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20157730 No.20157730 [Reply] [Original]

>Žižek (1989: 11), reading of Lacan, is Marx invented the notion of Freudian symptom comedy fetishism, in that the world of commodities produces symptom of dreams, hysterical phenomena, and so on. The secret of cocmoidy is the hidden depth of fetishism. Žižek takes this into a pansexualism of Freudian approach to dreams, and how unconscious desire is at work. The implication is unconscious sexual desire (fetishistic inversion) is at work in unconsciousness of the commodity-form of the political economy (Žižek, 1989: 16). The “real abstraction” is not in the sense of the real properties of commodities as material objects, or use-values (form, colour, taste), or material object of money in consciousness, but rather in the symbolic order of unconsciousness (“Mother has not got a phallus”, “money as a ‘pre-phasic’, ‘anal’ object”) (Žižek, 1989: 18).