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20119718 No.20119718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it me, or do right-wingers write less than left-wingers?

>> No.20119724


>> No.20119726


>> No.20119731

I guess women aren't so open minded. They don't want to hear different perspectives. They don't like multiculturalism after all.

>> No.20119732

Its because publishers are really woke and I feel that if you work in the service you should not be able to let your ideology influence your work or lose your business. Also most right wing is classic literature, so not exactly true

>> No.20119734


>> No.20119741

In my experience, non status quo opinions frighten women because they have to thinking and thinking is hard for women.

>> No.20119745

Quality > Quantity

>> No.20119766

Well stated, Doctor Chud and Professor Incel

>> No.20119786

Why are trains like this?

>> No.20119793

Yes and I'm trying to change it but it's a struggle.

>be member of rw org
>try to setup something similar to the inklings, except explicitly rw instead of christian
>nobody can fucking understand why its important

Mind you I'm not even interested in explicit political stuff, in fact I'd rather have us writing things that are more subversive and smuggle rw themes under guise of pulp, but it'll probably end with me just writing stuff in my spare time and any more arranged and directed output will never materialise.

>> No.20119847

I don't know why you guys act like ad hominem is a real argument.

>> No.20119856

Modern right-wingers are anti-intellectual and think books are for fags.

>> No.20119857

>I don't know why you guys act like ad hominem is a real argument.
“Women are dumb lmao” isn’t an argument. Better to insult them and either farm (You)s or leave the thread.

>> No.20119863

False impression. Right wingers are much less likely to be PUBLISHED, because the publishing industry (like education and entertainment) have been invaded and throttled by militant leftism which simply doesn't let you speak unless you agree with it.

>> No.20119868

Based. Dark MAGA-Pol Potism rising.

>> No.20119872
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>> No.20119886

This. Modern conservatism goes hand in hand with anti-intellectualism, and it's getting worse as time goes on. That's one of the biggest problems with modern, reactionary conservative politics. You don't need to know much about anything when your entire philosophy revolves around being against things.

>> No.20119896

>because the publishing industry (like education and entertainment) have been invaded and throttled by militant leftism
What a pathetic excuse in 2022 when literally anybody can self-publish any form of media they want to create.

>> No.20119906
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>> No.20119969

And they do so (see OP's pic). But that doesn't counter his point.

>> No.20119987

>Why are people who disagree with me so stupid?

>> No.20120003

context for this pic. Is it some kind of based RW bookshop?

>> No.20120007

>And they do so (see OP's pic)
Ideology of Failure and The Real Right Returns are both professionally published, and those are two random ones I picked out. But go on, tell me how you don't have a gigantic victim complex.

>> No.20120009

Another example of
>Left wing: In this 80000 word essay I will explain hurt durr I'm a retarded liberal trans drag queen child bussy rape whites becoming a minority in the United States

>Right wing: hehe kill nigs

>> No.20120016

You don't need a victim complex to acknowledge reality.

>> No.20120017

Conservative/reactionary ideologies inherently have less to say, that's the whole point.

>> No.20120027
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>my worldview tells me no matter how wrong I am I'm still right
Conservative "thinking" in a nutshell lmao

>> No.20120033

The internet was better when the only people that were able to access it were educated white people, unlike this unholy mix of Russians, Indians and rural Americans the modern internet is. Thanks for setting everything back 25 years with your 3rd world retardation, shitskins.

>> No.20120036

Anyone who transitions should be sent to a camp permanently

>> No.20120038

you have to realise that great writers don't usually operate in terms like right-left. it's more like - and i don't consider her 'great' - with jk rowling: she's a feminist and rather left-leaning, but also terf and christian (at least was). so i think that's more like it. most left-wing philosophers would be consider somewhat conservative when it comes to their beliefs on capitalism and such, they tend to support small communities and are anti-globalism.
i think the most retarded and dominating in the sphere are these non-wing modern day 'neo-liberals' or simply consoomers and those who follow the system. the current governments are really leaning towards any side except for their own interests and buisnesses.
i guess i'm trying to say that left/right theory tends to be useless the further you go.

>> No.20120041

Lefties are good a deconstructionism, why not apply it argumentation theory?

