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20120019 No.20120019 [Reply] [Original]

My brother in misery...

>> No.20120042


>> No.20120066

Considering he’s hilarious and life-affirming, have you considered not being a little mentally weak bitch?

>> No.20120086

I've only read Holzfällen and didn't find anything life-affirming in it. mostly just cynical self-refuting petty seething about pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.20120199

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.20120240

what a tiny ice qream.
I squeem for iced qream

>> No.20120248

He's pretty evil. He talked shit about all the people and cities who gave him awards and literary prizes.

>> No.20120253

he's not evil, he's just Viennese

>> No.20120266

that sounds like a good thing. If one does not criticize the people who give you accolades, it is just hollow praise rather than firm merits.

But IDK anything about him, he might be literally satan.

>> No.20120283

I don't know, seems pretty ungrateful. Some small city gave a shit about you enough to give you a literary prize and the next day you're publishing an article about how that's the shittiest, filthiest town in Austria. It's the kind of backstabbing one expects from truly rotten souls.

>> No.20120285

But look at how happy he is with that ice cream

>> No.20120313

How is that backstabbing? If that is his honest opinion, thats just frankness. Unless he did it because he had a chip on his shoulder.

IMO a rotten soul would be all about optics rather then sincerity. smiling in public and wheeling and dealing in private. fakeness and all that. But again, I dont know a thing about him.

>> No.20120328

Yea, the thing is, it didn't happen only once but various times. If someone acts in good faith to you and immediately your first instinct is to act in bad faith, then you're a shit person, simple as. I like his books but I do not like him as a person.

>> No.20120367

that is not a bad thing

>> No.20120401

Maybe writing about it was his way of dealing with that problem

>> No.20120407

>that's right, anon, enjoy this. relish this torture - pleasure yourself with it, for suffering is all that life offers

>> No.20120413

my favorite writer

it is both though. describing bernhard simply as "hilarious and life-affirming" is hilariously inadequate.

did you read the last few pages?

>> No.20120423

where he's running down Josefstädter Straße or something almost dying of a heart attack because he couldn't take the other dinner guests anymore?

>> No.20120426

>being an obnoxious ingrate is le hackin' based!

>> No.20120433

Thats not bad faith. thats just ambivalence. It would be bad faith if he implied he would put a good word about them in edgewise if they celebrated him, then shat on them in betrayal.

If he made no attempt to conceal this trend, thats just being blunt. Thats like calling diogenes crap even though he was very transperent about what he was all about.

Im not saying its virtuous, but its not contemptable. Did he try to conceal it? If not everyone knew what they were in for.

>> No.20120462

>Likeing platitudes is based
kinda reminds me of the old man who complains about everything, but hold to his principles so people grudgingly respect him. its respectable. Same reason why people liked voltaire but he lipped off to every monarch in europe. I dont know how you dont get this kinda thing. Its pretty common.

>> No.20120537

>I like his books
I cant believe someone who "like" his books can´t understand this position. you think he is writing novels about seedy carachters?. anyway, you probably dont understand shit about anything if you really think that prizes are in good faith.

>> No.20120596

if that's all you got out of it and you're being genuine i'm not sure what to say

>I like his books but I do not like him as a person.
lol fuck off. have you even read My Prizes? Or Gathering Evidence? his narrator character, which is basically the same conceptually in all of his novels, is largely based on his grandfather. Bernhard writing in his own sincere voice is very different. he had a pretty horrible life btw, he wasn't just some entitled, edgy asshole. and what is wrong with being critical of literary prizes? your argument is essentially that if anyone gives him a prize he has to turn around and be a cheerleader for that organization? why do you even like Bernhard if him talking shit about literary prizes makes you butthurt?

>I cant believe someone who "like" his books can´t understand this position.
Yeah, this is a weird thread.

