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20134684 No.20134684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recommend to a young zoomer who is lost in life and sees all effort as futile because he knows the world is falling apart?

I'm in my second year in college and I have that sinking feeling inside my stomach that I'm not going to have enough time to get anywhere. It's hard to focus on classes when all I can think about is how fucked my country and the west is going to be in the coming years.

>> No.20134695

>20 year old college freshmen
it was already over for you desu

>> No.20134722

where the fuck are degrees 6 years long?

also don't stay up to 3am to finish coursework, stay up all the way to the midday deadline. battling with the clock into the daylight, caffeinated up to the eyeballs, is the quintessential uni experience.

>> No.20134731

I'm pretty sure it's a joke about losers who only take partial course loads because of "anxiety" or whatever.

>> No.20134745


Honestly dude, the best thing for what your talking about isn't a book. I mean, you could definitely look into absurdism and hedonism, and make peace with you guaranteed end point, but the best thing for you would to legit take a break from the internet and anything that causes too much anxiety. Get sleep, don't live on coffee, don't hang out on social media. Try an experiment. No internet (unless its just to answer a quick question or for school) for a week. I think you'll be shocked at how more in your body you feel and less worried about the sky falling you'll become.

>> No.20134757

Most STEM majors dont finish their bachelor's in 4 years for a couple reasons.


t. zoomer STEM major who will have to take an extra year.

>> No.20134795

Literally me. I'm at the point where I'm only aiming for 50% in all my classes. Even then, I'm still failing and ready to drop out. The whole system is so plainly bullshit that doing the slightest bit of coursework disgusts me to no end. It's all braindead busywork that we're obliged to do for God knows what reason. I can and do learn on my own instead of doing coursework.

>> No.20134830
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What you need is a good lifestyle. Consistent sleep, clean food, regular excercise, staying off this place, etc. Really, you already know all the things you should be doing.
>books for this
Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

>> No.20134839

Fuck anon. I felt exactly the same way when I was going to school. I’ve been taking a “break” now for just under a year. Everyone expects me to finish, but I don’t know if I’m enough of a masochist to ever go back. To think… they actually make us pay for that diabolical brain dead bullshit

>> No.20134846

I’m second year and it’s hitting me harder than I thought. I already had to drop one of my major courses. I don’t know if I can make it through third year bros.

>> No.20134852

And you think this is a good goal to have?
>I'm only aiming for 50%
Why bother? Maybe it's different at your school, but at mine anything under a C (or C-, depending) didn't count as a credit. The only reason to fight for a D is just to have your GPA be injured less, and 50% is an F so you may as well stay home.

>> No.20134854

>all I can think about is how fucked my country and the west is going to be in the coming years.

Realize that none of that shit will matter. Finish your degree, find a comfortable way to make a living.

>> No.20134863

I feel your pain. What’s your major anon

>> No.20134868

This, and every country always has the same basic problems and it's really just a matter of quantity.
>muh Jews
Literally yes, there is always something like that.

>> No.20134876
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>> No.20134890

It's actually amazing, too, when you think about it. One of my uni classes is literally just some professor uploading prerecorded lectures, not even interacting with his students, and I have to pay for this "education." A rotten system run by rotten people.
At least where I am 50% is the minimum to pass.

>> No.20134908

I really don't understand this mindset, college was fucking easy to the point of boredom. I understand that STEM is harder but obviously you shouldn't be in an extra hard major if you're the sort of person who needs to take a year off in undergrad for no real reason.

>> No.20134923

start with the greeks
t. stem zoomer that is in year 3 of a 5 year program for engineering and economics and was put on suspension for poor grades because i couldn't make sense of why i was doing all this shit i hate and got depressed and stopped going to classes--during that suspension i read (a lot) and have been grabbing life by the balls since. don't take any classes in arts or literature because you can learn on your own in your own free time. take the shit that's near impossible to learn on your own like finance, mathematics or physics/chemistry/biology... if you study arts and literature in your free time you'll have an appreciation for the lame shit in school and an advantage over the other philistines in your stem programs who live miserable, unhappy lives and use their power and knowledge for fucked shit that makes the world shittier.

>> No.20134928

With my bachelors there are a few courses which are just quite difficult compared to the rest. A lot of people just end up following one or two of those again so they can pass them. It is pretty normal to take an extra year and depending on what you choose in a masters a fair amount take a little bit longer there as well.

>> No.20134942

University ultimately comes down to the ability to focus on boring tasks. Maybe you can. I'm in an arts program and to say I'm scraping by is an overstatement (I failed 3/5 classes last semester). Universities find a way to poison everything they touch. They can even turn the interesting topics into snoozefests of memorizing dates, names and random facts (like history).

>> No.20135007

>University ultimately comes down to the ability to focus on boring tasks
I'm sorry but this is cope. You only need some minimal ability to keep going when you aren't totally stimulated, the implication that you need to be an NPC is completely wrong. Plus, there were always lots of interesting things in the lessons that the average student simply ignored.
>They can even turn the interesting topics into snoozefests of memorizing dates, names and random facts (like history).
That was not my experience at all. I'm guessing you made it that way for yourself by obsessing over these details that barely mattered for the grade to the point where you didn't let yourself experience the interesting parts.

>> No.20135019

Are you using a shitty auto-correct or are you an ESL or what?

>> No.20135045

The problem is that none of it is interesting. Not even the topics I like.