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File: 19 KB, 285x475, handmaids-tale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2014774 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I realize most men class women as either "sluts" or "wife material"

>mfw I realize insitutitionalized sexism exists

>mfw I realize homosexuality is seen as aberrant and people who bully homosexuals are given a slap on the wrist or even encouraged by
modern society

>mfw I realize harems/polygamy are a male fantasy and actually exist in cultures like Mormon and Muslim culture

>mfw I realize most men look down upon women and see them as second class citizens

>mfw I realize male politicians try to control female reproductive rights

I feel like I'm living in the fucking Handmaid's Tale and I hate this. I FUCKING HATE IT.

>> No.2014782

What's with the mouth piercings? That wasn't in the book.

>> No.2014789

In what countries do muslims practice polygamy?

>> No.2014791


It was a marketing decision so the book could appeal to twentysomething punk rockers

>> No.2014795


Polygamous marriage is allowed by Islamic religion and has historically been practiced by royalty and the wealthy in Islamic countries. Not to mention the practice of keeping a harem.

>> No.2014799

To be fair, life in Gilead didn't allow sex for pleasure. The harems were designed to be specifically about breeding. Not really the fruit of anyone's fantasy life.

>> No.2014800

>waaaah my daddy makes me do house chores and actually go to church

>waaah no one likes me becauze i'm a slut

>waaaah my life is just like the handmaid's tale fml

>> No.2014807
File: 4 KB, 140x98, Pocahontas..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I was raised by a single mother

>mfw when I treat all women with respect and really appreciate male-female friendships

>mfw when I totally tolerate all kind of homosexuals and met some really nice people and very close friends among them

>mfw I can't enjoy a book written by a female because I believe they're intellectually inferior and simpleminded

>> No.2014809


>> No.2014812

It's not as common, but there have been historical examples of polyandry.

>> No.2014814

Hated the book, love the author. Read 17 books by her, 18th on the shelf.

Her best book is ACTUALLY The Blind Assassin or The Robber Bride.

>> No.2014828

No one cares, really. On the bright side, if you have enough kids, one of them might be a decent writer and give you some reading material as you age and turn into an ugly ball of wrinkles, you dog.

>> No.2014834

>>mfw I realize homosexuality is seen as aberrant and people who bully homosexuals are given a slap on the wrist or even encouraged by
modern society
>mfw you must be american, because Canada loves the gays and as a married homosexual I have never had any issue with bigotry further than my Oma looking at me weirdly when she found out

>> No.2014842

When this kind of thing really starts to get me down, and often it does, I try to focus on making the most of the incredible privilege of being a white American who doesn't live in South Fukkin Dakota, both in using that advantage to help women who aren't so lucky and just on a personal level to chill the fuck out instead of going I AM BUT A DROP OF HONEY IN A VAST COMB OF OPPRESSION WHAT IS THE POINT OF ANYTHIIIIIIIING

Also, goddamn, Sunhawk not liking The Handmaid's Tale is the stuff of paint-by-numbers Sunhawk fanfic. Did you hate Revolutionary Road, too?

>> No.2014852

>mfw women are physically inferior to men

And that's all we've needed to subjugate you throughout history. If you're actually so smart, why don't you claim the equal rights, wages, and respect that you so desire?

>> No.2014854

What's wrong with polygamy?

>> No.2014855

>mfw the court system is always blatantly in favor of women when it comes to the children

>mfw women still expect things like you always paying for dinners and free drinks yet when its not in your favor its patriachy

the list goes on and on I know its not like this everywhere but here in america women you dont have it bad anymore. Should you get equal pay as men? In some respects yes when you can do the same or more amount of work. When you are physically incapable no. I probably have just as many women friends as I do male friends to. I also dated a hardcore feminist that was quite awful because she did the same things i mentioned above

>> No.2014862

that's relative

a whale is physically stronger than all men in the history of mankind, but you don't see whales all being dicks to everybody

>> No.2014866
File: 599 KB, 1200x1379, 1313301374847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw violent insurrectionist feminists who talk about killing all men

>> No.2014869

but humans are smarter than whales. Can the same be said of women to men?

>> No.2014870
File: 108 KB, 500x333, dumb-and-dumber-jim-carrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw women complain, but never do anything about it.

>> No.2014887


I believe by whales this person was referring to fat women.

>> No.2014893

I think The Handmaid's Tale very accurately predicts the course American society is taking.

>> No.2014899

Kinda can't tell whether this was a real thread or if the /r9k/fugees are just getting cleverer

>> No.2014900

I'm all for equal rights. However, I have 3 beefs with feminists

1) They love to bitch about the privileges that men have but refuse to acknowledge the privileges they have by being women.