>> No.20120059

I mean, it's fact that far right views are suppressed in the mainstream. It's not something you can argue against.

>> No.20120060

>i guess i'm trying to say that left/right theory tends to be useless the further you go.
The only people that think in left/right terms are Anglos, Jews, Arabs and other moronic peoples. This idea that there's a "good side" and a "bad side" and everything would just be better if the "good side" (which is the side you're on, of course) would just get to decide everything for everybody is so infantile and moronic. The only sides there are are the elites vs everybody else and any other discussion of "sides" is pants-shittingly retarded.

>> No.20120065

directionbrain strikes again

>> No.20120068

>I mean, it's fact that far right views are suppressed in the mainstream
You can literally buy Mein Kampf at Barnes and Noble you fucking retard

>> No.20120076

>“Women are dumb lmao” isn’t an argument.
We know that women as a group are dumb thanks to an abundance of evidence, yet you're calling this guy dumb based on a single internet interaction.
You're the faggot here, sorry

>> No.20120087
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Fascists complaining about their speech being silenced will never not be funny to me.

>> No.20120097

Okay? The guy's point was that far right books are far less likely to get published.

>> No.20120100

>Thieves complaining about having their shit stolen in prison will never not be funny to me

>> No.20120106

Psued core thread. Lol this thread is chock full of retards

>> No.20120112

Nobody was complaining. They were providing an explanation to the OP's question.

>> No.20120124

And yet the two random books selected were both professionally published. Far-right niggers' whole shtick is to eternally pretend like they're poor underdogs, even when they have absolute power. The far-right mindset is inherently one of self-imposed victimhood.

>> No.20120132

Woah two whole books?

>> No.20120150

funny, that's exactly the same thing the right says about the left. Frankly, looking atbusinesses that are actually relevant in an economic sense and when it comes to shaping what the average normie will be marketed into reading, I think it's pretty clear that they're heavily in favor of the woke identity politics of the day - be it along racial, sex or class lines, while they merely tolerate some of the big names in the moderate opposition, and only so that they don't look like complete totalitarian nutjobs.

>> No.20120152

We have power? Last time I checked we don't

>> No.20120167


>> No.20120179

I've always thought Rougism with American characteristics had a lot of potential. Too bad that the right's media and political figures are kind of inconsistent with their anti-intellectualism.

>> No.20120203

Depends on if you consider conservative christcucks as a member of the right wing, because if you do, they probably win.

Unironically correct.

Everyone pretends to be an underdog because that enables them to gain the sympathy of people with slave mentality, which is literally 99% of the voters. Democracy inevitably means you must pretend to be oppressed, no matter who you are. It's all part of the spiel.

>> No.20120231

This man is upset

>> No.20120242

he is correct women were the most ardent supporters of national socialism in Germany

>> No.20120314


>> No.20120323

Wtf I love women now

>> No.20120359


>> No.20120466
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Depends on the nation, but didn’t the US just have /theirguy/ in the white house?
Australia has had a conservative government in charge for a decade, how long has the UK had their conservative government in charge for? What about someone like Putin, he’s no marxist (although I don’t know his politics well enough to properly know where he stands).
The issue you seem to identify is that stupid sort of “us and them” mentality (that many people suffer from, myself often included) has seeped into marketing, that’s really all. “Woke” politics or the appearance of “wokeness” opens up or outright creates new consoomer demographics to attempt to bolster dwindling profits, naturally these business don’t give a fuck either way as long as the money keeps rolling in, they don’t care if its from gays, blacks, jews, whites, lefties or righties, only that you consoomed.
> Tldr; you are in power in much of the West’s governments, just advertising has warped your senses of reality.

>> No.20120473

Right wingers are anti-intellectual, I didn't need to moonlight in a neonazi syndicate and try to start a book club to figure this one out.

>> No.20120498

I actually think generalizing is peak anti intellectual. Which is what you are a generalizing person. You should work on your theories of the world instead of speaking out of turn

>> No.20120501

This. It really isn't complicated, but rightoids act like it's a grand conspiracy driving right-wing thought out of academia and literary publishing. Yet these (and society in general) are simply field improved by and leaned towards the facilitation of, new ideas. Conservative thought is fundamentally opposed to this project, so they channel their rage to the percieved elitism of these fields.

