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20139922 No.20139922 [Reply] [Original]

And how is it?

>> No.20139931

Just finishing up "The Corpse Exhibition" by Hassan Blasim - a lot of short stories from Iraq, marketed as "horror" but it reminds me mostly of Borges and Kafka. Worth a look if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.20139933

I haven't read a single book since high school, apart from Metro 2033. I've watched YouTube videos on philosophy and I come here to debate litfags, pretending I've read the books. I frequently get complimented on my original takes and "deep understanding" of the subject matter.

In any case, reading should be reserved for when you're physically unable to have sex (<12 or >75 years)

>> No.20139972
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Not bad, oddly enough. Would recommend if you need a laugh.

>> No.20139974

>I frequently get complimented on my original takes and "deep understanding" of the subject matter.

>> No.20139979
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Just getting started but pretty good at building an atmosphere so far.

>> No.20140026

Always nice to see new books mentioned. I like Kafka but dislike Borges. It’s been years so I should give him another chance
He’s always interested me. I’ve almost bought Missing Person a few times but always choose something else

>> No.20140140
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Book 2 of 6.

Knausgaard is a weird one.
I can write out a list of problems with these autobiographical novels.
They're detailed to the point of absurdity, they're peppered with sometimes weird or boring or uninteresting ramblings, Knausgaard and almost everyone he knows is a fucking wanker,

Aaaaand yet I am already certain I'll be buying book three of this fucking series.

It's a really immersive project.
Knausgaard has experienced enough to be someone you can really experience, with his wealth of memories to draw from and his thoughts and philosophies that were decades in the making. At the same time, he isn't emotionally intelligent or clear-minded enough to have a stable perspective on most of it.

It means that his ramblings can be weird and uninteresting, but therefore relatable, because they sound like something I'd think, too, just by someone older. His experiences aren't presented with clear, sober perspectives on how everything impacted him or "what it all means", or something, but rather are presented in these raw, overwhelming passages.

Even if only a fraction of his ramblings are things I agree with, they all speak to my experience of being a human with a brain. And I can read about anything from his father dying to a dinner party where absolutely nothing interesting happens with a similar kind of fascination, because.. it all feels like life in a way no other work has.

tl;dr he accidentally wrote something very good and nobody else should ever attempt this kind of thing because it's hard enough having one Knausgaard kicking around as it is

>> No.20140153

This looked like a crime novel to me, lol. I posted Knausgaard who's been compared to Proust as well (for the autobiographical novel and memory stuff, I don't think the prose is comparable, I've only ever read like three pages of Proust but it felt really different. Proust jumped out as a prose genius to me instantly.)

I'll have a look at Modiano when I'm done with My Struggle in like, seven years.

>> No.20140189

OP here. Never read Nietzsche before (or pretty much any philosophy) but I just read the first essay and it was a lot more clear than someone like Plato or Foucault. And he put emotion into his writing, it isn’t dry. From what I can tell so far he is both terrifying and liberating at the same time

I love Lawrence but he was the worst at choosing titles. Everything sounds faggy. I’m surprised Lawrence isn’t mentioned in Comfy Threads. I feel like I’m right there in the English countryside dealing with women and their issues. I think a lot of anons here have a Madonna-Whore complex with women, and reading Lawrence might help somewhat with that

>> No.20140694
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Liberal perspective biased towards FDR and JFK but the glowie review reeeing at the author confirmed all the wild speculation for me. Started on Kinzer's The Brothers for another view on the same topic.

>> No.20141486
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Its pretty interesting so far, it presents ideas that challenge the foundations of the modern world (Enlightenment values)

>> No.20141491

"Logos Rising" by E. Michael Jones. I've finished the first three chapters and, while it can get pretty schizo, he really did just take Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens apart clinically. That said, I haven't gotten into any of the actual theological parts of the book yet, so I can't properly judge it.

>> No.20141608

The Capture of Izmail by Mikhail Shishkin (in swedish translation). One of the best books I’ve read in a while. I like it more than Maidenhair.

