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20160241 No.20160241 [Reply] [Original]

What is the literary equivalent of pic related?

>> No.20160261

Samuel Beckett

>> No.20160322

The Wasteland and/or Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Symbolist poetry
Anything by Kafka
Many stories by Joyce Carol Oates and Flannery O'Connor
Turn of the Screw

>> No.20160327

>trashy lesbian thriller
>somehow considered one of the best films of all time now
I don't get it

>> No.20160345

Lesbian sex is the most cinematic kind of sex

>> No.20160470

The Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.20160480

For me, it's Black Swan

>> No.20160485

>>trashy lesbian thriller
Did you even watch the movie?

>> No.20160489

>Took the bait

>> No.20160492

Just watch porn, you faggot!

>> No.20160505

probably something by Joan Didion or early Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.20160512

I am a literal faggot, I have no interest in watching lesbian porn. But there’s something cinematic and beautiful about two beautiful naked women with big naturals having sex.

>> No.20160520

Well, there may be hope for you yet!

>> No.20160548

Yeah it's just something everyone can appreciate aesthetically. Like how every straight man can appreciate the perfect male body, like the ancient Greeks did.

>> No.20160576
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>> No.20160854
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>> No.20160863

>faux profundity
>facile formal trickery
House of Leaves

>> No.20160913

It's funny that a significant portion of 4chan users have turned into little old church ladies who clutch their pearls at two women making out because /pol/ has convinced them it's based and redpilled.

>> No.20160940

I like lesbian porn sometimes but the thought of it in reality is disgusting.

>> No.20160944

It's a movie, it's even less real than porn because they're not actually having sex

>> No.20160954

Women can't have sex anyway

>> No.20160962

Do you not classify oral sex as sex?

>> No.20160975

It is in a sense but it's not coitus. Like if you got a blowjob you didn't lose your virginity.

>> No.20161023
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>> No.20161039

I like Blue Velvet more

>> No.20161063

Virginity is unironically a "social construct." If someone felt that getting a blowjob was the height of sexual experience and genuinely did not want vaginal sex, it would be stupid to call that person a virgin because he already attained the peak of his own sexual pleasure. Why compare his pleasure to your own? Because he didn't go far enough? What about all the people having mindblowing bdsm sex? Vaginal probably looks like a handy to them, anyone doing it vanilla is only experiencing a shadow of real sex. Now imagine that guy's getting blowjobs every day, it would be downright retarded to say he's still a virgin. Vaginal = real sex is based in nothing but feeling, you can't even make the argument about procreation because procreation isn't a factor in the vast majority of vaginal sex.

>> No.20161086

Vaginal sex is the natural means of procreation, however. That's what sex ultimately is. Anything else is just imitating it in some way. Like oral sex is just providing a stimulus to provoke your reproductive response.

>> No.20161093

Except the vast majority of vaginal sex is still a pale imitation of procreation because people use birth control and condoms.

>> No.20161098

You have not seen this film

>> No.20161102

That doesn't change anything. You're taking the same action but hindering its fulfillment.

>> No.20161140

That changes your post to shit. You’re saying recreational sex isn’t sex enough to be categorized as such. What the fuck every.

>> No.20161153

No, it is. If you carry out the same action then it's the same thing. Oral sex isn't the same action.

>> No.20161157

Sure sure. Naked foreplay isn’t sex. Got it. Sounds kinky.

>> No.20161161

kys faggot

based rhetorician

>> No.20161175

>I touched boobies so I had sex
Fuck off retard

>> No.20161188
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We’re talking about genitalia stimulation that doesn’t end up with impregnation, actual-retard

>> No.20161192

Then humping a pillow is sex

>> No.20161195
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I can't believe what you niggers have done to my thread

>> No.20161196

It changes literally everything lol, it's the very definition of hollow stimulus provoking a response. It accomplishes nothing but making you feel good.

>> No.20161200

It's irrelevant because the action is the same. Sex is an action not an outcome of an action.

>> No.20161216

Saying sex is validated only by procreation while also at the same time claiming that no procreation has to occur, is, frankly, fucking stupid and transparently an attempt to form an argument backwards from a starting conclusion

>> No.20161224

It is not. Sex is the act of procreation, but if the act fails in its end, the act still occurred.

>> No.20161234

Is it 'failure' if it was undertaken with every measure in place to make sure that procreation would not occur? Failure implies that there was at some point intent for it to not fail. Again, working backwards from a conclusion.

>> No.20161235

Masturbation is solo sexual gratification, yes.

>> No.20161245


>> No.20161248

> social construct
Stopped reading there.
Every concept ever devised by man is a social construct. It's the most useless redundant designation I've ever heard, and the biggest red flag for being a complete nonce.

>> No.20161249

Sexual gratification per se is not coitus. Sex is coitus.
Intention is not relevant. A person who was raped did not intent anything but they still had sex. The action is the same.