>> No.20120505
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I heard a theory (actually from a far rightist) that the reason why Fox News has much higher ratings than its counterparts is not because there are more conservatives, but because conservatives are more invested in "current events." I think there's more of an attitude of living in the immediate "now" with the habbedings, while the left is more invested in fictive programming which leads to an immersive culture in many ways. Books, music (particularly music), films and shows, etc.

It tells you something that Disco Elysium, which was praised as one of the most richly written games since Planescape Torment, which was written by Marxists who cited Mayakovsky in their acceptance speech at a game awards show. Mayakovsky was a communist poet who wrote "our songs are our weapons."


And if the only thing you have to orient yourself is "we don't like X group" then the only question is "what do we do about them." The right acts politically like an on/off switch. Either sit there and take in the "current events" and bitch about it, or go "zero to hero" and storm to the Capitol or whatever. The left is more like a dimmer switch that can be phased up and down.

I think it's still too simplistic since "the elites vs. everybody else" is still a black/white binary with a "good side" and "bad side." Also, the elites are not always united and they war among each other constantly. I'll say that induced apathy among the masses does make this more pronounced, though, since the elites don't feel like they need to be united in a bloc against the masses, so they can spend their time feuding over their short-term, parochial interests which defines much of our "politics" today.

>> No.20120506

That's something a PSEUDointellectual would say

>> No.20120512

A generalizing retard would have a
>i know you are

>> No.20120515

I didn't ask what you thought, this isn't Twitter and I'm not interested in the opinions of randoms.
I'm speaking of the truth and you can either think on it, or run away and ignore it.

>> No.20120518

Okay retard. Then dont speak your opinion in a public place.

>> No.20120527

Dumb ass posts theyre opinion in a public place. Then frames it as truth

>im posting truth i didnt ask for your opinion

What is it like to be this dumb?

>> No.20120530

I've said nothing of my own opinion thus far. This is what makes you seethe.

>> No.20120534

Yes you did retard. You made a broad generalized opinion statement.

>> No.20120547

Your grammar reflects your intelligence, and although this is not a general rule, it is true in this case.
I didn't ask for your opinion on the matter. It simply is not the case. The idea that you think facts are up for debate is humorous.

>> No.20120548

>because conservatives are more invested in "current events"
It's because conservatives are drawn to the lurid broadcasting of all the things in the world that aren't going their way and that they have no control over. The joke is that they don't realize that it's their favorite pundits that are inducing this anxiety and making them keep listening to feel some sense of control, it's like a drug. Every pundit is aware of this by the way.

>> No.20120559
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>>20120505 (me)
Oh, before I forgot, one thing that Disco Elysium says about communism (again, written by Marxists) is that it's a history of failure. It takes place in a regime that had a communist revolution which then failed. But I think illustrates something about art that it involves being able to put yourself in a vulnerable place where people are gonna see your weaknesses. But you have to be able to get over that fear of failure to do it.

Rightists don't want people to see their weaknesses or their vulnerabilities. They want to appear strong (even though, as well all know, in reality they can be paper tigers). They have a strong/weak dichotomy in their minds. I don't think that necessarily translates into good art.


>> No.20120568

What is it like to be as dumb as you are? To be the type of person that makes a broad statement. Then says its fact when confronted for being a generalizing retard. Gets pissed off and says its a fact. Whats it like to be this dumb anon?

>> No.20120575

I wouldn't know.

>> No.20120577

Oh i believe you dont lmao

>> No.20120581

>The joke is that they don't realize that it's their favorite pundits that are inducing this anxiety and making them keep listening to feel some sense of control, it's like a drug. Every pundit is aware of this by the way.
They throw out cheesy bait for the fishes hoping they take a bite.

>> No.20120593

I don't think you understand. The right doesn't believe that people should appear strong, they know that people don't want to acknowledge their own weakness. It's realpolitik. It's accepting reality

>> No.20120625

Redneck Socialism

>> No.20120626
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Of course people don't WANT to acknowledge their own weakness, but I'm saying that's what it takes to make art. The tortured artist is a stereotype for a reason. I see a serious preoccupation on the right with power and toughness (dominance-submission, strong-weak, leader-follower). "Art is for fags." I don't think they mean that literally but somewhere in the subconscious mind what it takes to make art is doing stuff that makes you a fag (in the sense of revealing weakness).

