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File: 90 KB, 672x639, DNthFyJXUAAUWKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20144096 No.20144096 [Reply] [Original]

What books on the ante-Nicene period would you recommend?
I'd like to learn about the different "denominations" back then (arianism, ebionites, gnosticism, marcionism, mandeanism, manicheanism, proto-orthodoxs etc) and their quarrels (trinity, divinity of Jesus), preferrably in an introductory way.
So far I've found:
>Backgrounds of Early Christianity, by Ferguson
>Lost Christianities, by Ehrman
But I don't know if they're any good. Has anyone here read those?

>inb4 picrel has nothing to do with early christians
I know

>> No.20144147

If this thread is still up when Im done with work I can tell you

>> No.20144157
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>Und verbannen und verfluchen im Namen des allmächtigen Gottes des Vaters, des Sohnes und des heil Geistes, auch unter dem Ansehen der seeligen Apostel Peters und Pauls und dem Unserigen, all Hussiten, Wiclefften, Lutheraner, Zwinglianer, Calvinisten, Hugenotten, Wiedertäufer, Trinitarier und Abgefallene vom christlichen Glauben, wie auch alle unde jede andere Keßer, wie sie auch heissen mögen, und von welcher Secte sie auch seyen, und diejenige, so ihnen glauben, so sie aufnehmen, ihre Gönner, und überhaupt alle ihre Vertheidiger, und die so ihre Bücher, welche ein Keßeren enthalten, oder von der Religion handeln, ohne unsere und des apostolischen Stules Genehmigung wissentlich lesen, oder behalten, drucken, oder auf irgend eine Weise, aus welcher Ursache es seyn mag, öffentlich oder heimlich, unter welcher Beschönigung und Vorwand es auch geschehe, vertheidigen, wie auch die Schismatiker und diejenige, welche sich von unserm und des römischen Pabsts, so der Zeit regiert, Gehorsam durch Eigensinn entziehen, oder davon abweichen.
Sedevacantism for the win!

>> No.20144165
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God, anon, why

I would say you need to read more smaller books to cover the wide complexity of first century christianity. Some of which:
- Coulianu's Tree of Gnosis
- Mansel's Gnostic Heresies
- Stoyanov's The Other God for a more hardcore multireligios map
and for the early/ middle ages:
- Steve Runciman's Medieval Manichee (great read)

Also, try to read wiki articles from here and there on various movements/concepts to mindmap. For oriental topics, read on encyclopedia Iranica. For Neoplatonism, IEP

>> No.20144184

I'm not OP, but he has some good scholarly works. His anti-Christian rhetoric discredits him as an unbiased Christian scholar, I've also noticed his arguments are pretty bad. But aside from that mainstream normie shit, he has some good work worth checking out.

>> No.20144190
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Start with the Canaanites

>> No.20144192
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>Ching chong
>Ding dong
>Pee pee poo poo
Heretics, blasphemous cryptojews and undercover trannies. All of them. Everything after the Roman Catholic Chruch is horseshit
Christ is king

>> No.20144236
File: 187 KB, 1198x678, Creed-Additions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
>muh councils
>except for the Council of Florence of course but don't bother mentioning that unless you want to hear the hisses of the millions upon millions of Schismatics who think in their herd-mentality how the Filioque is "le bad" and how muh "unchanged" Orthodog "Church" is "le good" for some inexplicable reason, totally unrelated to its foreignness and shiny infantile jingle bells that hypnotize unsuspecting coonverts thinking that they can "look into" topics which their intellectual equals of the past (read: midwit) were correctly protected from looking into for their own good in the same way a retard is not allowed to hold power tools in its hand out of fear that it'd end up with a screw in its head, as many orthodog coonverts have figuratively ended up with.

>> No.20144250

Honest question: why bother with heresies when both Catholic and Orthodox churches have such a rich history and tradition? It’s like reading subpar fan fiction when you can spend your time reading the canon.

>> No.20144321
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20144543

All of those past RC & EO are heresies

>> No.20144562

That image was a joke, anon. I'm sorry for your entrenchment

>> No.20144577

I don't trust anyone who cares too much about early heresies. 9/10 times they're some "free thinker" who thinks the Vatican is the antichrist or some dumb shit and that just namedropping "Gnostic" over and over makes them seem smart.

>> No.20144623

I liked the funny bear picture thanks anon

>> No.20144700
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>it was supposed to be foooooooony

>> No.20145381

Nice, thanks
I haven't read Ehrman yet, also thanks for the recs, I'll check them out
I'm reading Stories from Ancient Canaan :3
I find it really interesting, the different interpretations of scripture and Jesus, and how it unfolded. But I'm open to recs on later christian history if you know some
Thanks, I have Propaganda on my shelf, but I'll consider that one too
Hide the thread and move on

>> No.20146133

Bump for this

>> No.20146169

The Teaching Company History of Theology Course is pretty good except for the part on the Gnostics being simplistic and based mostly on heretic hunters documents.

The Teaching Company course just on the Gnostics is a very good resource on them.

Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years is an excellent survey with a lot on the early church. Same guy also has a good book on the reformation.

Ancient Faith Study Bible (CSB) for a Bible with commentary from the era. I really like the translation. Sadly, it doesn't have the Deutrocanonical books.

>> No.20146216
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quaker meeting has begun
no more laughing no more fun
if you show your teeth or tongue
you must pay a forfeit.

>> No.20146309

The Christian Centuries by Robert Payne.

>> No.20146853

I like how Ehrman got destroyed by a Catholic apologist just last week in a 2-hour debate, and in a week he's going to get destroyed by an evangelical apologist in a 7-hour debate. The dude's just getting smacked around this year.

>> No.20146883

>7-hour debate
what sort of person would watch such a thing

>> No.20146888

Extreme autists.

>> No.20146900

Pic rel leaves out the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Church of the East, Sedevacantism, groups like the Cathars, etc. It's still a pretty good chart, but it is not perfect as the complexity that it does posses might lead you to believe.

>> No.20146907

I forgot. I do recommend that Bart Ehrman book. I've read part of it, and it was good. It has a companion, Lost Scriptures, which I also have and recommend.

>> No.20147052
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>> No.20147116

your religion is a schizophrenic joke, just read some biblical scholarship about the resurrection and some nietzsche, stop believing in a nihlistic world-denying ascetic religion

>> No.20147176

makes my fucking stomach churn
i don't feel so good

>> No.20147752

The last two are promising, specially the CSB, didn't know about that one. Thanks anon
I'll check it out, thanks
oh no no no

>> No.20147799
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Cope and seethe.

>> No.20147800

This is just a meme. Remember that chads like the Goths, Constantine and Cornelius converted to Christianity too.

>> No.20147827
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>> No.20147930

tell me this is fake

>> No.20147953

it's fvcking over. Look up xsusann

>> No.20147980

Check out Hans Jonas' book on gnosticism if you haven't already, it's good. That and Lacarriere are the best introductory works, but you should read the Nag Hammadi as well, not just secondary sources.