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File: 31 KB, 531x309, physiognomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20126973 No.20126973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It seems like a foregone conclusion to anons here that physiognomy is true and everything I've seen has led me to believe it is too. Even the facial features of philosophers often correspond to their beliefs like pottery.

But physiognomy fringe pseudoscience in public discourse and I can't find any reliable books on the subject. Is there any literature that actually focuses on this topic? Aristotle and older philosophers made passing references but never dove deeper. "The Extended Phenotype" sounded relevant but it seems like Dawkins (unsurprisingly) connects this to everything BUT modern humans. I'm assuming it's too taboo for modern works, so older and more obscure texts might be best. Thanks.

>inb4 this turns into a chad and chud meme thread
Hoping to keep it more serious please.

>> No.20126975

>nd I can't find any reliable books on the subject.
i wonder why retard

>> No.20126986

>But physiognomy fringe pseudoscience in public discourse
It depends who. Physiognomy is fair game against incels and "school shooters".

>> No.20126999

Each day /lit/ strives to adopt even more retarded beliefs. It's like a competition with you guys, to outretard one another.

>> No.20127010
File: 238 KB, 682x305, face and head reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these three, this may be helpful
doesn't always match up.

>> No.20127015

good OP, shit thread so far. don't bother with these close-minded blueboard faggots. i hope some anon can eventually rec a good book as i am interested as well

>> No.20127018

I'll say two words: machine learning. It's not a direct study of physiognomy but it's indirect, and it's where this field exists in today's world. No one will talk about it because it's hidden behind technical jargon related to computer science. Also there might be articles in Chinese on it because they have no ethical qualms about using physiognomy for practical purposes.

>> No.20127022

How do you explain places like instagram filled with 10/10 looking humans who nevertheless have the personality of a potato?

>> No.20127026

If there's anything you don't need a book for, it's physiognomy.

>> No.20127030

confirmation bias

>> No.20127042

Aristotle and plenty of old thinkers have made observations on this. AI has used facial recognition to detect peoples' sexuality, it's used in everything but name by criminologists, and social media companies mine data facial features for marketing purposes. Also, "face reading" is still popular. I'm talking about a book that addresses the topic thoroughly. But you already knew that.
On social media and twitter memes, maybe. But legacy media never makes those explicit connections.
Posting to seethe at physiognomy for no reason is a good way of revealing someone's physiognomy.
Thanks anon. I forget how phrenology and physiognomy overlap so much. I only think of the latter for some reason.

>> No.20127047

Normal, well-adjusted people aka those with good facial features don't need to be smart or have great personalities. If anything those are ways to compensate. Either way, a good looking woman with shit for brains doesn't disprove the idea.

>> No.20127048

On Deformity by Francis Bacon

>> No.20127052

>inb4 this turns into a chad and chud meme thread
So, what is the difference between physiognomy and virginchad memes? It's literally the same retard mindset, just coated in pretentious words and lacking any self-awareness

>> No.20127071

>don't need to be smart or have great personalities
I thought it was the whole point of le physiognomy? Good face = good soul?

>> No.20127078

physiognomy is not "handsome = smart"
the fact that people who look like that are all vapid retards really just goes to prove psysiognomy

>> No.20127081

>So, what is the difference between physiognomy and virginchad memes?
One makes it seem true but takes it as a given, the other is a field of study that goes beyond memespeak. Chud memes replies are like wojacks and reddit face reactions dude.
>the same retard mindset
So you don't believe in it? Self-awareness is the whole problem. If you have poor physiognomy, and relate to others who do, why would you want to believe it's true? Hence the seething

>> No.20127085
File: 71 KB, 941x1080, barges in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there may be some truth to it but the reality would be so complicated (you'd have to filter for ethnic phenotypes, how do you know an indian man is a liar compared to a mexican) that in general it's a meme used by people who want free reign for their mean spirited impulses. it's also completely radioactive as a subject so no serious person will research it in 2022.

i'm afraid you're just going to keep this one in the "edgy shit i post on 4chan but would never say in real life" file cabinet, nerd.

>> No.20127091

Hey, leave my boy Kant out of this

>> No.20127093

>what about these examples that prove you wrong?

>> No.20127095

What is a retarded personality to 4chan autists is probably agreeable to most "normies." Sad but true. And nobody cares how smart an attractive woman is. As long as she can mumble they'll chase her. As for good souls, that's an abstract philosophy debate nobody agrees on.

>> No.20127096

Filters and angles

>> No.20127099

It doesn't count because no one instagram is real. It's all photoshopped to shit and back.

>> No.20127104

You don't understand our points. You think someone with a good physiognomy needs to be a role model citizen or some kind of heroic figure. With a great soul. They're just more likely to be happy and have normal, quiet lives. With families, children, good jobs, etc. Rather than a NEET. Or 4chan autist.
Or you want to argue in bad faith. Idk.

