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20135373 No.20135373 [Reply] [Original]

>Imagine not reading the most dangerous book of our time

>> No.20135380

Why would I want to read about the diaries of a taxi driver?

>> No.20135399

>Dr. Dana Avalon is from Gotham, the last modern metropolis on Earth in the year 2112, built by Prometheists in the late 21st century above the shattered skyscrapers of Manhattan rising out of the Atlantic Ocean.

>As the leader of Prometheism, and the reincarnation of the movement’s founder, Dana realizes that the war is lost in the present. To end the reign of Traditionalist totalitarianism, the Future of Modernity must be retrieved by traveling back in time to 1980.

>Dana acts as an assassin to rewrite history so that the Soviet Union can survive into the 21st century and join the United States in resisting the Olympian Imperium. In her own timeline, the USA disintegrated within half a century of the fall of the USSR, and Neo-Confucian China handed Earth over to the Nordic “Celestial Ancestors” in 2048.

>Dana remembers key events in her previous incarnation as Jason Jorjani, and makes her way into Jason’s life during his childhood and adolescence, redirecting his path. Shapour Bakhtiar, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Donald Trump all feature prominently in her timeline revision.

>This is a sequel to Jorjani’s novel Faustian Futurist. Some of the main characters of that book, including its protagonist, Nikolai Alexandrov, reappear here in an even more autobiographical context.
lmao he is a madman

>> No.20135539

After shattering the ossified theological and ideological foundations of our society with the sledgehammer of Prometheus and Atlas, Dr. Jorjani has decided to singlehandedly take on the literary world, no, the entire literary tradition, with the publication of UBER MAN. This is Dr. Jorjani's Book of Revelation. As Prometheus sacrificed his life to grant humanity the gift of fire, Dr. Jorjani is concentrating his boundless energy to propel humanity into a new age of massive genetic engineering, extraterrestrial cooperation, the liberation of long-repressed psionic powers, and ultimately the colonization of space.

Hail Prometheus! Hail Victory!

>> No.20135566

I literally don't think anyone cares what this schizo wrote. He has a giant ego and an inflated self-importance if he thinks so.

>> No.20135853

So is he a glowie or a schitzo?

>> No.20135862

He admitted to being a glowie in an article he later deleted.

>> No.20135863
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The writing in this honestly sucked but it was kinda interesting nonetheless.

>> No.20135867

Is it backed up anywhere?

>> No.20135986

nice cover, strong glowie vibes

>> No.20136022

I'd have to try to find it again. He basically claimed he was confronted by a glowie who wanted to make an Indo-European empire that includes Iran and Ukraine, but they decided to back out of it in the last moment and cut their funding for him.

>> No.20136043

Makes sense. He's said something similar in an interview though declined to include the glowie part.
Based on how he describes it, it sounds like he was tricked into getting into bed with Richard Spencer to found the Alt-Right so that it could blow up in the faces of him and everyone who got near it.

>> No.20136060

>confronted by a glowie who wanted to make an Indo-European empire that includes Iran and Ukraine, but they decided to back out of it in the last moment and cut their funding for him
>makes sense
you seriously need to go outside more if you're not joking

>> No.20136097
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So when's she gonna transition?

>> No.20136105

I don't find Jorjani an interesting figure. He took a few of my views, without giving proper credit, but he twisted them to become Satanic even though I was subtly critiquing that antinomian tendency. Everything he says about Zurvan and Aion from Roman Mithraism as being Faustian or symbolizing transcendence of moral norms were stolen from me.
I think he's a very sick bastard to be inspired by that horror story I personally shared with him since it featured cannibalism.
I have more interesting philosophical views than him.
The glowie was probably just testing the waters while having code monkeys use data mining technologies in order to assess the viability of such future propaganda techniques rooted in identity politics. Identity politics in modern social media environments induces a strange vacillating tendency of switching to and fro from extremes in users when convenient for the elites to sustain power. I have seen leftists become far-right and far-right become leftists back and forth in the span of 4-5 years.
He wanted to probably see if identity politics could be used as rhetorical tool to topple the Iranian government.
I don't like the modern globalized and industrialized world.

>> No.20136108

Nah. He honestly seems kinda retarded (unless he's just running an op) so I can see him falling for something like that.

>> No.20136130

Jorjani has gone full schizo

>> No.20136141

he's a very smart and knowledge person, but some of his views are full blown schizo

he's clearly extremely knowledgeable on history, religion, and linguistics though

>> No.20136184

So where's the dangerous part again?

>> No.20136290


Jason Jorjani has gone full 13 year old on deviant art.