2) they also love to make up facts (1 in 4 women will be raped, women are paid 70 cents to every man's dollars)

3) Their ontological system doesn't have any ability to self-critique. If you're full of shit, nobody can call you out on being full of shit because of "unexamined privilege." However, much of the time, you're just an oversensitive whiner who likes to be morally superior, no matter which bullshit societal narrative you try and base your fabricated arguments on

>> No.2014902

>>mfw all this is counterproductive to us as a species

>> No.2014903

What's an Oma? Is that Korean for grandma?

Oh, and, tell me more of this wonderful place you call "Canada."

>> No.2014904

>1) They love to bitch about the privileges that men have but refuse to acknowledge the privileges they have by being women.

You mean the privilege of having doors opened for you and having guys pick up the bill on dates? Actual feminists don't do this.

>> No.2014905

>mfw butthurt feminazi morons can't look around and
>see that there are more feminist groups and more tolerance for
>women now than fucking ever. Fuck you.

You're just upset because the cool, hot chicks are getting the hot guys. I'm a male feminist, I'm straight, and there are tons more like me.

>> No.2014907



>> No.2014909

>claims to be a feminist
>says 'feminazi'

cool, story bro

>> No.2014910


>Actual feminist don't do this.

You're wrong. Terrible feminists do this, but they do do it.

>> No.2014913

>mfw I realize most men class women as either "sluts" or "wife material"
>yfw most people are idiots and not purposefully malicioud

>mfw I realize homosexuality is seen as aberrant and people who bully homosexuals are given a slap on the wrist or even encouraged by
modern society
>yfw this has been true for every "aberrant" minority ever and isn't new or surprising.

>mfw I realize harems/polygamy are a male fantasy and actually exist in cultures like Mormon and Muslim culture

wtf is the problem with harems?

>> No.2014914


There's a difference between feminism for the sake of male and female equality (myself) and radical feminism for the sake of female dominance (feminazis). Learn more.

>> No.2014917


feminazi's are real. they're called 2nd wavers

>> No.2014922



>> No.2014923
File: 22 KB, 291x400, 1307488435459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>hurr yuo r all frustrated hags HUEHUE
>>I'm a male feminist

>> No.2014927

Something perfectly summing up the so-called 'privileges' of women happened to me and my boyfriend the other day.

We were both playing on 2p machines (penny falls) at an arcade, with one machone between us. We were both trying to win dumb keyrings, no worth, just fun to collect and have the pleasure of winning.

A man came round to restock and move the prizes while we were playing. At my machine, he cranked it open, moved the prizes, and then reached in for the prize I was playing for and handed it to me. When he got round to my boyfriend, he said "I'll come back when you're done, mate".

So, I got the toy, but my boyfriend got respected.

>> No.2014930

>radical feminism for the sake of female dominance

This here, this is a conservative strawman. And no, second wave feminism is not that.

>> No.2014931

>mfw this thread has more than 25 replies

>mfw people actually believe what OP says

>> No.2014932


>We were at an arcade

Stopped reading there.

>> No.2014936


Why can't I be upset at females who want to have more power than men, to dominate them, and still be liberal? I'm curious.

>> No.2014937


your anecdote sums up the situation perfectly

oh no wait it doesn't, except for the fact that you use some bullshit anecdote to deny that women have privileges that men don't.

actually, your anecdote does sum up the situation perfectly

>> No.2014939

He or she is absolutely and objectively correct. Except about harems, they don't exist so much these days and they're illegal where they do.

>> No.2014940

May I ask why? A traditional british seaside resort is a nostalgic day out for us poor people.

>> No.2014942
File: 303 KB, 1024x683, 1312495852153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gave it to you so you should give him a blowjob. That's free market economics.
It's not going to suck itself, darling.

>> No.2014943

(because they don't really exist)

>> No.2014946
File: 151 KB, 750x563, goaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they don't really exist


>> No.2014947

We do have privileges, but at what cost to our dignity?

>> No.2014948
File: 168 KB, 400x400, coolface flip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile at OP's house...

>> No.2014949

I'd like to think I'm pretty good with my views towards women. It is true I often view strangers as whether I potentially want to pursue something romantic with them or not, but I believe that woman do this too.

>> No.2014952


First honest thing said all day.

People need to just fucking suck it up.

>> No.2014953


to me at least, the concept of feminazis are less about wanting female dominance, and more about being self-righteous asshole under the cover of "activism"

>> No.2014954


And he wanted a blowjob from me specifically as I am female. Without the sexual appeal, my boyfriend was treated differently.

>> No.2014967
File: 26 KB, 437x453, 1310070216348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw OP is right
>>mfw in my society, most women accept and enforce these roles and behaviors, passing them along to their daughters
>>mfw the minority is thought as being "spinster material", "frigid" or "deviant lesbians"

>> No.2014976


Or deviant sluts if not deviant lesbians.

>> No.2014983

I'd gladly be a bitch if it allowed me never to work.
Plus they get to choose who they fuck.
You act like it's a big drama.

>> No.2014986


It is. Women spend all of their lives being manipulated and controlled by men unless they choose to actively liberate themselves from submission.

