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20118505 No.20118505 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else give up reading anything involving politics? I now have an entire bookshelf worth of political books that I won't ever read. The entire canon just sitting there. I lost all interest when I realized nothing will ever change and spending any time on it is the equivalent of fanfiction worldbuilding. What's the point of wasting all that time reading and wasting space on my shelf with what I said fanfiction worldbuilding.

>> No.20118535
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>tfw no aryan milk truck gf to destroy with my TTC (Tremendous Twink Cock)

>> No.20118546

If pic related is any indication of what politics is there, I’m happy for you.

>> No.20118586

I have everything from leftist books like Chomsky, Marx, Cockshott to centrist books, economic textbooks, Rawls, to right wing books like Evola, Bowden, Benoist, Murray, to historical books like Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau etc. A whole bookshelf that I will likely never touch again

>> No.20118599

>nothing will ever change

literally kys "nothing happens"-faggot.

>> No.20118607

It's the truth though. Hopefully you will grow out of this childish utopian mindset

>> No.20118627

You will never own the means of production, no matter how many books you read.

>> No.20118637
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So, you never felt strongly about anything to begin with. I’m not surprised

We’re starting a really big change, after the last 20/30 years which were a change from the previous kind of world we had.

>> No.20118638

I'm serious. Literally kill yourself you whiny, spoiled bougie cunts.

>> No.20118646

Somewhere around 22/23 all my extremist political beliefs and interest in politics just faded away to nothing and it was as if they’d never been. I cringe at my behavior before that now.
You’re right; it’s a waste of time.

>> No.20118657

I'm serious too. Reading books won't bring you a communist utopia.

>> No.20118667

I was a utopian like you. I thought change could come but I realize now I was wrong.
>after the last 20/30 years which were a change from the previous kind of world we had.
The world is much more stable than it was before. We had the great depression, world wars, JFK being shot, politicians being killed regularly, race riots, segregation, the cold war, vietnam, 9/11, and nothing. Not even one sign of any collapse. All those periods were way worse than what we have now. The only big thing is recently with Ukraine and Russia but even now Putin knows he can't fuck with NATO. NATO keeps the world those countries stable. This will all brush over and it will be back to normal

>> No.20118671

Responding negatively to your whiny and pathetic blogpost doesn't make me a communist you fucking loser. Go buy a shotgun pls.

>> No.20118677
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I mean to me it sounds like you just got lazy, but I remember how much work it takes out of my day to really digest these political theories and sociological works only to never have anyone to talk about it with except on this basket weaving board, and on accounts discord.

Unless you’re becoming some guerrilla fighter in the future maybe read political works? but those types of people can’t even get out of bed early in the morning.

>> No.20118683

It's not laziness it was reading the books and realizing that it's just thousands of pages of ideal utopia worlds that have 0% of ever existing in reality. What's the point in spending all that time on something that will never exist?

>> No.20118685

Having to be constantly up-to-date with politics is too tiresome. It's become an aesthetic activity like fashion.

>> No.20118688

You shouldn't have responded to it in the first place, but it seems that OP touched a nerve. Anyway, keep reading.

>> No.20118692

Take the anarchypill anon. Laws and governments are unironically and in the most literal sense retarded.

>> No.20118700

Cope more nigger. I'm not the one using /lit/ as a psychiatrist, do everyone a favor and kill yourself instead.

>> No.20118701

I said it sounds like you’re being lazy at first, but I also recalled how much of a waste of time it is myself because I did the same thing as you did.

>> No.20118702

I took the anarchypill when I was real young but like I said. What's the point? It's never going to happen. You will die in the US or wherever you live under liberal capitalism. Nothing will change and the faster you accept this the better your life will be.

>> No.20118707

Kek stay mad dumbass. Your utopian fantasies are retarded btw.

>> No.20118708

These days I try to avoid anything political like the plague. Any kind of discourse centred on politics is so fucking toxic at this point that I can feel my brains leaking out of my ears anytime I talk to someone with deeply-held convictions. The internet has absolutely exacerbated things to a point where there is no hope for reconciliation, everyone is completely psychotic and I just want no part in it anymore. It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.20118717
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>"fucking kill yourself then loser"
>"heh, d-dumb commie!!!!"

>> No.20118718


>nothing will change
My negro, have you looked outside lately?

