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20141964 No.20141964 [Reply] [Original]

>The neoliberalism is very lovecraftian

What does he mean by this, bros ?

>> No.20141975

Is that Haz? He's legitimately braindead - 'Lovecraftian' to him means anything viscerally 'bad'. He's basically a fascist so you can connect the dots lol.

>> No.20141978

This guy is an actual manchild and his twitch chat is pure definition of group thinking sheeps just spamming emotes
The whole platform is cancerous

>> No.20141980

>basically a fascist
"Communism" now is more about your stance on trannies than it is the works or Marx and Engels.

>> No.20141981

This dude is Reza Negarestani's twink at The New Center and the Infrared collective is a deep cover Hyperstition Tank dedicated to deepening the Anglo-Sino capitalist hypermatrix to secretly carry on the mission of the CCRU

>> No.20141993

Not once does he ever successfully parse Marx's literature. Add to this him saying that he's conservative lmao.

>> No.20141994

>be a basic marxist-leninist that likes to work-out
uhh yeah basically fascism sweaty

>> No.20142003


That's a funny way of saying "not an ML, at all." Or at least: "a retard's level of understanding of Marx and Lenin."

>> No.20142004

Goes to show the western left-wing is just a social club for like-minded weirdos. Like a clique in a school playground.

>> No.20142011

absolute schizo babble


>> No.20142012

Haz physically and mentally mogs every single person on this board. Save the cope, leftoids. You are losers who lose. As a rule, the real Marxist-Leninists will always rise to the top.

>> No.20142013


Red fash confirmed - thanks for confirming. Horseshoe theory is real, faggots.

>> No.20142015

Real ML is about how the white cis ruling class oppresses everyone :(

>> No.20142022


>> No.20142023
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>> No.20142024

he's such a chud stereotype, the insecure manlet perpetually angry online.

>> No.20142031

So everyone that isn't gay is fash? What the heck is your problem buddy? Imperialist wars, millions of people in poverty, unfair work conditions, there's bigger issues than being a non-binary snowflake.

>> No.20142034

>Imperialist wars
Based. I see you've taken a principled stance against Russia, comrade.

>> No.20142041

Nooo bUt RuSSia is FightINg AMeriKKKan IMPERALISM don't you get it?

>> No.20142053

These are the people calling you a baizuo and a westoid on the computer.

>> No.20142061
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He must be doing something right if he's got the three letter retards this afraid

>> No.20142065

so this is how the mind of a chimp contrarian works

>> No.20142067

>Being 'right' is when people push back against my positions.

Tankies are truly subhuman in the intelligence department lol.

>> No.20142076
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>King Terry being coopted to peddle antifa cringe.

>> No.20142086

This isn't going to look good on your report

>> No.20142088

>Tahir Al-Tersa is a writer who is currently studying law at Michigan State University. He also conducts research at the New Centre for Research & Practice.
The New Center's official Journal

>My friend Tahir Al-Tersa
Reza's blog

You are all being puppet by Nick Land. Technocapital wins again.

>> No.20142101
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>> No.20142108

This faggot is massively insecure and it's so transparent. If it weren't for his insecurity and tankie brainrot he'd actually be worth watching. He's got great bantz.

>> No.20142135
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>people actually take this retard seriously


>> No.20142146

Doesn't matter whether or not he's a "fascist" or a "duginist". Either way he's a bourgeois opportunist like any other ML/maoist/reformist propagandist, whose "revolutionary" strategy is completely contingent on "nationalism, but working class". Funny to see MLs and maoists scolding him for his american chauvinism, all the while they're simping for bourgeois nation states in the third world

>> No.20142159

>being patriotic is nationalism
please kill yourself

>> No.20142161

Neoliberalism is almost by definition Kaffkaesque, not Lovecraftian in the slightest.

>> No.20142169

always funny how a mere mention of haz makes the onions seethe
infrared rising

>> No.20142173

They're the same thing, and even if they aren't, they're both calls for class collaboration as is any "communist" project that relies on the nation state

>> No.20142178

>They're the same thing
>and even if they aren't
>it's some bullshit I just made up

>> No.20142180

there is no "class collaboration" in being patriotic towards the proletarian state that will stand for your civilization

>> No.20142181

I believe the insecurity is part of the appeal and entertainment, I'm not saying he's faking it tho.

>> No.20142187
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