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File: 42 KB, 444x444, Karl-Marx1-d9076c70d7110a86690306d6cc7a16bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20134508 No.20134508 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still read this retarded kike?

>> No.20134515

Because he is right.

>> No.20134539
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Because he gives people arguments justifying their laziness

>> No.20134548

I took a class on Marx in college and it blew my mind how many of the students genuinely thought they were revolutionaries and "fighting the man."

Do you really think that someone whose ideologies threaten the status quo would not only be allowed to be taught in higher academia, but also to be widely respected and revered?

Nobody gets that university is literally to just churn out more workers for the capitalist system. That is its only purpose. They're not going to fucking teach you how to dismantle that system.

Marx is a smoke screen. Its purpose is to educate you on the problems, but to misdirect your energies towards dead ends instead of actual action that might harm the status quo.

>> No.20134557
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>Blocks your path

>> No.20134566
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>Nobody gets that university is literally to just churn out more workers for the capitalist system
>A mechanically produced specialist is now the goal of the “educational system.” A modern economic system demands mass production of students who are not educated and have been rendered incapable of thinking. Hence the decline of the universities and the automatic nullity of the student once he enters its portals. The university has become a society for the propagation of ignorance; “high culture” has taken on the rhythm of the production line; without exception, university teachers are cretins, men who would get the bird from any audience of schoolboys.

>> No.20134574

>Do you really think that someone whose ideologies threaten the status quo would not only be allowed to be taught in higher academia, but also to be widely respected and revered?
Based, that's why Juche is the only truly revolutionary ideology left.

>> No.20134586

Yeah it's all so tiresome.
When you write papers in college, they don't want to see your original thinking. This misconception is why a lot of students get bad grades, because they falsely believe that the teachers want to see their "individuality" on the page.

I just wrote what they wanted to hear, about how white people are bad, blacks dindu nuffin and women are still oppressed somehow, and then got the fuck out of there.

>> No.20134596

>Because he gives people arguments justifying their laziness
imagine being filtered by marx, come on this is not hegelianism or heidegger

>> No.20134602

Is there any good evidence for taking your ideological bearings in this way? Do systems actually rigorously repress whatever ideology they perceive as most dangerous? I would like to see some Marxists speak on this point. The only way I can think of that this could break down is violent terrorist groups. Government might go after eco-terrorists
or neo-Nazis planning an attack before they went after commie professors or something? That’s the only way I can see Marxists retaining their radical status

>> No.20134608

Not him, but to find out what ideologies truly damage the status quo, simply find out the ideologies you are not allowed to have.

Marxsism is taught because it teaches complacence.
>just 2 more weeks til the revolution bro!
>trust in daddy Marx to smash the evil capitalists!
Very cringe.

Read Bakunin and Kropotkin for non-larping non-psyop radical thinking. Maybe even Ted or Hitler.

>> No.20134611

Because they're not as smart as you are.

>> No.20134622
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they have never read any of his works. they just tout the communist ideology because it's trendy, they're poor college students idealizing communism. They don't want to work. Look at the way wokeshits on twitter defend prostitution despite the fact that Marxists thought that prostitution was exploitation. They don't know what it's about, they just constantly bring him up because they just think communism means they don't have to work anymore. Picrel.

>“One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.”

>> No.20134629

Yeah I pretty much agree with you I just want to see some commies respond to this. They usually pride themselves in being the most extreme threat to the system but the political order but the political order clearly doesn’t see them as such. It seems like the system clearly fears religious and ethnic sectarianism more than anything else by a huge

>> No.20134648
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>> No.20134652

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, follow the money trail.
Marx was able to afford a luxurious flat in London despite living on the salary of a journalist. He had (((mysterious donors))) constantly supporting him and sending anonymous donations.
Go deep into how he started his newspapers in the 1840s and the money trail almost always leads to funding by Prussian aristocracy, industrialists, rich theatre directors, etc. with a vested interested in misleading the workers.

Here's how I imagine what happened:
>workers start to achieve consciousness in the 1830s and 1840s realizing they are basically slaves
>elites and heads of state understand that a revolution is coming
>put someone on the ground (Marx) to subvert their organic revolution that would have happened and steer them into the dead end of Marxist thinking that leftists still have not dug themselves out of
>workers get put under the spell of the false prophet of Marxism and fuck themselves over until the end of time

>> No.20134667

commie here (marxist-leninist (the stalinist kind))
where are you from? here in europe most nations had active left wing terror groups only a few years ago
the borgeois status-quo had most success in fighting the internal communist threat by subverting it with what you guys would probably call "cultural marxism", a borgeois identity politics distraction with divide and conquer tactics. for example they completly dismantled occupy wallstreet 2011 with race baiting but upright marxist-leninist stay active basically everywhere outside the anglo-american world which got too cucked for authentic class politics in national form.

>> No.20134673

One answer is that communist organizations that were actually subversive and threatening in some way (like the Black Panthers) were systematically dismantled by the FBI, whereas university professors, regardless of their ideological tendencies, don't pose a threat and are therefore ignored. Then the reason that there are so many more leftists than rightists in academia is that academia itself, not the capitalist system at large, selects in favor of leftism (for whatever reason). I think this idea is at least somewhat persuasive; I knew some radical professors and students at my university, but none of them ever did anything that posed any sort of threat to capitalism as a system. Another possible answer is that the really radical professors, the ones who could pose a threat to capitalism, actually are excluded from, or at least made marginal in, academia; after all, the most famous left-wing professor in the US is Noam Chomsky, who routinely tells his acolytes to vote for Democrats. That's why you don't see too many professors who are open Stalinists, Jucheists, etc., but there are plenty who are Trotskyists and anarchists; the latter groups have a much worse track record when it comes to defeating capitalism, so the "system" tolerates them (or even encourages them, in order to draw students who have revolutionary potential into dead-end ideologies). I can say from experience that, while I was assigned some texts by Marx in college, no professor ever encouraged me to read Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc.

>> No.20134698

marx was a british agent, communism is just you renting everything from the queen and being "happy"

>> No.20134735

So what I’m getting from this is that ostensibly if some Red Guard organization rose up, /pol/, white nationalists, fundamentalists, fascists would lose the heat that’s currently on them? Also on that point about the repression of radical writers that seems to accord with my own experience. I went to a conservative school wherr we actually did read Lenin albeit to demonize him. The passage that stuck with me was one where he was salivating at the prospect of killing social democrats. It’s true that you don’t see that sort of thing in most lefty discourse

>> No.20134753

If there were a left-wing organization in the US that looked like it could overthrow the US government, then yeah, the police and glowies would shut that shit down. There isn't one now, and maybe there will never be one again, but back in the day such organizations were heavily suppressed.