I am generalizing a bit when I shouldn't. Maybe a counterexample is Houellebecq who writes about failed lives in a failed society.

>> No.20120628

Trump wasn't exactly perfect, he didn't stop giving our tax dollars to yids overseas

>> No.20120630

Good thing they realized it.

>> No.20120631

>the reason why Fox News has much higher ratings than its counterparts is [...] because conservatives are more invested in "current events."
It's because conservatives are generally more inclined to sit in front of the TV getting their brains rotted. If you think TV news, especially in America, is even an almost-adequate way to keep up with current events in the world, then I have REALLY bad news for you.
Seconding this >>20120548

Also imagine not only using a video game as the thesis to prove your political ideology, but also one that shits on every political ideology. Bitches on /v/ whine that it's anti-fascist (because they all picked the fascie options), now you praise it for being anti-Marxist because you saw that the commie options aren't just blind commie dicksucking.
>The right acts politically like an on/off switch. Either sit there and take in the "current events" and bitch about it, or go "zero to hero" and storm to the Capitol or whatever.
This is true, but it's what's baked into the conservative worldview. People become conservative either by being a reactionary and getting offended by a certain group's actions in society (commonly liberals), or by benefitting from the current state of society and thus wanting to maintain a status quo and shut their eyes at any problems in the society.
I would say it's impossible to imagine a political right-wing currently or in the future which is anything BUT a reactionary on/off switch, incapable of anything but slothful contentment or sperg-tier attempts at public violence.

>> No.20120642


>> No.20120645

Again with generalizing retards. You fucking people are unsavable morons.

>> No.20120657
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>nooooo you can only talk about specific people !!!
>don't say anything generalistic about my movement!!!!
Cry more. Nobody's saying #allconservatives. I didn't realise I needed a trigger warning at the beginning of my pseudo-psychological 4channel post.

>> No.20120663

Your entire post was filled with generalization and assumption based on bias. Youre a fucking generalizing moron.

>> No.20120687
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>now you praise it for being anti-Marxist because you saw that the commie options aren't just blind commie dicksucking.
Maybe some are like that here, but I think you might be misreading me. I think it's good art and not at all anti-Marxist, inspired by Marxism actually. Shitting on every political ideology is very Marxist -- or any ideology (including "communism" articulated as) an end goal to accomplish or considering the idea as the final destination to reach since that is the practice of idealism. I think that might be where a lot of "ideological" attempts at art fail, including on the right, because people set out with the idea of making a "right-wing book" or a "left-wing book" where the art is serving ideology, rather than ideology "serving," guiding and helping in the development of something -- whether art or a political system or whatever.

>> No.20120762

>>20120687 (me)
Also (and this is just my opinion) that there's a Kantian ethic to this. If humans are an end in themselves, then humans should not treat others merely as a means to an end. If art is an end in itself, then one shouldn't treat art merely as a means to an end. I'm not at all a rightist but an anon wrote this above:

>Mind you I'm not even interested in explicit political stuff, in fact I'd rather have us writing things that are more subversive and smuggle rw themes under guise of pulp, but it'll probably end with me just writing stuff in my spare time and any more arranged and directed output will never materialise.
If you really want my honest advice, frankly, my advice is to write a really good pulp novel, rather than seeing the pulp novel as a means to smuggle in right-wing themes. But perhaps your ideology can help guide / develop the novel, so you end up writing a "right-wing pulp novel" even if that's not your "intention." Does that make sense?

The issue is that I'm not sure how many rightists would still be rightists if they thought this way.

>> No.20120809

Whats so earth shattering about your suggestion that would make people want to change their political ideology. If they started writing shit novels with hidden political themes?

>> No.20120842

>Rightists don't want people to see their weaknesses or their vulnerabilities.
It's actually incredibly annoying even when casually arguing in good faith

>> No.20120846
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Liberals and Conservatives write shit tier political books.
Give me Carl Schmitt or Thomas Carlyle any day of the week.

