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File: 290 KB, 1074x894, Epictetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20130895 No.20130895 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw people allow themselves to be moved emotionally by events that are outside of their own control

Absolutely cucked

Stoicism as described in Epictetus is the end of practical philosophy. There is no need to go further or to read much.

>> No.20130989

How would you describe a person's sphere of control in concrete terms?
Does it lie in just what he can do to himself? Or how about his neighbour? His neighbourhood? Does he not have control then, when he participates in town council meetings? What about state-wide and national elections. Are these too, pointless to participate in?
This philosophy is not applicable, and therefore, useless.

>> No.20131021

Stoicism is the only philosophy that has given me a foundation to stand on so I don't go insane.

>> No.20131023

>emotions are ...le BAD!

>> No.20131087

Read a book you dumb motherfucker

>> No.20131301

>emotions are ...le GOOD!

>> No.20131360

Wow, OP discharged, disbanded, dismounted and dismantled in one foul sweep.

>> No.20131688

that's how you cope with your dad beating your mom half to a pulp instead of doing something about it, faggot?

>> No.20131716

It’s one fell swoop you retard

>> No.20131735

*won feel soup

>> No.20131740

well that's still in your control. you have the ability to drive back home, right now, as an adult, and take a metal baseball bat to your old man's patella. however, i do not have the ability to take a flight to kiev or kyev or whatever the fuck and collect ears for my ear-necklace.

>> No.20131906

You literally do though. You could help at a refugee center or volunteer to fight. Not saying it's reasonable to do that but is within your power.

>> No.20131989


>> No.20132433

Stoicism has some good ideas but its ultimately just a coping mechanism.

>> No.20132451


so, would you say... that by making that face, you are allowing yourself to be emotionally moved by events outside of your control... absolutely cucked.