We have:
>an octogenarian pedophile president with dementia
>a blatantly stolen election like in some third world shithole banana republic
>walls around the White House
>national guard in DC
>a completely unconstitutional and illegal mandate to wear masks and quarantine for TWO YEARS
>a vice president who openly hates and despises this country and wants to see every white person dead
>about 2 minutes away from WWIII
>low IQ brown savages crossing the border
>niggers taking over cities and turning them into Johannesburg
And that's just off the top of my head. And you say
>nothing will change?

You are literally seeing the collapse of the American Empire in real time. Enjoy the show.

>> No.20118722

What a lovely exchange these anons are having.

>> No.20118725

Yes. Nothing will change.

>> No.20118729

Same. The only point of reading books is skill acquisition that you can monetize which results in tangible improvement of your lifestyle. Everything else is cope.

>> No.20118730

I’m not utopian. I just didn’t read that suicidal guy’s book. Things are shifting. Into what is the big question. The “stability” of unipolar hegemony was never very stable and is coming apart as we speak. Haven’t you been watching… not Western media, but real news sources? The US empire is in a panic and making terrible mistakes.

It’s NATO that can’t fuck with Putin (that’s a shoot war between nuclear powers) but the proxy troops will not hold out and the economic blowback is going to cripple the west more than the east. The petrodollar is going bye bye. No “normal” coming

>> No.20118733

Sounds like Modernity is slowly cracking.

>> No.20118736

politics is for fags

>> No.20118740

None of what you said is even remotely close to as bad as what I posted. JFK was literally shot in the head can you even imagine anything like that happening now? Or the poverty of The Great Depression? Our poor people have iPhones and Macbooks. No one is being drafted. You had fucking the Weather Underground placing bombs in the places that wont be named. Our period is extremely peaceful and stable compared to any other period

>> No.20118745

Basedjak? Oh noo... btw I never said that I don't read books, I just don't bother with politishit.

>> No.20118747

You've been saying this for how long now? A hundred years? The world is getting more stable as time goes on and you retards are just going to repeat the same line for another hundred years.

>> No.20118749

>The death of a social machine has never been heralded by a disharmony or a dysfunction; on the contrary, social machines make a habit of feeding on the contradictions they give rise to, on the crises they provoke, on the anxieties they engender, and on the infernal operations they regenerate. Capitalism has learned this, and has ceased doubting itself, while even socialists have abandoned belief in the possibility of capitalism's natural death by attrition. No one has ever died from contradictions. And the more it breaks down, the more it schizophrenizes, the better it works, the American way.

>>20118725 is correct. What you’re seeing is the crystallisation of the American empire, not it’s collapse.

>> No.20118753

why do people like you even bother trying to defend your 'honor' like this? We both know you're just going to end up looking and feeling more pathetic

>> No.20118758

I will admit, the elites were genius in brainwashing people to enjoy their slavery. And to enjoy getting paid shit wages and only having like 6 hours of free time a week. And to enjoy living in their tiny apartments and watching Netflix and sports.
This truly was brilliant.

But nature always wins and eventually the indoctrination will wear off. Even the most bluepilled normie will wake up and say "Damn, things are fucked up."
History changes, regimes rise and fall, and to think the current system will stay in place forever is delusional.

>> No.20118763

Lol you extremist faggots are so sad.

>> No.20118765

I'm not even a part of this discussion, I'm just letting you know you're pathetic.

>> No.20118779

>if you're OK with your comfy life then you're fricking PATHETIC
uh, ok, I'll just keep reading dark fantasy books.

>> No.20118780

No it won't. The elite understand the masses have to be happy. They're smarter than you think and they do everything in their power to stop the real crises. You will notice in history whenever the masses started getting antsy about something the elites give in very slightly just enough for the people to forget about it and then we move onto something else. Our people are too content and rich to ever revolt for anything. Who do you know is ready to fight in the streets? Everyone is watching the new season of whatever on Netflix. Not one person is ready to give that up

>> No.20118786

Why would you start a thread seemingly wanting input and then respond like a passive-aggressive and hostile cunt when people respond?

Get some anti-depressants op.

