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/lit/ - Literature

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20118267 No.20118267 [Reply] [Original]

books for this feel

>> No.20118274

Capitalist Realism

>> No.20118282

Anything by Marx, Engles, Lenin, etc

>> No.20118292

ah yes, Schrodinger's communist

>> No.20118301

>Capitalism will fail any day now
Y-yeah, 2 more weeks comrades

>> No.20118325

Technically a play but Waiting for Godot.

>> No.20118327
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Any Anglophone academic publication within the realm of the sociology published within the last 40-50 years.

>> No.20118369

>Capitalism is going to start lowering living standards real soon
I'm not a leftist but this is true. We are seeing lower standards of living being justified for moral reasons, e.g. high gas prices are good if it stops Putler, eating the bugs is anti-racism + climate change fighting, stay trapped and consume so to flatten the curve

>> No.20118373

Chaos and Night by Henry de Montherlant

>> No.20118387

Cultural marxism.

>> No.20118392
File: 2.47 MB, 2016x2880, 122B40FE-E62D-4C32-A75F-9E238860D564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These and many more.

>> No.20118410

Nice IPhone filename, comrade.

>> No.20118445

So all communist literature is about coping?

>> No.20118468

My commune doesn’t make ipads yet

>> No.20118536

>Engels didn't want to run a factory
Are these people in denial that all of their communist liberators were bourgeoisie (well, ok, not all but most)?

>> No.20118602

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20118609

lol tranny janny autosaged this thread.
he's probably quoting the dude from OP's pic.

>> No.20118807

"Books for this feel" causes threads
to autosage automatically.

>> No.20118900

He read it!?

You should know better than to read a dumb meme like that

>> No.20119735
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didnt read