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File: 38 KB, 600x1029, 41+odtb-dML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20127542 No.20127542 [Reply] [Original]

Prove you understand this book.
Give an example, not from the text, of a simulacra which you have personally observed.

>> No.20127875

I have to reality check everything I do - every physical action I take is followed by a brief survey where I determine that I am, in fact, living in a world following the consequences of what I just did.
For instance: after crossing the road, I have to pause to make sure I am alive and haven't been struck; after getting off the bus, I have to determine I really am where I need to be at the right time; when talking to friends, I have to determine it is really happening there and then.
I feel like Schrodinger's Cat 100% of the time.
There are hundreds of examples of this I can give you, but most importantly I did not read this book.

>> No.20127879

Capitalist creates artificial reality as distraction.

>> No.20127895

I lied on my resume and got the job.

>> No.20127922

as time goes on, more referents build on top of each other until they completely lose touch with reality and the original referent
thats wrong, isn't it

>> No.20127946

1. I work in software and we’re writing a new system to replace the old system. In the mind of management they act like the new one is real. They describe the requirements, they believe in the project plan, they believe in the 50 offshore developers. It’s all real to them. Even though we have no idea if it will actually work. It’s barely been coded. It’s merely a mental model that has virtually no existence in reality.

2. Pop up attractions for tv shows like Downtown Abby or a Friends. These attractions have props and decorations from the show. They charge money so people can go take pictures for Instagram and Facebook.

3. Images and decorations in cathedrals/churches.

4. Even masturbation is merely a simulacra of sex.

5. Reading sparknotes instead of the book.

>> No.20127948

The war in Ukraine isn't happening the way it is portrayed by the media. That might be a very obvious point to people here, but the war is being portrayed in such a way that a very large proportion of people are willing to risk nuclear war over it, which proves that people are living in a media constructed fantasy reality.

>> No.20127949


>> No.20127975

I once spent an afternoon making photocopies of my butt, but rather than scanning my actual ass over and over I would scan the photocopy I had printed out moments before. Eventually I had an image of my butt that was more real than my own, and I no longer recognised the butt that was physically attached to me. I then posted it to the inside of my office window and received multiple complaints from colleagues who accused me of mooning them as they were driving into the parking lot.

>> No.20128000

great opening to a book

>> No.20128010

Checked and thank you. I’ve been told by multiple people I’m a talented writer but I’ve never had the commitment to see any of my novel ideas through to the end. Maybe one day I’ll finish that coompunk dystopia I’ve been putting off for the last couple years.

>> No.20128034

Be on a date with a girl, start talking about some weird ex I never had, I now appear more interesting.

>> No.20128041

digital money, a copy of paper money, which is only trusted because it was once backed by gold, even though that hasn't been true since 1971

>> No.20128070

>a simulacra
Please don't ever post again.

>> No.20128128

>the war is being portrayed in such a way that a very large proportion of people are willing to risk nuclear war over it,
Isn't like that though?

>> No.20128138

AIDS and the AIDS Scare

>> No.20128142

Watermelon candy is better than real watermelon

>> No.20128350

Perhaps I should've phrased it more like "the war is being portrayed in a false way in order to cause people to support a WW3".

>> No.20128425

The book itself.
it's a simulacrum of PKD's "How to Build a universe..." speech.

>> No.20128529

The correct way to phrase this would be “watermelon candy tastes more like watermelon than watermelon itself”.

Also, a million nigs cried out in pain when you made this post

>> No.20128548
File: 2.49 MB, 2268x4124, IMG_20220320_230208__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I came across this coffee container that was bought from a store.
It didn't have any coffee inside and the box is just there to be used as a container for other coffee that you buy elsewhere. But they still printed all kinds of shit on it that you would usually find on such a box when bought from a company. But all the labels except "coffee" are pure fantasy and kept as vague as possible just to give the appearance of a "brand bought" coffee instead of just printing only coffee on it.

I was quite surprised by it and how it simulates some non existent brand style. I was under the impression that this fits the OP criteria.
Would you agree or am I reaching for straws?

