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/lit/ - Literature

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20143549 No.20143549 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to make me sound like a brainlet, but what is the point of reading fiction books? Whenever I finish a classic book I don't remember it for it's good writing or characters, just its story which I can get from a quick summary of the book. I try to read often but it's hard to do when I don't even see the point in it. I enjoy the stories just don't see the point in them being so long.

Please don't lambast me.

>> No.20143565

There's literally no point in reading books when you can be having sex or engaging in more meaningful entertainment (TV, video games).
Books are for people that can't have sex and think that TV and video games are boring. And for pseuds.

>> No.20143567

if it's cool or makes a good point or asks an interesting question, then it is worth considering

>> No.20143570

More words = more "surface area" to extract expression and interpretation from, and so enjoyment.

Obviously this isn't to say that longer books are better by default, but it takes time to build tension, develop characters, all that good stuff.

Imagine if the Bible was just "man gets put on sticks, forgives everybody". Brevity is the soul of wit and all that, but there's a limit.

Maybe you'd like poetry, or you could find a book of aphorisms. Or just stick to non-fiction like a chad.

>> No.20143572

Fiction was just entertainment before TVs etc. Novels can't be art.
Now, mythology, epics etc. on the other hand are based, the fact that modern "critics" hate them shoud tell you everything.

>> No.20143579

The point?

All stories are self contained experiences by sharing this experiences you learn more about the world and individuals

If that has no value to you, just don't read

>> No.20143581

I ony read non fiction. Fictionplebs should get a containment board like /pol/ for stormniggers and /his/ and /x/ for religionfags.

>> No.20143584

Fiction connects you with the author on a deep emotional level which our superficial day-to-day dealings fail to capture. It exposes you to the perspectives of radically different people throughout time and space. Knowledge of those perspectives naturally comes to the fore in your engagements with other people.
More than this, fiction helps to contextualise and relate whatever you're currently experiencing. For people mired in a deep depression, the sensation that another person can deeply and accurately understand them, in all the ways a therapist pretends to but can't, might be enough to keep them going.

>> No.20143604

no such thing exists

>> No.20143611

You are a retard; that is factual.

>> No.20143616

epa, some people believe the world not to be real but a figment of their imagination

who are you to judge that?

really, honest question expecting an honest answer

>> No.20143624

>Fiction connects you with the author on a deep emotional level which our superficial day-to-day dealings fail to capture
This, I honestly get more from the subtextual idiosyncrasies and unspoken personal philosophy of the author than I do from the plot or prose

>> No.20143639

No man, you don't get it, everything is thought man, like if you think of it, like, isn't that the same as being real? Like, dude, if I can imagine a pink elephant, like, heh dude, if I can imagine a pink elephant it must be real, right, like, you can't make things up, like dude, there has to be like, like a more real reality, with like, everything ever you can think of man, like isn't that fucken wild, dude?
Pass me the rig, I need another dab

>> No.20143641

Here's a more concise and less pseud version:
Fiction can get you into the mind of an author in ways non-fiction cannot since the author is exercising their creativity and giving you their interpretation for how things (abstract or otherwise) work.
What is epa
Also the people who think the world is a figment of their imagination are typically too retarded to come up with string theory or calculus. They are some of the biggest fucking retards and I'd not heard anything about those cretins for a very long time, but sadly here I am touring /lit/. I think it speaks to how defective you cunts are that you humour all this retarded bullshit instead of calling it retarded.

>> No.20144519

>/his/ and /x/ for religionfags
what a retard

>> No.20144608

this but unironically

>> No.20144635

>Whenever I finish a classic book I don't remember it for it's good writing or characters, just its story which I can get from a quick summary of the book.
What a fucking dumb cunt. Go back to /v/ fucking gamerbrain.

>> No.20145106

Please inform us on all the poinful things you do in your day to day

>> No.20145236
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I think that if you don’t understand why people enjoy art, you probably shouldn’t be here, and if you aren’t still underage when you have this lack of understanding you’re never going to understand it anyway.