>> No.20161265

> masturbation = sex
See ya later, virgins

>> No.20161267

Saying sex is validated only by a thing that is objectively not happening in almost all cases of "sex" is patently ridiculous, bud
>Stopped reading there.
Don't worry, I returned the favor

>> No.20161279

>Saying sex is validated only by a thing that is objectively not happening in almost all cases of "sex" is patently ridiculous, bud
I've never said that the outcome validates it, but that it is validated by being the action which can produce that outcome. You just can't accept the distinction that I'm making because you're a dumb zoomzoom who thinks reality is molded by your thoughts and cutting your dick off makes you a woman.

>> No.20161289

Explain to me why your definition of sex being constructed around an imagined thing that is not happening (a baby being made) is valid but the imaginary immaterial thing I offered (intent) is not.

>> No.20161294

Procreation is sex. Nothing else in principal can result in offspring. It deserves a separate category. In the old days, non reproductive sex was called sodomy.

>> No.20161296

Oopsies, responded to myself heehee
>tranny boogeyman
Throwing out all the stops, aren't you?

>> No.20161302

Coitus is coitus. This is why I used specified language. “Solo sexual gratification”
Most people are not this confused on the issue, anon.

>> No.20161303

>Procreation is sex
Perfectly acceptable as long as you admit that almost all "sex" is then definitionally not actually sex.

>> No.20161310

I admit that fully. I consider it sodomy (I'm not Christian btw)

>> No.20161313

It's the conclusion of your argument. If you believe a woman performing oral sex on another woman is the same thing as the act of coitus between a man and a woman, then you've rejected any biological distinction between man and woman and relegated their roles and sex to mental propositions.

>> No.20161408

>sodomy isn’t sex!
It’s literally called anal sex.

>> No.20161409

David Lynch is stylish trash.

>> No.20161422

Words don't determine what things are, dirty nominalist tranny.

>> No.20161439

answers so far are bad. i don't have a better answer though. that DFW story about the guy who goes to the sleep clinic with his wife is the closest thing I can think of.

>> No.20161450

You are actually opening up a floodgate of terminology that okays pedophilia, tard.

>> No.20161483

>solo sex
>solo foreplay
>solo hugging and kissing

>> No.20161484

I've always defined sexual contact which removes the attribute of "virginity" to be: purposeful contact with the primary and secondary sexual organs of another person for the express purpose of resolving the libido of either participant through climax.

In other words, a virgin is a person who hasn't directly contacted the erogenous zones of another person for the explicit person of bringing them to orgasm, regardless of whether or not orgasm is achieved. This is an important distinction, because it involves the self-aware procession of certain actions in relation to a body separate from one's own. Given this criteria, we can map out a fairly high-resolution set of behaviors which align on the "sexual contact, no longer virgin" and "sexual contact, still a virgin" spectrum. Accidently touching another person's genitals, for example, doesn't negate the "virginity" status. Having anal or oral sex with someone, however, does negate it.

In other words, virginity is a condition which pertains to the set of experiences a person has had in relation to another person. Virgins haven't had direct, purposeful and objective-oriented (for purposes of relieving sexual tension) sexual contact with other human beings. This experience is outside of the purview of their list of experiences. In other words, it's less a "social construct" and more of a phenomenological qualifier.

>> No.20161503

Homosexuality is a sin. Cope.

>> No.20161545

I was so disappointed by mulholland drive. I had heard what a genius lynch was, so I downloaded and watched it. The first half of the movie was awesome, compelling, interesting, and novel. I really wanted to know the answers to the mysteries lynch one by one marched before me. Then, halfway through, the movie just shits the bed. No conclusion, no answers to the plot line, just random meaningless junk under the pretense of high art. Mullholand Drive is half a movie, and David Lynch is the laziest director in Hollywood.

>> No.20161560

High Life by Stokoe, maybe.

>> No.20161567

The plot is basically that Naomi Watts's character hired someone to kill another actress who was her rival for an important role. The movie is intentionally hard to follow because it's supposed to convey her mental state as she downward spirals as a result of the guilt and desolation of her life following the crime.

>> No.20161569

“Sin” is a cult’s law. We don’t subscribe to your cult. You cope.

>> No.20161575

The plot you described is the first half of the movie, which was awesome. There is no plot in the second half of the movie. Inland Empire was the same way. Lynch has a pattern of getting bored and giving up halfway through his movies

>> No.20161576
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The first half is Diane's dream, the second half is her reality. She's a failed actress who's lover has left her for a famous director and she dreams that she's Betty, a talented young actress who her lover is entirely dependent on. When she wakes up from her dream, she hires a hitman to kill her ex and commits suicide in the end when she can't cope with the guilt.

>> No.20161599


>coherent symbolistic writing with discernable meanings
yeah, i'm thinking that's a lot like lynch

>> No.20161615

Yeah, you're not wrong, it's her imagination n shit. I should rewatch Inland empire, it's been long long enough.

>> No.20161640

Everyone subscribes to a cult, but the most insightful are at the very least aware of the rational or spiritual processes which led them to that particular form of cult worship. What you describe as "cult" can be generalized as a set of behaviors and beliefs which are socially affirmed for the purposes of social integration and stability. For example, if you believe in the existence or affect of anything that can't be materially and empirically confirmed as self-evidently true, I would make the argument that you have a cult-like devotion to a fictitious concept which you have reified in your delusions. A short list of these things would include: identity, nationality, race, gender -- if any of these words mean something to you other than "socially convenient fictions", then you're in a cult.

