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/lit/ - Literature

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20139878 No.20139878 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hates the fantasy D&D /tg/ literature of gamebooks and D&D manuals and fantasy novels?

>> No.20139903

Because DnD is not a literary activity. It's just a way of easing autistic people into socializing with each other, by distracting them with a play-pretend childish fantasy, like pretending they're knights killing dragons. DnD would literally not exist if autistic people were able to socialize normally.

>> No.20139916
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but I enjoy the crappy generic isekai kind of stories.

No need to be angry anon, may as well learn to have some nerd fun.

>> No.20139995

>but I enjoy the crappy generic isekai kind of stories.
The you should probably try a bit harder to grow up

>> No.20140009

what are grown up things to do?

Raise another guy kids?
Marry a single mother i dont need male strong women?
Pay taxes that go to fund wars?

>> No.20140019

>Omg I'm such an ADULT who does ADULTING things
Stfu faggot, D&D is based

>> No.20140022

I play it because it attracts femcels

>> No.20140031

I pretend to be a drunken halfling that woos he’s way into power.

>> No.20140033

Gamebooks and manuals aren't literature.
No one in 50 years is going to pick up a copy of the 5e player's manual and think they've got a timeless treasure.

>> No.20140051

99% of seriuous literature is smelling the farts of progressive academics.


>> No.20140068

No one is going to be reading that shit in 50 years either. People will still be reading Lord of the Rings 100 years from now.

>> No.20140091

people will still read the best of /tg/ stuff a century from now.

>> No.20140113

i've noticed this but some lucky nerd has already found them first every time and i'm too autistic to even play dnd

>> No.20140118

Perhaps some of the novels, but probably not the manuals except out of morbid curiosity (and to do some hardcore grog shitposting).

>> No.20140128

well, I mean in general the whole D&D tolkien like jrpg world setting.

>> No.20140138

You're just saying random words now, but for the record I don't hate these manuals, they just aren't literature.
The same way I don't hate music, it's just that there are other boards for those subjects.

>> No.20140147

they're literature, because they're written books that tell a story.

May be shit, but they're still literature.

>> No.20140539

Someone was praising the Drizzt novels very highly the other week.

>> No.20140887

Try having your own kids, don’t invent fictitious cuckoldry to excuse inaction and childishness. The amount of abortion that goes on these days means that it’s very easy to meet single childless women so long as you’re under 40 and not a complete poorfag.
>pay taxes
This happens or doesn’t whether or not you have a family

>> No.20140894

there's around 150 million babies born every year, I dont need to have kids.

There should be less babies born, we should at least abort any baby after 40 million babies born.

fuck you.

>> No.20140936

I just finished a D&D game about 30 minutes ago. I love this shit.

>> No.20140964

Because they're not literature and anyone from /tg/ will tell you that they're not good, not that you play games or ready anyway.

>> No.20140985

How many of which are born in your country rather than Africa and South Asia?

>> No.20140994

there's enough japanese and german kids born today to fill 18 century japan and germany population.

Also most of jobs will disapear in 15 years, we should have less babies overall.

And we should simply replace the economic system to be totally automated and implement some form of UBI.

and also bring the alien secret technology from the nazi UFO shit.

>> No.20141001

Because /lit/ is not yet aware of how based Exalted is