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/lit/ - Literature

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20128478 No.20128478[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys. I’m new here. Here are my favorite books

>> No.20128492

>Henry Miller
I don't like you

>> No.20128496

You need more poetry

>> No.20128498

>Henry Miller
I like you

>> No.20128499

How's that translation of A Sportman's Notebook.

>> No.20128505

Henry Miller’s the man and you’re just a faggot
I haven’t dived too deep into poetry but my taste is pretty basic-Rimbaud, Whitman, Yeats, Hughes and Lawrence are my favorites

>> No.20128517

I like it a lot but it’s the only translation I’ve ever read of it. I have a hard time seeing a translator ruining the stories

>> No.20128687

Not bad for a newfag, though I am a littl suspicious that you say these are all your favourite books when some of them are in pristine unread condition. The Miller and Hesse in particular

>> No.20128688

There are some good books but there are some cringe ones, I don't know what to think

>> No.20128753

I’ve read all of them at least twice, hence my favorite books. I’m just new to the site and want to make friends and talk books. This site was pointed out to me. I take good care of my books, hence the good condition

>> No.20128754

>the bible
unironically, why?

>> No.20128762

Because he's not a redditor who hates the Bible.

>> No.20128848

Because it's unironically cool and he didn't stop reading at Leviticus

>> No.20128994

Nice. You like any more of Murakami's stuff?

>> No.20129007

Welcome anon, some nice picks there.
Please could you explain why Look Homeward, Angel is one of your favourite books, when it is very clearly a complete pile of shite, thanks.

>> No.20129502

I liked how it gave a caricatural feel to the characters and setting. Reminded me of a comic book in literature form

>> No.20129921

I like Henry Miller. Also ready my first Zola last year, Thérèse Raquin, which was excellent.

>> No.20130089

>I want to make friends and talk books.
>This site was pointed out to me.
I'm sorry anon, that person lied to you

>> No.20130099

>I take good care of my books, hence the good condition
based, I am the same. we can be friends.

>> No.20130141

I never understood why anons point out books kept in good condition, acting like they couldn’t have been read. All it takes is not acting like an animal, and it will stay fine

>> No.20130186

What upanishads are in that copy? It seems somewhat slim

>> No.20130840


>> No.20130845

paperbacks are meant to be creased folded and used they're tools like any others

>> No.20130849

Very nice, Anon. I think I've seen your bookshelf posted on here before. Very lovely.

>> No.20130893

Having a library that consists exclusively of "fine" literature is just as pedestrian as having a shelf filled with nothing but Star Wars Expanded Universe novels. A well-rounded reader ought to be able to place Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo right next to Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park, or Two Years Before the Mast across from a novelization of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

>> No.20130920

>this is your mind on jewish propaganda

>> No.20130960

>Henry Miller


>> No.20130964

No offense, but not enough Dostoevsky

>> No.20131046

It has isa, kena, katha, prasna, mundaka, mandukya, svetasvatara complete. Partial ones are maitri kaushitaki taittiriya chandogya birihad-aranyaka and the supreme teaching. I like the translator Mascaro
I do love Dostoyevsky. I’ve read his big 5 and some shorter stuff but I find myself thinking back on TBK more than any other book
Yeah you got me. Figured I’d try a different way to generate some discussion based on actual literature

>> No.20131064

sounds like a dull read

>> No.20131080

I’m kind of pleasantly surprised to see Henry Miller getting mentioned more on lit. He is the type of writer a disenfranchised man needs to read instead of going the weird incel route. He saw the harmfulness of American culture way back then. He would have a heart attack if he saw how things stood today. He is extra relevant in this age

>> No.20131238

>The Bible
>Penguin Classics
nigga what the fuck

>> No.20131264

I like you

>> No.20131358

It is the collection of someone who reads without using a lit “paint by numbers” chart

>> No.20131410

I do but he is a one note writer so I usually spread his books out and use them as a palate cleanser. The ambiance Murakami creates is hard to find in another writer; he definitely scratches an itch
Deal. We are friends. If all else works well maybe we can take the relationship to the next step and become blood brother, Eskimo brothers or even homosexual brothers
I practice dogmatic Christianity. I use it to make myself a better person and for literary reasons
Never has a book felt so lifelike. The characters felt thoroughly human and fleshed out. Even the unlikable characters have their moments. The Magic Mountain is almost as good, but there are too many sections that are slogs. I do think it rises to greater heights than Buddenbrooks does though, which is just even throughout. I can’t get enough Mann

>> No.20132156

I can tell you haven't reade any of those books because Pinguin bookes are knowne to spinecracke!

>> No.20132163

Whenever confronted about this, people claim they only slightly open their books to preserve the spine.

>> No.20132188

Love Henry Miller. Which one did you prefer? Colossus or Tropic of Cancer?

>> No.20132192

Quite the contrary. It has it all. One of the richest books ever made. It's simply endlessly fascinating.

>> No.20132226

I do that and I don't own any pengweng books!

>> No.20132267

>Having a library that consists exclusively of "fine" literature is just as pedestrian as having a shelf filled with nothing but Star Wars Expanded Universe novels. A well-rounded reader ought to be able to place Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo right next to Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park, or Two Years Before the Mast across from a novelization of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Brainlet fucking take, I'd rather not have garbage taking up room in my house, thanks faggot.

>> No.20132336

>every book I don’t like is “LE GOYIM!” propaganda
Time for the meds, schizo.

>> No.20132340
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>I practice dogmatic Christianity
Gigabased and Christ-pilled.

>> No.20132373

>Virginia Woolf
>Picks Mrs. Dalloway over The Lighthouse
With all due respect, you have shit taste.

>> No.20132408

>The Trial
I don't like you

>> No.20132447

Should've picked The Waves.

>> No.20132786

Tropic of Cancer is more exciting and funny. Colossus of Maroussi is a more serious read but it spoke to me more
I do like pretty much every Woolf I’ve read and To The Lighthouse was my first Woolf so I need to revisit it. I like how she deals with the theme of time
This one I couldn’t get into though. I think I need to treat it like a poem and just push through

>> No.20133102

You're missing out. You get something new with ever reread

>> No.20133125

I hated Kafka at first but I tried him a couple years after and now he’s a favorite. Always try rereading books at different ages and times in your life.

>> No.20133537

the bible is literally the condemnation of the Jews?