>> No.20118802

>and to think the current system will stay in place forever is delusional.
Also people say this but I don't think they realize how much they've perfected the system. They understand everything that's needed to keep it stable. They don't want any collapse to ever happen. NATO and the EU were genius. Stopped all the wars in the region. Made everything a million times more stable. Societies collapsed back then because everything was chaos. What do you when you have the EU and NATO able to keep the peace? It's much more likely the system will last for hundreds or thousands of years with these things in place.

>> No.20118804

Smartness has nothing to do with it. They can prop the system up all they want with brainwashing and indoctrination. But reality will not change the fact that
>the population of the earth will be 12 billion by the end of this century
>resources and food will only be able to support a fraction of that
>nearly every single government and world order will collapse
>all of the shit they worked for centuries to build will collapse
This is all indisputable and if you deny it, you are probably some government shill.

>> No.20118817

The only politics I care about is the politics of burning Ilium and the politics of defeating the Medes

>> No.20118822

You honestly think if any of this was to happen they wouldn't know long before you do and do everything they can to fix it? They have all the worlds experts on their payroll lol.

>> No.20118841

I really wanted to talk to people who agreed me but I knew the thread would be filled with teen larpers

>> No.20118843

Enough with this Al gore shit please? countries in the West are having more deaths than births in their population and whatever poo who is imported to
replace whites he will be emasculated and his children will follow the same Urbanite material philosophy of money that prevents families from being formed.

Hell, even the Chinese who are industrialization are having fewer and fewer kids too.

>> No.20118846

Had nothing to do with what I was saying. I'm simply saying you talk like a faggot.

>> No.20118849

Retard, they don't want to fix shit. Because they know it's unfixable.

Their plan is to bleed the earth and its resources dry and enjoy as much of the good life before shit collapse. A secondary backup plan is memes like going to Mars or creating AI that you can upload your consciousness into. Both will fail miserably and they will be fucked like the rest of us.

>> No.20118867

If they actually thought it was unfixable you would see the stock market crash. They would be buying all the land and apocalypse shelters they could in Svalbard or wherever. They wouldn't be living like they do now my man without a care in the world. The two things the elite care about is keeping their money and their family. If anything serious was going to happen you would know.

>> No.20118893

You don't understand the mind of a hedonist anon. A person who has had every conceivable type of pussy, every single drug, had sensory pleasures that normies like you and I can't even conceive of.
If they knew the situation was unfixable, they wouldn't sit around and go
>Damn, we really gotta fix this for our children!
Rather, they would stop giving a fuck, and blatantly be more and more open about their contempt for us and party it up on their yachts while the world is collapsing.

>> No.20118915

The elite care for their children more than anything. You're thinking about like rockstars and shit like that. Also to add you're saying you have completely figured out collapse is coming and no one else. Not the elite in the US or Europe. Not in China or the Middle East. Nowhere in the world is anyone talking about this or doing any action to stop it except for a random anon on /lit/ who has figured it all out completely and knows the entire world is collapsing soon...

>> No.20118919
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It's called a burnout. Quite common in this cancerous timeline. I recommend quittting social media altogether

>> No.20118922

>I recommend quittting social media altogether
I'd love to but it's too hard for me.

>> No.20118971

I am anti-Western but not for the same reasons as stupid leftists who whine about dumb woke bullshit like "systematic racism", "evil white patriarchy", "white privilege", "need diversity", or whatever. I view whites as racially inferior and immensely annoying and think this whole IQ average bullshit is psyops developed by social engineers. I do not care if they are being replaced anymore given a number of reasons.

>> No.20119001

>fanfiction worldbuilding
all politics is just fan fiction world building at the barrel of a gun.

>> No.20119982

Oh my sweet summer child. The point of reading politics (and also economics) is to hone your philisophical analytical skills in preparation for the real world. And by real world I mean shaping policy as a special advisor at the House of Commons (or your nation's equivalent cover version).

>> No.20120073

You missed the point of anarchism then, it’s explicitly not about political revolution. The central idea is autonomy; or how you can live you’re life outside of necessity (realistically as little as possible) of social institutions. Unfortunately anarchism has been commandeered by radical individualists who’s ultimate goal is just further liberalization. Anarchism doesn’t mean “fuck everyone else” it’s more about finding more natural and non parasitical relationships with your environment and other human beings.