>> No.20128567

Isn’t that mark fisher

>> No.20128570

I agree. Even the 'coffee' label is fake because it doesn't actually contain coffee.

>> No.20128667

Youtube's dislike. You can click on the little thumbs-down icon, but it doesn't do anything. It's just there.

>> No.20128698

Funny you post about this book. I was just wondering what I should read before this book. What do you think?

>> No.20128710

this poster has not read and understood the book

>> No.20128712
File: 81 KB, 550x733, 3B269221-D24C-4C9B-BFBA-C72A198DD075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad anon. You might appreciate this- it’s a similar idea but the inverse, a craft beer brand that defines itself through a complete lack of branding whatsoever. It’s especially ironic that the “No Logo” logo and name has a copyright mark next to it.

>> No.20128845
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Kigurumi culture

Peep the horror

>> No.20129241
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>> No.20129298

I just think of new york square when I see the word simulacra

>> No.20129364
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>ifunny logo

>> No.20129392

that sounds like a horrible way to live

>> No.20129498

Simulacra, for Baudrillard anyway, is basically a self fulfilling prophecy.
It's something that is not real but you want it to be real and it seems real so it becomes real.
And because you can just "have it" so to speak it becomes better than the real AKA "hyperreal".
Morality is perhaps one of the first and best examples of a true simulacrum.

>> No.20129692
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I think I understand the book because I get the religious intensity of your joke and am inspired by it. Is Christianity European? After the Roman busts have lost their noses and have crosses on their foreheads they are not mentioned before Europeans. Europeans have no reality of Roman busts and Christianity. They beleive Christianity is more European than Europe itself which merits Jerusalem as the holy land.
NO GRAVEN IMAGES, why? My meme image curses those curious inquisitors to virtual SIBERIA! Loneliness! How dare you fail to lie with the virtual friendship built on idols?!
There was a weeping and a gnashing of teeth for the idolaters! Oh why is Buddha a afro on an afro Gook surrounded by Bald monks? Why does Jesus have long hair? Why do none of these Spiritual teaching institutions follow up on correcting the image of this heretical hyper reality?

People get bored and forget the real like THE CHURCH OF GOD
The Sangha, which in its respect is not an exotic term but a basic generic term for a group/community/corporation(perhaps a butchered understanding of the particular term but an understanding on the general ascetic labeling trend that is basic).

>> No.20129710

Brands therefore are hyper real above their generic category aside from guaranteeing a more regular expectation.
KLEENEX is the box NOT tissue paper.

>> No.20129742
File: 226 KB, 1062x218, mrsimulacra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the video most of them say they've never watched squid game and they don't even play the titular squid game at the end because they don't know how to and instead play musical chairs.

>> No.20129789

Whoa. Maximum overbusiness
Render unto the coin what is the coin and what is the coin's unto the coin's. Seezer? Jeez us? Fungible pusi
You vill own nozing
Und you vill have no identity

>> No.20129916

That IRL handsome basedjak makes my skin crawl

>> No.20130632

Idk what is pretty much what I got out of it when I read it.

>> No.20130667

Catch-22 is riddled with examples. The part where Yossarian moves the line indicating where the front is located comes to mind.

>> No.20130681

More like "watermelon candy tastes more like my idea of watermelon than what real watermelon tastes like"

>> No.20130689


>> No.20130717

The difference between your idea of what watermelon tastes like, and what watermelon actually tastes like, is negligible. Can you tell the difference between the taste of coke and your idea of the taste of coke? It’s a redundant distinction that implies we have access to something beyond direct experience. Spoiler: we don’t, and that’s part of the problem that leads to the affirmation of the hyperreal.

>> No.20130728

"my idea of what watermelon tastes like" being my mind's interpretation of what watermelon tastes like at that moment, in which I am not currently eating watermelon and have not for x long

>> No.20130892

Simulacra are simply a replacement of reality by a representation. All of these meet the criteria

>> No.20130908

They bought the war.

