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20132529 No.20132529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>John Hawksworth IV is born rich, handsome, smart, tall and strong, and has everything, while being brought into this world in times of peace
>he can easily be a good Christian man for all the challenges he will face are purely ethical; he has to worry not for war, famine, sickness, deceit or anything, and the world is his oyster

>Jack Smith is born as an average man into a middle class family in a random part of the US, going through the average life of misfortune
>he has to navigate the complexities of modern life without a "parachute" so to speak, unlike John Hawksworth IV, and has to fight to make his life comfortable
>sin is everywhere and he has to try very, very hard to be a good man and live a passable life

>Aleksei Sytseverich is born in some Eastern European shithole after some unspecified war
>he has to fight for his life constantly as the law of the jungle reigns
>rapists and murderers walk the streets
>if he wants to protect his family, he must sin

>Nyogba is born in some war-torn African shithole
>his mother and sister get raped to death and he gets doped and recruited into a child army at 10, after his Christian teacher is gunned down
>he lives a short life of brutality and hedonism

>all four are judged by the same exact metrics, with John basically living Paradise on Earth, and then being reward with Heaven, facing few challenges, and Nyogba being put through Hell and then being tortured eternally in Hell
>this is supposed to be a "fair" and "loving" God
I'd respect Christcucks more if they at least accepted that they're worshipping a hypocritical and psychopathic schizo God simply out of fear.

>> No.20132543



>> No.20132554

Matthew 19:24. The rich man doesn't have an advantage when it comes to holiness. In fact, he has more opportunities to sin. Also, Luke 12:48. God expects more from those in John Hawksworth IV's shoes.

>> No.20132560

John Hawksworth IV still faces thousands of years in purgatory. Every suffering on Earth is worth 50 years worth of suffering in Purgatory. Better to get your spiritual development done here than in Purgatory. Even after Purgatory he'll be considered of lesser glory than the martyrs and the people who suffered in Christs name, for eternity.

>> No.20132572

did you seriously write out this entire thing without knowing that jesus outright states that richfags are almost certainly not getting into heaven by virtue of the very nature the ethical implications of their hoarding of wealth combined with the fact that hoarding wealth binds you to materialism and worship of a material master? also the half a dozen times where jesus literally says that these types of people who living Paradise on Earth will not find paradise after death, and vice versa?

>> No.20132582

When you put it that way, christianity sure sounds like an existential cope for poorfags.

>> No.20132607

its more about virtue signaling without actually taking any sort of real action, and materialism and an inability to truly let go and give in to faith because your attachment to wealth anchors you in the materialist mindset and even to otherwise "good christians" becomes a sort of second master that controls you

>> No.20132683

>Says "Christcuck"
We don't need and want (((your))) respect. It's worthless.

>> No.20132695

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matt. 19:24.)

>> No.20132727

>God expects more from those in John Hawksworth IV's shoes.
Thesis unsupported

>> No.20132774

Now go back to Luke 12 to discover why that is True.

>> No.20132793

Lmao, you do realize your (((god))) is a literal kike?

>> No.20132822

I gave you a chapter and verse.

>> No.20132827

The first fellow doesn't have the opportunity to be martyred for his faith, if anything he's spiritually deprived by his station.

>> No.20132839

Read the rest of the chapter

>> No.20132853

I'm gonna say this once for you stupid fucking marxist smooth brains:
If it was about the money, God would have said so.
It's about repentance and giving to God what God has asked of you.
He says as much all over in the Bible.
You could have a zillion dollars and clothe and feed every woman and child on a continent and still go straight to fucking hell.
Repent, and stop being a stupid faggot!

>> No.20132869

>(((god))) is a literal kike?
The Christian God denies Himself?
I dont think (((you))) know what the work kike means you good for nothing kike. Go undermine some other board.

>> No.20132959

Ye worship that which ye know not: we worship that which we know; for salvation is from the Jews
John 4:22
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16

>> No.20133020

I don't care about your respect. I'll kill you in war if I have to. God Wills it.

>> No.20133144

>I'll kill you in war if I have to. God Wills it.
God would sooner will that you wash my feet
but you won't exemplify Jesus's example because you see the prospect of something such as what I mentioned as beneath you

>> No.20133172

When will gaytheists like you start making actual arguments?

>> No.20133187

What is your specific objection to the idea that God demands more from those who have been given much?

>> No.20133205
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Since your post has a lot of points I will address them in the most general manner.
1. There is no place of heaven or hell in Christianity.
2. Everyone is a sinner regardless of how you live your life.
3.You do not get "rewarded" with Heaven or "punished" with Hell. Read Revelation.

>> No.20133212

God sure sounds like a kike peddling communist values
>heh if you're wealthy you better heckin share or you go to hell ;^)
Does it never occur to christicucksroonis how absurd it is for a cosmic being of infinite power to be so anal about socio-economic equality?

>> No.20133234

Only if you think Jesus, a man, was God. OT God demands all citizens pay the same tax regardless of wealth and warns judges not to favor the poor out of sympathy.

>> No.20133246

This is a great question! The Gospel is a perfect judgement tool which we can only apply to only ourselves and not others while on Earth. I am sure the rich man can more easily follow them, but God may reward him radically differently. However, to honestly answer your question, I have no ides how they'll be judged! I don't believe in Hell either.

>> No.20133252

context noun
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con·text | \ ˈkän-ˌtekst
Definition of context

1 : the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning
2 : the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs : environment, setting the historical context of the war

>> No.20133266

>>Only if you think Jesus, a man, was God
that's more or less the single defining precept of Christianity

>> No.20133270

Just to dig into this. Let's pretend the rich, moral man was extremely proud of his Christianity and it actually turned dozens of people away from salvation, whereas the horrible child soldier made people so miserable that they needed to turn to salvation because of this evil world. Who is net a better person? The man who saved only himself or the man who damned himself? Again, I cannot stress enough that we just don't know other than one's attitude toeards forgiveness, heaven or non-existence is anyone's guess.

>> No.20133277

you don't HAVE to be a good person you retarded fuck, the point is that those who do evil are punished by karma

>> No.20133279

>he typed before praying to his jew on a stick
all abrahamic religions are plagues (Catholics have some cool art tho)

>> No.20133291

I can't recall Jesus saying that.

>> No.20133442

>Christianity is Le bad because it rewards richfags. Heckin unfair!
>Christianity is Le bad because it rewards poorfags. Heckin cope!
This thread sucks.

>> No.20133622
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>Somehow capable of accepting the concept of an all powerful creator deity in your shitty strawman arguement
>Can't logically determine that this all powerful deity could fully know and see the vast spectrum of each person's life based on their choices and circumstances and determine if they were good or evil
Retarded thread.

>> No.20133706
