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20136566 No.20136566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>current book
>how you're holding up

>> No.20136570

>Augustus: From Revolutionary to Emperor
>mixed emotions on everything, quit my job last summer and going back to school after ten years of hard liquor abuse and feel like a retard

>> No.20136605
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>Satyricon by Petronius
>i'm doing alright. not depressed, not anxious. enjoying the moment. feel like i have control and direction with my life right now.

>> No.20136614

>The Aleph and Other Stories
>Have become depressed about publishing my big story. I worry it won't get done. Also I have to write my master's thesis and the crunch of it is starting to work at my nerves.

>But I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday, and I am suddenly filled with newfound faith that I will get published and everyone will read what I've written.

>> No.20136615

>Moby Dick
>fine, occasionally kinda lonely but I try not to think about it

>> No.20136618

Life is a pendulum that swings between suffering and boredom

>> No.20136642

>A Remembrance of Things Past
>Going through a divorce. Want to sleep and never wake again.

>> No.20136650

>The Idiot
>I'm about to graduate college. I'm extremely nervous for graduate school, and I might break up with my gf of 4 years even though I'll be going to her school this fall. I've been very reclusive this year, don't leave my room much. I may be at a tipping point where I intentionally fuck up the past 5 years of my life plans.

>> No.20136655

>The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
>I'm in my last year of college. My life is on the right track, and I might have a good job lined up for me if I ace an interview in April. I'm still lonely, though.

>> No.20136664

Does this sentence make sense?
>I want to know her and intimately.
I can explain what I mean, or what I want the sentence to mean, if it's not coming across.

>> No.20136674

>Lummis' Pueblo Indian Folk Stories on the nightstand

>Lonely but fine. Sticking up for myself more. >Need to actually kickstart a career & move out.
>Midwest US weather finally in the mid-40s, figure I should take a walk or two.

>> No.20136681

I fucked this girl for ten minutes then went soft and fell asleep, however this impotence has only seen to increased her interest and she won’t leave me alone. I wish she’d just die

>> No.20136693

>Leon L'Africain, Walden
>On the verge of dropping out of uni. Desperately awaiting summer so I can go back home.

>> No.20136713
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>Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes
>Okay, life is good for the most part job is good friends are good, just wish I wasn't a virgin.

>> No.20136722

>Wuthering Heights
>Extremely lonely and depressed. It amazes me how isolated I am, I go days sometimes without having a real conversation other than work communication at my job that I hate. Don't know how I live like this. I have no direction in my life and I feel like I've lost all the ambition I had in my early twenties. Nothing interests me any more and it take monumental effort to keep up with hobbies and whatnot

>> No.20136726

I think just "I want to know her intimately" is better, unless you're going for some bait and switch thing where it seems like you're saying something else at first, in which case maybe "I want to know her. Intimately." would be better.

>> No.20136746

Hmm. Well the intent is that I want to know her, because she's a stranger and she seems interesting to me, as well as I want to know her intimately, because even though I know nothing about her, I want to be with her so badly. So it's like "I'd like to meet her and then get to know her intimately." Or "I want to know her and know her intimately." So I don't know if my original sentence made grammatical sense or if it even communicated it properly.

>> No.20136751

I want to fuck her

>> No.20136768

>I'm pretty good when I don't think about things too much but I have a lot of trouble when I see the level of alienation in society. I also have heartaches.

>> No.20136780

OK, if it's a line in a poem I'd say it's fine, sort of a play on words. As a "normal" sentence it's kind of awkward and probably not even grammatically correct.

Although I can think of similar phrases in casual speech that would sound fine, but they are commands. Like "I want you to do the dishes. And thoroughly!" but I don't think anyone would ever say "I need to do the dishes and thoroughly".

>> No.20136792

It seems redundant, if you know her intimately then you also know her. But what you said makes sense, it’s just extra words which is something you should always avoid it’s basically rule#1

>> No.20136802

>it’s just extra words which is something you should always avoid it’s basically rule#1

>> No.20136811

Weird. I'm dating a 23 yo qt without children or previous marriages.

>> No.20136824

wtf we the same, although i just finished moby dick and i'm onto other stuff. hope everything's alright bro, we'll be okay

>> No.20136832

Yep. Literally rule 1 2 and 3. Be clear and concise. Only retards admires complexity. Have fun never writing anything of value

>> No.20136836

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>Not too well. Struggling with classes and very lonely because no gf.

>> No.20136839
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>Blood Meridian

>> No.20136845

>A Man With No Talents
>really confused

>> No.20136854

>Mafarka the Futurist
>I'm at a crossroads. Woman I like finally broke up with her bf but I don't know if she likes me back.

>> No.20136869

>The Orientalist by Tom Reiss

There's nothing inside of me, and it shows. After spending about two years in isolation living as a hermit in the woods, I've started interacting with people again and it strikes me how everybody has an opinion about how I should be living. There's my parents, who threw me out on the street then constantly try to guilt trip me for living on the streets. Then there's my old friends, who are living and dying in the same bullshit ghetto rut, but call me arrogant or a pussy or this or that because I'm not a fucking loser like them. Now my girlfriend, who's started insisting that I get a 9-5, start making actions towards living a normal life and starting a family, and acting like I'm being selfish for not wanting to spend 40+hours working towards the life that she wants. That's how it always is with girls it seems, I'm fun for a one night stand, but when they realize I'm not a good supporter then suddenly I'm being selfish. Even random strangers, always lining up to give advice on what I "should" be doing the moment they see me doing things differently from them.

