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20150631 No.20150631 [Reply] [Original]

have already read lots of anti trans books so by this point id be more interested in reading pro trans literature. What could possibly justify this madness?what is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs, this snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks, cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to rape abuse and indoctrinate our children, purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals, the corporate monoculture and the democratic party, i mean these most noble and progressive these most pitiful and wretched of creatures?

Any lgbt/ gay/queer theory/ transgender/ cultural marxism books you would recommend to a straight white cis male who is trying to overcome his deepseated heteronormative prejudices, and be a better ally to our politically correct friends in the corporate social engineering and propaganda/child molestation community? prejudices which cant help but flare up at the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress in pic related?

>> No.20150639

how do people even get legitimately interested in this weird niche sexual degeneracy as a topic? It's so absurd and insane, why do you even care? Obviously I oppose all this shit too but it's just so built into my premise that discussing or inspecting it further is just silly and redundant.

>> No.20150640
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Its not that complicated really

>> No.20150646

>What could possibly justify this madness?

>> No.20150654
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Its atotalitarian ideology being promoted by major corporations like disney the ruling political party and being forced on children on every public school across the country.

>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

This would have been unimaginable only 10 years ago, now people are afraid to speak out against it for fear of loosing their jobs and livelihoods. i shudder to think about were the next 10 years of "progress" will take us if no action is taken to stop them. This is cultural marxism this is bioleninism this is the future they want for our children. if you support "gay rights" or "trans rights" this is what you are supporting. By this point its clear they are not just harmless perverts who just want to be left alone i dont know what the fuck is it these people want but its obviously anything but to be left alone

>> No.20150668

We need to stop them through radical and uncompromising action.

>> No.20150684

I understand that, it's just that it's so easy to pick it apart and dismiss it that I don't understand why you're interested in literature about it. The whole thing would easily fall apart without institutional support, so the focus should be on the institutions propping up this 'gender ideology' instead of the ideology itself. Just my perspective.

>> No.20150686

I don't understand why you people turn to pedojacketing so hard when it was the same tactic used against Christians for decades.
As unfair as it was and still is for every honest priest to be accused of a heinous crime, so it is for people struggling with their sexuality or identity. If you have proof of a person doing it, then by all means, but this kind of standard you're pushing, this race to the bottom of the ethical well for who can accuse someone else of being a pedo first, really only worsens public discourse.

>> No.20150690

There is literally nothing wrong with this picture only a fascist reactionary chud would think so. I for one think it would be beautiful if this little girl could be inspired to grow up to be queer or a sex worker. After all BDSM is a perfectly valid identity based on the self evident principles of science and love just like being gay trans a sex worker or a minor attracted person.

>> No.20150699

Being transphobic or homophobic should count as a form of anti clericalism. I mean at least the old christian clergy tried to keep the child raping discreet. while the new progressive clergy wants to brainwash us into thinking pedophilia is progressive and normal their only culture is shrill corporate propaganda. What have the left and their corporate masters ever done except replace christ on the cross with a pink haired faggot on a wheelchair? Except the queer wont even grant me eternal life or forgive me for the sins of my bigotted white ancestors. Im just saying itd be pretty funny if we could get togwther two planks of wood and a bucketfull of nails and actually crucify the fucker for real

>> No.20150701

Because I like trans people and I want to learn more about them and how they see the world.

>> No.20150714

I want to hate fuck them

>> No.20150720

I want to cuddle them

>> No.20150726

Lgbt is like the catholic church in that the pedophilia is not a bug but a feature. You appoint pedophile priests because they are easier to control likewise queer theory propaganda is designed to break down identity through sexual trauma in order to create a class of obedient subjects completely loyal to the party.

>> No.20150730


>> No.20150737

>like the catholic church in that the pedophilia is not a bug but a feature.
*insert fedorajak here*

>> No.20150739
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Fresh from /v/

>> No.20150750
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Chinese generals in a room scratching their heads trying to figure out the implications of this tweet for the governance of western societies

>> No.20150761

Its not their fault they got buckbroken.

>> No.20150769

could you recommend me what you've read on gender theory?
here's some stuff that was interesting
>Virginia Woolf's Orlando
>Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality
Although I agree gender is a social construct, I simply cannot wrap my head around the self-mutilation and fundamental masochism behind the decision to alter one's material, physical appearance. I would recommend some researching prenatal hormones and neuroanatomical studies as well.
because i want to specialize in child/adolescent psychiatry or plastic surgery. you can make some serious money off this and it's interesting.

>> No.20150777

Where there are people obsessed with controlling education there are pedophiles. Wokists, Christians, Hasidic Jews, public teachers, all hives of pedophilia.

>> No.20150780

Contrast vetween horrifying propaganda their disgusting sexual practices and their often soft spoken and affectionate manner

>> No.20150794

>self-mutilation and fundamental masochism
This is really overstated. Most trans people don't go for full reassignment surgery and aren't even interested in it. As far as altering one's physical appearance, everyone does that.