>> No.2014988
File: 45 KB, 350x233, 350px-Slut_Walk_Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your modern feminism your founders who achieved great strides for women such as suffrage are rolling in their graves

>> No.2014989

You say "choose who to fuck", but that's because you have a fatal misunderstanding of female sexual selection. They'll struggle just as much as you to sleep with who they want, due to biological differences between the sexes.

>> No.2014991

this could be said for a lot of guys you know

>> No.2014996

Women wanted to be on the same plane as men. Now chivalry is dead. We don't have to be nice to you anymore because you don't want it.

Not that I think sexism or homophobia is right, it's just what happened. I'm sure I sound ignorant and I probably am in a lot of respects so if anyone has a problem with what I've said and wishes to instruct me otherwise or in a different direction, come at me, bro/sis.

>> No.2014997


the ability to find sexual partners of equal attractiveness is one of the great unacknowledged female privileges. "Equal attractiveness" is key here. If a chick wants to get laid, she can, unless she's ugly or socially retarded (and even then).

Honestly, if women just owned up to the fact that YES, YOU HAVE A BUNCH OF PRIVILEGES you'd be able to convince a lot more men about the concept. Seriously "hey you know how you're expected to pay for a date or that women have an easy time getting laid, or that it's not okay to hit a girl but it's okay to hit a guy? those are privileges that I have as a woman. Now, you, as a man, get a ton of other privileges [insert pertinent examples]." Would change a lot more minds than RAH RAH I'M A SELF RIGHTEOUS ASSHOLE.

But it won't ever happen, because women refuse to acknowledge their own advantages.

>> No.2014999


>Women struggle just as much as men to sleep with who they want

Hahahaha oh wow. Most girls can just send a text message asking you to come over to their place and fuck without repercussions. Boys can't do that, because it would be creepy and desperate.

Do you see the difference?

>> No.2015002



>> No.2015005


Both of you misunderstand.

A man fancies maybe 60% of women. Why? Sperm is cheap - he could get 100 women pregnant for a fraction of the energy a woman would expend on a pregnancy.

A female, on the other hand, has to be a lot more selective. Since she'll spend loads and loads of energy on a pregnancy, she really does have to choose the right mate when she fucks. As a result, females are actually attracted to far fewer males than males are females. Nothing to do with them being icky - just biology.

So a woman won't be any luckier, as the percentage of people she fancies will be so much smaller than the percentage of people a male fancies.

>> No.2015011


>>If a chick wants to get laid, she can, unless she's ugly or socially retarded (and even then).

That's exactly the same for men. inless you are a sad beta

>> No.2015013


You see, this would be true if it weren't a huge pile of fucking bullshit. Otherwise, good stuff.

I think you're speaking for yourself, and maybe a few people you know. I know of and know personally plenty of women who are attracted to about a billion dudes, on tv, in magazines, in person, at startbucks, at the gym, in the bars, saying hey to your grandma.


>> No.2015017


Fancying loads of guys is not the same as fancying pretty much every female of child-bearing age with a passable figure.

>> No.2015021

This "NO WOMEN HAVE A HARD TIME FINDING DUDES TO FUCK TOO IT'S JUST AS HARD FOR US" is probably the dumbest turn this discussion could have gone.

>> No.2015022


You're right. Thank god that's just a misguided stereotype! Hah! What a mess we'd be in.

>> No.2015023

>>fuck without repercussions
>>OMG slut
>>that's chick's a total slut brah, I heard he sucked off 20 niggers
>>*cough* slut *cough


>> No.2015026

But those girls will be called sluts if they do.

>> No.2015029

I never said women have a hard time. Nobody has a hard time finding someone of average attractiveness (as far as they are concerned) to fuck. But finding that super duper sexy 10/10 is just as hard for women as men, that's all.

>> No.2015030


It's a lot more acceptable to be what society deems "slutty" for a woman than a man. If you disagree, you're extremely mislead.

>> No.2015032

So... what, you think women withhold sex for some reason? Just to be bitches?

>> No.2015034

What? Men get called studs if they sleep with loads of girls. Women get the short straw of that.

>> No.2015036

Why don't you complain about it some more?

Dumb bitches

>> No.2015040

As if i dont hear enough whining and complaining from all the women that surround me day and night, whine whine whine, nag nag nag.

>> No.2015041
File: 119 KB, 417x401, fc018c17436bf74a4a6c724596a1a951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2015049
File: 163 KB, 640x909, sagedreported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is officially a /r9k/ thread

>> No.2015052


Nobody over the age of 18 uses that word unironically, or at least don't see it as a bad thing

>> No.2015053

Here's a novel idea, why don't you go out and work hard, and make something of yourself, and actually do something constructive instead of crying and whining about what you don't have. When in reality you have everything handed to you on a silver platter.

"I want that, give me that, I deserve that, I should have that, why does he have that and I don't, she's prettier than me, i'm fat, etc etc."