>> No.20130915

I too saw J.J. Mccullough video on this yesterday

>> No.20130962

you really haven't read the book.

>> No.20131055
File: 321 KB, 1280x960, 94A71DA9-E442-4296-B8B6-4C5D4E6C9CFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20131074

not him but I have dissociative issues like that and it kinda sucks, its been like a year since I saw a friend because im afraid ive become too fucked up to actually be all there and be able to socialize properly, my buddy keeps messaging me over and over saying we need to chill because I used to see him or someone every weekend but I keep putting it off and dont know how to tell him "sorry im completely and utterly mentally ill lmao be patient with me"

>> No.20131095

As if the cover of the book represents in any way that you have read the book.

>> No.20131165

No such thing as simulacra. Baudrillard made it up. Every thing is made of distinct atoms. There's no "copy" of another atom.

>> No.20132542

I masturbated to a picture someone posted only to find out it was a tranny.

>> No.20132591

>"sorry im completely and utterly mentally ill lmao be patient with me"
say exactly this. if he's your buddy, he'll understand

>> No.20132708

There is no “interpretation” of what something tastes like. You have a sensory memory of what something tastes like, and unless your memory is poor, it will not be so distant from the real thing as for this to be a meaningful distinction. I haven’t had watermelon in years and remember very clearly what it tastes like (mostly because I don’t like it)- if I were to eat it again I would not be surprised in any way by the taste.

>> No.20132800

Well at least it's not Mccarthy/DFW and other boring usual suspects for a thread.

>> No.20132802

Yes, but the overall experience of the atoms can be different.

>> No.20133314

now this is effort posting.
anon even found a sharpie

>> No.20133353 [DELETED] 

What use are bourgeoise intellectuals such as baudrillard or bataille to a man of praxis like myself?

>> No.20133355
File: 50 KB, 567x744, Georges_Sorel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What use are bourgeoise intellectuals such as baudrillard or bataille to a man of praxis like myself?

>> No.20133645

>coompunk dystopia
Godspeed, Anon, I'd buy boxes of your work

>> No.20133656

How do you know if they are distinct if you can't confirm their location?
What about interference patterns in slot experiments?

>> No.20133696

Humans don't live in an atomic scale, Anon

>> No.20134824

He is ugly to me but obv could get laid easily

>> No.20134855

I used to love cherry-flavored candy before I'd ever tasted a real cherry, and as soon as I tasted the real thing I thought it was gross.

>> No.20134872

Based trust le science retard

>> No.20134873
File: 45 KB, 678x381, 1565721174956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masturbation isn't a "simulacra" of sex, but pornography serves as a simulacrum of sex for many virginal young men who end up w/ hours of pornographic experience informing their concepts of what sex could/should be like before they ever touch a real woman, if they even get that lucky.

>> No.20134912

The book is concerned with signs, (you know those symbols or images that we use to communicate meaning) that no longer signify anything but still convey information. The implications of this on social life are explored in the book. It's easier to comprehend what Baudrillard is doing if you see his thesis in evolution from his earlier work, specifically Symbolic Exchange and Death.

>> No.20134970

I met someone who doesn't drink coffee because they didn't like the taste, but prefered to drink coffee flavoured energy drinks

>> No.20134975
File: 111 KB, 720x960, 8aa21d98745d7db2529b7403add52e97[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shabby chic as an aesthetic. In other words, altering newly built furniture/decor to seem old so that they gain the aura of an antique.

am i right?

>> No.20134976

based way to live, very mindfull

>> No.20134995
File: 137 KB, 800x494, dust_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the famous counter-strike map De_Dust II? I am several of my friends can describe every nook and cranny of the place but I've never been there.

>> No.20135010

The record scratch sound effect.