>> No.20120159

brown hands typed this post

>> No.20121215

It’s always the commies that are spoiled and bougie. I’ve met a few salt of the earth working class right wingers (or at least just socially conservative ones who hate nu-lefties) but never any commies.
It was the same when I went to uni most of the people doing practical degrees (engineering, business, hard science) weren’t anywhere left of centre while all of the arts and soft science students practically flaunted their political labels like fashion statements to go with their expensive cloths, new cars and state of the art technology.
Most of their “leftism” just amounted to liberal idpol.

>> No.20121244


That's the point where you grow out of viewing politics normatively (how things should be), and start viewing it in terms of power dynamics. The latter is far more interesting than ideologies and theories, which are only ever sentimental justifications for the rule of a particular elite.

I recommend reading "Ludwig Feurbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy" by Engels, especially the section where he talks about Hegel's phrase that "everything that is real is rational, and everything that is rational is real". It's quite possibly the best explanation that I've yet found about why political systems change, even if you reject every other aspect of Marxism like I do.

>> No.20121259

actually based

>> No.20121282

Fair enough.
>anywhere else.
Sounds like an inferiority complex.

>> No.20121501

>>about 2 minutes away from WWIII
Faggots actually believe this lol. Nothing happens nothing ever happens. We missed all the great wars. We missed all the great inventions. All we have now is boredom.

>> No.20121517

>Even the most bluepilled normie will wake up and say "Damn, things are fucked up."
Why are fags on the internet so out of touch with reality? You have 0 friends or life if you actually believe this.

>> No.20121525

Global births are in decline friend.

>> No.20121560

You shouldn't cringe, anon. Idealism and youth go hand in hand.

>> No.20121589

I'm not enjoying it. I can't travel outside the country or own a gun

>> No.20121619
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If you're actually interested in politics qua politics, stop reading political 'theory' and start reading political sociology or science. Especially comparative historical sociology like Weber and Mann. If you're not interested in politics then don't read about politics. Treat political philosophy as what it actually is—philosophy—and not what it is not. Ignore activist authors or fields that are just trying to recruit you to their cause. Ignore popular online political discourse because it's pointless and chimeric. If you want to affect political change work on building your up organisational capacity rather than your 'theory' bookshelf. But generally, don't try to find meaning through politics.

>> No.20121630 [DELETED] 
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Books on building your up ones organisational capacity?

>> No.20121635
File: 445 KB, 2048x1538, F25F067D-C0C3-4508-995C-3A14CC74AE3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books on building up ones organisational capacity?

>> No.20122087

Why is burnout common to our times in particular?

>> No.20122091

This. I hate when some stupid fucking braindead moron brings politics into my literature interests

>> No.20122440


>> No.20122706

Just give up, roll over, and let your enemies build the future. Dumbass.

>> No.20122712

Yeah I've stopped caring about politics and philosophy
Now I just study fiction and poetry, I think politics and philosophy is a huge waste of time for most people not all but most

>> No.20122727

It's the best hylics have for themselves to find meaning in their lives.

>> No.20122731

You don't need to read any politics to fight for good. If you don't have an intuitive undersanding about what's good, then there's something wrong with you.

>> No.20122747

i have never read politics in my life. it's gay and boring. just read shitty detective novels. they're shitty but C:

>> No.20122759

bushy, manly eyebrows

>> No.20122761

Can't unsee

>> No.20122770

This picture gets posted all the time on 4chan(nel) but all I can see is the Neanderthal just above the old ladies shoulder. Trve aryan beauty.

>> No.20122815

Was this breast inspection day?

>> No.20122839

Yes, they analyze the size, feels, and jigglablity of the breast

>> No.20122841

Same, around the same time I just immediately stopped caring about it, felt like a waste of time.

>> No.20122895
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Happening to me right now. I'm about to turn 24, and recently realized that I just don't care as much anymore. The hate has become mere dislike, the love is now a hazy fondness, the crusading turned to compromise.

It honestly feels really weird: politics was a huge part of my life from when I started high school. I have written well over 200 pages on the topic, and read much much more. And now its just... gone.

Where do you go from here? Is there any practical use for my years of autism, or do I just look back at it as a child playing around when they had the time? I know I'm blog-posting but I'm honestly glad that others have had the same thing happen. Right now it feels like I suddenly lost my right leg, I tried to take a step only to find that my foot was gone. And yet I did not fall, and am just as balanced as ever. Maybe even more so.