>> No.20141617

Lol wow that's awesome. You're so cool haha

>> No.20142183

Not OP but I found Plato really readable, at least the dialogues. Honestly, a lot of them felt a bit childish - just a bunch of word-game crap. Phaedrus was a brilliant one, though, about love.

Sounds like a bunch of schizo shit to me

>> No.20142239

About 30 pages into The Confusions of Young Torless by Robert Musil. Very good, but very dense.

>> No.20142497

>reading should be reserved for when you're physically unable to have sex (<12 or >75 years)
This is just a stupid take with little understanding. Read more, normie.

>> No.20142634

Aristotle's Physics. It's definitely better than the Organon.

>> No.20142643

zero by charles seife
getting major pseud vibes so right up my alley

>> No.20142730
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Currently reading picrel. I'm on the last essay and I'd say this collection is essential reading, just like everything else gass put out there in his long life

Also reading Tropic of Cancer and I'm enjoying it immensely

>> No.20143082

m john harrison "you should come with me now" yeah good weirdness short stories

>> No.20143090
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it's ok but nothing special, I'm only reading it for my book group

>> No.20143102

I finished a book and now I don't know what to read next. I've dabbled a little, reading the first page of a couple books, but nothing's doing it for me.

>> No.20143145

Love Tropic of Cancer and Miller in general. Check out Colossus of Maroussi next

>> No.20143176

Will do. I'm probably gonna plow through miller's oeuvre this summer

>> No.20143199

"The Good Soldier Svejk". It's pretty funny, I like it.

>> No.20143379
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I told the weird cat lady next door that I like eastern philosophy and she handed this book. I thought it was some cheap new-age material but it's actually a very academic survey about the concept of an immaterial body, citing Levi-Strauss, Eliade, Girard, Muller, etc. It's a slog though because the author keeps jumping from various traditions to tie-in her theory, like when she compares neoplatonism's one with a certain Egyptian sect's god

>> No.20143577
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Just finished moby dick and thought the ending was a little anti-climatic since there was so much buildup towards that encounter. Overall though, it’s probably one of the best books I’ve ever read.

Picked up a couple shorter books in the meantime before I get into something big again.

>> No.20144116

Neechee died a miserable pathetic STD ridden death, still coping about the girl that turned him down. That is the fate that awaits you.

>> No.20144121

Minus the STD part, unless they're getting fucked up the ass by male prostitutes like him.

>> No.20144123

No STD, best timeline

>> No.20144130
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A fantasy story inspired by Robin Hood. David Gemmell is so underrated, I never hear anyone talk about him.

>> No.20144148
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Nabokov's Ada or Ardor. Some parts are puzzling for the amount of alusions, but it is what you would expect from Nabokov. I'm really enjoying the acrobatic language and how meta it is

>> No.20144155
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not everyone can keep up with centuries old references and the endless flow of XXth century outlaws

>> No.20144156

It's actually much more likely he died of a brain tumor

>> No.20144159

not gay philosophy, I can tell you that much

>> No.20144164

>the most delusional of them all

Am legit curious about it

>> No.20144187
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This. I'll probably be busy with it for a while since it's enormous, but it has been great so far, and nothing's even *really* happened yet, only around 150 pages in.

>> No.20144978
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Just some sci fi.

>> No.20145648

I'm 47 pages into The Myth of Sisyphus, and I don't understand what's happening. Am I retarded?

>> No.20145725

Avoided Knausgaard for years because he seemed like, as you said, a fucking wanker. I ended up reading his new novel "The Morning Star," which I enjoyed and now I'm also deep in these fucking books. I can confirm he is definitely a wanker now, though.

>> No.20146334

Genuinely had to stop reading Myth of Sisyphus because the argument for suicide was making too much sense and Camus wasn't doing a good enough job dissuading from it

>> No.20147201

Reading Hayek's "Prices and Production" and I realized that capitalist literature is no less pseudo-metaphysical than socialist literature. Or maybe I just don't get it. It's interesting how political ideologies arise from economic theory.