>> No.2015062

That's not true. The thing that started the whole 'slutwalk' thing was an adult policeman using the word in an institutional setting.

>> No.2015067

When you encounter these problems you should tackle them with feminism (whether you're a man or a woman). But you can't be a feminist all the time, because as people become more enlightened, feminism becomes increasingly inappropriate and even offensive. Post-feminism allows one to switch one's feminist switch on and off as appropriate without contradicting oneself.
Yay. :D

>> No.2015073


>> No.2015084


The point is, it causes outrage when someone actually does.

>> No.2015088

It does when a professional does. Casually, I've heard people use it regularly. Not my friends, but others. Yes, I am well over 18.

>> No.2015093

so pitiful on Top Shot last night, they let two sammich makers into the group, were shooting S&W 500's, mfw neither broad could shoot for shit.

face it. men > women

use what you got to get what you want. like every other sammich maker.

>> No.2015094


>> No.2015098


>> No.2015102

said the 4chan poster, allowing the fine rib of shit deposited onto the seat of his briefs to slow-roast between his asscheeks. a worthy heir to the long line of bepenised great minds with which he identified so strongly.

>> No.2015110

Depends what you mean by privilege. If you mean we're treated as weak children who can't cope with real life, then yeah, we're privileged. Thing is, most semi-intelligent adult women feel a bit patronised by such issues, plus being treated as a fluffier, stupider version of a man impacts us negetively elsewhere, such as in business.

>> No.2015116


Did you see the link in >>2014907

Don't pretend that those advantages don't exist or are meaningless.

>> No.2015118
File: 105 KB, 388x275, jack daniels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most men class women as either "sluts" or "wife material"
>most men look down upon women and see them as second class citizens

>mfw women have nobody to blame but themselves

>> No.2015126

But most of those things are totally open to interpretation. Take this one at random as an example:
> I am allowed to BE vulnerable, playful, and soft without calling my worthiness as a human being into question.
As a woman, you're *expected* to be vulnerable, playful and soft, unless you're happy to have your worthiness as a human questioned.

They are all stupid gender issues (excluding the ones such as murder, which feminists would all agree are a terrible problem anyway, just not really a feminist issue).

>> No.2015131


much of the male ones are open to interpretation as well. no one claims that ALL MALE PRIVILEGES ARE ALWAYS ON.

doesn't invalidate the theory of male privilege.

>> No.2015134


Considering that more women are murdered than men, and women are more likely to be victims of murder, yes, it is very much a feminist issue.

>> No.2015140


uh, no


>> No.2015142

I just read through all of those points, and all of them are actually negetive things about being female, as far as I can tell, to the extent I'm starting to think the origional page is a troll.

> I have probably been taught that it is acceptable to cry.
I have probably not been taught a mature way to deal with my emotions.
> Most people in society probably will not see my overall worthiness as a person being exclusively tied to how high up in the hierarchy I rise.
Rather, my worthiness will be tied to how sexually attractive I am, which fades.
> My chance of suffering a work-related injury or illness is significantly lower than a man’s.
> My chance of being killed on the job is a tiny fraction of a man’s.
Men are physically stronger, and thus capable of taking on labour-intensive jobs that a female body couldn't cope with.
> If I was born in North America since WWII, I can be almost certain that my genitals were not mutilated soon after birth, without anesthesia.
If you're born in Africa, however, look forward to having your cunt sewn shut and your clitty cut off.
> I am allowed to wear clothes that signify ‘vulnerability’, ‘playful openness’, and ’softness’.
I'm not 'allowed' to go out without having taken some care in my looks.

Etc etc etc. I just picked a couple there. Are you sure it's not a trollblog?

>> No.2015146

ah, the endless trolling and anti-woman bullshit that is so characteristic of /lit/

>> No.2015152


Except with the exception of maybe one or two posts none of it is actually anti-woman.

Why so reactionary?

>> No.2015158

don't you people have hysterical anti-circumcision comic books to write

>> No.2015160


Yes, because any discussion of social differences between sexes is automatically biased against women.

>> No.2015166


>Anti-circumcision comic books

Umm, wat?

>> No.2015167
File: 235 KB, 1024x873, 1286167639797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because any discussion of social differences between sexes is automatically biased against women.

Now you're getting it!

I remember taking a women's study class, because I was forced to, and they said Freud's theories were wrong, not because he dealt with super fucked up patients all the time, but because he had male bias. Then they talked about the theory of "womb envy" developed by some nobody psychologist and why it was better than Freud's theory of penis envy because it didn't have male bias.

>> No.2015169

I shit you not


>> No.2015173


it's your female centered perspective that you think all of these are about YOU. They're not entirely; they're also about the fact that sexist gender stereotypes hurt men as well as the comparative advantages that women have.

Of course, your your victim mentality don't allow you to see past your own challenges and understand that other people also have disadvantages that arise from sexist stereotypes, not just you.

The hypocrisy here is disgusting.