>> No.20150798
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>Where children are present, pedophilia is common
Hmm, very curious!

>> No.20150835

i'm not interested in gender dysphoria or sexual orientation. more curious about people who want to change their physical, natural appearance.
>why someone wants a nose-job, their teeth straightened (i myself have had braces and once i got them off i took terrible care of my teeth)
>michael jackson and sammy sosa bleaching their skin
>nonbinary individuals that undergo gender reassignment surgery. that term, "gender reassignment surgery," is counterintuitive in itself
>neuropathology of phobias. specifically, eating disorders.

>> No.20150857

>pro trans literature
why? if you were being honest you would know you're wasting your time. It is a delusional, ultimately transhumanist, fantasy. Same with all of the lgbt "pride" garbage which serves to enforce your false sense of self which impedes you from thriving. People buying into it are very delusional and are very useful puppets.

As for people who are aware that they are acting out the will of hidden forces, they will face only a very agonising and enjoyable dissolution in the afterlife, according to the ancient traditions.

>> No.20150870

>so it is for people struggling with their sexuality or identity.
so there are a bunch of losers, who can't decide what gender they are, and they are seeking others to force this affliction upon?

if you haven't obtained the level of being confident in yourself to where you can say i'm male or i'm female, you are mentally ill. it isn't societys fault, it is reality that is doing this to you. stop being a fucking loser and stop dragging down people better than you into your delusions. go get help (how about you stop jerking off to porn all the time, how about you don't sleep 15 hrs a day, how about you eat regular food, etc). most do not even start here and start wanting a revolution instead, all in alignment with the aims of the world's financial elite, who run the corps and govts that promote this stuff.

>> No.20150889

Watch the documentary from Hulu, I think it’s called drag kids

>> No.20150900

>t. https://thefederalist.com/2018/09/28/pedophilia-isnt-main-problem-catholic-priests-homosexuality/

>> No.20150909

these are people who probably ended up confused from being raped and molested as children and feel compelled to continue the cycle by diddling more children in turn

>> No.20150916

>and they are seeking others to force this affliction upon
I mean you can say this about any kind of advocacy group for any kind of policy. It's weird and cruel that it's always levelled against trans people wanting some minor legal rights when you can say it about practically everyone. "Climate change activists? Well they're forcing their concern onto all of us objectors."

>all in alignment with the aims of the world's financial elite, who run the corps and govts that promote this stuff.
These same corporations donate millions to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians. A famous propaganda study against gay people received over a million dollars in funding which is absolutely enormous for a statistical survey.

I know it's a really huge part of your worldview that everything you dislike is a result of the machinations of some corporate elite, but they genuinely do not give a shit. Having a pride float doesn't mean actually working toward the betterment of queer people. The same way that Google showing an advertisement with a white family of two kids doesn't mean they're actually working toward improving the lot of white people in particular.
The same marketing campaigns that you would reject when targeted toward you, out of rationality, you accept when they're targeted toward people you dislike.

>> No.20150918

i have spoken with a few trannies who said they had sleep demons who molested them. there is a jew at the bottom of this, to be sure.

>> No.20150921

if i had a magic wand that could be used to stop all incest and pedophilia tomorrow i wouldnt do it because it would be genocide against lgbt people. no incest or pedophilia=no new lgbt people

>> No.20150925
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Is this the Jew at the bottom of everything?

>> No.20150929
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FYI: Pic related has a thriving YouTube channel (1.45 million subscribers) that somehow isn't against community standards (even though he gets fucked in the ass by random men in a bunch of his videos and has red flags for grooming). He's an "educator"...if you consider incest being framed as sexy educational--I guess Google does.

>> No.20150932
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>> No.20150933

Have you ever considered that the abuse some queer people suffered in adolescence was directly aided by the culture of exclusion that you're enhancing right now?
Almost like being shunned and rejected by one's peers makes one a target for further abuse.

>> No.20150950

Pedos are society’s easiest scapegoats.
Just label someone a pedo and their reputation will get instantly tarnished with the added bonus that people are much more likely to take baseless accusations of pedophilia seriously.
This is unironically destroying society, cunnyseurs just want nymphet gfs to love and care for.

>> No.20150951

>Have you ever considered that the abuse some queer people suffered in adolescence was directly aided by the culture of exclusion that you're enhancing right now?
Yes, that is the general purpose of such things. To prevent and weed out bad behaviour. You're quite the sociologist, eh? that's not a compliment btw, you are noticing the most basic thing and acting like you're intelligent, which is the sign of a stupid person.
>Almost like being shunned and rejected by one's peers makes one a target for further abuse
No, being a loser freak who can't do anything right and nobody wants to be around makes you a target. Or more often, people will just ignore you, and you will continue to blame others for your problems.

>> No.20150958

nice think tank buzzwords from the democratic party, mr. NPC. you have been found out, we know how you people operate, you hide behind identity politics and victimhood in order to introduce a radical agenda into instituitons. worked so far, but not anymore, you blew it you pushed too hard and too fast you made the mistake of going after kids.