>> No.20127130

you are a fucking retard
no, it does not count you stupid faggot
i typed this out already, but i will add in nigger since you are such a stupid nigger
physiognomy, you nigger, means a correspondence between the face and the "soul", nigger
there is no reason, as you stupid nigger think, that the nigger-face you nigger find most nigger-beautiful and the nigger-personality you nigger would find most nigger-virtuous should be aligned; this is a crude nigger reduction from a nigger. this is also why OP is asking for books on it, to learn what facial features (like like your nigger brows) correspond to what traits (to you nigger retardation), nigger
stupid retarded greentext nigger can't read

>> No.20127133
File: 22 KB, 336x499, Wagner's Beethoven (1870).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if Beethoven had chosen his way of life in the light of cold reason he would not have been more surely guided, in regard to his two great predecessors, than by the naive expression of his innate character. It is astonishing to see how everything here was decided by the powerful instinct of nature. This can clearly be seen in Beethoven’s avoidance of a lifestyle such as that of Haydn. One look at the young Beethoven would have been enough to dissuade any prince from making him his Kapellmeister. On the contrary, the complexion of his character is revealed more remarkably in those traits of personality which saved him from a fate like that of Mozart. Beethoven found himself unable to fashion the world as he wished through beauty for, like Mozart, he found himself placed without means in a world in which only the utilitarian matters, and beauty is rewarded only when it indulges pleasure; whereas the sublime is bound to find no response whatsoever. His physiognomy directly and movingly showed that for him beauty and meekness were to be equated. The world of appearance was scarcely accessible to him. His almost uncannily penetrating eye perceived in the external world only annoying disturbances of his inner world; distancing himself from the external constituted virtually his only connection with that world. Thus his facial expression is distorted: the distortion of defiance tenses this nose and mouth which never dissolve into a smile but only into raucous laughter. Though it was axiomatic for high intellectual talent that a large brain should be enclosed in a thin and delicate cranial space (as if to make it easier to take in directly things external to us), we saw on the other hand, when Beethoven’s remains were examined several years ago, that his cranial space – in line with the unusual strength of his overall bone structure – was of unwonted thickness and solidity. Thus nature was in him protecting a brain of excessive delicacy so that it might look only inwards and see the world in undisturbed quiet through the contemplation of a great heart. What this massive strength enclosed and preserved was an inner world of such light delicacy that if it had been exposed defenceless to raw contact with the external world would have faded and melted away – as did Mozart’s genius of tender light and love.

>> No.20127134

>it's also completely radioactive as a subject so no serious person will research it in 2022.
Research on taboo topics in a field now dominated by grant money and public approval (what's called "peer review") not being pursued is the whole reason I ask this question. First part of your post is a good point though.
>edgy shit i post on 4chan
I mean look at your pic. You're already showing what people post as a "chad take" but you can't put into words why someone who looks like that has superior opinions or is based. You just assume it's true. We all do.
>but would never say in real life
I know. I'm asking on /lit/ for a reason.

>> No.20127139

>Now imagine such a man looking at the world from such a massive skull! Certainly the inner impulses of this man’s will could never clearly determine his view of the external world; they were too violent and at the same time too delicate to be able to adhere to any single appearance upon which his glance alighted with timid haste and finally with the mistrust of one never satisfied. Nothing could possess him with a fleeting delusion such as could entice Mozart out of his inner world to seek external pleasure. A childlike delight in the distractions of a vibrant city hardly affected Beethoven: his will was much too strong to find the slightest satisfaction in such superficial frippery. If his inclination to solitude was especially nourished in this way this inclination also coincided with his independent destiny. An admirably sure instinct led him in this direction and became the primary impulse of his character. No application of reason could have guided him in this matter more clearly than this dogged instinct. What led Spinoza to support himself as a glass grinder; what filled our Schopenhauer with the anxiety to preserve undiminished his small inheritance, determining his whole outward life and indeed inexplicable traits of his character, namely his insight that the truthfulness of any philosophical investigation is seriously jeopardised by the need to earn money from intellectual work: these same things determined Beethoven’s defiance of the world, his propensity to solitude and the almost primitive habits that determined his chosen way of life.

>> No.20127142

Never go full retard.

>> No.20127148

So do average people. You don't need to be a model in order to have a family and be happy. What a retarded view.

>> No.20127159

Wait really?

>> No.20127160

>but you can't put into words why someone who looks like that has superior opinions or is based.

it's a joke man. obviously certain traits can indicate certain things (a guy with huge muscles must have certain characteristics) but physiognomy as a whole is based on stank psuedoscience that says shit like "if your brow is a centimeter higher than i like, you are a nigger of the soul" which would have to be reworked. physiognomy will never be very useful unless it is applied to things like AI as mentioned ITT and doesn't work if you try to eyeball it.

>> No.20127167

Surely this post belongs to someone with a beautiful face and even more beautiful, temperate soul