>> No.20122900

>anon realizes politics is a circus meant to keep him distracted
>cliques come out of the woodwork to post demoralization propaganda

>> No.20122913

No one cares what OP does, we're just posting our thoughts

>> No.20122915

>Where do you go from here?
Move on, realize that you explored all there is to it and there is nothing to gain from it. I don't know how autistic you were with politics but politics made me not enjoy other things in life, I wasted a lot of time on it and after I moved on I feel like I can explore the real world instead of politics.

>> No.20123017
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>tfw no neanderthal aryan gf

>> No.20123099

When you realize politics has been obsoleted by pedo blackmail cults the entire body of "political thought" becomes worthless

>> No.20123193

why dont you get into political philosophy like bodin, bossuet, montaigne, filmer, grotius, etc. deeply underrated stuff and much better than meme shit like cockshott, evola, chomsky. pls read and stop being a joke

>> No.20123348

If you want OP to be interested then why recommend him the early-modern d-list and one which isn't even political philosophy? you'll sooner put him to sleep with that line up.

>> No.20123375

I think quitting politics is easy for me as I can read history instead. Only problem is there's no such thing as unbiased history.

>> No.20123462

/lit/ is packed with schizos

>> No.20123622
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Bushy eyebrowed males get them from their mothers

>> No.20124095

Imagine unironically believing that.

Global WHITE births are in decline yes (ie the only race that matters) but chinks and poos keep pumping out like 12 kids per family and then wondering why they live in poverty.

>> No.20124103

>All those periods were way worse than what we have now.
>This will all brush over and it will be back to normal
this has to be bait

>> No.20124109

>but chinks and poos keep pumping out like 12 kids per family
Go look at those birth-rates again my friend.

>> No.20124135


>durrr check the sources!
Nigger, fly to India and China and tell me if they're reducing the population.
>I read Professor Noseberg's (((scientific))) study, so it must be true!

>> No.20124140

No such thing as a "white race", are you american? Just call it the american race we don't want any race memes here.

>> No.20124151

wow you seem really happy anon whats your secret?

>> No.20124175

If you're a representative of "white" people then I am glad you're going extinct.

>> No.20124207

The data is taken from censuses performed by India and China themselves.
Or are you telling me their governments are staffed by Jews too?

>> No.20124217

India's population is increasing though. It's fertility rate is nowhere near 12 though.

>> No.20124221
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politics is probably the least important or meaningful thing you could possibly garner an interest in. reading a minecraft book would be a better use of your time and brainpower

>> No.20124223

Higher population does not equal poverty. This is some 18th century retardation.

>> No.20124238

19th my bad.

>> No.20124244

Also the real population increase is in Africa. It's not uncommon to see countries with 5+ tfr.

>> No.20124247

genuinely so.
All politics is just chasing the forbidden fruit in private.

>> No.20124457

People who say everything is politics are the gayest and most boring.
I love studying schizo politics, conspiracy theories and all that, but I hate most of this "Trump, Biden", democrats and republicans shit. Unless you get schizo shit involved in it.

>> No.20125048

Why put on the mask if you don’t prescribe to her ideals? Get your own persona

>> No.20125069

Not brown skinned, but I honest would prefer it over looking like you arrogant fuckheads.
Pro-industrial, secular, and pro-scientific values were all mistakes. I am not impressed by any modern race including Asians. Modern Asians are pathetic slaves of the West just like pretty much everyone other race.
I dislike Westerners because they were the first ones to spread this cancer and, thus, have more responsibility to end it. There need to be more thinkers like Ludwig Klages and Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.20125076


>> No.20125457

Ted Kaczynski is a westerner. Fuck him. And you too, for sucking his westerner balls.

>> No.20125700

Good for you, anon. Politics books are a waste of time unless you work in it or something.
Reading should provide pleasure, wisdom. That's all.

>> No.20125878

On my end I Just started getting interested in Politics at 22. However, the only book I read that could be described as a political book is The Prince. I wonder if there are any modern political books that could get me started or at least ease my comprehension of the fundamentals.