The sounds of harps when a character dreams/fall asleep accompanied by a cross fade to the next scene

laugh tracks

>> No.20135022

Only read the first thirty pages
Seemed like pretty basic semiotics applied to not so basic examples. I'm not sure if people here really digested the meaning of some of these truths especially the ones regarding anthropology and medicine, but having read those passages I am thoughly elated at the erroneous behavior I now see abound in this forum, often at error to the semiotics. While we are all self reflected signifier puppets you should ateast appreciate how we pluck each other's strings and don't pretend the 10 fingers pulling them constitute any hands. If you catch my drift

>> No.20135037

The "illuminati".

>> No.20135040

the image of a gear as a symbol for a settings app on an iPhone

>> No.20135044


>> No.20135057

>this post, except it's in greentext

>> No.20135058

No that isn't what a simulacrum is. Baudrillard speaks in the first few pages of the book at how the two are opposed and how representation itself is a simulacrum.

>Such is simulation, insofar as it is opposed to representation. Representation stems from the principle of the equivalence of the sign and of the real (even if this equivalence is Utopian, it is a fundamental axiom). Simulation, on the contrary, stems from the Utopia of the principle of equivalence, from the radical negation of the sign as value, from the sign as the reversion and death sentence of every reference. Whereas representation attempts to absorb simulation by interpreting it as a false representation, simulation envelops the whole edifice of representation itself as a simulacrum.

>> No.20135071

>il a lu la traduction
qu'est-ce que anon voulait dire par ça?

>> No.20135102

A simulacrum is simply any reified item, that is, any item which claims to us to be more than just what it appears as.

An example of this is the classic Berkelian insight that vision is merely 2-dimensional, and not 3-dimensional. Baudrillard steals this example in his On Seduction, using the trompe l'oeil to prove his point.

>> No.20136044
File: 84 KB, 982x726, PRI168274602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also anonymous using the v for vendetta mask way back in the day, especially considering how it was the merchandised version of a prop from a film adaptation of a comic, not even merch from the comic itself. it was bizarre to me then and it's bizarre now

>> No.20136048

isn't the short version "copy for which there is no original"?

>> No.20136587

literally any human that needs a camera to make money, tiktok, youtube, porn, is living within simulacra. 'metaverse', is pure simulacra, a false reality that claims to be a 'vetter than the original' extension from actual reality. watch how people behave behind the camera on youtube, tiktok or in porn. they are putting on a show, instead of experiencing life as humans have known it for a hundred thousand years

>> No.20136649

It's not even from the comic itself

>> No.20136799

my hand for a pussy simulacra of a girl I want using my imagination, jerking in a simulation of me fucking her

>> No.20136849

Insofar as shabby chic produces artefacts which don't actually resemble antiques, I think, yes. The aesthetic now just refers back to itself. Nobody judges furniture of this style on its similarity to actual historical items, but on its conformity to the abstract idea of what shabby chic is or ought to be. In that sense, it's a simulacrum, it's a copy of something that never was.

>> No.20136939

inspired by this thread I started reading the book
the idea of simularcrum don't seem that difficult to grasp
the writing style itself in the book oscilates between obnoxiously long and jargon filled sentences and clear and easy to understand ones

>> No.20136996
File: 9 KB, 232x217, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all dudes, right?

>> No.20137082

Anime and trannies

>> No.20137107

Mark is a derivative of

>> No.20137193

>Literally just start The Enneads
>Man must not be like a virtuous man as that is an image of an image
dunno never read S&S

>> No.20137494
File: 3.15 MB, 680x904, f38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not that deep OP.

Picrel basically

>> No.20137500

hypersition for disney adults

>> No.20137513

I just started Proclus's commentaries on the Timaeus, the full text. What's up?

