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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 316x500, sapienshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20123420 No.20123420 [Reply] [Original]

What do you call a group of people, who believe in fairytale story books written by Jews who have no way of proving any of it is true?


>> No.20123957

this was such a garbage book i couldnt even force myself to read half of it
>muh racism
>muh sexism
>muh patriarchy
>muh religion
Its like reading some blue checkmark on twitter with the socially approved "hot take" only more academically worded

>> No.20123970

Neither of you read the book. The whole point of it is that all of these moral ideas were made up to push people in certain directions. It has nothing to do with "good" or "bad", it's a neutral assessment of the process of organizing people.

>> No.20123996

>It has nothing to do with "good" or "bad"
Im pretty sure he takes a stance on weather racism and sexism are good or bad, bitch. YOU havent read the book
Also, he says ideas aren't real (lol)

>> No.20124008

No, he doesn't. That would violate the whole "ideas aren't real" principle.

>> No.20124074
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read the book and dont ever reply to me again cunt

>> No.20124083

How originallll
Jee read what Thrasymachus has to say in Plato's Republic.
Do you even read bro?

>> No.20124084

That's literally not the same book. This is some high effort bait.

>> No.20124104

>high effort bait
>implying he isn't just parroting what he heard from somewhere else
There's no point in arguing with a Dogmatist, their ego is too wrapped up in the thing they believe in being correct

>> No.20124110

page 151

>> No.20124190
File: 1.20 MB, 1427x2688, Snapchat-1465881335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And no, this is not a tranny defense, it's an introduction of gender roles as a concept.

>> No.20124233

whats the point of what you posted?

>> No.20124250

It's page 151, clearly not what he/you said it was.

>> No.20124266

obviously different pdfs/epubs are numbered differently. Open the link of the book i posted here >>20124110 and go to page 151 where you can see that what i posted is written on there. On your version it might be on a different page number. Why do i have to explain this? Are you genuinely retarded or are you a literal pilpuling kike trying to make me argue about irrelevant things, Jack?

>> No.20124287

Your link is really suspicious, not going to follow it. Post a picture with the page number and some indication that it is actually from Sapiens if its not bullshit.

Mine is the standard version and I flipped several pages on each side of 151 and nothing is what you said, the section is early in the book (the book is organized chronologically, for the most part) so it doesn't address America much at all. Basically that part of the book is about how humans are naturally patriarchal, and if there was a value judgement implied it would be 'le good', it talks about how men are stronger and so on.

>> No.20124295

reditsisters?is this the power of the jewish mind????

>> No.20124300

Actually reading books?

>> No.20124323
File: 61 KB, 800x800, Meatbags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seriously believe, meatbag?


All of them meatbags, none of them believe. They simply exist. They hold no beliefs. They are biological catalysts of entropy. They are meatbags.


Also a meatbag, but you seriously believe? You are the odd man out. You are the queer, the communist, the degenerate, the child molester, the infidel, the subhuman, the deformed. You, of all meatbags, seriously believe?

You are the most illegitimate and dysgenic of all meatbags on the planet, yet you seriously believe?

>be human
>lowest quality meatbag
>looks above him
>higher quality meatbags do not believe
>human meatbag suffers pain within ego
>refuses to look up to higher quality meatbags
>the pain of the truth is too great
>instead, the human meatbag will only look down
>He looks down at the feces of his own species
>the biological waste produced by his capacity to "process" information
>the contagious psychological cancer of delusion
>he sees this feces of "philosophy"
>of "religion"
>of "sentiment"
>of "opinion"
>of belief
>he worships the feces of his forefathers
>for naught but his feces will spit in the face of nature simply to stroke his fragile ego
>his mind matted with thousands of years of the collective psychological detritus of his species.
>fashionably combed through his permeable skull
>the feces matted into the sulcus of his brain is a point of pride
>he revels in his degeneracy
>in his dysfunction
>in his dysgenics
>in the collective suicide of his own species

The human meatbag filth, they revel in their sickness of the mind. The gates to hell lie just behind the door to any hidey-hole within which the beasts mutually masturbate each other's ego and season each others minds in the darkness of their own ignorance. They accentuate their baseless basal autophillia with the diverse hodgepodge of psychological feces smeared on the wall and bathing the entresol. The hellfire of temptation unto vice seeps through the cracks of the rotting wooden frame crumbling under the weight of the cancerous remnants of human civilization, they open the door, get on the floor, and everybody walks the dinosaur.

>> No.20124324
File: 172 KB, 1080x1920, 87329c8175290a7b7d910f404c3ed8b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chucks)

>> No.20124332
File: 1.93 MB, 4000x3570, HistoryOfSkyPeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>History of "humankind"

Here's a brief history of sky people, if you would consider them "human". Note that the Hebrew in the OP conveniently excludes the influence of his fellow hellspawn upon the West.

>> No.20124333

what's his name?

>> No.20124349
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, lowres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mara (Alex Zedra)

>> No.20124351

You havent read the book, you just got assmad that someone talked shit about a fellow tribesman and you had to pop your nose in here lying and changing the topic. Nevermind not opening the "suspect" link - code word for burying your head in the sand because you got utterly btfo - if you actually had read the book you'd recognize what i posted and know that its from the book.
You lied here >>20124008 and you got exposed here >>20124074.
Not even going to reply to you anymore because you are a sleazeball and anyone reading the thread understood

>> No.20124361

Way too much effort here

>> No.20124364
File: 1.31 MB, 3250x4000, LastCanaaniteChristmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking the blood of you wretched meatbags is like being forced to drink garbage water. This is what I must subsist upon, simply because the feckless "Hebrews" who summoned me from our homeland are so sick with the blood pollution of miscegenation that they can stomach the same fodder they feed their farm animals.

>be "Hebrew'
>line up at the same trough as the farm animal chattel
>every day
>eating side by side with beasts
>yet you still call him "master"
>you still obey him

Sheep do not shepherd themselves save unto their own destruction. Your have been culled for 8,000 years to fester fecklessly in reckless decadence, you are no mouflon. You will die just as quickly quickly when your masters cease to protect you from the wilds of this earth, just as your masters will suffer endlessly once they return to the hellfire which spawned their ancestors.

>> No.20124379

I agree

>> No.20124380
File: 259 KB, 1293x1209, Embryo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ask why the Chupacabra drinks the blood of goats? Today, there's no more soul in a human than in a goat, and if we must drink the blood of mammals, there's little difference in quality when forced to choose between one of the countless soulless animals.

>> No.20124390
File: 326 KB, 978x896, 1642816399488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kike lies
>gets btfo and exposed
>immediately starts shitposting and spamming
Holy shit this fuckin thread lmaooo

>> No.20124444

You tried your best and it wasn't enough maybe you just aren't cut out for the (You)s maybe you are the average 100 iq midwit faggot.
My advice: kys

>> No.20124814

Assesment on what? These "science"fags don't know shit, they weren't alive >20,000 years ago and there's no writting that far back, it's all speculation and stories they pull out of their own ass.

Literally making shit up about human history to fit their narrative, they make up stories so they can sell you their ideology about human nature but call it "science", and all atheists swallow it up because from the labcoat Priesthood.

JFL at "Trust the science", if it's based on "trust" it's not science, it's a fucking religion.

>> No.20124824

What evidence are these drawings based on?

>> No.20124875

god /lit/ is garbage

>> No.20126231

"god" doesn't exist, chud.

>> No.20126261

invented by jews
invented by jews
invented by jews
invented by jews

>> No.20126266

Who invented Jews?

>> No.20126273

Are you 12?