>> No.20126506
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big aryan tiddies

>> No.20126536

>it's just thousands of pages of ideal utopia worlds
There are plenty of political thinkers that don't write much of anything about utopias. Maybe if you only read random extremist writings you would get that impression.

>> No.20126552

>. Nothing will change
Seems the opposite to me. If anything the strangeness of living in the 20th and 21st century that everything changes incredibly rapidly. Just within a couple decades phones and the internet have all become ubiquitous forever changing society in ways we still can't entirely understand. Technology has allowed instantaneous communication and we live in a world in which the global economy is highly interconnected.

>> No.20126560

>And to enjoy living in their tiny apartments and watching Netflix and sports.
>This truly was brilliant.
People watch those things because they are fun.

>> No.20126620

Very relatable. From 18-21 I was super invested in politics. I went through so many different phases, the worst being a slight Marxist phase that lasted about a year, and would constantly get into political debates online. Now I'm 22 and I no longer have any definite beliefs and am unsure where to go from here. Politics exasperates me. My family is super political and I constantly end up getting dragged into these conversations with them when they bring up random online political drama bullshit, but I'm honestly really exhausted with all of it.

>> No.20126720

I am a literal third-worlder and the same problem is eating me. Literally nobody reads books. Let alone the kind i read. Some maybe read young adult. What can i do? Feel grandiose for being a little bookworm boy?

>> No.20126866
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Every hard or far right government was predicated on the complete collapse of morals, the economy and the political system that preceded it.

We've plenty of angry, jaded, scorned veterans entering politics. Not all of them are like Crenshaw.

>> No.20126925

Hello chang!

>> No.20127165

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Go join the army or a political party or church or important firm or NGO and work through the ranks. Organisational capacity just means the ability to mobilise a large or important group of people and maintain a functional rival institution which can replace or counterbalance the incumbent. All groups who have gained or leveraged power in politics have shared this quality. Historically the military being most important, but likely less so nowadays.
Some tangentially related reading i can think of.
>The Power Elite - Mill
>The Oraganisational Weapon - Selznick
>Coup D'etat - Malaparte
>'Civil Society and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic' - Berman
>Who Governs? - Dahl

>> No.20127337

Do it for yourself, for the worth you alone extract from it. Even if you had bookfrends they would come and go. I'm not trying to blackpill you here. My point is that the people in one's life and the circumstances which motivate (at least partially) our interests, these all come and go. You can't get overly attached to any of it, just enjoy what you have, when you have it and for what it is.

>> No.20127339

It is always strange to me how passionate some people are with political beliefs, when the actual 'evidence' underlying the belief of 90% of people is pretty-much non-existent, and most argument consists of obtaining post-hoc justification for your belief instead of trying to really find out the answer. This is why I love the literary Socrates; he is one of the few who cares not for being right, and simply desires the truth. Political philosophy, as a branch of philosophy, is an open question, and if anyone's peddling easy answers, it's because they're being dishonest, or because they're not self-aware enough to realize their own ignorance ("Jewel knows he is, because he does not know that he does not know whether he is or not"). If I find a Socrates in my own time, and see that he proclaims such and such ideology appears to be the best, I could with reason take his word for it and assume it is (as far as we know) the best. But figures like Socrates do not seem to really exist, so I do not trust politicians, or intellectuals, or even most philosophers. I just hope some of you interested in politics approach it like Socrates, since if you're not the chances of learning anything of substance virtually drop to nil.

>> No.20127474

>an octogenarian pedophile president with dementia
he's a figurehead, everyone knows this
>a blatantly stolen election like in some third world shithole banana republic
and nothing happened except some cringy protests
>walls around the White House
>national guard in DC
an overreaction to the protests
>a completely unconstitutional and illegal mandate to wear masks and quarantine for TWO YEARS
and nothing happened
>a vice president who openly hates and despises this country and wants to see every white person dead
you exaggerate
>about 2 minutes away from WWIII
>low IQ brown savages crossing the border
you'd say the same about italians 100 years ago
>niggers taking over cities and turning them into Johannesburg
niggers have always been doing nigger shit
>nothing will change?

>> No.20127481

Kek, how can you get so involved in a message exchange?

>> No.20127488

Start reading for fun, don't read to be a smarty pants.

>> No.20127978

Read to be a smarty pants: it's fun.