Bright people are aware of this, and examine their own motivations and experiences in order to determine which leaps of faith are necessary to act in accordance with what values they consider inherent to their character; values which they will adhere to independent of their personal faculties of reasoning. Once these inherent factors are determined, they then chose a "cult" or a system of non-rational personal delusions in accordance to their principles. The luckiest among us have the fortune of something akin to epiphany or theophany, in which case their fundamental personal moral convictions are either corrected, refuted or introduced through contact with something outside of the material. Most people, however, are perfectly content simply falling into a cult, things like the cult of secular humanism, the cult of viviocentricism, the cult of atheism, the cult of LGBT. You get the point.

My cult is Christianity, and given the historical eminence of Christianity, responsible and dispassionate thinkers would concede that it is a very profound cult. In the cult of Christianity, homosexuality (and more fundamentally, promiscuity) is sin. You might not subscribe to my cult, but that's probably because you're so severely entrenched in a cult already that you've never really questioned the relevancy or consistency or beneficence of your own cult. I suspect that's because you're an unreflective idiot, but perhaps it's because you're just immature or contrarian. Who knows? In any case, cope.

>> No.20161664

christcucks truly are the new fedoratippers

>> No.20161681

Lynch jump scares are too powerful. He's a master at building tension. The parking lot creature in Mulholland Drive scared the shit out of me, and a few scenes in Inland Empire I actually had to look away from the screen.

>> No.20161701

Cults are not long established, but religions are. That a religion survives hundreds of years adds merit to its way of life.

>> No.20161708

>The parking lot creature in Mulholland Drive scared the shit out of me
Same. I never get spooked by jump scares because I’ve gotten used to them and the majority are poorly done, but I jumped out of my chair and almost shit myself when the bum came out from behind the diner.

>> No.20161710

Why, because they actually know how to create and assert an argument? Or is it just because they're smarter than you?

People who engaged in proselytization, apologetics or polemics for abstract positions tend to be smart. Atheists became prominent in intellectual arenas decades ago because they were asserting their ideas which they believed to be true, and in accordance with that truth, better for society. They forwarded their best representatives. Nowadays, Christianity is dwindling in popularity throughout Anglophonic countries and has been entirely extricated from the political arena. Christians have been socially disenfranchised, and so those people who believe it's tenets to be both true and beneficial to society are going to forward their most prominent members to assert their position. It's a predictable inversion of the same phenomenon that catapulted atheism to the frontlines of social discourse decades ago.

>> No.20161713
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You aren’t coping very well

>> No.20161716

im 1h30m into inland empire, when do the jumpscares start

>> No.20161717
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It’s dead now

>> No.20161718

I want to _____ that woman's _____.

>> No.20161724

And I think we're worse off for it. I doubt anyone would claim the western world is on incline.

>> No.20161729

There is just one, I think when she's starting at the red lamp and all of a sudden these white lines go across the screen with a loud static-y sound, then suddenly she's surrounded by people

>> No.20161743

Close to the very end, like the last 15 minutes

>> No.20161767

We’re in troubles no cult could have fixed.

>> No.20161793

>>coherent symbolistic writing with discernable meanings
Most of the symbolism used in Mulholland Dr. is coherent and *discernible in meaning. People think it is random surrealism because they don't understand the movie's plot.

>> No.20162039

stop going on this board and watch the film goddammit

>> No.20162069 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20162304

your opinion is invalid

>> No.20162306

What a fucking zoomer you are fr fr

>> No.20162368

Anyone else don't feel like trying to unlock every meaning in his films but appreciate Lynch solely for the atmosphere, particular scenes, etc.? I felt this way with Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet (even though the latter is straightforward). I intend to rewatch Eraserhead soon, I think this one is one of his films you need to grasp the symbolism behind in order to appreciate better, differently from the other two cited.

>> No.20162385


>> No.20162485

>but appreciate Lynch solely for the atmosphere
I am pretty sure this is the only thing that Lynch truly cares about.

>> No.20162499


"Second Skin" by John Hawkes probably

>> No.20162509

My unpublished novel

>> No.20162515

>Dougie Jones vibes
Robert Walser. Lynch says Kafka in interviews repeatedly, and is a Kubrick stan (so Schnitzler's Dream Novel source material for Eyes Wide Shut wouldn't be a stretch).

there's no board safe from shills and glowies and their bots derailing, often for no reason at all but to degrade cohesion. that entire offending string looks like a bot's been set off. then again, never can tell with NPCs

>> No.20162802

That movie is so retarded.
The movie really tries to put itself in the boundary between facts and fantasy, meaning and meaninglessness. But it's so primitive that I'd rather say the game LSD and Yume nikki did a better job on that one.

>> No.20163108

But epic jumpscare and dream logic.

>> No.20163126

Lynch has no interest in profundity. It's about being "cool".

>> No.20163142

>Virginity is unironically a "social construct."
No hymen no ring.

>> No.20163179

You don’t understand the hymen

>> No.20163238
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>You don’t understand the hymen