>> No.20137577
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 12515254838113590110_mq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Kpop group Itzy had a single called "Mafia in the Morning" last year where the 'concept' (as in the music video, their costumes, dance moves, the mise-en-scene (lol) when they perform this song) is mobster-themed but the thing is the actual lyrics of the song are about a secret admirer and such because 'Mafia' here is actually the party game Werewolf where you sit in a circle and one person is secretly a werewolf (or a mobster) and the other players have to guess who-- which is called Mafia in Korea

>Large criminal organizations exist in Italy since the 19th century
>They move into the US during the 20th century immigrations
>Get turned into a huge cultural product through books and films
>Becomes the name for a party game because deception = the Mafia
>Kpop song about trying to guess who has a crush on you is now mobster-themed

>> No.20137599
File: 41 KB, 565x369, DK-figure2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dunning-Kruger effect graph people typically see. Pic rel is the actual graph

>> No.20137627


>> No.20137706
File: 44 KB, 328x392, 1530427837106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for replying and helping me understand.
pic unrelated

>> No.20137718

>personally observed

Underrated filter

>> No.20138816

based reading comprehension poster

>> No.20138835

let me add another layer:
All your checking is extrodinerily arbitrary. there is literally 10,000 other equally as relivent orientating things you have NOT considered, but you took the time of day just to check one or two more then the usual just to congragulate yourself that you did something.

>> No.20140828

No need to burden yourself with length. Bang out short stories while you are feeling the writing surge. Stuff like Cheever's The Swimmer.

>> No.20140841

That staged fake and gay slap at the Oscars that even the White House is commenting on.

>> No.20142198

>man of praxis
I've never seen someone who uses that term nowadays who was remotely the practical type. It basically signals you are completely up your own ass.

>> No.20142201

Just want to say that Baudrillard has a great note about marxists still not understanding fascism after all those years.

>> No.20142207

>The sounds of harps when a character dreams/fall asleep accompanied by a cross fade to the next scene

This is just called the whole tone scale

>> No.20142217

>Can you tell the difference between the taste of coke and your idea of the taste of coke?
> It’s a redundant distinction that implies we have access to something beyond direct experience. Spoiler: we don’t
Uh, yes? Is his book written for literal automatons?

>> No.20143594

La gifle aux oscars c'est le pouvoir qui simule son chancèlement. Même si l'intention de Will Smith était réelle, celle-ci est annihilée, et les effets profitent directement au spectacle du pouvoir.

>> No.20143742

Exactement comme le terrorisme.

>> No.20143754

Never read it, can you link me to it plz?

>> No.20143859


>> No.20143868

It's etymology, once you understand the language constructing it you are no longer in a simulacra, but speaking to it

>> No.20143982

My multiple YouTube Careers

>> No.20144064

I am fascinated by Baudrillard's work, but the only thing that has ever made any sense to me has been secondary work on him... But then again, I've only read Simulacra and Simulation (and it was unintelligible gibberish)

>> No.20144072

A copy without an original.

Based lecture coming through.


>> No.20144074

all geniuses are considered gibberish at some point

>> No.20144212

I don't really understand why people have such a problem understanding Baudrillard. Most of his writing can be condensed into proving the notion of "fake it till you make it". The idea that reality is based on facades, the only thing that matters is the appearance of substance, not actual substance.

>> No.20144225

Narcissism in the US is a simulation. People like Trump are pointed at as examples of narcissism, creating an image of it as a weird egotistical disease where someone cares about themselves the most and therefore behaves weirdly, when in reality NPD is more like "I refuse to consider the existence of other people as independent actors and just assume everyone is thinking about me all the time".

>> No.20144244

lol no

>> No.20144441

This guy communicates entirely in buzzwords of his own creation. Big red flag

>> No.20144449

>I find concepts and conceptualization to be a sign of lack of intellectual prowess

You realize just calling them for whatever term the oxford dictionary determines is a lot less thinking, ergo a lot less meaningful to read?

>> No.20144457

"red flag" is a simulacar

>> No.20144464

English already has the most versatile lexicon out there. If you cant limit your off-label definitions to a reasonable number you're either a narcissist, a retard, or trying to trick people by being intentionally esoteric

>> No.20144546

I obtained the book, and reading the first few pages I wonder how the fuck did the author have these conceptions in the first place? That's some future insight

>> No.20144580

I haven't read it but it's currently in my car waiting to be read, what am I in for?