>> No.20127984

Same happened with me. I’m still pretty far-right, but as I became 23 and neared 24, I just realized how degenerate and foolish online extremists are, as are those in real life. Politics is a meme

>> No.20128195

History is over, nothing will ever change again

>> No.20128952

I actually got more radical as I got older, I used to just be a milquetoast Objectivist

>> No.20129131

What's that?

>> No.20130317

Ayn Rand

>> No.20130335

Oh lol

>> No.20130679

Yes, I avoid anything political like the plague. I just want to live in peace. Covid made me very jaded towards others. It's honestly disturbing, watching people I know suddenly turn into lunatics treating me like garbage for not getting the Fauci ouchie. Demand more and more lockdowns. And now that covid hype has gone away so too they act like none of it ever happened.

>> No.20130680

The best explanation I can think of, without research, would be due to over stimulation. The consequences of having all the information at our finger tips, very few people if any could handle it.

>> No.20130832
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>> No.20131907


>> No.20132095

only political theroy i find useful is Bertrand De Jouvenal

>> No.20132107


>> No.20132175

I totally disagree. Mundane and ordinary conversation is one of the best tools to change minds towards your goals, especially if you have reasoned arguments you can give in polite, rational ways. It's not even about convincing friends and family to believe what you do, but cooling their opinions towards allegedly uncouth ideas.
Your problem is you want to be Hitler, Mussolini, or Lenin. You set up some insane task of change that one man is incapable of doing. But you don't have that power, and in the process don't realize the real kind of power you actually have as an educated and intelligent man. As a class of person, the person that can read and process a common but poorly understood topic, you can rule the minds of the rest of the country. Not one great political change came about from one man. It required a whole class of men, of men who processed what was going on. This is what explains the gradual rise of populism in the US. It can even describe the rise of radical leftism, as well.
You may not be the seed for the plant, but you can improve the soil while you wait.

>> No.20132197

okay why are you telling us just sell your books and move on with your life

>> No.20132213

eh, i keep a solid diversity. no fantasy tho.

>> No.20132491

It's pretty funny actually when you go to the used bookstore and you suddenly see a bunch of books on the same specific subject pop up and you just know that it was probably some burnt out autist selling his collection. actually, it's kinda sad now that i think about it.

>> No.20132639

I only bought the prince. I was more interested in how power actually works instead of theories on what power should be used for or whatever. Geopol interests me and how the world works but politics is generally entertainment

>> No.20132655
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I gave up a few years back. I realized that reading articles from stuff like Foreign Affairs and The Diplomat every few days and taking notes will get you further along than reading some tradLARP tome from the 1800s.

>> No.20132715

any way to get Foreign Affairs without paying a subscription?

>> No.20133091

Same desu. I mean I hold essentially the same convictions but I dont really have any passion behind them anymore

>> No.20133230

Why is Deleuze so succinct and insightful when he wants to be, and why didn't he write like this more often?

>> No.20133245
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Only political book you need is Aesop's

>> No.20133445

Stealing from magazine racks.
But you’ll soon discover that you’ll grow out of this stage and go back to “tomes”. Perhaps better quality editions

>> No.20133592

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.20133695

Can't give up something I never started.

>> No.20134657

Reminder to add to your politics reading list, reading each CIA OP is mind-boggling. How is the American people not disgusted by this?
>he doesn't know the us gov plans for terrorist attacks in us soil to justify wars
Operation Northwoods
>he doesnt know the us gov infiltrates glowies into "problematic" groups, baits them to do something
Operation CHAOS, Project Meggido, among others
>he doesn't know the us gov already tested brainwashing methods on smart young people
Project MK Ultra
>he doesn't know the us gov routinely tests bio-weapons in us citizens
Tuskegee Experiment, Operation Sea-Spray, among others
>he doesn't know the us gov spies on you without any warrant, anything you say online is analyzed by gov algorithms and forwarded to the relevant agencies
Project MINARET, project SHAMROCK, project TRAILBLAZER, among many others

>> No.20134715
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>anon's who went looking for direction and how to think and act in the world without realizing how retarded they were being in their late teens to early twenties who now have come to the realization that to make actual change means to question your believes, that for most of you aren't yours but whatever redd*t//pol/ told you, and to take up responsibilities yourself to make it happen but don't want to because that takes effort

>> No.20134799

>Anyone else give up reading anything involving politics?
Yes I do not consume shit made since 2004

>> No.20134809
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>politics were invented in 2004

>> No.20134817


>he doesn't know the us gov spies on you without any warrant, anything you say online is analyzed by gov algorithms and forwarded to the relevant agencies
Kek based. This is why clown world is collapsing.
>Hey special agent Bob come here. Is it true we work for soleless evil members of the military industrial complex who have gay orgies in the woods and burn effigies of small children?
>Nah we're the good guys.....aren't we?

