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20149255 No.20149255 [Reply] [Original]

Books for this feel?

>> No.20149279

the guy is based and I'm 6'2.
>dating a woman with Instagram/Facebook
>dating a woman with blonde hair

>> No.20149280

Talking to a woman in 2022 is like talking to a preteen. This shit feels dated because the collective unconscious instinctively knows that it is a dead end. Women are not conscious agents of degeneracy anymore, it's not even possible to maintain the illusion that they are. They are fully integrated into the structure, just moments or aspects of it. You wouldn't try to convince a 12 year old that watching the latest Halo series on a streaming service isn't the central event of his life, because he would stare at you with his mouth hanging open and start drooling. He is a lost cause. Talking to women, especially a woman on a dating app, is exactly the same. You are talking to a wall of a much larger building. The wall is happy where it is, it belongs to the building, it will never talk back.

>> No.20149301


also who has group photos on dating aps?
Thats first sign of being insecure

>> No.20149313

I like how Amelie kept talking to him after those autistic wall texts rather than just ghosting him. She's a keeper

>> No.20149316

>Orc tier face
It's over for me isn't it.

>> No.20149618

You should consider it a blessing if it spares you conversation with banal women like the one in the OP. You really are better off without it.

>> No.20149683

God that was nuclear

>> No.20149855

Holy shit what a faggot. You fags need to go outside and look at people, bunch of short men with women under their arms.

>> No.20150068

Incredibly based. 6" bro standing up for all men here too I love you.

>> No.20150390

Schopenhauer - Essays and Aphorisms

>> No.20150608

There isn't a book based enough.

>> No.20150707

>I know because I grew up pretty late in life and it was only after I became 'tall enough' that people started to treat me like a human being. There are literally millions of men who will never know what it feels like to be in love, to ever have a partner or a shot at happiness just because they're not 'tall enough'

Fuck you OP for giving me the feels

>> No.20150799

What I find most funny is the misuse of psychology terminology, like "projection", "defensive", "repressed", describing normal human emotions as mental illnesses (e.g. stress as anxiety, sadness as depression, abnormality as autism, a love of order as being ocd, confidence as narcissism)