More female privileges:

>> No.2015178

Of course gender issues affect men as well. However, claiming that's somehow an argument against feminism is stupid. Femionism exists for women's issues. Of course they accept men's problems exist, but they aren't the focus of the movement.

It's like getting mad at the cat's protection because they don't take in dogs. They accept dogs are just as deserving of help, but they focus on cats.

>> No.2015180

everyone who is posting these bitchass female "privalege" lists has some goddamn nerve accusing
goofy tumblr feminists of being crybabies

>> No.2015182

Uh yeah, no shit, the patriarchy demands men act in certain ways and women act in others and it's generally a bad thing for everybody. That's like, one of the main feminist ideas.

>> No.2015183


This is the biggest load of horseshit.

Any discussion is "automatically" biased against women? And your proof was because freud was sexist? It's not like we live post-feminism and can objectively view gender roles. Nope, any discourse is going to be automatically biased against women! We should just uncritically accept every bullshit theory that supports women, no matter how absurd or stupid it is!

God your head is so far up your own ass.

>> No.2015190

Holy shit, my post spawned lots of stuff
and I didn't even read thread

>> No.2015193

>ymf one of the greatest patriarchal successes is to get one to judge other societies' gender issues in comparison to, and worse than, one's own.
>Mormon, Muslim

l2 feminist, cumslut.

>> No.2015200

>This is the biggest load of horseshit.
>Any discussion is "automatically" biased against women?

this is how feminists actually think.

>> No.2015205


i just want you to admit that these gender roles can have real advantages and privileges for women, and that gender roles are not simply one way street of men subjugating women.

A more balanced discourse would make you sound less like a bunch of whining crybabies and get more people on your side. Most complaints about how women "have it so good" in society that arise when Men are confronted with the concept of feminism are actually Men decrying female privilege. And for women to deny that they have privileges only keep you from sounding like you have a legitimate theory of social relationships, rather than just a vague list of butthurt complaints.

However denialism present in this thread in regard to the concept of female privilege shows you just want to be a whining crybaby and a self-righteous asshole instead of an activist or an intellectual.

>> No.2015214


Different poster, but as
said, you wouldn't expect a cat's charity to tell you all the ways cats have it better than dogs. Even though some things are shitty for dogs, their main focus is going to be on improving the lives of cats. Not out of malice towards dogs, but out of loves for cats.

Understand yet?

>> No.2015226

>I can watch or read media created for both sexes and not be judged negatively.
>I can be as cowardly as I want and not be judged for it or have to feel guilty.
>I'm not required to have a backbone.
>I'm allowed to actually express my emotions.
>I can talk to strangers without them thinking I'm going to rape them.

>> No.2015242

>I can watch or read media created for both sexes and not be judged negatively.
Erm, no. Try playing an online game as a female. I get booted off servers all the time the second I open my mike. Playing any kind of video game gets a raised eyebrow at best. It's very much considered a 'male' past time.
>I can be as cowardly as I want and not be judged for it or have to feel guilty.
That's not a good trait. It means we're all inheriently considered cowardly without having a chance to prove otherwise.
>I'm not required to have a backbone.
See above. We're automatically assumed not to have a backbone.
>I'm allowed to actually express my emotions.
So are men. But explosive and uncontrolled outbursts are disliked by either gender.
>I can talk to strangers without them thinking I'm going to rape them.
... You really think any male off the street will rape you given half a chance? Really?

>> No.2015243



>> No.2015247

mfw when you don't understand shit about human reproduction and act like the stuff you said is backwards mentality instead of wordy representations of physicial processes, and the only males who go against them are whiny pieces of shit
welcome to your worst nightmare:

>> No.2015249

>Try playing an online game as a female. I get booted off servers all the time the second I open my mike.

Do you think that happens because you're a woman, or does it happen because the guy's playing can't get a girlfriend?

>> No.2015254

Does it matter? The result is the same for me regardless.

>> No.2015259


>You really think any male off the street will rape you given half a chance? Really?

Roughly one in four female college students will be raped by the time she graduates.
Most females have at least been threatened with rape in some form from a man who can't take no for an answer, or have been sexually harrassed by some creepy male fuck with asperger's syndrome.
You think people don't worry about rape?

If you meet a strange man, you should always carry something to defend yourself, because no matter how nice he seems, he might just fucking rape you.

>> No.2015261


bi-weekly neckbeard vs feminist rage troll threads


>> No.2015262



>> No.2015263


It happens because you have a high pitched voice and they think you're twelve.

>> No.2015265

I know it's a problem (I actually work in the crisis centre at an English University), but it's not *that* common. One in four just simply isn't true (at leats not in the UK). It's good to be cautious, but not paranoid.

>> No.2015266


The fact is, both Muslims and Mormons are extremely backwards and inferior cultures contrasted with our own. Their twisted idea of promoting rigid gender roles is just the tip of the iceberg in how fucking nutty they are.