>> No.20134845

America's population is brainwashed into only trusting state media, much like the USSR. Normal people don't really have a chance of escaping it since mass media is designed to emulate the feel of a real active market for ideas when in reality there are only a few issues you're allowed to have an opinion on.

>> No.20134870

>smart young people
>hobbos, hippies, and lefties

>> No.20134879

WASHINGTON, Aug. 3—Mm. Stanfield Turner, the Director of Central Intelligence, testified today that the C.I.A. had secretly supported human behavior control research at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges or universities as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.
>yes, that includes the Ivy League group

>> No.20134889

>Ivy League druggies
Experimenting on druggies is fair game. They do it themselves all the time.

>> No.20134916

It usually either takes a lot of money or brains to get into those universities. Plus, they weren't experimenting in the way a pharmaceutical company does, the way you imagine it. They were experimenting on unsuspecting people, people that they'd notice a change in, not druggies.

>> No.20134936

>your mom has sex
>raping her is fair-game

>> No.20134940

>not druggies.
Pretty sure it was druggies. They were selling LSD to hippies, which was very popular in universities at that time. Many of these people fried their minds during that period and the ones who didn't proceed to support feminism, mass immigration, and critical theory. CIA did the right thing for once.
>raping whores is wrong
Look, I just don't care. If you're asking for it and you're a degerante, punishment one way or another is good for society. These things should be discouraged.

>> No.20134999

Page 71
Over the ten-year life of the program, many "additional avenues to
the control of human behavior" were designated as appropriate for
investigation under the MICULTRA charter. These include "radiation,
electroshock, various fields of psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and
anthropoloy, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary
devices and materials." 14
The research and development of materials to be used for altering
human behavior consisted of three phases: first, the search for materials suitable for study; second, laboratory testing on voluntary
human snbiects in various types of institutions; third, the application
of MKTTLTRA materials in normal life settings.

>> No.20135014

Read the third phase of the project, on normal life settings, the research subjects being anyone.

>> No.20135046

>the application of MKTTLTRA materials in normal life settings.
>the research subjects being anyone.
Does it say that? You can choose your subjects by your own criteria in normal life settings just fine.

>> No.20135073

No, but somewhere around that time things became excessively political.

>> No.20135075

Can you even read one page of text or is your attention span is too short? Page 71
"On the other hand, the effectiveness of the substances on individuals at all social levels, high and low, native American and foreign, is of great significance and testing has been performed an a variety of individuals within these categories. [Emphasis added.] 16"

>> No.20135078

Low quality b8

>> No.20135094

It's terrifying that these are the operations we know of, what about the ones we don't?

>> No.20135124

There are druggies in all social classes and also among native Americans and among foreigners. I don't see the contradiction.

>> No.20135149

I'm convinced you're very dumb. Again, page 71, you only need to read one page of the report.
"The rationale for such testing was "that testing of materials under accepted scientific procedures fails to disclose the full pattern of reactions and attributions that may occur in operational situations." 1"
>full pattern of reactions and attributions that may occur in operational situations
That means, you need to test on all categories of people, not only druggies, to know how different categories of people will react. The CIA is not interested in brainwashing druggies, but regular people.

>> No.20135157

>That means, you need to test on all categories of people, not only druggies, to know how different categories of people will react.
It doesn't mean that. They're just explaining why they had to test in real life situations and on diverse social classes. Anyway, I lost interest in this already.

>> No.20135164

OP you re a faggot who got filtered
now kys

>> No.20135175
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>political soýence
opinion discarded

>> No.20135178

If you manage to read the report, which you won't beacuse you're lazy, you will realize you are very wrong.

>> No.20135190


>> No.20135537

>It usually either takes a lot of money or brains to get into those universities.