>> No.20144626


>> No.20144646

Dubs of probably close enough

>> No.20144661

If I get next dubs we're in the matrix

>> No.20146142

Simulacrum: Atheism

>> No.20146176

are we really still talking about postmodernism? i thought we'd moved onto metamodernism by now

>> No.20146634

So true. Total casualties on both sides, including civilians, is 13,000 according to the United Nations. Only 3000 civilians. We have killed 929,000 people in the middle east since 2001 including over 327,000 civilians. Not to mention the millions dead or displaced due to infrastructure being destroyed, we basically polished an entire civilization off the face of the earth and it won't be meaningfully replenished for centuries. So the United States is AT LEAST 100 times worse than Russia in terms of the exact same thing people now want to start WWIII about.

>> No.20146647


You are proceeding from the false premise that human beings of all racial and ethnic groups have equal intrinsic value.

>> No.20146685

In high school I got fake McDonald's coupons from /b/ and took them to school. Me and a few other kids used to get free meals a couple of times. But one kid, I gave him a McDonald's coupon and instead of cashing it in, he made black and white photocopies of it in the school library and handed it out to more kids. These things spread around the school and the copies got photocopied over and over, though I never knew about this. One day a couple months later, I went in the McDonald's and ran into another random kid I didn't hang out with much. He pulls out from his pocket a rectangular paper covered in abstract black and white blobs and no legible text, hands it to the cashier, and she gives him a fucking medium #2. It was to this day one of the funniest things I have ever seen. The coupons had degraded in quality so slowly over time that the fucking cashier was just trained to take these papers and hand out free meals like a trained crow.

>> No.20146715

I don't care about human life at all. But from the perspective of people who are actually mad at Putin for this, brown lives are actually more important than white lives. So my argument should apply double then.

>> No.20146796
File: 164 KB, 1355x2000, simulacra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simulacra of The Simulacra.

>> No.20146901

Isn’t there a version of the cover of this book that makes it plainly obvious? The one with the guy holding a dakimakura?

>> No.20147762
File: 117 KB, 398x290, Balronald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20147835

see also: going to church, praying to god, wearing a cross

>> No.20147845

"putting on a show" is as old as human existence itself

>> No.20147864

those deluxe box sets of popular albums where they include replicas of tickets, flyers and backstage passes

>> No.20147892

Going for a coffee break

>> No.20148249

based frog, great example

>> No.20148341

How many of y'all have actually read this book? I can't bring myself to finish it. It seems like most people only talk about the first ten or so pages. There is a chapter where he spergs about some ugly art museum that he hates. He wants to encourage such a host of people to attend the opening day ceremony that the structure collapses. He also spergs about grocery stores, city planning, and movies he thinks are kino.

>> No.20149083

>I can't bring myself to finish it.
>It seems like most people only talk about the first ten or so pages.
same. The book kind of gives the impression that it states it's core idea early on and then devolves into boring drivel without really saying much more.
Can't really say if that's the case or not I just
>can't bring myself to finish it.

>> No.20150313

I havent read it but from the explanations in this thread, but aren't dreams an example?

>> No.20150682

Cool whip or any other fake replica which people would rather have than the "real" thing. Epsteins temple would be another. It was a fake building apparently, a mere facade. Although it looked real and sat in as the real thing which allowed it serve its function

>> No.20150902


>> No.20151171

Its stupid. Meant to make fun of happy places like Disney & turn everyone schizo.

>> No.20151329

Post that chin

>> No.20151350

Ukraine has 8x the homicide rate(non war related), 3x the rape rate, 2x the domestic abuse rate, 7x the AIDs rate, 15x the alcohol abuse rate, and is poorer than Iraq today who has experienced FOUR devastating wars in the last 40 years. That's right FOUR. At least a million died just from the Iran/Iraq war. Then the economic collapse and famine following the gulf War. Then the American invasion of Iraq, and THEN the ISIS rampage all over the north of the country. All of this, + a million other things, and they are still considerably better off than Ukraine. Not to mention all the other non war ridden MENA states that makes Ukraine look like a border line shithole.
Who is the subhuman here?

>> No.20151357

b-but muh blonde hair