It's all so predictable too, what society respects in a young man. Social status, lots of material things, sleeping with attractive women. All enjoyable acts of escapism to be sure, but shallow at the end of the day. Then as soon as you step off the treadmill then suddenly you're a arrogant, selfish, and creepy. Even talking to people feels like a chore, they just sit there silently and wait for you to say the wrong thing. They throw up all sorts of pseudo-spiritual garbage about "vibes" and "good energy", but really they lack seriousness in life, they expect to be entertained, as though the highest aspiration for a man is to be an entertaining circus clown.

Life doesn't move me any more, it passes around me without touching me. Even in the face of death, it runs off me like water. When I think about how I was even five years ago, I can no longer recognize myself. Other people seem so confused, constantly going through the actions of burying their life, throwing up one layer after another, here a layer of "friends", there a wedding, and of course the many many things they buy, until their life is just a constant struggle to keep from being suffocated alive, and because they are so often congratulated for their dutiful slavery, they take it with pride. They get fat, slow, complacent, and call it authenticity. But I've lost the ability to recognize myself in humanity, and I'm not even sure if I care anymore.

>> No.20136910

>Slow Learnee and Letters from a Stoic
>Decently. Doing well at uni and have good job prospects, but social life is lacking

>> No.20136918

In Search of Lost Time, The Six Enneads, Remains of the Day, The Odyssey (Pope translation).
I'm doing ok. Sometimes sad, but I sort of enjoy it; sometimes happy and detest it.

>> No.20136919
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>> Harassment architecture
>> The idea of suicide seems more and more reasonable as days go by. Reading about amazing feats of men and the things they have done, the social games they played and all that , while I have no friends , no gf and yet when I look into the mirror I see a Chad. But the reality is not so simple, my face is as assymetrical as it gets. The face I see is not the one people recognize me with. But the mirror version of that face is what people see and the mirrored version's dog shit ugly. Also for midwits the brain reads faces from left to right and you could have the chaddest left side of the face ever but if the right one looks fucked you are done. Also it's pure copium and all ik, but do you ever look at your parents and think, : this is all people will ever see in me. Like I could put my parents in the best clothes and they would still look retarded. Does a person with lazy parents have a chance against a parent with a desire for their child to be someone one day?

I still hope that I am not retarded and it's the circumstances that have made my life the way it is. So that I have some hope. But as things progress one day I might realize that there is nothing wrong with the equation and that I really was just an average loser.

>> No.20136937

No time to read :(
Just broke up with one of my gfs the other day 'cause they were getting tired of our ménage-a-trois setup. Kinda miserable, honestly.

>> No.20136943

>Gravity's Rainbow

>Happy since I'm going to Germany to do a PhD stay and all is funded by my company

>> No.20136956

Nice to see everyone going through their lives, reminds me that we're all going through life, be it okayish or suckish. (Whatever that means)

>Nausea/Phaedo/The Critique of Pure Reason (I like reading multiple books at once)
>Half-dead mentally, lost most of my will, I write about one or two paragraphs and read one or two chapters daily.

>> No.20136962

Meditations on the Tarot
Want to leave home and fly across the country but am kind of scared to do so and would need a good job first. I need to shake off my mother's fear about it which is slowly rubbing off as my fear.

>> No.20136972

The Once and Future King
I'm doing great.

>> No.20136987

>Three Tigers, One Mountain
>Good enough that I don't want to kill myself, but not good enough that I'm looking forward to the future

>> No.20136993

>The Dubliners
>It’s been really hard to feel motivated to do anything beyond what I have to for uni recently. I’ve been trying the past week to take care of myself more by exercising an hour a day and cooking things I enjoy. Hopefully with spring and summer I can get out of this funk

>> No.20137070
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>current book
The Catcher in the Rye
>how you're holding up
Year ago tried to kms, got locked up in a psyche ward, no friends or anything, genuinely thought my life was over. Now I have cool friends, I'm going on a date with a cutie girl and moving out and starting a paid internship. Crazy how quick things can change, I've honestly never been happier.

>> No.20137093

hyperion, its good
i would nerve gas a palestinian kitten orphanage to have a 10 minute conversation with a female approximately my age, who is at least average looking which i would describe as some 6/10, with whom i have at least some common interests. it wont happen of course

>> No.20137104

>too old for Club 27
>lowered my standards so the bar lies flat on rock bottom

>> No.20137111

>Alas! Poor Yorick! I knew him...

>> No.20137125

>my dog died last august and i'm having trouble getting over it. he was a good dog. also i contracted coronavirus this week.

>> No.20137129
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Why did I not choose ugly girls.

>> No.20137137

>Nervous about starting a new job and also getting depressed at all the other answersTPXM8

>> No.20137155

>One Dimensional Man
>I'm pretty good. Still in school because of COVID and because I took a year off between highschool and college.
>Wish I had a girl but that's about it.
>Currently a vegan but I'm thinking about quitting because of how much effort is required for proper nutrition. I can feel myself growing weaker by the day.

>> No.20137169

very sick in bed

>> No.20137173

just go ovo-lacto, vegan is crazy shit
you are still limiting a lot

>> No.20137197

>The Long Goodbye
>Bright future ahead that requires sacrifice at a young age, still seeing my old friends but no gf, wish me luck bros.

>> No.20137212
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>Dante's Inferno
>pic related

>> No.20137218

You can always stopp lower.