>> No.20120853

>whine about rich people
>whine about minorities


>> No.20120882
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Engels' review of a Carlyle book is pretty interesting:

>This is the condition of England, according to Carlyle. An idle landowning aristocracy which “have not yet learned even to sit still and do no mischief", a working aristocracy submerged in Mammonism, who, when they ought to be collectively the leaders of labour, “captains of industry", are just a gang of industrial buccaneers and pirates. A Parliament elected by bribery, a philosophy of simply looking on, of doing nothing, of laissezfaire, a wornout, crumbling religion, a total disappearance of all general human interests, a universal despair of truth and humanity, and in consequence a universal isolation of men in their own “brute individuality", a chaotic, savage confusion of all aspects of life, a war of all against all, a general death of the spirit, a dearth of “soul", that is, of truly human consciousness: a disproportionately strong working class, in intolerable oppression and wretchedness, in furious discontent and rebellion against the old social order, and hence a threatening, irresistibly advancing democracy – everywhere chaos, disorder, anarchy, dissolution of the old ties of society, everywhere intellectual insipidity, frivolity, and debility. – That is the condition of England. Thus far, if we discount a few expressions that have derived from Carlyle’s particular standpoint, we must allow the truth of all he says. He, alone of the “respectable” class, has kept his eyes open at least towards the facts, he has at least correctly apprehended the immediate present, and that is indeed a very great deal for an “educated” Englishman.

>> No.20120906

Deconstruction isn’t an ism. Read more.

>> No.20120919

>even when they have absolute power.
If we had anything remotely close to absolute power, you wouldn't be around to post this projecting jew drivel.
Hopefully someday you'll get to see what it's actually like to be oppressed.

>> No.20121010

>Australia has had a conservative government in charge for a decade, how long has the UK had their conservative government in charge for
>didn’t the US just have /theirguy/ in the white house?
An issue from our perspective that you aren't seeing is that "conservative governments" are progressively less and less conservative, at least on cultural issues. This is because the left is firmly in control of the parameters of political belief. It's the Overton Window. Left is the conductor, right is the caboose. Sometimes the caboose takes power but it's still left of where it was the last time it was in charge, and the caboose can't change the direction. Many standard, widely-held conservative beliefs of the 2000s even are considered by today's standards to be politically unthinkable to support. For instance, Boris Johnson and Winston Churchill are both "the right" but Johnson is not as right as Churchill. This is basically why right-radicals don't see conservative parties winning elections as significant

>> No.20121326

really? people like Ann Coulter seem to shit out tons of books

>> No.20121382

Neither writes anything worth preserving.

>> No.20121399

Yes, and that's not a bad thing.

>> No.20122194

There's also that conservatives are still ultimately liberals which is why many on the right don't support parties like the tories since they're fundamentally opposed to liberalism. Conservative liberalism as its practiced in the anglosphere is just a delaying action that has conserved nothing and really doesn't hold much institutional power. It has no actual ideology or axioms to base actions or goals on, its essentially just the political beliefs of their opposition from 20 years ago. If you ever seen the meme of a conservative politician in 2050 or whatever saying "OF COURSE trans women are women and pedophilia should be accepted, but sex with dogs is just wrong!" (or something like that, haven't seen it in a while) know that it's going to be a reality on a long enough time span.

>> No.20122257

its becouse the bulk of our philosophy have been already writen, Plato is ours, Aristorle, Cicero, Locke, Hobbes, Nietzche, bassically all the classical writers are right wingers

>> No.20122271

I write plenty, I just don't publish anything because I have no need or incentive to do so.

>> No.20122272

No. Left wingers buy and read all the books. Right wingers just listen to fox news.

>> No.20122277

>The only sides there are are the elites vs everybody
This is the same as good vs bad. You're exactly the same as the retards you criticize.

>> No.20122303

This. SeventhpostBestpost.

>> No.20122308

Arktos design some beautiful covers. They have way too many schizo authors though, Jorjani is completely incomprehensible.

>> No.20122329

I find some of them too colourful and glossy. It's almost like they're trying to induce sensory overload sometimes.

>> No.20122622

Define "left" and "right".