>> No.20120601

I read it a while ago but that's what I remember. he suffers a panic attack, runs down some street, baddabing baddaboom the end

>> No.20120604

oh no, the Bernard simps are here kek

>> No.20120620

>your argument is essentially that if anyone gives him a prize he has to turn around and be a cheerleader for that organization?
No, but he should keep his mouth shut out of respect. They give you money, and here you are, being an ungrateful, feminine, whiny cunt on her period.

>> No.20120644

>out of respect.
say the truth. how many books you read of him?. i would say one max. you cant call for this normie notion of respect to someone who explain in every fucking book how he doesnt respect that phony kind of things and that phony kind of people.

>> No.20120661

>A writer ought to "keep his mouth shut"
>BTW I hate whamen!
You sound like a whiny cunt on her period, buddy. Actual assblasted chud bootlicker take.

>as I ran I reflected that the city through which I was running, dreadful though I had always felt it to be and still felt it to be, was still the best city there was, that Vienna, which I found detestable and had always found detestable, was suddenly once again the best city in the world, my own city, my beloved Vienna, and that these people, whom I had always hated and still hated and would go on hating, were still the best people in the world: I hated them, yet found them somehow touching—I hated Vienna, yet found it somehow touching—I cursed these people, yet could not help loving them—I hated Vienna yet could not help loving it. And now, as I ran through the streets of the Inner City, I thought: This is my city and always will be my city, these are my people and always will be my people, and as I went on running, I thought: I’ve survived this dreadful artistic dinner, just as I’ve survived all the other horrors. I’ll write about this artistic dinner in the Gentzgasse, I thought, without knowing what I would write—simply that I would write something about it. And as I went on running I thought: I’ll write something at once, no matter what—I’ll write about this artistic dinner in the Gentzgasse at once, now. Now, I thought—at once, I told myself over and over again as I ran through the Inner City—at once, I told myself, now—at once, at once, before it’s too late.

>> No.20120679

3 (2 novels, one short story collection). And yes, he acted like a whiny cunt on her period. It's not like he shat on them in a manly way, it was malicious feminine shit like "OMG, the city was so cold and bourgeois, worst place in le Yurop ! I'm literally shaking and crying right now ! What a horrible city! And the certificate was poorly designed btw"
>muh chuds!
Now, the trannies have officially arrived.

>> No.20120711
File: 37 KB, 800x450, 2d2d942237844594c31105426edd8ffd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bernhard is a WOMAN!! not a MANLY MAN like ME, seething on a cantonese textile forum!!
plenty of people seethe at bernhard and don't like him. thats fine, but don't lie and say you do. it makes things very confusing for those of us who actually enjoy his sense of humor. now that it's obvious you hate him i don't have to sit here scratching my head about how you could misunderstand his project at such a basic level.

>> No.20120726

Extinction is the greatest novel written post WW2

>> No.20120738

isn't keeping your mouth shut feminine? unless its spurious nonsense.

>> No.20120747

I like his work, just not this whiny feminine persona towards REAL prize-givers.

>> No.20120751

Women gossip all the time and say whiny shit in public like he did. A man knows when to talk and when to shut up.

>> No.20120752

>REAL prize-givers.
those don't exist

>> No.20120763

I understand not liking him, or finding it distasteful, but I can still respect him from a principle standpoint. Like I brought up Diogenes a while ago, I actually really dislike the redditor, but I can still RESPECT his mo in a sense.
he doesnt sound like a bootlicker Commune sister Venessa, I think he just doesn't have the distinction between respecting someone and liking/disliking them.

>> No.20120767

I mean entities in the real world who gave him literary awards and prizes. He won 9 of them some time and he whined about all of them. Petty shit like how the certificate was designed or how narrow the streets were in that city.

>> No.20120776

I don't know. He's good but he isn't great enough to warrant such a diva behavior. Writers greater than him never said this kind of petty, feminine shit (publicly at least).

>> No.20120789

that's his whole thing...
i forget what novel he says it in but it its something along the lines of "all good art is exaggeration, without exaggeration there is no art."

