him apart from the average liberal.

>> No.20166120

>swung in the direction of leftism.
The left/right distinction is not a good model, and yet we still can't escape such language games to describe what's happening.

>> No.20166186

it’s just infantile thinking. people hear the title “manufacturing consent,” hear him telling people to vote for one of two party system candidates, and then yell “he’s the one manufacturing consent now!” without any argument.

>> No.20166262

Then surely you can explain how it isn't, right anon?

>> No.20166283

The book is phenomenal. I put his change down to pure dementia/cognitive decline as he got older. If you listen to him speak these days, it's just sad more than anything. His ideological inclinations are present without any of the circumspection required for an honest dialogue. A sad ending to one of the all time great academics.

>> No.20166287

He recently compared Jordan Peterson to Hitler so I'm not sure that all holds up

>> No.20166437

yeah, that's true. it just kind of seems like he felt obligated or something to tow the line of trump having no redeeming qualities.

that certainly wasn't my intention. his work, especially in this area and that of linguistics, speaks for itself. just seems like he kind of lost the plot wrt trump.

hm, didn't know this. is this also the case with the other books he did with herman?

>> No.20166481

Always was, poser revolutionary ideals and predictive programming for publisher’s profit. Selling you liberal poison dressed in intellectual greed clothes.

>> No.20166516

I remember him warning leftist groups against engaging in street violence because the right is generally better at it.
I wonder if that stance was motivated by having his meetings crashed all the time.

>> No.20167855