>> No.2015272

Someday, I just want everyone to be seen as individual and see everyone as an individual. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.2015273


That's because only a small minority of rape victims actually realize there is a need to visit your crisis center where you work.

How many clients do you work with on a daily basis who have been or almost been the victims of a sexual assault or other sex crime?

>> No.2015275


I don't know what they taught you in hippie school, but a society of "individuals" can't function. For a society to properly function people need to work as a team, and working as a team means there has to be some level of unit cohesion.

>> No.2015277

lol i'm going to try to end every thread i post in like this from now on

you think henry james deserves to be more fashionable? welcome to your worst nightmare:

you think they'll still be making kobo readers in 2013? welcome to your worst nightmare:

you think stradlater didn't die in a craigslist m4m book club/cock-and-ball torture meetup gone wrong? welcome to your worst nightmare:

>> No.2015278

'Client' isn't the best way to describe it - basically if someone contacts the emergency services through the university we'll respond to provide an on-campus service, anything from first aid to general psychological reassurance.

And this year was considered a 'bad' year, with two rapes (belived linked) and three sexual assults.

>> No.2015283

>Roughly one in four female college students will be raped by the time she graduates.

This is a myth. This statistic comes from a study that uses sexual assault victims as it's base sample. Look it up.

The 70 cents to every dollar statistic is a myth as well

Stop spreading lies

>> No.2015284
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>> No.2015285

>mfw I was trolling this thread a few hours ago and it's still up

>> No.2015286


I work just a walk away from a historically black campus where two students were murdered in a drive by this year, and three years ago there were twelve rapes, all committed by the same person.

Not everywhere is your posh little English countryside college.

>> No.2015294


No, not everywhere is my little university. But that statistic is absoluetly crazy. There's no way one in 4 girls gets raped.

>> No.2015298


It's just sickening, rapes happen so often to so many women and so few ever report it

>> No.2015300



>> No.2015303

*sigh* On the societal level, yeah, but in small groups and one-on-one, there's no need to preclude the possibly of putting your Gestalt thinking on the back burner and relating to people as individuals first. So don't see your wife as "wife" or your children as "children", but spend some time asking questions about themselves and get to know them before you decide who they are or what they are capable of.

A society is only a large group of smaller groups, and the conditions of the larger group will change with those of the smaller groups. If you want equality, start by getting the men you know to respect you. Pay for dinner, be in control of your emotions, work, let your man know that you are just like him. I think this is the direction we're headed in America. The only way to big change is through small change; it all adds up.

>> No.2015309


I am deeply offended by your raced language.

>> No.2015312

I stopped reading when you said Mormons practice polygamy. You should probably learn what a group believes before demonizing it.

>> No.2015317

>Herp derp genderissues blahblah derp deeerp
>mfw everyone should shut up and focus on their own life instead of focusing on other people's lives.
>yfw feminism is a radical form of communism

>> No.2015318

Wait...have any of the women ITT been raped? I know this is a poor sample (4chan), and an awkward question, but...

>> No.2015319


Butthurt Mor(m)on detected

Oh, and you and your little buddies should quit knocking on my door. I don't want to hear your shit. Fuck off.

>> No.2015321

... Not that many, though.

When I've met genuine rape victims, they have been very visibly distressed. I honestly can't imagine many of them getting over the trauma without professional help. People don't just get over rape.

>> No.2015324



It's a shame that so few will actually speak up.

>> No.2015327


4chan has about an even gender distribution imo, a lot of it is just people of both sexes who like to troll the shit out of strangers

The foreveralone nerd stereotype doesn't really hold. I've met other 4channers and the fact they use this site is the only thing they have in common

>> No.2015329


Being distressed because someone put their peepee in you is the most retarded shit ever.

>> No.2015330

I've done sample polling with a small n (n=40-50) and the rate of rape seems to be more like 100 per 100.

>> No.2015331

Just because I'm not ignorant doesn't mean I'm Mormon. There are plenty of things to be said against the Mormon belief system and lifestyle rules, but the main LDS Church hasn't been polygamous for about 200 years.

>> No.2015334


But seriously, I'm kind of interested if there are ANY rape victims here.


I meant "poor sample" as in "lol 4chan females don't go outside." But of course I'm still interested.

>> No.2015336


If it was in your butt I'm sure you'd feel differently.

>> No.2015338


No, I wouldn't. A dude getting raped is funny.

>> No.2015340

Rape is really only a terrible thing because we've made sex sacred.

>> No.2015341

>ITT most people discuss stranger and violent rape; and not rape in marriage, rape in relationship, soft rapes and child rapes.

Enjoy your vacuous conversation about a fear of "other males" tampering with your kept women. Don't bother dealing with the central issue of rape by men who believe they have property rights in the minges of their whores and child-whores.

>> No.2015343


This. Very, very fucking much this.

>> No.2015346

We were discussing that supposed statistic that one in 4 college students will be raped by the time they graduate.

Not rape in general.