>> No.20120793

no, i can agree, i can just understand the kind of schtick hes got. id probably roll my eyes and call him a diva too, i just don't quite think bad faith or evil is a good term for it. in fact, i think you hit the nail on the head this time, i think diva is more descriptive.

>> No.20120804

>"OMG, the city was so cold and bourgeois, worst place in le Yurop ! I'm literally shaking and crying right now ! What a horrible city! And the certificate was poorly designed btw"
you can say this shit about his entire work. what im saying is basically you should understand why he hate austria, why he hate prizes and why he hate stupid aristocrats of the art and plenty of things like that because he wrote about that in his books. he is coherent. you are just a bitch who dont understand nothing and think everything is quirky ironic remarks "hey, i hate the world too" (wink wink). finally i suppose thats the reason you "like" bernhardt. you think is a le grumpy intelligent european, but not serious. or something. fuck off.

>> No.20120818

what zero (0) pussy does to a mf

>> No.20120830

tbf to the austrians, his work is pretty much MADE to be read by self hating intelectual bourgeois. So both the awards and the response by him should be expected by all parties involved!

in a way, he was damned to be
> "hey, i hate the world too" (wink wink)

>> No.20120855

Mensch ärgere dich nicht.

>> No.20120857

>should be expected by all parties involved!
yes, but you have this retard here (and the people who give him the prizes) saying he should recieve it with a smile in his face.

>in a way, he was damned to be
> "hey, i hate the world too" (wink wink)
yes, but more from an empathetic side. like celine or something like that.
this other side think of him, like, yes, you are funny, but this is serious, this is about money, this is about "real persons". anyway, i think he is just being misinterpreted, sometimes im amazed how the crudity and sincerity is not correlated to how well people can understand you.

>> No.20120884

>saying he should recieve it with a smile in his face.
Quote where I said that, retard. If you can't, you must fuck your mother in the ass.

>> No.20120923

definitively he can go serious and with a good neat suit, he dont HAVE to SMILE. i never ever said that, ok?, ehm, no, never. he just have to go. but he never smile, nono, that never came out of my mouth. he can come like he want. but he definitively have to receive that prizes, ok?, you understand now?, bitch?. ok. this good hearted people go to work every fucking day and pay shit for this stupid prize to him, and you gonna say this entitled diva gonna not go to their ceremony, are you telling me that?. who the hell does he think he is?. he dont HAVE to SMILE. ok?. but he have to recieve it and be happy about it and have respect for the hard work and feelings of others. ok?, you understand now?.

>> No.20122208

Correction > Woodcutters > The Loser > Yes > Concrete > Extinction > Wittgenstein's Nephew

>> No.20122214

God, learn fucking English first, retard. This is cringe and yes, I never said that. Now, go fuck your mother.

>> No.20122383

dude i went out for a night of drinking, came back and pulled up this thread and holy fuck i am laughing so hard at this post my face hurts. glad everyone is just fucking around now.


also based. honestly all of his novels are so good. yes is underrated. woodcutters is probably my favorite. correction, old masters & extinction tied for 2nd. so hard to pick.

>> No.20123261

I've only read frost, extinction, and the one where he is a Dr making his rounds (the name escapes me atm) I thought they were all pretty special I only choose extinction because I read it during a time I was going to a lot of funerals and it really resonated. I'm pumped to get deeper into his catalogue. Where should I start ?

>> No.20124195

>the one where he is a Dr making his rounds
That's Gargoyles. Like I said, Woodcuters, Correction, Old Masters and Extinction are my favorites. Frost (along with The Lime Works) is honestly probably one of his weakest for me, but still good. Kind of interesting you chose Frost and Extinction (his first and last). I feel he improved as he went on. I've read all of his novels btw and basically everything else available in English. You like Extinction which is probably the most extreme iteration of his style. If you already know you like him you really can't go wrong with any of his books. He's very consistent.