>> No.20150969
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>this is the type of moron telling others to go back to /pol/
It really is true, these people are mentally and physically inferior. It makes perfect sense, considering they have the morality of slaves.

>> No.20150972

he's such a little jew lmao

>> No.20150974

yes, i have been so buckbroken by mkultra globohomo i am not even attracted to healthy members of the opposite sex anymore, what i want a mentally ill trannyfaggot to tell me how they arent all that bad and bond over trauma produced by all the jewish propaganda

>> No.20150979

anon they're happy scapegoats exist- I don't you can argue with them

>> No.20150985

You must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.20150998

arent we all fuckedinthe head from rounds of the synanon game, girardian scapegoating cycles, unacknowledged child abuse, psychological warfare, etc.,

>> No.20151002

You mean
>I don't think
Which is observably true. Leftists and objectively inferior people tend to coalesce around the losers. You can't even type basic english, why are you posting on /lit/? lurk more

>implying someone is underaged because you're too stupid to even know of slave-master morality
>implying someone is underaged while you're an sjw
fucking kek, take your meds you complete retard

>> No.20151013

what are trannies a scapegoat for? they are objectively mentally ill weirdo perverts, why would i want them in my society, around my children, teaching my children? Worse, why would I want my children to learn about the ideology that has enabled this? Nowhere am I blaming everything on trannies, I see degeneracy and weakness and I don't like it. you're really stupid, with plebian values.

>> No.20151017
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how are trannies degenerate?

>> No.20151018
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>> No.20151019

>people keep responding to this copypasta thread

>> No.20151021

Everything on this dumb ass website it seems

>> No.20151024

take your meds and fuck off back to r9gay

>> No.20151025
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meant to respond to this >>20150998 anon

>> No.20151027

you were born yesterday? how are men too anxious and weak to be men degenerate? how is mutilating your body because you hate it (it's not "you") degenerate? not to mention there is essentially no logical backing to any of their ideology, they don't believe in objective truth. please, use your brain, be a big boy.

>> No.20151029

it's a meme dude. trannies are mentally ill freaks who lurk discord on 4ch all day, ruining the quality of the site spreading their cancer.

>> No.20151031

are all women degenerate?

>> No.20151032

Are the trannies in the room with us now?

>> No.20151051
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If they "convert" to male, then yes. You are so fucking stupid this is honestly hilarious. Don't get too upset, realise you're a retarded child, listen to boomer shit like jbp, and come back to /lit/ much later.

>> No.20151055
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i guess if this thread counts as a room, then yes, schizo. you will never be a woman. stop idolizing weakness, you will never redeem yourself wishing you could be female. take responsibility. act. otherwise....

>> No.20151058

you've described woman's quality as anxiety and weakness- why wouldn't women who overcome their natural failures be equal to men?

>> No.20151067

If you don’t look like this
Or this
You ain’t getting my dick, bitxh

>> No.20151072

>you've described woman's quality as anxiety and weakness-
no i haven't, that's your tiny little pea brain creating illusions that you're too stupid to deconstruct. Not to mention you don't know what equal means.

>> No.20151083


>> No.20151089

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>> No.20151120

Wrong again lol. Just like your retarded opinions, that a 15 year old hormonal dyke would believe.

>> No.20151126

You must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.20151165
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>You must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.20151167

You must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.20151199

I did because I unironically became obsessed with a cute 19 year old. I absorbed more of the ideology then I'd allow myself purely out of an attempt to submit to her worldview. Anyway what I grew to understand thru my research and interactions with her was basically how anti-social and fucked up women's sexual fantasies are in comparison to men. This explains the BDSM/DDLG as a *reaction* to the suffocating ;) effects of a comfortable and girl-boss dominated culture (which has fueled the trans phenomenon). Power is really at the root in two ways. Women want to assume girl boss mode but are haunted by their insanely submissive sexual desires that bring them in contact with their naturally 'subordinate' selves. Thus the perversions all a way to release energy and compartmentalize their world. Also since this represents the forefront of progress attaching oneself to the symbols gives one more opportunity for status so again Power motivates people to accept and relay the ideology.

For men this looks like a sophisticated form of selection occurring where by weak (unattractive to women) men are convinced to exist the gene pool and only DM other men OR men intentionally become trans because again the Power associated with this transition is desirable.

>> No.20151243

You’re reading a lot of psychosocial nonsense into a neurological birth defect. A trans person has more in common with a hiroshima baby than a BDSM practitioner.

>> No.20151259

its invariably tied up with 'psychosocial' nonsense because there is no way every fucking musician in the most hip genres have a neurological birth defect (other than maybe autism).

>> No.20151290

psychiatrists abandoned the harsh truths of freudian science for made up diagnoses like ''autism'' or ''gender disphoria''designed to help them sell more pills. ''autism' is actually a failure to emerge from primary autoerotic narcissism, hence correlation with related perversions such as weebs or furries

>> No.20151305
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I don’t get why some people are so committed to blindly believing whatever explanations make them feel good.
>every musician
Come on now