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20136969 No.20136969 [Reply] [Original]

Lucifer did nothing wrong. Yahweh is a hypocritical, evil cunt. Lucifer was at least honest.

>> No.20136978

I respect this attitude.

>> No.20136992

Milton's Satan was hot and cute in a bumbling brooding boy way.

>> No.20137038
File: 168 KB, 1001x1500, cormorant-1963188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milton's Satan perched in Eden like a cormorant:
>>Thence up he flew, and on the tree of life,
>>The middle tree and highest there that grew, >>Sat like a cormorant; yet not true life.

>> No.20137498

>says he would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven
>does not rule in hell
>transforms into the lowest of the beasts and whispers to a woman instead

>> No.20137527

What if YHWH is the demi-urge and Satan is trying to warn us?

>> No.20137546

Hypocrisy is a spook. So is honesty.

Lucifer did nothing wrong because he did nothing. That's because he does not exist, and never existed. Same with Yahweh.

Jesus existed tho and He was a homosexual.

>> No.20137579

There's no Biblical Lucifer you dumbfuck, it was fanfiction resulting from a bad translation.

>> No.20137702

hypocritical by the standards of logic. yet another of the many false gods propped up against him.
meanwhile you insist the entity which is known as the prince of lies is the honest one. more than likely he's just telling yoi what you want to hear. what you believe already and need no convincing of.
fuck the gnostics.

>> No.20137804
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god and the devil are on the same team you dumbass

>> No.20138260

>dude trust me
Nah, fuck off Satan

>> No.20138268

>fuck the gnostics.
This. Fuck the gnostics, fuck the ophities, fuck the satanists and fuck the manicheans.

>> No.20138328
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Catholicism Ain't free. The church of ortodoxy and Holy Spirit gotta be litterd with the blood of Saints. Photius CONSTANTINOPOLITAN patriarch aka "C.P." is not my saint. he is heretical child of satan and probbaly disobedient as well :DD. PETER and keys not first among THESE ok. praise jesus.

>> No.20138350

>PETER and keys not first among THESE

>> No.20138411


This conclusion is natural if you interpret the story of the fall in a literal way, but me and every other Niceo-Costantinopolitan Christian does interprets it as a trial from God to see the choice of man.

>> No.20138415
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Better to reign at home than serve as a wagie.

>> No.20138428

The serpent that tempted Eve in the garden was not Lucifer, it was literally an ordinary snake.

>> No.20139032

>Still arguing about children's lit

>> No.20139333

Lucifer represents Aryan Dad. Alphabet Soup Reference variable represents Jewish Dad who ran off after he impregnated your mother but later you lived a life of domestic violence after the binding of (my wife's son) but the angel spake unto (RESPECTED PATRIARCH) and spared you yay! Ok now go crash the economy, because you're special!

>> No.20139349

This. Job is cursed by Satan and God allows it. Satan is not hollered at by Jews as instantiating a horned bad guy. It coldly means opponent in a calculated conversation.
Goes to show Jews incorporate their shadow into their life and need not reflect much on afterlife consequences. Do evil people die harder than good people? No. Do evil people get away with it? Yes! Quite often! Ah Bankers where are your pearly gates and burning pitch forks?
Esau hated Jacob and The LORD hated Esau.
Who is this LORD?
Why does he hate antisemites down to the womb?
Who is Moses to curse the Egyptians? Who is Joseph?
Every Jewish holiday is like the bloody lamb celebration but for PEOPLE.
And the Church said... Qmen

>> No.20139372

The light bringer, Apollo, Agni, the star, the perfectly enlightened one.
These figures mean death for Jews and Jewish business. What swamp of sin would be left to suckle interest and depravity from? Who would buy the porn and loans?
Ah I love getting my morals from JEWS instead of Greeks and Indian sages. Ah yes computer remotely disabled tractors and AIDS my favorite.

>> No.20139477

but god created lucifer, so isn't he just another aspect of god?

>> No.20141176

Someone needs to study the ten sefirot

>> No.20141259

Milton's serpent being forced to go on his belly as punishment for tempting eve just made me wonder what ungodly crime the first worms must have done to deserve their fate.

>> No.20141401
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any enemy of god is friend of mine

>> No.20142900


>> No.20143038

You dumb motherfucker we're talking about Paradise Lost

captcha: SSSdw

>> No.20143066

Ah yes... this genius level take. You're such a smart little lad, anon. You sure learn a lot on YouTube!

>> No.20143366

at least he was honest

>> No.20144075

Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup.

>> No.20144080

>am gonna overcome god aw shit what a flawed creation I am is all your fault

>> No.20144240

My girlfriend said she had a crush on Milton's Lucifer. What does this mean?

>> No.20144259

>reject le good kike god
>embrace le bad kike god

What is more pathetic than satanists?