>> No.2015348

And a more than a little bit sexy.

>> No.2015350


More silly than sexy, unless you're gay or some chick that gets off on watching dudes bone each other

>> No.2015351


>discuss a certain specific statistic

You could have brought the other forms of rape into the discussion easily.

>> No.2015354

I don't think anyone actually addressed OP's actual concerns. OP seems rather distraught.

>> No.2015361

I just woke up and began participating in this thread, therefore, I couldn't have brought up the forms of rape which occur most often.

My points are a valid analysis of this thread's focus on rape as an incident between unknown males and a victim.

>> No.2015364

I'm female, and I find it hot.

>> No.2015365

>But seriously, I'm kind of interested if there are ANY rape victims here.

Yes. Being raped wasn't a big deal in comparison to the other abusive aspects of the relationships that rape occurred within.

>> No.2015367


post made it clear that you had decided we were ignorant of other types of rape. At least, this is what I'm reading into your sentence. If you were honestly just making an unopinionated sentence about the thread's content, then I believe it came off wrong.

>> No.2015370


Alright then. I'm sorry, but thank you for speaking up. You didn't need to.

>> No.2015372

> mfw I'm a female and I still think many females are vacuous. Encouraged to be vacuous by our culture, but still seem to enjoy being vacuous.

I don't know what to make of this. Other than "people are stupid and like having excuses for being stupid".

>> No.2015373


> mfw I'm a person and I still think many people are vacuous. Encouraged to be vacuous by our culture, but still seem to enjoy being vacuous.


>> No.2015375

>getting into abusive relationships

Typical female behavior.

>> No.2015378


Men are pressured to do useful things like get a job and so on.

>> No.2015380


I'm a guy, just to be clear. And there are MANY vacuous guys. They just ignore the pressure.

>> No.2015382

Who said anything about female?

>> No.2015383
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>This entire thread shitting up my board

>> No.2015384

I'm very sensitive to sexual judgements, I think edwardian shit needs to die, but what's wrong with polygamy?

I think monogamy as some sort of cultural rule engenders both possessiveness, cabin fever, and the equally frustrating and fallacious belief that your partner must be perfect for you and will uniquely satisfy you
This goes for both genders. It's not for everyone, but there is no cultural maturity towards sex and relationships. A good partner is like a good friend. Your circle of good friends has a higher standard of behaviour toward eachother and is smaller than your circle of casual friends and aquaintances. Generally, your circle of partners would be smaller still

>> No.2015385

After reading this thread I totally understand why feminism is so marginalized.

>> No.2015388

Men and women are pressured to be vacuous in order to be better, more pliable consumers.

This is also why you're pressured into getting a job btw.

>> No.2015389


Were you raped by a woman? Gay males don't get raped by their partners while in a relationship.It's logically impossible.

>> No.2015390


Curious male here?

Are you talking about a certain "true" branch of feminism? Because everyone always makes a big deal about how prevalent "university-style" feminism is...is there a difference? Not trying to troll. Just asking.

>> No.2015394
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> mfw I've never seen this many mfw's

>> No.2015398


But I made the "huh" post where I reworded female to person/people.

>> No.2015409

No, I think women are encouraged to be stupid in a way men are not. Men are expected to be intelligent so that they can work, but women... it's not that stupidity is sexy, it's that men want to be able to speak their minds to women without being contradicted, and they want to feel like their opinions are appreciated and not criticized. So men's insecurity encourages women to be stupid, which men can then criticize women for and feel superior.

The only reason this keeps happening is that men tend to have more power, in the form of money. Women have trouble earning money because pregnancy necessarily incapacitates the woman and not the man. Then the woman is expected to take care of the children, is not a bad deal compared to working, so many women take that responsibility instead of building a career.

That's the situation we're in. A woman has a choice between being intelligent and having a harder life, or being stupid and having an easier one. I don't blame women for choosing the easier one. The important thing is that WOMEN NOW ACTUALLY HAVE A CHOICE! We should be rejoicing, feminists.

>> No.2015423


Alright, I do see your point. But I'd say there's a caveat.

Men are encouraged to be stupid, but in short term situations that are usually within some close circle (of experiences more than social). Men will be encouraged to be stupid to get laid, or to impress someone, or just be one of the guys.

For women, it's a longer-term scenario, but that doesn't mean it happens "more" to them. They also have to do it more exclusively to those things outside their personal circle. Thus we get them acting like they do more often as just a default state for all society, but less often when with close people/hobbies/entertainment.

>> No.2015433

I think people are like dogs: it's natural for us to need to work. Whether we need to work as much as people in our culture typically work is another thing...

>> No.2015443


My dog just lays around my house all day.

>> No.2015446



or alternatively


>> No.2015448

Your dog SUCKS. Haha, jk. But he probably thinks he's keeping the house safe just by being there and occasionally barking at someone.

>> No.2015454


THIS! We are so driven by sex as a society that we can spend hours arguing about it on a board about literature. That's all anyone seems to give a flying fuck about these days. It's all a fucking show to attract the member of the opposite sex you most desire. Sex is everywhere, not that sex didn't consume the thoughts of every previous generation, but never has they're been such a pornography of something so basic in human nature.

>> No.2015458

You mean in the 1970s touhou futa rape doijin didn't exist??!!

>> No.2015462

>Implying that talking about sex makes you vacuous?

>> No.2015463

You've caught us. There is a worldwide conspiracy to oppress women and gays. And it DOES involve most men. Here's our current master plan.

>Oppress women
>Oppress gays
>Huge profits

I'm so ashamed. But I just want those huge profits so bad.

>> No.2015465


To be honest, in my experience the more vacuous people are the ones that constantly allude to sex in a "tee-hee, guess what I'm referring to! And by guess, I mean think about S-E-X" sort of way than anything else.

The less vacuous people in my experience are the ones that can actually discuss sexual things.

>> No.2015467

Patriarchal conspiracies don't work if you fucking yap about them all the time to everyone. Holy shit.

>> No.2015470


What conspiracy are you talking about Agent 6,604,828,177?

>> No.2015472

The best part of patriarchal conspiracies is that they work even if you yap about them as a gender traitor.

Most women come pre-damaged by their family, and pre-raped by their father or early "older" boyfriends. This means you can let them learn as much feminism as you like, and still torture them. I suggest stupidity, failure and weight. Combined with a little light rape now and then.

Feel free to set other unreasonable standards they can't achieve, or force them to surgically alter their bodies.

Heterosexual coupling makes BDSM look tame.

>> No.2015475

>life is unfair
>wah wah waaahh

WTF am I reading?

>> No.2015476


No actually shit like that extends farther back than I care to trace. You will have to excuse my use of the term "generation" I should have said something more along the lines of periods, my mistake. The problem comes from the fact that we are no longer content in expressing our pornography of the act of sex itself. We now have to turn the entire relationship between a man, and a woman into a pornography. It's to the point where most relationships start in a way that closely resembles a play. Both sides assuming the roles they have seen acted out a thousand times before, each phrase a hollow copy of things they have heard many times before. The relationship progressing exactly the way it "ought" to until about 5 years into marriage, where most of the porn of married of life drops off, and all you are left with is a sense of being conned. It is becoming universal in this country, and any other wealthy place in the world.

>> No.2015490


This thread. <3

>> No.2015491

> It's to the point where most relationships start in a way that closely resembles a play.
You need to read some gender history. Most mating was either forced, or resembled this kind of ritualised courtship.

The fact that we've replaced her having £300, or a trousseau, with a shaved minge and a spray tan isn't relevant.

>> No.2015501

lol this thread is still at the top of page 0

fuck this gay earth

>> No.2015535

>mfw I realize most men class women as either "sluts" or "wife material"
That's not true. I classify women the same as I do anyone else: "Boring asshole" or "Person who is interesting to hang around."

>mfw I realize institutionalized sexism exists
You just realized that?

>mfw I realize homosexuality is seen as aberrant and people who bully homosexuals are given a slap on the wrist or even encouraged by modern society
True. Becoming less true as time wears on.

>mfw I realize harems/polygamy are a male fantasy
Not universally.

>mfw I realize most men look down upon women and see them as second class citizens

>mfw I realize male politicians try to control female reproductive rights

>> No.2015566

There are many traditions and ideological currents in Feminism. Personally like mine with plenty of Marx i.e. one that puts the struggle for gender equality within a wider structuring context of Capitalism. Bell Hooks is probably my favourite living feminist.

>> No.2015576

>implying a conspiracy which oppresses more than half the world's population could have greater than six billion people

>> No.2015580
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I'm a man and I do not view women as equal.

They are physically and emotionally inferior. They are absolutely essential to the survival of our species, and they make me happy, but they are inferior.

Deal with it.

>> No.2015585

you're a do-nothing goober on 4chan posting about how women are inferior to men, by which you mean you

you're srsly like a stormfront poster who works the night shift at meijer who believes he's inherently superior to barack obama

>> No.2015597
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the woman in my pic will forever be far more intelligent, relevant and revered than you

how does that make you feel ?

>> No.2015602

To me feminism is just about equal treatment, which is great. Lots of stuff tilted toward men needs to be scaled back, but so does stuff tilted toward women.
Make the draft apply to women, and make them fight in the frontlines if they're physically capable. If not, get them a more appropriate job behind the scenes. Just stuff like that.

>> No.2015603


>That's not true. I classify women the same as I do anyone else: "Boring asshole" or "Person who is interesting to hang around."

If you have no sexual interest in women, you are probably gay.

>> No.2015608

This thread could use some sandwiches.

I wonder who should make them?

>> No.2015612


That's because most women are part of the conspiracy too.

>> No.2015617

Black people

>> No.2015618

prob 1 of the male potbelly sammich artists that post here